definition: Baggage is the set of bags that people take with them when they travel.
example: I ’m takings everal pieces of baggage with me on vacation.
Extra definition
Suitcases and bags containing personal belongings packed for travelling; luggage:
The portable equipment of an army:
Past experiences or long-held attitudes perceived as burdensome encumbrances:
A cheeky or disagreeable girl or woman:
Extra example
A sheet left inside suitcase luggage or travel baggage can prevent musty odors.
The new powers, announced yesterday, include the authority to search personal baggage of travellers arriving from countries outside the European Union.
She travels with her baggage allowance of 70 pounds.
The Roman army baggage train contained all the features of subsequent logistic tails - food, ammunition, and specialist equipment.
The retreating army and its baggage carried the plague home with them in autumn 1349.
Gallus eventually got his army away in the night, but he left behind 6,000 dead and all of his artillery and baggage.
If you want to drop a load of emotional baggage and experience some psychic weight loss, Gemini time makes it easy to lighten up.
And that could be said for everybody except Paddy, who carries the least burdensome emotional baggage.
Exonerating can help free family members up from unnecessary burdens of past baggage.
And he said she was a baggage to have said what she had said.
I always knew she was a baggage.
She's a baggage, and shall never see another penny of mine,--that's flat!
definition: A bulb is the glass part of an electric light.
example: I had to change the light bulb in my bedroom.
Extra definition
A rounded underground storage organ present in some plants, notably those of the lily family, consisting of a short stem surrounded by fleshy scale leaves or leaf bases, lying dormant over winter.
Compare with corm, rhizome.
A plant grown from a bulb.
short for light bulb.
An expanded part of a glass tube such as that forming the reservoir of a thermometer.
A hollow flexible container with an opening through which the air can be expelled by squeezing, such as that used to fill a syringe.
A spheroidal dilated part at the end of an anatomical structure.
Extra example
Snowdrops hate having their roots disturbed, but dividing them in spring allows their roots to recover and gives the leaves time to feed the bulb before they become dormant later in summer.
No matter what your climate, be sure to water planted bulbs throughout the winter.
It is a good time to buy and plant conifers and evergreens, summer-flowering bulbs and dahlia tubers.
I also have two small bulbs which are one piece rather than divided into cloves - they grew from bulbils and if replanted will grow into proper divided bulbs next year.
Garlic grows in bulbs with even cloves enclosed in a white or pink skin.
It is also difficult to identify garlics by appearance, since cloves from the same bulb grow differently in different locations.
It was a narrow glass tube with a bulb at the bottom.
Crookes's tube consisted of a glass bulb, from which most of the air had been removed, encasing two metal plates called electrodes.
Yesterday, all the bulbs in my galileo thermometer were up the top.
Nicola took out a small medicine bottle with a bulb syringe, and began with delicate squeezes of the bulb to collect the moisture that gathered at the corners of the child's eyes.
Gently put the compressed bulb into the open nostril.
Release pressure (let the air back in) on the bulb until the nose is clear.
For the sense of smell, odors are processed in an area of the brain called the olfactory bulb.
If it is exactly in the midline, it may be the duodenal bulb, the pylorus, or the distal antrum.
An anomalous carotid artery or jugular bulb may present in a similar fashion.
tuber, corm, rhizome
бот. луковица bulb of the hair — луковица волос bulb of eye — глазное яблоко the brightest bulb in the box / on the tree / in the chandelier — амер. самый умный
шарик (термометра) колба (электрической лампы) анат. луковица (волоса) электрическая лампа анат. глазное яблоко (тж. bulb of the eye) баллон , сосуд пузырек выпуклость продолговатый мозг тех. головка профиля мор. бульб луковка, детка (у тюльпанов, гиацинтов и др.) электрическая лампочка anelectric bulb — анэлектрическая лампочка frosted bulb — матовая лампочка light bulb — прозрачная лампочка three-way bulb — трехходовая лампочка the glare of a bulb — свет лампочки to change / put in / screw in a bulb — ввернуть лампочку a bulb blowed out — лампочка перегорела
тех. груша лампа накаливания выпирать расширяться в форме луковицы бот. формировать луковицу (о луковичных растениях) to bulb up — завиваться (о кочане капусты)
definition: A bundle is a number of things that are tie d together.
example: I was shocked when he showed me a bundle of money.
Extra definition
Tie or roll up (a number of things) together as though into a parcel:
Dress (someone) in many warm clothes:
Sell (items of hardware and software) as a package.
Push, carry, or send forcibly, hastily, or unceremoniously:
(Of a group of people) move in a disorganized way:
Sleep fully clothed with another person, as a former local custom during courtship.
Extra example
As for the female performers, hair longer than the shoulder must be bundled up.
Rice-stalk mattresses must all be bundled up again and returned.
It is telling that Bunting bundles the two issues together as if they were in some sense equivalent and equally objectionable.
Either way, the forecast says bundle up for the next six weeks.
I did get some protests about how ‘if I was going out while it's snowing, I'd best bundle up’.
We can bask in 75 degree warmth one day and bundle up for a spring snow the next, enduring a temperature fluctuation as much as 40 degrees.
Sun will bundle the AppIQ software with its own storage management package by the second half of this year.
Offmyserver and NetSoft teamed up to bring this appliance to market, with NetSoft doing the software and Offmyserver bundling it with the hardware.
Tapwave already bundles web browsing software with the consoles, which to date have had to connect to a mobile phone via Bluetooth or infrared wireless links in order to provide Internet connectivity.
At the airport about a third are selected and are forcibly bundled onto a clandestine flight.
On the return, both Sofia and Plovdiv were fog-bound so we landed at Varna and were unceremoniously bundled on to ancient coaches for the six hour journey to Sofia.
And third, that Mozart was bundled unceremoniously into a pauper's grave with miscellaneous corpses on a snowy night.
