stand up, rise, get to one's feet, get up, jump up, leap up, spring up;
become erect, straighten up
возникать , появляться a question arose — возник вопрос doubts arose — появились сомнения a strong wind arose — поднялся /начался/ сильный ветер A new difficulty has arisen. — Возникло новое затруднение. A quarrel arose. — Вспыхнула ссора. Doubts arose in his mind. — У него возникли сомнения. Синоним: emanate, emerge, originate, stem Антоним: decrease, finish, stop
происходить , проистекать , являться результатом accidents often arise from carelessness — неосторожность часто ведет /приводит/ к несчастным случаям nothing arises out of his statement — из его заявления ничего не вытекает to arise from the treaty — следовать из данного соглашения to arise out of the situation — вытекать из этой ситуации Additional expenses arose from your delay. — Ваша задержка привела к дополнительным расходам.
подниматься , вставать my lady sweet, arise! (Shakespeare) — вставай, моя красавица!
арх., поэт. всходить (о солнце и т. п.) a small white cloud arose above the horizon — над горизонтом появилось белое облачко
поэт. воскресать , восставать to arise from the dead — восстать из мертвых
раздаваться (о звуке) ; подниматься (о шуме) a shout arose from the crowd — из толпы раздался крик A shout arose from the crowd. — Из толпы раздались крики.
поэт. восставать ; подниматься на борьбу arise, ye prisoners of starvation — вставай, проклятьем заклейменный, весь мир голодных ... (начало «Интернационала») to arise against oppression — восставать против насилия
definition: When someone is charitable, they help people who are in need.
example: My sister was charitable enough to help me buy my first house.
Extra definition
Relating to the assistance of those in need:
(Of an organization or activity) officially recognized as devoted to the assistance of those in need:
Generous in giving to those in need:
Apt to judge others leniently or favourably:
Extra example
‘My father did so many charitable things in his lifetime, we would like to continue that work in his good name and build on it,’ said his son Waheed Abbasi.
Immediately before the second world war the prestigious forerunners of Britain's present day teaching hospitals were financed by charitable contributions.
Among the lay population, confraternities were an important source of devotional association, mutual aid, and charitable assistance to the poor.
The proceeds will be donated to charitable organizations and student activities.
Program officials invite Airmen to contribute to any of the Air Force's four official charitable organizations.
Those who object to all or some of the activities of churches and other charitable organizations ought not to be obliged to support them through the tax system.
He's pessimistic about human nature; while he acknowledges that we can be nice, charitable, generous and altruistic, he's too smart to rely on it.
Helen, like so many Irish girls of the era, was all so generous and charitable to visitors and fellow Irish people during the ‘golden era’.
Anything else we do after that is charitable and generous.
In handling the disputes of which daily life in Massachusetts was full, he was unfailingly humble, flexible, lenient, charitable, and fair.
After seventy-five years, less charitable readers might well judge him ready for retirement.
In future, the movement will be more humane, more charitable with a greater respect for dissenting opinion, there will be less purges and more accommodation.
милосердный , милостивый ; снисходительный (к недостаткам других) ; доброжелательный ; относящийся терпимо; терпимый let's be charitable — не будем судить строго ; будем снисходительны /милостивы/ to put the charitable construction on smth. — судить о чем-л. доброжелательно, истолковывать что-л. в благоприятном свете She is unusually charitable to me. — Она необычайно добра ко мне. Синоним: tolerant, kind, lenient
definition: A chimney is a tall pipe used to carry smoke out of a building.
example: The cat was on the roof sitting next to the chimney.
Extra definition
A vertical channel or pipe which conducts smoke and combustion gases up from a fire or furnace and typically through the roof of a building:
A chimney stack:
A glass tube protecting the flame of a lamp:
A very steep narrow cleft by which a rock face may be climbed:
Extra example
A small town was nearby as I noticed some stone, slate roofed buildings with smoking chimneys all about.
Atop the huge craft were, here and there, clusters of brassy and silvery machinery, like boilers and furnaces, with shiny chimneys that belched no smoke, but seemed only to vent a thin steam.
Images are beamed into the ops center; the towers are smoking like chimneys over the furnaces of Hell.
It is also set among some fine church towers and mill chimneys.
Its weathered wood-shingle walls, brick chimneys and prettily striped canopied windows are set amid the maple, birch and pine clad slopes of the Laurentian mountains.
today we take a look back at the days when slums, mill chimneys and river docks were a more common sight.
Add a few drops of ammonia to the rinse water for glass lamps, chimneys, and globes.
The improved draft system, utilizing a glass chimney, yielded a brighter light that burned more cleanly.
Candles are an inexpensive and easy-to-store lighting option, but to be safe, use them with glass chimneys.
An offwidth is a crack which is too wide to use as a finger, hand or fist jam but too narrow to get right inside and climb as a chimney.
After a short crawl and a climb down a narrow chimney, South Chamber is reached.
Climb the obvious chimney / groove near the left hand end of the crag, stepping left at the top to finish up the steep wall above on excellent holds.
труба (дымовая, вытяжная) ; дымоход to smoke like a chimney — дымить как труба, дымить как паровоз (о заядлом курильщике) Smoke goes up a chimney. — Дым поднимается вверх по трубе. Smoke comes out of a chimney. — Из трубы идет дым.
ламповое стекло арх. камин ; очаг расщелина , по которой можно взобраться на отвесную скалу геол. круто падающий рудный столб; эоловый столб кратер труба , расщелина (в альпинизме) библ. кров кратер вулкана взбираться на трубу
definition: To compensate is to pay someone for the time they spent doing something.
example: Her boss compensated her for the extra works he did last week.
Extra definition
Give (someone) something, typically money, in recognition of loss, suffering, or injury incurred; recompense:
Pay (someone) for work performed:
Reduce or counteract (something unwelcome or unpleasant) by exerting an opposite force or effect:
Act so as to neutralize or correct (a deficiency or abnormality in a physical property or effect):
Extra example
If I am injured in body or pocket I expect the person causing that injury to compensate me for any losses that I incur unless it has been a genuine accident.
No amount of money will ever truly compensate me for the loss I've suffered, the stress and emotional affect this has had on me.
The insurers then claimed the sum from the bus company insurers together with money to compensate me for ‘loss of use’ of the car until I bought a new car in August.
Nor does the typical academic journal have sufficient resources to compensate graduate students to perform this task.
There are two other contingencies needed in a system that compensates drivers based on performance.