As we're walking out I see her glance over at a group in the corner, but we bundle out the door pretty fast and I lead her over towards the park.
Somehow the image of Rupert Murdoch bundling over the road to the Dog and Duck at the end of a stressful day to get it off his chest with his News International minions doesn't quite ring true.
Maybe it's a preventative measure to stop drunks who ran out of smokes in the pub bundling in there but it was very annoying.
Additional references, anecdotes and stories about the custom of bundling are drawn from eighteenth-century America.
A high degree of social control was exercised by parents and peers, as can be seen from the fact that bundling usually led to marriage and not to sexual permissiveness or high rates of single mothers.
tie (up), tie together, do up, pack (up), pack together, package, parcel (up), packet, wrap (up), roll (up), wind up, fold (up), furl, bind (up), fasten together, bale, truss (up)
ˌdrop your ˈbundle to suddenly not be able to think clearly; to act in a stupid way because you have lost control over yourself
not go a bundle on somebody/something to not like somebody/something very much
узел , узелок ; котомка a bundle of rags — узел старого тряпья He gathered the bundles of clothing into his arms. — Он собрал узлы с одеждой и взял их в руки. Синоним: truss, fagot
связка ; пачка ; вязанка a bundle of banknotes — пачка банкнот a bundle of bank-notes — пачка банкнот Синоним: truss, fagot
пучок a bundle of tubes — тех. пучок труб Синоним: truss, fagot
пакет ; сверток bundle of nerves — комок нервов a bundle of letters — пакет писем Синоним: roll, parcel
пренебр. собрание , коллекция a bundle of calumnies — чистая клевета
группа звезд сигналь ной ракеты определенное количество товара (2 пачки бумаги, 20 мотков хлопчатобумажной пряжи и т. п.) лингв. пучок (релевантных фонологических признаков, образующих фонему) амер. сл. большая сумма денег сл. массовая драка, свалка (особ. между несовершеннолетними) связка ; вязанка Синоним: truss, fagot
большое количество (чего-л.) The profession offers a bundle of benefits, not least of which is extensive training. — Эта профессия обладает массой достоинств, не последнее из них - большие возможности для обучения.
эк. набор , комплект (напр., товаров или услуг, предоставляемых организацией) a bundle of products and services — набор товаров и услуг Синоним: banded pack
эк. , сленг (крупная денежная сумма) = bundle up связывать в узел; упаковывать Could you bundle up these clothes and I'll take them to the post? — Упакуй, пожалуйста, эти вещи, а я отнесу их на почту.
= bundle away / off / out отсылать , отправлять , спроваживать I bundled him off — я отделался от него, я его выпроводил I bundled him off. — Я спровадил его, отделался от него. The children were bundled away when the guests arrived. — Когда приехали гости, детей увели. The family were so ashamed of the youngest son that they bundled him off to Canada. — Семья была так оскорблена поступком младшего сына, что отправила его в Канаду. I shall bundle you out of here very fast if you don't leave by yourself. — Если ты сам не уйдешь, я быстренько тебя выпровожу.
увязывать , укладывать вещи перед отъездом группировать уезжать в спешке to bundle out — скрыться ; убежать в замешательстве, «смотаться» they bundled down to town — они поспешно уехали в город
пихать , совать ; толкать Don't bundle all the clothes into that bag so carelessly. — Не пихай так вещи в чемодан! The guest got very drunk so they bundled him into a taxi and sent him home. — Гость был совершенно пьян, так что они впихнули его в такси и отправили восвояси.
= bundle away / off / out поспешно уходить, покидать в спешке The women bundled away when their husbands returned. — Женщины ушли из комнаты, когда вернулись их мужья. The bus door burst open and all the children bundled out. — Дверь автобуса распахнулась, и дети высыпали оттуда.
поставлять в комплекте, объединять в набор All computers are bundled with a full suite of applications. — Все компьютеры поставляются в комплекте с полным набором приложений. The car comes bundled with free insurance. — При покупке автомобиля предоставляется бесплатная страховка. It was only when the price of a modem dropped below 35 $ that PC manufacturers decided to bundle modems into all new computers. — Только после того, как цены на модемы упали до 35 долларов, производители ПК стали продавать все новые компьютеры в комплекте с модемом.
связывать (в узел) эк. предоставлять в комплекте, комплектовать , пакетировать , объединять в набор (объединять товары в единый набор и продавать их вместе по цене комплекта)
definition: Cattle are cows and bulls, especially on a farm.
example: The rancher’s cattle were eating the grass in the field.
Extra definition
Large ruminant animals with horns and cloven hoofs, domesticated for meat or milk, or as beasts of burden; cows and oxen.
Animals of a group related to domestic cattle, including yak, bison, and buffaloes.
Extra example
Milk yield of milch cattle has been severely affected because of scarcity of fodder.
Death is not usual but animals cease gaining weight and milk production in dairy cattle falls.
They also kept sheep, goats and cattle to add milk, butter, cheese and meat to their diet.
Cereal collecting soon gave way to cereal cultivation and the domestication of sheep and cattle.
cows, bovines, oxen, bulls;
stock, livestock
archaic neat, kine
крупный рогатый скот ; коровы и быки ten thousand cattle — десять тысяч голов (крупного) рогатого скота ten head of cattle — десять голов рогатого скота small cattle — мелкий рогатый скот pedigree cattle — племенной рогатый скот cattle stock — поголовье скота cattle management — уход за скотом, содержание скота cattle house — коровник cattle shed — навес для скота, крытый скотный двор cattle dealer — торговец скотом ; торговец скотом, скотопромышленник cattle farm — животноводческая ферма, животноводческое хозяйство ; животноводческая ферма cattle farmer — скотовод, владелец животноводческой фермы dairy cattle — молочный скот twenty head of cattle — двадцать голов рогатого скота herd of cattle — стадо коров cattle breeder — скотовод, животновод cattle farm worker — скотник ; пастух cattle pen — загон для скота to breed cattle / raise амер. / rear брит. — разводить крупный рогатый скот to drive cattle — гнать скот to round up cattle — сгонять скот (куда-л.) to graze cattle — пасти скот to brand cattle — ставить клеймо на животных, клеймить животных Young cattle are calves. — Молодые особи крупного рогатого скота называются телята. Female cattle are cows. — Женские особи крупного рогатого скота - это коровы. Male cattle are bulls. — Мужские особи крупного рогатого скота - это быки.
презр. быдло , скоты cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth — скоты и гады и звери земные
редк. мелкий рогатый скот; лошади, овцы, свиньи скоты, гады; сволочь , дрянь (о людях) паразиты ; гады (о насекомых, змеях и т. п.) мор. живой груз
definition: To flee means to run away from trouble or danger.
example: The crowd of men tried to flee from the danger.
Extra definition
Run away from a place or situation of danger:
Run away from (someone or something):
Extra example
Thousands of Arab refugees fled to Lebanon and Jordan, and some were forcibly evicted.
With little choice but to escape again, Bers fled to Paris where his daughter Ruth was born.
For 18 months they were happy, but there was more trouble and she fled to another refuge.
More are forced to flee their homes because of armed violence.
Tens of thousands of Iran's professional and middle classes were expelled or forced to flee the country.
The three men flee the country to an undisclosed location before they can be returned to prison.
run, run away, run off, make a run for it, run for it, take flight, be gone, make off, take off, take to one's heels, make a break for it, bolt, beat a (hasty) retreat, make a quick exit, make one's getaway, escape, absent oneself, make oneself scarce, abscond, head for the hills, do a disappearing act
informal beat it, clear off, clear out, vamoose, skedaddle, split, cut and run, leg it, show a clean pair of heels, turn tail, scram
British informal do a runner, scarper, do a bunk
бежать , убегать , спасаться бегством to flee the country — бежать из страны the enemy fled in disorder — враг бежал в беспорядке the clouds fled before the wind — ветер гнал облака All the animals fled from the fire. — Все животные спасались бегством от огня. The prisoners escaped by fleeing from their guards while they were on an outside work party. — Узники сбежали от охраны, когда были на наружных работах. In order to escape capture, he fled to the mountains. — Чтобы не быть схваченным, он убежал в горы. Синоним: escape
тк. past и p. p. пролететь , промелькнуть life had fled — жизнь пролетела Синоним: fly
избегать , сторониться to flee the society of men — избегать общества людей to flee from temptation — бежать от искушения
искать убежища , пристанища исчезать , пропадать Joy has fled away from my heart. — Радость покинула мое сердце. Синоним: vanish, disappear
только прош. вр. и прич. прош. вр. исчезнуть Синоним: fly
Then, Antoine took care of the minor injuries like black eyes, grazes and cuts.
He looked perfect, apart from a slight graze at the side of his head.
You can put it neat on the skin for things like cuts, grazes, burns and scalds.
scratch, scrape, abrasion, cut, injury, sore;
Medicine trauma, traumatism
держать на подножном корму; кормить скот Синоним: feed
слегка касаться, задевать , дотрагиваться the bullet grazed the wall — пуля оцарапала стену the sun's rays grazed the summit of the mountain — солнечные лучи коснулись вершины горы He grazed against the table. — Он зацепился за стол.
скользить по поверхности (о луче света) , падать под скользящим углом The sun's rays were grazing the summit of the mountain. — Солнечные лучи скользили по поверхности горной вершины.
содрать , натереть (кожу) ; оцарапать , расцарапать to graze one's arm — оцарапать руку to graze the skin — содрать кожу He grazed his knee when he fell. — Он оцарапал коленку, когда упал. Синоним: abrade, scratch
пасти to graze cattle on the meadows — пасти скот на лугах to graze cattle all the winter — пасти скот всю зиму a field to graze cows — выпас для коров
шутл. кормить пастись , щипать траву the sheep are grazing upon the hills — овцы пасутся в горах
подстригать (тж. to graze down) to graze (down) grass — подстригать траву
использовать как пастбище to graze a field before haying it — использовать поле как пастбище до покоса to graze the herbage — выпускать скот на травы
диал. выращивать травы на корм скоту пасти скот использовать (земли) как пастбище диал. выращивать траву для корма the lands that graze speedily — земли, на которых быстро растет трава
жадность ; алчность greed for /of/ money — жадность к деньгам it is sheer greed that makes him eat so much — он ест так много только от жадности consumed with greed — сжираемый жадностью Синоним: avidity, avarice
look after, take care of, keep, tend, watch, watch over, mind, guard
ride ˈherd on somebody/something to keep watch or control over somebody/something
like herding ˈcats ( informal ) used to describe a very difficult task, especially one that involves organizing people
ходить , быть вместе (с кем-л.) ; войти в компанию, подружиться (с кем-л.) ; примкнуть He will never herd with those who think otherwise. — Он никогда не примкнет к тем, кто думает иначе. Синоним: join
ходить стадом; собираться в стадо примкнуть (к кому-л.) to herd with smb. — объединяться с кем-л.
собирать в стадо; собирать вместе to herd cattle — собирать скот в стадо they were all herded into the waiting room — их всех собрали в приемной
ходить большой группой (о людях) сопровождать , вести за собой группу людей A group of schoolchildren was herded by three teachers. — Группу школьников сопровождали три преподавателя.
= herd together собираться вместе, толпиться The cattle herded together to try to find some protection against the rain. — Скотина сбилась в кучу, чтобы найти какую-нибудь защиту от дождя. It's terrible, the way people are herded together in rush hour trains! — Ужасно, какую давку устраивают люди в поездах в час пик!