Adams thinks people often work more efficiently for their own employer than for a contract job, and that having control over who he hires and how his staff is compensated makes a big difference in performance.
My issue is that he's compensating for his own missed childhood by appropriating other people's childhoods.
But to believe that this renders them unusable is to underestimate the skills that most artists would surely have for interpreting, improvising, and compensating for any deficiencies.
The title's realistic firefight sound effects partially compensate for this glaring deficiency.
Corrections to compensate for the effects of constant errors can be determined from the TFT.
make amends, make up, make restitution, make reparation, make recompense, recompense, atone, requite, pay;
expiate, make good, put to rights, rectify, offset, square
balance, balance out, counterbalance, counteract, counterpoise, countervail, make up for, offset, cancel out, neutralize, nullify, even up, square up
rare equilibrize, negative, counterweigh
возмещать , компенсировать to compensate smb. for a loss — возместить кому-л. убыток to compensate injury — выдать компенсацию за увечье skill sometimes compensates for lack of strength — ловкость иногда возмещает недостаток силы The firm must compensate you for your travelling costs. — Фирма должна оплатить вам дорожные расходы. The city compensates owners for land taken from them for public building. — Городская администрация производит компенсации за частную землю, занятую под общественное строительство. The loss of money is more than compensated for by the joy of having free time. — Потеря в деньгах с лихвой компенсируется наличием массы свободного времени. Meeting you unexpectedly certainly compensates for missing the train! — Ну и что, что я опоздал на поезд, зато я встретил тебя! Nothing could ever compensate me for losing my husband. — Ничто никогда не восполнит мне потерю мужа.
вознаграждать (за работу) ; расплачиваться they always compensate her for extra work — ей всегда платят за сверхурочную работу may this success compensate for your earlier failure — пусть этот успех вознаградит вас за прежнюю неудачу Синоним: reward, recompense
тех. уравновешивать , служить противовесом; балансировать ; уравнивать Синоним: counterbalance
эк. , юр. возмещать , компенсировать (передавать что-л. в качестве компенсации за понесенные убытки, полученные повреждения и т. п.) to compensate smb. for a loss [for damage] — возместить кому-л. убыток [ущерб] A significant amount of work experience may compensate for the lack of a degree. — Значительный опыт работы может компенсировать отсутствие диплома об образовании.
definition: If you encounter something, you meet or come close to it.
example: I encountered a sea turtle while I was swimming.
Extra definition
An unexpected or casual meeting with someone or something:
A confrontation or unpleasant struggle:
Extra example
Our casual lakeside encounters evolved into more regular meetings, dancing and dating.
But you probably don't appreciate casual encounters.
When you go to work, or visit a park, it is possible that you will have a range of unexpected encounters, however fleeting or seemingly inconsequential.
But men have also reported unpleasant online encounters.
It was the nastiest moment in countless unpleasant footballing encounters.
‘Border guards…,’ I thought with awe, bracing myself for an unpleasant encounter.
(неожиданная) встреча дуэль ; состязание ; турнир физ. столкновение , соударение (частиц) арх. любовное свидание случайная встреча brief / fleeting encounter — короткая встреча, мимолетное свидание casual / chance encounter — случайная встреча close encounter — близкий контакт (с пришельцами из космоса, в научно-фантастических фильмах, научно-фантастической литературе)
первый опыт (общения с чем-либо) , первое знакомство It was his first serious encounter with alcohol. — Это было первое в его жизни знакомство с алкоголем.
бой Синоним: combat
иметь столкновение, стычку; встретиться (в бою и т. п.) we will encounter the enemy at dawn — на рассвете мы встретимся с противником
наталкиваться на (трудности) , столкнуться с (трудностями) we encounter so many problems in our work — мы сталкиваемся в своей работе с многочисленными проблемами
физ. сталкиваться , соударяться (о частицах) ( неожиданно ) встретить to encounter an old acquaintance — случайно встретить старого знакомого
спорт. встретиться (с противником) ; провести схватку ( неожиданно ) встретиться , столкнуться (с кем-л.) Синоним: meet
definition: To exceed is to be more than something.
example: Since I exceeded my limit, I decided to get rid of my credit cards.
Extra definition
Be greater in number or size than (a quantity, number, or other measurable thing):
Go beyond what is allowed or stipulated by (a set limit):
Be better than; surpass:
Extra example
Duties on quantities exceeding the quotas will be gradually reduced until their full lifting in 2006-2007.
In the most populated areas of California, the cost of living far exceeds the national average.
The OPEC nations habitually cheat on each other by exceeding the production quotas that they agree to.
The noise levels are monitored, he said, and the range never exceeded the limits allowed in the Noise Pollution Regulations.
For this reason, drivers are allowed to exceed the speed limit on such calls.
It is within the Prime Minister's powers to exceed the speed limit, if she is on urgent public business.
Walton expects economic growth to exceed the MPC's base case, due to buoyant exports and investment.
Year after year, economic and income growth exceeded prevailing, modest expectations.
This is for the first time in close to a decade that that economic growth has exceeded the 8 per cent mark.
be more than, be greater than, be over, run over, go over, go beyond, overshoot, overreach, pass, top
surpass, outdo, outstrip, outshine, outclass, transcend, top, cap, beat, be greater than, be superior to, be better than, go one better than, better, pass, eclipse, overshadow, put in the shade, put to shame
informal best, leave standing, be head and shoulders above, be a cut above
archaic extinguish, outrival, outvie
превосходить (кого-л. в чем-л.) ; иметь перевес to exceed in strength — быть сильнее, превосходить силой to exceed in height — быть выше ростом the reality exceeded our expectations — действительность превзошла наши ожидания some man-made fibres exceed natural fibres — некоторые искусственные волокна лучше /прочнее/ естественных His rank exceeds her own. — Он выше ее по положению. David seems even to exceed himself. — Дэвид, кажется, превзошел самого себя. Синоним: surpass, outdo
превышать ; нарушать ; выходить за пределы ; переступать пределы; границы to exceed authority — превысить власть ; выйти за пределы полномочий to exceed instructions — нарушить полученные директивы the river will exceed its banks — река выйдет из берегов to exceed the speed limit — авт. превысить дозволенную скорость The arbitrators had exceeded their jurisdiction. — Арбитры превысили свои полномочия. It exceeds the power of human understanding. — Это находится за пределами человеческого понимания. Синоним: transcend
превышать , быть больше the amount of arrears exceeds the amount of contributions — сумма задолженности превышает сумму взносов the task exceeds his ability — эта задача ему не под силу her grief exceeds all consolation — ее горе безутешно
просрочивать ; превышать , пропускать (срок) to exceed one's leave — просрочить отпуск to exceed the allotted time — не выполнить в срок ; затянуть (выполнение работы и т. п.) ; не уложиться (в срок, в регламент и т. п.)
превалировать , доминировать ; преобладать Men always choose the life which exceeds in pleasure. — Люди всегда выбирают жизнь, в которой преобладают удовольствия. Синоним: prevail, preponderate
преувеличивать ; утрировать I believe I don't exceed when I say there were 200 persons assembled. — Надеюсь, я не преувеличу, если скажу, что там собралось 200 человек. Синоним: exaggerate, overstate
definition: To forge is to make or produce, especially with difficulty.
example: Stacy and Heather forged their friendship when they were teenagers.
Extra definition
Move forward gradually or steadily:
Extra example
Nonetheless, I forged steadily forwards and was pleased to see the white and greenish-grey layers of ancient sandstone and shale getting closer.
The ship was forging forward, but at the table I felt myself pulled back to her smell and her skin and her sound; the ship sailed one way; I sailed another.
You have to forge along, carefully treading a new way, trusting that your sense of direction has you going toward the right destination.
advance steadily, advance gradually, press on, push on, soldier on, march on, push forward, move forward, move along, proceed, progress, make progress/headway
выковывать , ковать to forge iron — ковать железо to forge an anchor — выковывать якорь to forge a sword — выковывать меч Синоним: mould, mold, hammer out
фальсифицировать , обманывать , подделывать (документы, печати, подписи и т. п.) to forge smb.'s signature — подделать чью-л. подпись Frank had forged the University seal. — Френк подделал университетскую печать. to forge a signature — подделывать подпись to forge a document — подделывать документ Синоним: counterfeit
выдумывать , изобретать , придумывать to forge a scheme — придумать план Синоним: invent, devise
совершать подлог сочинять , измышлять ; фабриковать (часто forge ahead) медленно или с трудом продвигаться вперед he is forging ahead of all his rivals on — постепенно опережает всех своих соперников business is beginning to forge ahead again — дело снова начинает потихоньку двигаться вперед to forge through dense underbrush — продираться сквозь густой кустарник
выдвигаться на первое место the horse forged into the lead — эта лошадь вырвалась вперед
постепенно обгонять; постепенно выходить на первое место; возглавлять , лидировать (о бегуне и т. п.) to forge into the lead — выдвинуться вперед
медленно и равномерно продвигаться вперед The ship forged ahead through heavy seas. — Корабль медленно продвигался вперед по бурным морским просторам. My work has been forging ahead recently. — Моя работа здорово продвинулась вперед за последнее время.
кузница to work in /at/ a forge — работать в кузнице the brain is a forge of ideas — образн. мозг - кузница идей He had got his leather apron on, and passed into the forge. — Он надел свой кожаный фартук и направился в кузницу. to work in [at] a forge — работать в кузнице Синоним: smithy, farriery
mortify, shame, put to shame, abash, subdue, chasten, make someone eat humble pie, take down a peg or two
informal put down, cut down to size, settle someone's hash
defeat, beat, beat hollow, crush, trounce, conquer, vanquish, rout, smash, overwhelm, get the better of, give a drubbing to, bring someone to their knees
informal lick, clobber, hammer, slaughter, murder, massacre, crucify, wipe the floor with, walk all over
North American informal shellac, blow out, cream, skunk
покорный , смиренный ; униженный humble request — покорная /смиренная/ просьба humble of heart — смиренный in my humble opinion — по моему скромному мнению your humble servant — уст. ваш покорный слуга (в обращении в конце письма) humble request — покорная просьба Синоним: obedient, submissive
простой , бедный , скромный ; незаметный ; небольшой (о достатке, имуществе) humble income — небольшой доход humble occupation — скромное занятие humble dwelling — простое /бедное/ жилище Lincoln was born in a humble log cabin — Линкольн родился в бедной бревенчатой хижине of humble birth /origin, stock/ — незнатного рода in humble circumstances — в стесненных обстоятельствах
раболепный , лишенный чувства собственного достоинства to speak in the humblest accents — говорить заискивающим /просительным/ тоном
бот. низкорастущий; низкорослый простой , незнатный по происхождению безрогий , комолый Синоним: hornless, hummel
definition: Iron is a strong metal that is used to make many objects.
example: The horse had shoes made of iron.
Extra definition
Smooth (clothes, sheets, etc.) with an iron.
Extra example
In fact, my mother and I also washed and ironed his clothes in case the Minister has forgotten that part of his story.
His face is scrubbed, his clothes are ironed and his hair is slicked down.
Even the man who ironed clothes near Jayashri's home was overawed and showed her new respect.