стадо , гурт a herd of cattle — стадо коров herd instinct — стадное чувство to round up a herd — сгонять стадо Синоним: flock
презр. толпа a herd of parasites — толпа /скопище/ бездельников /прихлебателей/ common /vulgar/ herd — толпа, чернь ; обыватели, мещане It is necessary to isolate the individual prophets from the herd. — Необходимо отделять пророков от толпы. Синоним: crowd
множество , группа a herd of bicyclists — стайка велосипедистов
new boy, new girl, new recruit, raw recruit, recruit, tyro, neophyte;
начинать ; предпринимать ; вводить ; делать почин; инициировать ; положить начало to initiate a reform — ввести реформу to initiate talks — начать переговоры to initiate proceedings against smb. — юр. возбудить против кого-л. судебное дело to initiate a culture — начинать культуру, закладывать культуру
посвящать (в тайну и т. п.) I'm not quite initiated — я не вполне осведомлен, я не совсем в курсе дела they were initiated into the plot — они были посвящены в заговор Who was the first woman to initiate you into the mysteries of sex? — И кто же была та первая женщина, что посвятила тебя в тайны секса?
ознакомить , познакомить с основами (науки, специальности и т. п.) to initiate a pupil into the elements of grammar — познакомить ученика с основами грамматики ; обучить ученика основам грамматики to initiate smb. into a trade /craft/ — приобщить кого-л. к ремеслу
( into ) вводить (в общество) ; принимать (в клуб) и т. п. вводить в курс дела , знакомить принимать в члены сообщества The order was known for its strange ceremony of initiating new members into the society. — Этот орден был знаменит своей странной церемонией инициации новых членов.
вводить в должность начать , приступать , положить начало to initiate a program of reform — начать проведение реформ Синоним: begin
стимулировать посвященный (в тайну) , адепт (тайного знания) a secret known only to the initiates — тайна, известная только посвященным
example: The lane passes directly in front of our house.
Extra definition
A narrow road, especially in a rural area:
An urban street:
A division of a road marked off with painted lines and intended to separate single lines of traffic according to speed or direction:
Each of a number of parallel strips of track or water for runners, rowers, or swimmers in a race:
A route prescribed for or regularly followed by ships or aircraft:
(In tenpin bowling) a long, narrow strip of floor down which the ball is bowled:
Each of a number of notional parallel strips in the gel of an electrophoresis plate, occupied by a single sample:
A dark streak or band which shows up against a bright background, especially in a spiral galaxy:
Extra example
Then the group set off up the narrow winding lane to the main road and the lay-by.
Sitting in front of the computer screen you get a driver's eye view as you travel along narrow streets, busy roads and winding country lanes in various weather conditions.
We traveled to the outskirts of Osaka and we proceeded to walk through a traditional residential area with narrow lanes until we arrived at an old house.
It was proposed to link the development to the centre of the town by connecting with Claregate Street through Pidgeon lane.
The site, near Low Street and Common lane, was endorsed for housing in May by the Local Plan public inquiry inspector - despite green belt objections from residents.
Ashe Street and Court House lane will be bustling with activity during Easter weekend.
The eastbound carriageway will close from Monday until December 20, with traffic running in single lanes in each direction on the westbound side.
Until then, the contraflow system on the westbound carriageway allowing a single lane of traffic in each direction will continue.
Only the concrete dividers separating the opposing lanes of traffic broke the utter flatness.
I like to mix up the lanes and have swimmers race a bit in practice.
If the swimmers in lanes two and four switch places by crossing the active swimming lane between them, time and space are once again out of sync.
Breast Stroke swimmers should avoid using lanes allocated for fast swimming.
It is also geographically near the primary shipping lanes for oil tankers that ply the route between Japan and the Middle East.
Half the world's ocean-going cargo follows shipping lanes past the islands, and rich deposits of oil and natural gas are thought to lie beneath the nearby sea.
Plans to move the wreck of destroyer HMS Wakeful out of a shipping lane have been amended to allow the ship to safely remain where she sank during the Dunkirk evacuation in 1940.
In the last issue, we reviewed the terms and definitions for bowling balls, lanes, and lane play.
They come in handy when you need to cream some extra traction between your bowling ball and the lane.
I am having problems picking out the right type of bowling ball for heavily oiled lanes.
The numbers above the lanes refer to sampling day (days after defoliation).
Parental DNAs cut with the same enzyme were electrophoresed in adjacent lanes to facilitate comparison of RFLP profiles.
Possession of the marker is indicated by two ‘bands’ in the electrophoresis lane derived from each well, while one band indicates lack of the marker.
It is divided into two half-circle formed segments by a dark lane of interstellar dust in front of it.
Older stars and dense dust lanes near the heart of the galaxy are red.
The galaxy's hallmark is a brilliant white, bulbous core encircled by the thick dust lanes comprising the spiral structure of the galaxy.
in the ˈfast lane where things are most exciting and where a lot is happening
дорожка , тропинка (обыкн. в полях, между изгородями) ; узкая дорога the country lanes — узкие сельские тропинки It is a long lane that has no turning. посл. — И несчастьям бывает конец.
спорт. беговая дорожка I moved out into the second lane. — Я переместился на вторую дорожку.
спорт. дорожка (на ипподроме, в бассейне) wrong lane — чужая дорожка (в бассейне)
узкая улочка, переулок lanes and alleys — закоулки Синоним: street
полоса движения , проезд , ряд дорога с односторонним движением lane road — ж.-д. однопутная дорога acceleration lane — полоса ускорения (дополнительная полоса справа, позволяющая автомобилю развить скорость, не мешая движению, и влиться в поток машин) four-lane highway — автострада с четырьмя рядами движения HOV lane — полоса движения, выделенная для машин, в которых едут два и более человека включая водителя carpool lane — полоса движения для машин, в которых едут два-три и более человека, включая водителя express lane — %% амер. скоростная полоса nearside lane — левая полоса offside lane — правая полоса
разводье между льдинами мор. путь , проход ав. трасса полета (the lane) сл. горло (тж. red lane, narrow lane) Синоним: throat
проход между рядами домов ❝lane closed❞ - «ряд закрыт» (дорожный знак на автостраде) lane line — разделительная линия (дороги) lane separator — машина для нанесения разделительных линий to get into lane — вставать в ряд a highway with four lanes — автострада с четырьмя полосами движения
проход между рядами (в театре и т. п.) проход между рядами (войск и т. п.) to make a lane for smb. — расступиться перед кем-л., дать дорогу кому-л.