have several, etc. irons in the ˈfire to be involved in several activities or areas of business at the same time, hoping that at least one will be successful
pump ˈiron to do exercises in which you lift heavy weights in order to make your muscles stronger
rule (somebody/something) with a rod of ˈiron to control a person or a group of people very severely
strike while the iron is ˈhot to make use of an opportunity immediately
an iron ˈfist/ˈhand (in a velvet ˈglove) if you use the words an iron fist/hand when describing the way that somebody behaves, you mean that they treat people severely. This treatment may be hidden behind a kind appearance (the velvet glove )
хим. железо fresh off the irons — свежеприготовленный Strike when the iron is hot. — Куй железо, пока горячо. Iron entered his soul. библ. — В железо вошла душа его. ; Он испытывал тяжелые душевные муки. ( букв. "Железо вошло в его душу"; ошибочный перевод одного из псалмов, закрепившийся в английской традиции)
черный металл cast iron — чугун pig iron — чугун в чушках или в штыках wrought iron — сварочное железо /-ая сталь/ made of iron — железный, сделанный из железа as hard as iron — твердый как сталь ; суровый ; жестокий to cast iron — лить сталь to mine iron — добывать железо to smelt iron — плавить сталь corrugated iron — волнистое, рифленое, гофрированное железо crude iron — необработанное железо wrought iron — кованое железо
сила , твердость , решительность will of iron — железная /непреклонная/ воля muscles of iron — стальные мускулы man of iron — железный человек, человек железной воли Синоним: hardness, strength
обыкн. pl стремя Синоним: stirrup
утюг pressing iron — портновский утюг to plug in an iron — включать утюг в сеть to unplug an iron — выключать утюг из сети electric iron — электрический утюг steam iron — паровой утюг
pl оковы , кандалы , цепи; наручники to put in irons — надеть наручники ; заковать в кандалы to put smb. into iron — заковывать кого-л. в кандалы in irons — в кандалах iron gang — австрал. группа заключенных, работающих в кандалах Синоним: shackle, fetter
крюк ; гарпун суровость , жестокость a man of iron — суровый /непреклонный, жестокий/ человек to rule with a rod of iron — править железной рукой
железное, скобяное изделие сл. легкое огнестрельное оружие; пистолет клюшка с железной головкой (гольф) pl ножные протезы сл. деньги , монеты мед. препарат железа единица измерения толщины предмета (= 1 / 48 дюйма) (-iron) как компонент сложных слов curling-irons — щипцы для завивки волос fire-irons — каминный прибор brand-iron — железо, которым клеймят ; тавро ; таган на треноге
железный метеорит (irons) разг. "железки", "железяки" (irons) разг. столовые приборы (вилка, ложка, нож) (irons) разг. набор отмычек паяльник железный , сделанный из железа iron rods — железные прутья Iron Cross — Железный Крест (австрийский и немецкий орден, учрежденный в 1813 году Фридрихом Вильгельмом Третьим для награждения участников войн против Наполеона; восстановлен Вильгельмом Первым в 1870 году) iron curtain — железный занавес iron horse — "железный конь" (первоначально обозначение паровоза, затем распространилось на велосипед и др. виды транспорта) iron jubilee — семидесятая годовщина iron man — серебряный доллар iron rations — неприкосновенный запас
сильный , крепкий ; твердый , несгибаемый ; здоровый of an iron constitution — крепкого сложения to display an iron resolution — проявить твердую решимость Синоним: strong, robust, hardy
суровый , жестокий the iron years of war — суровые годы войны the Iron Chancellor — «Железный Канцлер», Бисмарк Синоним: unrelenting, harsh, cruel, merciless, stern, severe
черного или серого цвета iron blackness — кромешная тьма
цвета железа несгибаемый , твердый , жесткий iron determination — твердое решение iron hand — "железная рука", "твердый орешек" iron hand with velvet glove — мягко стелет, да жестко спать Синоним: inflexible, firm, stubborn, obstinate, unyielding
безжалостный Синоним: unrelenting, harsh, cruel, merciless, stern, severe
утюжить , гладить the shirt is already ironed — рубашка уже выглажена Синоним: press, stroke
заковывать в кандалы гладиться you wouldn't expect a pair of socks to iron well — вряд ли носки хорошо выгладятся, вряд ли носки можно хорошо выгладить
покрывать , обивать железом покрывать железом хорошо гладиться, утюжиться
definition: A ladder is an object that is used to climb up and down things.
example: He used a ladder to climb to the top of his tree house.
Extra definition
(With reference to tights or stockings) develop or cause to develop a ladder:
Extra example
лестница (приставная) ; трап rope ladder — веревочная лестница folding ladder — складная лестница horizontal ladder — спорт. горизонтальная лестница ladder way — горн. лестничное отделение, людской ходок ladder work — работа, выполняемая с лестницы (малярная и т. п.) accommodation ladder — приставная лестница to lean a ladder (against a wall) — приставлять лестницу (к стене) to put up a ladder — ставить, приставлять лестницу to steady a ladder — устанавливать лестницу to climb / go up / mount a ladder — взбираться, всходить, подниматься по лестнице to come down / descend a ladder — спускаться по лестнице to kick away / down the ladder (by which one rose) — отвернуться от тех, кто помог достичь успеха aerial ladder — длинная выдвижная лестница (чаще пожарная) extension ladder — раздвижная лестница, выдвижная лестница-стремянка aircraft ladder — (складная) бортовая лестница
спустившаяся петля (на чулке) to mend a ladder — поднять петлю to get / have a ladder — зацепить петлю
общественная лестница; путь наверх ladder of success — путь к успеху to climb up the (social) ladder — подниматься по общественной лестнице to be high on the executive ladder — занимать высокое административное положение to get one's foot on the ladder — положить начало (карьере, продвижению и т. п.)
лестница (иерархическая) ; шкала career ladder — карьерная лестница value ladder — шкала ценностей to be on the lowest / bottom rung of the ladder — быть в самом низу служебной лестницы to get one's foot on the ladder — положить начало карьере ladder of success — средство достичь успеха social ladder — социальная, общественная лестница
(складная) стремянка safety-step ladder — стремянка с гофрированными ступеньками service ladder — универсальная стремянка tail access ladder — доковая стремянка (для обслуживания хвостового оперения)
спускаться (о петле на чулке) I have laddered my stocking, my stocking has laddered — у меня спустилась петля на чулке
оборудовать лестницей или лестницами влезать , взбираться по лестнице
definition: If people are modest, they do not think that they are too important.
example: Derek is very modest for someone who is so rich.
Extra definition
Unassuming in the estimation of one’s abilities or achievements:
(Of an amount, rate, or level) relatively moderate, limited, or small:
Not large, elaborate, or expensive:
(Of a woman) dressing or behaving so as to avoid impropriety or indecency, especially to avoid attracting sexual attention:
(Of clothing) not revealing or emphasizing a person’s figure:
Extra example
He is a quiet, unassuming lad and so modest about his many talents.
He's modest about his achievements, self-effacing about his music and finds an old-fashioned dignity in hard work.
Despite the magnitude of her work, I find Kate surprisingly down to earth and genuinely modest about the achievements she will leave behind when she hands over the reins on her 65th birthday.
Let's find the relatively modest amounts needed to fund things people want, and let's do it without chopping away at other programs with an axe.
Australia has long had a remarkably good university system, and used relatively modest levels of public investment in higher education very effectively.
A relatively modest amount of money could fund programs that would have a significant impact on smoking in Canada and allow those looking to quit to find help.
They take great pride in showing their houses, modest flats on the outside, but inside renovated kitchens and bathrooms and all the mod cons amongst the religious icons.
Our venue became too expensive for our modest means.
Through the darkness I could make out a modest, tan coloured house with an overgrown garden and grubby looking shudders drooping from the windows.
We see that one should look for a proper, modest woman to be his wife, in order to have an eternal loving relationship.
She tells him to find a pretty and modest girl whom he respects and to wait until he's through with college, because he's not half good enough for whoever the girl is.
In other words, nice girls are modest and demure.
My mother showed up dressed in a modest skirt and jacket along with my little brothers, Robert and Connor.
Some were dressed in very modest gowns, while others were practically falling out of their bodices.
Finally, I was standing in my under garments and fumbled around in the twilight for some modest clothing.
self-effacing, self-deprecating, humble, unpretentious, unassuming, unpresuming, unostentatious, low-key, free from vanity, keeping one's light under a bushel;
скромный ; сдержанный with a modest air — со скромным видом, скромно, сдержанно to be modest in speech — быть скромным в разговоре to be modest about one's achievements — скромно /сдержанно/ говорить о своих успехах modest behaviour — скромное поведение Синоним: frugal, moderate, humble, lowly, meek, retiring, shy, unassuming, unpretentious, inexpensive Антоним: conceited, overbearing, pretentious, showy
умеренный , небольшой , ограниченный ; скромный modest means — скромные /ограниченные/ средства modest fortune — скромное /небольшое/ состояние modest gift — скромный подарок modest house — скромный /непритязательный/ дом to be modest in one's demands — быть скромным /умеренным/ в своих требованиях by a modest computation — по скромным подсчетам to be in modest circumstances — быть в стесненных обстоятельствах
definition: To occupy a place is to live, work, or be there.
example: Kevin and Alice occupied the chairs and had a long discussion.
Extra definition
Reside or have one’s place of business in (a building):
Fill or take up (a space or time):
Be situated in or at (a position in a system or hierarchy):
Hold (a position or job):
Fill or preoccupy (the mind):
Keep (someone) busy and active:
Take control of (a place, especially a country) by military conquest or settlement:
Enter and stay in (a building) without authority and often forcibly, especially as a form of protest:
Extra example
Many catering businesses occupy old buildings and ventilation systems are often adapted to fit around the structure.
Fewer than half the shops were occupied by the same businesses that they had housed 10 years ago.
Only 30 of the road's 127 houses are occupied and five tenants live in the row likely to be demolished.
Fluid fills the space normally occupied by air in the middle ear.
The congregation had to negotiate dangerous steep stairs and fill the space not occupied by a spinning wheel and furniture.
These are hollow casts that partially fill the space once occupied by the original crystals of anhydrite.
Spike slips down within the masculine hierarchy to occupy a significantly marginalized position.
The PRC will undoubtedly be an important influence on an international system in which it occupies a rather anomalous position.
Most firms are small, but are linked into networks in which a few large corporations (systems houses) occupy key positions.
There is a Manning Clark Professor at ANU who, as I understand it, simply occupies Manning's old job.
All the top jobs were occupied by whites before independence.
With Merkel now occupying the chancellery, the circle is complete.
That seems to be the key question occupying the minds of economists at the moment.
That question was to occupy my mind for some years, before I could finally come up with something.
These are the kind of pointless questions that occupy the mind when you have nothing better to do.
She hid her face and dashed past them while Jennifer was busy occupying Aaron.
At least finding this Daniel Mason person would occupy him for a while when he got back.
For the next few hours, the remaining soldiers were occupied by burying those of their group that had been killed by the rogues.
The US military will continue to occupy the country, exercising powers amounting to martial law.
How can you be a sovereign nation while your country is occupied by the military of another nation?
In the countries occupied by the Red Army at that time, vicious purges took place against religious leaders of all faiths.
Workers occupied the factory in protest over the dismissal of 250 of the company's 500-strong workforce.
As part of their protest, workers occupied the factory roof.
The workers occupied the factory after a protest stoppage on January 26 in support of a 300 rupees pay increase owing to them since last year.
inhabited, lived-in, tenanted, settled
in use, full, engaged, taken, unavailable
hold, be in, fill, have
informal hold down
engage, busy, employ, distract, absorb, engross, preoccupy, hold, hold the attention of, immerse, interest, involve, entertain, divert, amuse, beguile
busy, engaged, working, employed, at work, on the job, hard-pressed, active;
absorbed, engrossed, interested, involved, focused on, immersed, preoccupied
informal tied up, hard at it, wrapped up, on the go, on the trot
capture, seize, take possession of, conquer, invade, overrun, take over, colonize, garrison, annex, dominate, subjugate, hegemonize, hold, commandeer, requisition
занимать (дом, квартиру) ; арендовать to occupy a house — занимать дом to occupy a seat — занимать место the building occupies the entire block — здание тянется на весь квартал Синоним: reside
занимать , заполнять (время) school occupies all my time — школа отнимает у меня все время the dinner and speeches occupied three hours — обед и речи продолжались три часа the lessons occupy the morning — утро отводится для занятий The garden occupies 5 acres. — Под сад занято 5 акров земли. This hobby occupies all of my free time. — Это увлечение поглощает все мое свободное время.
тж. refl заниматься (чем-л.) ; уделять время (чему-л.) he occupied himself with solving some algebra problems — он занимался решением алгебраических задач the workmen were occupied in putting down the house — рабочие были заняты разборкой дома he was occupied in /with/ reading business letters — он был поглощен чтением деловых писем
поглощать (мысли) ; занимать (ум) many cares and anxieties occupied his mind — он был поглощен своими заботами и треволнениями sports often occupy a boy's attention — мальчики часто увлекаются спортом It would have occupied the attention of all companies. — Это привлекло бы внимание всех компаний.
захватывать , завоевывать , завладевать ; оккупировать to occupy a country — оккупировать /захватывать/ страну
занимать (пост) , пребывать (на посту) Mr. N occupies an important position in the Ministry — г-н N занимает важный пост в министерстве
временно владеть, пользоваться (чем-л.) ; арендовать
example: U.S. President Abraham Lincoln is on the penny.
Extra definition
A British bronze coin and monetary unit equal to one hundredth of a pound:
A former British coin and monetary unit equal to one twelfth of a shilling and 240th of a pound.
A one-cent coin.
(In biblical use) a denarius.
A small sum of money:
Used for emphasis to denote no money at all:
Extra example
He held out his hand and showed me a fifty pence and ten pence coin and said ‘All I want is a cup of tea.’
Even more shocking than their aggrandizement of linguistic power is their evident ignorance of how English, the language of pounds and pennies, dollars and cents, works.
He had pencilled a price of four pounds and fifty pence onto the first page.
Payment was made in cash of the pounds, shillings and pence variety and the ‘luck penny’ handed over.
Prior to decimalization, the pound was divided into twenty shillings, each shilling into twelve pennies and each penny into four farthings.
Before 1971 there were 240 pennies in a pound, 12 pennies in a shilling, and maths lessons were a lot more difficult.