проход среди толпы людей; между рядами выстроившихся солдат морской путь sea / shipping lane — морской путь
шотл. водоем с медленным течением трасса ; маршрут ; линия (пути) air lane — воздушная трасса flight lane — маршрут полета lane taxiing lane — линия руления
definition: Nerve is bravery or the belief th at you can do something.
example: He has the nerve to think that he can actually wrestle with a lion.
Extra definition
Brace oneself mentally to face a demanding situation:
Extra example
She developed a particular interest in helping to update the Internet pages and she seemed to be nerving herself to buy her first computer so that she could get on the Internet at home.
I concentrated on an image of Autumn's exquisite, frightened visage, nerving myself.
They flinch at the sound of that laugh, but they keep edging forward, nerving themselves for the final rush.
brace oneself, steel oneself, summon/gather/screw up/muster one's courage, screw one's courage to the sticking place, gear oneself up, prepare oneself, get in the right frame of mind;
fortify oneself, bolster oneself
informal psych oneself up
be a bag/bundle of ˈnerves to be very nervous
ˌbrass ˈneck/ˈnerve a combination of confidence and lack of respect
get on somebody’s ˈnerves to annoy somebody
have nerves of steel to be able to remain calm in a difficult or dangerous situation
hit/touch a (raw/sensitive) ˈnerve to mention a subject that makes somebody feel angry, upset, embarrassed, etc.
strain every ˈnerve/ˈsinew (to do something) to try as hard as you can to do something
a ˌwar of ˈnerves an attempt to defeat your opponents by putting pressure on them so that they lose courage or confidence
анат. нерв nerve plexus — нервное сплетение nerve gas /poison/ — воен. отравляющее вещество нервно-паралитического действия ; нервный газ to suffer from nerves — страдать расстройством нервной системы optic nerve — зрительный нерв
(nerves) нервозность , нервность ; нервы nerve storm — истерика ; неудержимые рыдания a fit /an attack/ of nerves — нервный припадок ; рыдания he does not know what nerves are — он не знает, что такое нервы she is all nerves — у нее нервы никуда не годятся to get on smb.'s nerves — действовать кому-л. на нервы ; раздражать fit / attack of nerves — нервный припадок to steady / calm / settle one's nerves — успокоить нервы to fray / frazzle smb.'s nerves — вымотать кому-л. нервы iron nerves — железные нервы steady nerves — крепкие, железные нервы steel nerves — железные нервы strong nerves — крепкие, железные нервы taut nerves — напряженные нервы, нервное напряжение war of nerves — война нервов, психологическая война weak nerves — слабые нервы
присутствие духа , мужество , хладнокровие ; сила духа ; смелость ; уверенность a man of nerve — стойкий /выдержанный/ человек, человек с большим самообладанием failure of nerve — недостаток мужества ; паническое состояние war of nerves — война нервов to lose one's nerve — оробеть, струсить, потерять самообладание to live on one's nerve — ≅ держаться на нервах to have the nerve to do smth. — иметь мужество что-л. сделать The brandy made him choke, but it restored his nerve. — Он задохнулся от бренди, но оно вернуло ему мужество. man of nerve — выдержанный человек, человек с большим самообладанием Синоним: fortitude, strength, boldness, assurance
разг. дерзость , наглость , нахальство , бесстыдство you have a nerve! — ну и нахал же вы!, какая наглость! the nerve! — амер. какое нахальство! to have the nerve to do smth. — иметь наглость /набраться нахальства/ что-л. сделать ; иметь нахальство, наглость (сделать что-л.) Синоним: gall, audacity, impudence, cheek
сила , энергия to strain every nerve — напрягать все силы ; приложить все усилия above the nerve of mortal arm — образн. со сверхчеловеческой силой Синоним: strength, vigour, energy
бот., зоол. жилка (листа растения или крыла насекомого) Синоним: vein
pl нервная система , нервы nerve specialist — врач по нервным болезням, невропатолог nerves of steel — стальные нервы to get on smb.'s. nerves — действовать кому-л. на нервы
источник силы good laws are the nerves of a state — хорошие законы - основа государства
мускул , сухожилие больное, чувствительное место ; вопрос , вызывающий раздражение to touch /to hit/ a nerve — задеть за живое I hit a nerve when I mentioned her dead mother — она расстроилась, когда я упомянул о ее покойной матери
нервный центр, мозг (организации) to be the nerve and soul of smth. — быть мозгом и душой чего-л.
поэт. тетива pl архит. нервюры придавать силу, мужество , решимость ; храбрость to nerve oneself to a task — собираться с силами для выполнения какой-л. задачи he has nerved himself — он набрался мужества she cannot nerve herself to accepting his offer — она не может заставить себя принять его предложение to nerve oneself — собраться с силами, с духом I doubt if I would ever be able to nerve myself for public performance. — Я сомневаюсь, что я смогу когда-нибудь набраться мужества для публичного выступления. I nerved myself to face the pain. — Я собрался с духом, чтобы вынести эту боль. Синоним: steel, embolden
definition: A parade is a celebration when groups of people walk in the same direction.
example: There were many marching bands in the spring parade.
Extra definition
(Of troops) assemble for a formal inspection or ceremonial occasion:
Walk or march through a public place in a formal procession or in an ostentatious way:
Display (someone or something) while marching or moving around a place:
Display (something) in order to impress or attract attention:
Appear falsely as; masquerade as:
Extra example
My mother would often parade in public places with me whenever she would go out and I was not doing anything at home.