To make things easier, the penny will also go up in value one cent each year until it is worth five cents.
The getter collects all the materials needed for the activity, which include shaving cream, 2 paper towels, and a penny.
‘A hundred pennies make a dollar,’ my father would say, encouraging me to surrender the coin in my hand to a narrow slot in the head of a porcelain pig.
Instead of throwing the penny in the miser's face, as others had done, Rabbi Schneur Zalman thanked the man politely and turned to leave.
Let the widow give her penny and the laborer his wage.
He will preach and say, you might be a rich man and you are without avarice, or you might be a poor person with only a penny in your pocket and you might be avaricious because you desire to be wealthy.
And before that I always saved up my pennies in a money box for rainy days.
So one of my biggest pet peeves is people who waste lab supply money on things you can make yourself for pennies and only a little bit of work.
So I'll be rolling up my pennies - and trust me, there are a lot of pennies to be rolled - and sending the money off to Rachel to support her wonderful project.
As recently as three weeks ago he had not paid back a penny of the money he owes the House of Commons Fees Office (ie the taxpayer), despite his claims last year that he had done so.
These groups do not use a penny of government money when they counsel women for whom birth control has failed that abortion is an option.
I said it wouldn't require a penny of government money.
ˌevery ˈpenny all of the money
ˌin for a ˈpenny, ˌin for a ˈpound used to say that since you have started to do something, it is worth spending as much time or money as you need to in order to complete it
not a ˈpenny no money at all
the ˈpenny drops used to say that somebody has finally understood or realized something that they had not understood or realized before
used to ask somebody what they are thinking about
pinch ˈpennies to try to spend as little money as possible
a pretty ˈpenny a lot of money
spend a ˈpenny people say ‘spend a penny’ to avoid saying ‘use the toilet’
turn up like a bad ˈpenny to appear when they are not welcome or not wanted, especially when this happens regularly
ˌtwo/ˌten a ˈpenny ( British English ) ( North American English a ˌdime a ˈdozen ) very common and therefore not valuable
брит.; сокр. p мн. pennies пенни , пенс , однопенсовик, однопенсовая монета he put a penny in the slot — он бросил пенс в автомат to turn a useful penny (by) — неплохо зарабатывать (чем-л.) not a penny to bless oneself with — ни гроша за душой not a penny the worse — нисколько не хуже a penny for your thoughts! — о чем задумались? A penny saved is a penny gained. посл. — Пенни сбереженное все равно, что пенни заработанное. A penny soul never came to twopence. посл. — Мелочный человек никогда не достигнет успеха. In for a penny, in for a pound. посл. — Назвался груздем полезай в кузов.
(pennies) деньги , мелочь it won't cost you a penny — это вам ничего не будет стоить
(pl pennies) амер., канад. монета в 1 цент амер. сл. полицейский амер.; канад. мн. pennies цент , центовик, одноцентовая монета Mother gave the beggar 20 pence. — Мама дала нищему 20 центов.
ист.; брит.; сокр. d пенс , пенни (денежная единица, упраздненная в 1971 г.; равна 1/12 шиллинга или 1/240 фунта стерлингов) Синоним: old penny, new penny
мн. pence (при обозначении денежной суммы), pennies (при обозначении нескольких отдельных монет) сокр. p (разменная монета Великобритании; одна сотая фунта стерлингов) сокр. d ист. (разменная монета Великобритании, равнявшаяся одной двенадцатой шиллинга и одной двестисороковой фунта) (разменная монета Фолклендских Островов, Гибралтара и Острова Святой Елены; одна сотая фунта) ист. (разменная монета Австралии до 1966 г. и Новой Зеландии до 1967 г.; одна двестисороковая фунта) мн. pennies эк. , амер. , канад. , разг. монета в 1 цент стоимостью в один пенс или один цент дешевый фин. копеечный , грошовый (с очень небольшой стоимостью, на очень небольшую сумму; напр., о ценной бумаге, которая имеет очень маленький номинал, или об очень мелком банковском вкладе) penny securities — копеечные ценные бумаги
definition: To preach is to talk about and promote a religious idea.
example: Aaron often preached about living an honest life.
Extra definition
Deliver a sermon or religious address to an assembled group of people, typically in church:
Publicly proclaim or teach (a religious message or belief):
Earnestly advocate (a belief or course of action):
Give moral advice to someone in a pompously self-righteous way:
Extra example
He is said to have delivered 18,000 sermons, preaching 40-60 hours a week.
The newly re-born legend soon featured as the centrepiece of a series of patriotic sermons preached in parish churches across England.
But let's say that the book is a collection of sermons preached at that church.
Because of this ministry, ministers across the nation can preach the Christian message to a culture that has been taught that the Bible cannot be trusted.
Sikhism preaches a message of devotion and remembrance of God at all times, truthful living, equality of mankind, social justice and denounces superstitions and blind rituals.
So Peter was the first to preach a message unto Gentile believers.
We run a business, not a re-education camp, so we don't preach the co-operative gospel to people.
For as long as I've known you, you've always preached the virtue of consistency.
They also preach tolerance of others with different beliefs.
He viewed him then as ‘the stereotype of a head waiter’ who preached at them ‘like a division chaplain in the army’.
Many of the kids will eventually rebel against all the stuff preached at them, however.
I have never ever preached at them, but I have given them my opinion where they have asked for it.
give a sermon, deliver a sermon, sermonize, spread the gospel, evangelize, address, speak
rare gospelize
proclaim, teach, spread, propagate, expound, explain, make known
moralize, be moralistic, sermonize, pontificate, lecture, harangue
informal preachify
rare ethicize
ˌpractise what you ˈpreach to do the things yourself that you tell other people to do
preach to the conˈverted to speak to people in support of views that they already hold
проповедовать ; читать проповедь to preach Christ — проповедовать христианство to preach a long sermon — прочитать длинную проповедь go out and preach the gospel! — идите и несите людям евангелие! He was preaching God's Word to a small crowd of worshippers. — Он проповедовал Слово Божье небольшой группе верующих. to preach to the converted — ломиться в открытую дверь It's no use preaching to a hungry man. — Пустое брюхо к учению глухо. preach down — фраз. гл. выступать против чего-л., осуждать preach up — восхвалять
поучать , читать нравоучения, наставления; читать наставления she's always preaching at me — разг. она все время меня поучает I don't mind listening to advice that I've asked for, but I refuse to be preached at. — Я не прочь выслушать совет, которого я спрашивал, но слушать наставления не намерен.