Municipal councilors, government employees and the general public then paraded around town to welcome in the Thai New Year.
Those who dislike any form of martial mimicry or organised religion do not want to see their children parading and marching to church in uniform.
They chased a now fully-clothed offender, nabbed him and marched him back over the fence and paraded him past the crowd in the Merv Cowan stand.
The stadium staged its first meeting on July 30, 1932, when legendary greyhound Mick the Miller was paraded around the track.
The thought of Nina clinging to Scott's arm and parading him all over school for the rest of the day made a wave of nausea sweep over me.
The King paraded his army, hoping to impress and perhaps intimidate.
Domed ceilings, Georgian columns and plunging chandeliers exude palatial grandeur, an impression enhanced by the amount of jewellery paraded by Glasgow's glitterati.
The university students swagger down here as though it were a catwalk, parading their Parisian clothes.
Most CEOs tend to think of innovation as no more than R&D, and ‘the same distortion occurs when creativity is paraded as innovation,’ say Bubner.
Handsome, dashing even, a family man, he was paraded as a goodwill ambassador as everything that America wasn't.
Modern Hopis and Navajos parade as hoary traditionalists, rightful stewards by ancestral occupance.
march, process, file, troop, go in columns, pass in formation, promenade
display, exhibit, make a show of, flaunt, show, show off, demonstrate, draw attention to, air
ˌrain on somebody’s ˈparade to spoil something for somebody
показ , демонстрация beauty parade — конкурс красоты mannequin parade — демонстрация мод hit parade — хит-парад (лучшие эстрадные произведения недели, сезона и т. п.) mannequin parade — показ мод programme parade — программа передач (объявляемая на текущий день)
выставление напоказ to make a parade of one's accomplishments — щеголять своими достоинствами
парад a show-of-force parade — парад-демонстрация (военной) силы to be on parade — участвовать в параде A military parade marched slowly down Pennsylvania Avenue. — Военные части медленно проходили парадом по Пенсильвания Авеню. Синоним: muster
воен. построение Morning parade was in progress on the parade ground. — На плацу было утреннее построение.
воен. плац место для прогулок гуляющая публика место для гулянья Синоним: promenade, assembly, crowd
вереница , череда , последовательность When I asked Nick about his childhood, he remembered first a parade of baby-sitters. — Когда я спросил Ника о его детстве, он прежде всего вспомнил вереницу сиделок.
краткое перечисление заголовков новостей (в радио- или телепередаче) демонстрировать , выставлять напоказ to parade one's learning — щеголять своими знаниями
шествовать ; гордо выступать to parade the streets — шествовать по улицам Синоним: walk
идти строем, маршировать ; воен. проходить парадом; маршем; проходить строем to parade under arms — маршировать при полном снаряжении to parade troops — делать смотр войскам More than four thousand soldiers paraded down the Champs Elysee. — В параде на Елисейских полях участвовало более четырех тысяч солдат.
воен. строить строиться собирать , строить войска для парада гулять ; разгуливать Синоним: walk
прогонять кого-л. по улицам (обычно преступника) притворяться , делать вид парадный parade order — строй для парада, парадное построение parade rest — амер. воен. строевая стойка «вольно» parade state — воен. строевой состав parade uniform — парадная форма
definition: To pave the ground is to lay material on it to make it easier to walk or drive on.
example: The path was paved with yellow bricks.
Extra definition
A setting of precious stones placed so closely together that no metal shows:
A paved street, road, or path.
Extra example
He was able to seal the deal with matching love rings in white gold with pavé diamonds.
Thanks to the pavé diamonds, the bespoke helmets will be the most expensive ever to race around Monaco.
Earrings, necklaces, dog collars and pendants made in the designs of ethnic and spiky tribal art tattoos will feature black diamond pavé.
ˌpave the ˈway (for somebody/something) to create a situation in which somebody will be able to do something or something can happen
the road to ˌhell is paved with good inˈtentions it is not enough to intend to do good things; you must actually do them
the streets are ˌpaved with ˈgold used to say that it seems easy to make money in a place
мостить , выстилать to pave a road with concrete — бетонировать дорогу
устилать , усеивать , выкладывать a path paved with moss — тропинка, выстланная мхом paved with flowers — усеянный цветами
замащивать ; мостить Old roads used to be paved with round stones. — Старые дороги обычно мостили круглыми камнями. Синоним: cobble
(vb.) укладывать дорожное покрытие мощеная улица New Orleans with its paves and trottoirs — улицы и тротуары Нового Орлеана, Новый Орлеан с его мощеными улицами и тротуарами
example: A scary phantom appeared from out of the darkness.
Extra definition
A ghost:
A figment of the imagination:
Not real; illusory:
Denoting a financial arrangement or transaction which has been invented for fraudulent purposes:
Extra example
Four fearless women are preparing to spend the night in the company of ghosts, ghouls and phantoms to raise money for the Abbeyfield care home where they work.
Then, in a room filled with Halloween images of ghosts and phantoms, Duncan Smith got his chance to show his hidden talents - at the pool table.
It is like a medieval, deserted castle that is full of phantoms and ghosts, and this makes you feel sick - you just want to run away, far from these cold, scary walls.
The Tory revival is a phantom, the imagined product of a media despairing of another utterly predictable election result.
As we said before, the brand is a phantom, a cypher, figments of the popular imagination that have somehow become the essential conduit for cultural information about objects.
While his mind had been pursuing its intangible phantoms and turning in irresolution from such pursuit he had heard about him the constant voices of his father and of his masters, urging him to be a gentleman above all things.
Computer-generated graphics for the ghostly, phantom towers - the most radical suggestion to date - will be considered by council officials tomorrow.
It vivifies poetry, which might otherwise be reduced to a mere ‘language of ideas’ - ‘a phantom language, lacking in the substance of worldly things’.