проповедовать ; выступать в защиту (чего-л.) to preach international peace — отстаивать всеобщий мир to preach up smth. — превозносить, восхвалять, расхваливать что-л. ; выступать за что-л. to preach down — говорить, не давать (собеседнику) вымолвить слова ; to preach down criticism - заглушать критику ; осуждать to preach down war — выступать против войны
definition: To prosper is to be successful or make a lot of money.
example: Frank’s new business finally prospered after many years of hard work.
Extra definition
Succeed in material terms; be financially successful:
Flourish physically; grow strong and healthy:
Make successful:
Extra example
They may conclude that for a business to prosper in the long term, they need a stable, permanent workforce.
He never prospered financially, and was unable to avail himself of the chance of a safe parliamentary seat as he lacked the money from captured enemy prizes to ‘grease the political machine’.
He invested in plastics manufacture and farming and prospered financially, but he knew he was vulnerable.
We don't feed on the younger or the stronger so that they may grow and prosper.
Gwalior has been the ‘nerve-center’ of a flourishing civilization prospering on the banks of the river Chambal.
Its not for nothing that rivers have been respected all over the world, that they have been revered and venerated as mothers and it is in their fertile cradles that civilizations have flourished and prospered.
Of course, his alleged specialty is international trade, where he supposedly has made a case for moderate protectionism as a way to prosper a nation.
He knows the desires of my heart and He has promised to bless me and prosper me.
By giving to God first he promises that he will prosper us.
преуспевать , процветать ; благоденствовать the business prospers — предприятие процветает the child's health prospers at the sea — на берегу моря здоровье ребенка улучшается The child's health prospers at the sea. — На море здоровье детей улучшается. Синоним: flourish, thrive, succeed
содействовать успеху, процветанию; благоприятствовать may God prosper you! — да поможет вам бог! I hope you have prospered from your stay in this country. — Надеюсь, вы плодотворно использовали ваш визит в эту страну.
definition: A province is a small area that is controlled by a country.
example: Canada is divided into several different provinces.
Extra definition
A principal administrative division of a country or empire:
Northern Ireland:
A district under an archbishop or a metropolitan.
A territory outside Italy under a Roman governor.
The whole of a country outside the capital, especially when regarded as lacking in sophistication or culture:
An area of special knowledge, interest, or responsibility:
Extra example
That country is made up of three old Ottoman Empire provinces and they do have secessionist tendencies.
The train is intended to ease congestion caused by more than 300 000 cars a day travelling between the province's two principal cities.
Although there are provincial divisions, provinces tend to identify with one another by region.
The American Church is the wealthiest of all 38 Anglican provinces, and dioceses such as Liberia are almost entirely dependent on its support.
Along with the Diocese of Ferns and Ossory it is part of the Dublin province with the Archbishop of Dublin as its metropolitan.
Bishop Packer will act as chief consecrator on behalf of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Metropolitan of the province.
Then in 61-60 he served as governor of the Roman province of Further Spain.
His provincial command included the Roman province of southern Gaul.
The Romans named the province Dalmatia after the largest and bravest of the tribes living on the coast.
The overwhelming majority of its members are women from the provinces, that is outside the National Capital District.
He issued a decree appealing to his ministers in the capital and in the provinces to publicize his reform edicts, in the hope that Chinese public opinion would rally to his support.
Liberal and democratic periodicals flourished both in the capital and the provinces.
To my fancy he was making a great fuss about nothing, but it was not my province to say so.
Mr Holloway said it was not his province to decide on his own jurisdiction; he could enquire into it, but only make an observation.
non-metropolitan areas/counties, the rest of the country, middle England/America, rural areas/districts, the countryside, the backwoods, the wilds, the wilderness, the back of beyond
informal the sticks, the middle of nowhere
North American informal the boondocks
area of responsibility, area of activity, area of interest, area of knowledge, area, department, responsibility, sphere, world, realm, field, discipline, domain, territory, orbit, preserve, business, affair, line of business, line, speciality, forte, line of country, charge, concern, worry, duty, jurisdiction, authority
informal pigeon, bailiwick, turf
(the provinces) pl провинция , периферия the concert party is now touring the provinces — концертная группа гастролирует сейчас в провинции
провинция (геологическая, климатическая и т. п.) Denmark was never a province of the Holy Roman Empire. — Дания никогда не была провинцией Священной Римской Империи.
архиепископская епархия , архиепископство ; митрополия область (знаний и т. п.) ; район ; территория province of philology — область филологии Синоним: territory, district, region
область (знаний) ; сфера деятельности, компетенция it is not (within) my province, it does not fall within my province, it is outside /out of/ my province — это не в моей компетенции, я этим не занимаюсь He early left the more poetical provinces of his art, to become a moral, didactic and satiric poet. (Warton) — Он рано оставил лирическую поэзию, чтобы превратиться в поэта-моралиста, поэта-сатирика.
область , провинция канад. (единица административно-территориального деления в Канаде, территория которой делится на 10 провинций и 3 территории; по сравнению с территорией, провинция имеет большую самостоятельность: принимает собственную конституцию, имеет право распоряжаться и торговать землей) (административная единица или в некоторых др. странах, напр., Испании, а также страна, входящая в состав империи) юр. (сфера распространения положения договора, закона) мера предосторожности юр. оговорка , условие
definition: Satisfaction is a feeling you get when you do or receive something good.
example: Brad was filled with satisfaction when he saw what was for dinner.
Extra definition
Fulfilment of one’s wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived from this:
The payment of a debt or fulfilment of an obligation or claim:
What is felt to be owed or due to one, especially in reparation of an injustice or wrong:
The opportunity to defend one’s honour in a duel:
Christ’s atonement for sin.
Extra example
Whatever pleasures or satisfactions can be found are highly dependent on things being exactly the way they are desired.
And the plot amply delivers the expected satisfactions of an intricate puzzle adroitly solved.
The winter equinox brings with it many small satisfactions as you review your achievements over the last six months, and plan ahead for the coming spring and summer.
There is nothing in writing from either party that the cheque was to be accepted as payment in full satisfaction of the plaintiffs' accounts.
It provided for a lump sum payment by the Husband to the Wife, in satisfaction of all claims which the Wife might have against the Husband.
The judgment debt is no longer recoverable by the various processes normally available for satisfaction of judgment debts.
And if you don't get satisfaction there, then there probably is a consumer affairs office at your attorney general.
Candidates can adopt a few simple guidelines to ensure that they get satisfaction when dealing with recruitment agencies.