Acknowledging a patient's perception of a phantom shock as a real experience promotes continuing communication and fosters a trusting relationship.
This problem of built-in gains is related to another phenomenon: phantom year-end income.
Like stock options, phantom stock must be expensed throughout its vesting period.
But there's an easier way to avoid phantom interest that will also provide you with some financial security.
definition: Something that is portable is able to be moved or carried easily.
example: Since computers are portable, people can use them anywhere.
Extra definition
A small version of something, such as a television, that can be easily carried:
A small transportable building used as a classroom.
Extra example
Investigators found five portable stoves containing charcoal in the vehicle and its windows sealed with tape from the inside.
The trouble is that they forget that people do not carry portable, battery-operated apartments around in their pockets.
There will be no fans, the units will have to run cool enough for it to be comfortable to carry them around (think how people would have laughed if you'd predicted portables too hot to carry ten years ago).
Surely the Dems would have no further need for the single-story portables - modular buildings are just about the only answer the district has come up with for its overcrowding problems.
Tracy groaned fearfully as she paces back and forth alone around the stairs going up to the B building and the portables.
Former student and teacher Pat Paxton remembers many teens being late because they couldn't get from portables to their classrooms in the five minutes allotted.
definition: A poster is a written announcement that is used to advertise something.
example: I saw a poster about a free concert in the park.
Extra definition
Put up posters in an area:
Extra example
That changed last Thursday, when Drury was postering for the Poverty Olympics at the corner of Hastings Street and Caroll Street in Vancouver's Downtown East Side.
We met while I was postering for a Thursday night pub nite (do they still allow those?) and we hit it off right away.
объявление ; афиша ; плакат poster designer /artist/ — плакатист cinema poster — киноафиша circus poster — цирковая афиша wanted poster — объявление о розыске преступника to put up a poster — вывешивать объявление Синоним: placard, bill
расклейщик афиш, плакатов и т. п. (-poster) как компонент сложного слова разг. со столбиками; столбиками four-poster bed — кровать с четырьмя столбиками
почтовая лошадь уст. едущий на почтовых или на курьерских разг. постер (большая фотография какого-л. популярного певца, актера и т. п. в иллюстрированном журнале) The walls in his room were plastered with posters of rock stars. — Стены в его комнате были увешаны плакатами с фотографиями рок-звезд.
спорт. мяч , пролетевший выше стойки ворот афишировать , рекламировать the campaign was well postered — кампания была широко разрекламирована
оклеивать объявлениями, рекламами и т. п. to poster the walls — оклеить стены объявлениями
definition: To scratch is to make small cuts with a c law or fingernail.
example: I used a stick to scratch my back.
Extra definition
Assembled or made from whatever is available, and so unlikely to be of the highest quality:
(Of a sports competitor or event) with no handicap given:
Extra example
There followed a scurry round to assemble a scratch team, kit them up, organise travel arrangements etc.
Bath took the game to the Italians with a scratch squad and did so with such determination that there was never any argument about this result.
A scratch crew from the rest of current affairs had to do the job instead.
I never ever did beat Jonno off a scratch event, but Harry used to make sure that Jon always gave me a start and I'd get the best out of myself by trying to stay in front.
He was a scratch player at 12 and had a stellar international record as an amateur.
I won't get the benefit of those eighteen shots because it is a scratch event but at least I could make an attempt at qualifying.
scratch your ˈhead (over something) to think hard in order to find an answer to something
scratch the ˈsurface (of something) to deal with, understand, or find out about only a small part of a subject or problem
ˌyou scratch ˈmy back and ˌI’ll scratch ˈyours used to say that if somebody helps you, you will help them, even if this is unfair to others
up to ˈscratch as good as something/somebody should be
царапать , скрести , оцарапать , расцарапать to scratch the paint — поцарапать краску /окрашенную поверхность/ to scratch one's hand with a pin — оцарапать руку булавкой to scratch oneself with smth. — оцарапаться обо что-л. to scratch smb.'s eyes out — выцарапать кому-л. глаза to scratch off a pimple — содрать прыщик to scratch the surface of smth. — оцарапать поверхность чего-л. scratch my back and I will scratch yours — услуга за услугу
царапаться cats scratch — кошки царапаются
скрипеть this pen scratches badly — перо сильно скрипит
чиркать to scratch a match — чиркать спичкой
чесать , расчесывать to scratch a dog's neck — почесать собаку за ухом to scratch mosquito bites — расчесывать укусы комаров to scratch the skin — чесать /расчесывать/ кожу
чесаться itching makes one want to scratch — зуд вызывает желание почесаться don't scratch (yourself)! — не чешись! to scratch one's head — почесать затылок If you keep scratching away at that spot, you'll break the skin. — Если вы будете продолжать расчесывать это пятно, вы раздерете кожу.
нацарапать , выцарапать ; выгравировать to scratch a drawing on the wall — нацарапать рисунок на стене to scratch one's initials on the window-pane with a diamond — вырезать свои инициалы алмазом на оконном стекле
скрестись the dog scratched at the door — собака скреблась в дверь
рыть когтями рыться (в земле) the chickens were scratching for worms — куры рылись в земле в поисках червей there is no sense in scratching about this rock with a pick: you'll have to use explosive — нет смысла ковырять эту скалу киркой - придется применить взрывчатку
выскребать , вырывать to scratch a hole in the ground — выскрести /вырыть/ яму в земле
вычеркивать , перечеркивать to scratch an item from an account — вычеркнуть какой-л. пункт из счета to scratch smb. off (from) a list — вычеркнуть кого-л. из списка to scratch smb.'s name out — зачеркнуть чью-л. фамилию All the names on the list had been scratched out. — Все имена, фигурировавшие в списке, были вычеркнуты.
разг. идти на попятный; отказываться (от чего-л.) to scratch an engagement — отменить встречу to scratch the race /match/ — отменить гонки I hope you're not going to scratch at the last moment — надеюсь, что вы не пойдете на попятный в последний момент Two of the best runners have scratched from the race. — Два лучших бегуна отказались от участия в забеге.
рыхлить (землю) to scratch the ground with a rake — рыхлить землю граблями to scratch the surface — копать неглубоко ; поверхностно излагать, изучать и т. п. ; скользить по поверхности to scratch the surface of a subject — поверхностно осветить вопрос the inquiry has only scratched the surface of the problem — при исследовании проблема была затронута лишь в самых общих чертах
наспех или небрежно написать, нацарапать to scratch a few lines of a letter — черкнуть несколько строк /слов/
(часто scratch out , scratch off ) спорт. снимать с участия в состязании to scratch a horse — снять лошадь с состязаний
подчистить (ножом, бритвой) to scratch out a word — подчистить слово
амер. полит. сл. голосовать против кого-л. из кандидатов в списке, выдвинутом своей партией амер. полит. сл. голосовать против отдельного предложения своей партии амер. сл. подделывать чек набросать , небрежно написать (письмо, рисунок) бросать (что-л.) выкапывать крим. быть фальшивомонетчиком; изготавливать фальшивые документы Синоним: forge
царапина a scratch on the face — царапина на лице her hands were covered with scratches — ее руки были все исцарапаны it's only a scratch — это просто царапина /мелкий укол/ without a scratch — без малейшего вреда /ущерба/ (для себя) to go through the war without a scratch — пройти всю войну, не получив ни одной царапины to get off with a scratch or two — отделаться пустяками, легко отделаться up to scratch — на должной высоте; в прекрасной форме
черточка , черта метка ; насечка царапанье , скрип a dog enjoys a good scratch — собаки любят почесаться
каракуля , закорючка he writes a miserable scratch — у него отвратительный почерк a scratch of the pen — подпись (особ. неразборчивая) ; росчерк пера the business could be settled by the scratch of a pen — это дело можно было уладить одним росчерком пера scratch of the pen — росчерк пера ; подпись
тк. sing спорт. линия старта, старт (тж. scratch mark) амер. сл. деньги , средства ; банкноты (разг.) 2) кредит ; акт займа (разг.). скрип , чирканье the scratch of pen on the paper — скрип пера по бумаге
спорт. участник соревнования, не получающий преимущества при старте (тж. scratch man) сл. временное название кинофильма амер. сл. фальшивый чек фальшивомонетчик почесывание , расчесывание , зуд спорт.; = scratch man участник состязания, не получающий преимущества лошадь , снятая со скачек (scratches) вет. мокрец (вид воспаления волосистой области ступни у лошадей) наспех написанный, набросанный, нарисованный ; черновой scratch paper — черновик
definition: A symphony is a long piece of music perform ed by many musicians.
example: Alex, a violin player, has always dreamt of playing a symphony.
Extra definition
An elaborate musical composition for full orchestra, typically in four movements, at least one of which is traditionally in sonata form:
An orchestral interlude in a large-scale vocal work.
(especially in names of orchestras) short for symphony orchestra.
Something regarded as a composition of different elements:
Extra example
He was a prolific composer, writing symphonies, concertos, sonatas, and dramatic works.
Joseph Haydn's Scherzandi are bite-size symphonies in four movements, each seven or eight minutes in length.
His 1781 discovery of the planet Uranus has overshadowed his musical compositions (18 symphonies, two viola and one oboe concerto, nine sonatas and various keyboard and vocal music).
Now they play fifteen to twenty concerts a year together, while Misha plays ninety to 100 other engagements as soloist, chamber musician or with symphonies.
He now travels the world performing with renowned symphonies and conductors.
His works have been performed by symphonies in Akron, Springfield and Cleveland, Ohio, as well as the Warsaw Philharmonic.
The leaves of the trees were of different colors, offering a symphony of tones that only I seemed to hear.
Both serious wine connoisseurs, Graf and Rydman collaborated with the chairs and bistro moderne chef Philippe Schmidt on a symphony of food and wine that had patrons swooning.
In the Glasgow of my childhood I woke to a symphony of glass, metal and steam.
муз. симфония symphony concert — симфонический концерт symphony orchestra — симфонический оркестр to compose / write a symphony — сочинить, написать симфонию to perform / play a symphony — сыграть, исполнить симфонию
гармония (цветов и т. п.) ; гармоничное сочетание = symphony orchestra симфонический оркестр созвучие
definition: A widow is a woman whose husband has died.
example: The widow had no children and was very lonely.
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Become a widow or widower:
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At the moment, the group is small and comprises people who are divorced, separated or widowed.
Minus One is a social support group for separated, widowed or divorced people.
Life Loan is available to married couples, partners and single or widowed people.
вдова to be a widow — вдовствовать to become a widow — овдоветь widow's allowance — вдовье пособие (пособие в связи с потерей кормильца) to console a widow — утешать вдову well-off widow — состоятельная вдова hempen widow — вдова повешенного Widow at Windsor — "Виндзорская вдова" (о королеве Виктории (1819 - 1901), которая часто жила в Виндзорском замке после смерти супруга, принца Альберта) war widow — вдова убитого на войне
карт. прикуп сл. виселица разг. что-л. не имеющее пары, лишнее (the widow) «вдова Клико», шампанское (the Widow) разг. "Вдова Клико" (название известной марки французского шампанского) информ. изолированная строка, висячая строка, "вдова" (первая строка нового параграфа в конце страницы) widow's hump — "вдовий горб" (грудной кифоз, избыточное прогибание позвоночника назад) widow's peak — "вдовий пик" (волосы, растущие треугольным выступом на лбу; примета, предвещающая раннее вдовство) widow's walk — "вдовья площадка" (площадка с перильцами на крыше прибрежного дома, где жены моряков ожидали своих мужей)