If you don't get satisfaction from state agencies, hire an independent insurance adjuster.
contentment, contentedness, content, pleasure, gratification, fulfilment, happiness, sense of well-being, pride, sense of achievement, delight, joy, enjoyment, relish, triumph;
удовлетворение , удовлетворенность complete satisfaction — полное удовлетворение a feeling of satisfaction — чувство удовлетворенности with satisfaction — с удовлетворением ; с чувством удовлетворенности to have the satisfaction of smth. — получать удовлетворение от чего-л. to give satisfaction — давать удовлетворение this occupation cannot afford anything like satisfaction — от этого занятия нельзя получить абсолютно никакого удовлетворения the paper was at last written to my satisfaction — наконец я остался доволен написанной статьей the satisfaction of ambition — ≅ утоленное честолюбие to express one's satisfaction with the results of the conference — выразить удовлетворение результатами конференции at least I have the satisfaction of knowing that I have done my best — во всяком случае я удовлетворен сознанием того, что я сделал все возможное I note with satisfaction that ... — с чувством удовлетворения отмечаю, что ... deep / profound satisfaction — глубокое удовлетворение to afford / give satisfaction to smb. — удовлетворять кого-л. to express satisfaction — выражать, высказывать, выказывать удовлетворение to feel satisfaction — чувствовать удовлетворение to find / take satisfaction in smth. — находить удовлетворение в чем-л. she got great satisfaction from helping people learn — она получала огромное удовлетворение от того, что помогала людям учиться
удовольствие , радость a source of satisfaction — источник радости to the satisfaction of all concerned — к удовольствию всех заинтересованных лиц to find a secret satisfaction in doing smth. — получить тайное удовольствие от чего-л. to do smth. for smb.'s satisfaction — делать что-л. для чьего-л. удовольствия to take a special satisfaction in smth. — получать особое удовольствие /удовлетворение/ от чего-л. to do smth. with satisfaction — делать что-л. с удовольствием I take great satisfaction in recommending ... — мне доставляет большое удовольствие рекомендовать ... I derive great satisfaction at ... — я получаю огромное наслаждение от ... I feel lively satisfaction in /over/ smth. — я чувствую живую радость от чего-л. it is a satisfaction to know that ... — приятно сознавать, что ... he was denied the satisfaction of witnessing the fulfilment of his life's dream — ему не пришлось порадоваться исполнению мечты всей его жизни to one's satisfaction — к чьему-л. удовольствию, удовлетворению The work was done to my satisfaction. — То, как была выполнена эта работа, удовлетворило меня. They felt satisfaction that a fair compromise had been reached. — Они были довольны тем, что нашли компромиссное решение. Синоним: contentment, gratification
убеждение , убежденность to prove smth. to smb.'s satisfaction — убедительно доказать кому-л. что-л. it has not been proved to my satisfaction — эти доказательства меня не убедили /показались мне недостаточными/ this will prove it to your satisfaction — это доказательство должно вас убедить for your satisfaction I'll let you know the truth — чтобы (окончательно) вас убедить, я расскажу вам всю правду Синоним: assurance, certainty, conviction
юр. исполнение обязательства; встречное удовлетворение in satisfaction of — в погашение, в уплату in satisfaction of a wrong done — в возмещение нанесенного ущерба to make satisfaction — возмещать ущерб to expect some satisfaction for one's loss — надеяться на некоторую компенсацию за потери to enter satisfaction — внести компенсацию ; внести плату, уплатить in satisfaction of — в уплату Синоним: atonement, restitution
рел. искупление грехов, расплата ; епитимья the doctrine of satisfaction — доктрина расплаты за вину to make satisfaction for sins — искупить грехи Синоним: penance
❝Satisfaction Guaranteed❞ - «качество гарантируется», «гарантируем отличное обслуживание» вызов на дуэль to demand satisfaction — потребовать удовлетворения /сатисфакции/, вызвать на дуэль to give satisfaction — принять вызов на дуэль ; принести извинения
definition: To sustain something is to keep it going.
example: Wind power is a clean way to sustain a city with energy.
Extra definition
An effect or facility on a keyboard or electronic instrument whereby a note can be sustained after the key is released.
Extra example
She has a decent voice, but it was her sustain on the more difficult notes that really impressed.
Some guitarists prefer diode clipping, along with the gain required for ultimate sustain.
Compressing a rock ballad 3 to 4 dB on peaks, the result was intoxicatingly creamy and bold, with beautiful density and sustain.
быть опорой, подпирать , поддерживать the beams sustain the ceiling — балки поддерживают потолок She looked round for a seat to sustain her. — Она озиралась вокруг, ища, куда бы присесть. Синоним: support, prop
оказывать поддержку , придавать силы; подкреплять to sustain smb.'s hopes — поддерживать в ком-л. надежды, не дать чьим-л. надеждам угаснуть food sustains life — пища поддерживает жизнь Синоним: uphold
поддерживать , не дать прекратиться, оборваться , угаснуть и т. п. to sustain a conversation — поддерживать разговор to sustain efforts — не прекращать усилий to sustain life — поддерживать жизнь to sustain combustion — поддерживать горение Food sustains life. — Пища поддерживает жизненные силы. Синоним: uphold
переносить , претерпевать , испытывать he sustained a shock — он перенес потрясение to sustain injuries — получить увечье to sustain a defeat — потерпеть поражение to sustain a loss — понести потерю ; потерпеть убыток to sustain losses /casualties/ — воен. нести потери to sustain losses — терпеть убытки
выдерживать , стойко переносить to sustain a siege — выдержать осаду to sustain comparison with smth. — выдержать сравнение с чем-л.
поддерживать , защищать ; удовлетворять (возражение, отвод) to sustain an objection — поддерживать возражение to sustain a claim — поддерживать претензию ; удовлетворять иск the court sustained his claim — суд решил (дело) в его пользу
подтверждать , подкреплять (теорию, обвинение, заявление) evidence to sustain an assertion — показания /факты/, подтверждающие какое-л. заявление This case undoubtedly sustains his assertion. — Это обстоятельство, безусловно, подтверждает его утверждение. Синоним: confirm, corroborate
воен. снабжать , обеспечивать to sustain troops — обеспечивать войска Синоним: uphold
играть (роль) тянуть (звук, ноту) способствовать (осуществлению чего-л.) Синоним: uphold
выносить исполнять ; выдерживать (роль) Each character was sustained with so much grace and art. — Все роли были исполнены с большим изяществом и мастерством.