definition: To circulate something is to spread it quickly.
example: The fan helped to circulate cool air through the room.
Extra definition
Move continuously or freely through a closed system or area:
Move around a social function in order to talk to many different people:
Pass from place to place or person to person:
Send copies of a letter or leaflet to (a group of people):
Extra example
A titer test doesn't measure immunity, but it does measure antibodies circulating in the system.
But some testosterone remains freely circulating in the bloodstream.
Some rogue pathogens seem to be freely circulating in that county.
When we were invited to a party we couldn't circulate as a couple.
We go to a restaurant and eat, and circulate to chat with other locals, trying to make a plan.
The manuscript had been circulated among various publishers, most of whom shied away from this provocative treatment of a sensitive subject.
Local people said that whistles and horns were circulated among the community for the scaled-down protest.
Rumours that an entrepreneur may buy the doomed factory have been circulating among workers and the local business community.
The company formally apologised to the community and circulated a leaflet explaining what had happened.
The school circulated a copy of the letter to parents prior to the Easter holidays.
The club had previously circulated letters to the community informing them about the recycling bins.
flow, course, move round, go round
socialize, mingle
spread, spread about/around, pass around, pass on, communicate, disseminate, transmit, make known, air, put about, bandy about;
make public, broadcast, publicize, advertise, publish, post, propagate, promulgate, blazon abroad, noise abroad;
distribute, give out, issue, purvey
распространяться ; переходить из рук в руки; передаваться из уст в уста bad news circulates quickly — ≅ дурные вести не лежат на месте Синоним: spread
распространять ; передавать ; рассылать , раздавать to circulate a document — разослать /распространить/ документ to circulate false stories — распространять выдумки /клевету/ to circulate a rumour — пустить слух to circulate a loving-cup — пускать чашу по кругу ; пить круговую чару They circulate information about job vacancies to all colleges in the area. — Они рассылают информацию о рабочих вакансиях всем коллегам в сфере своей деятельности Синоним: promulgate, diffuse
фин. быть в обращении, обращаться (о средствах) циркулировать , двигаться по кругу ; передвигаться в пределах ограниченного круга blood circulates through the body — кровь циркулирует в организме The host circulated among the guests. — Хозяин подходил то к одному гостю, то к другому. Blood circulates through the body. — Кровь циркулирует в организме. Rumors circulated through the town. — По городу циркулировали слухи. Синоним: revolve
мат. повторяться (о цифре в периодической дроби) переходить (от одного человека к другому) Синоним: spread
иметь круговое движение, циркулировать (о воде, крови и т. п.) двигаться в пределах ограниченного круга; вращаться , циркулировать the hostess circulated at the party greeting the guests — хозяйка приема расхаживала по залу, приветствуя гостей the guest of honour circulated from group to group — почетный гость переходил от одной группы к другой
definition: Consequent means happening because of a different situation.
example: Her consequent rash came after she touched the poison ivy.
Extra definition
The second part of a conditional proposition, whose truth is stated to be implied by that of the antecedent.
The second or imitating voice or part in a canon.
Extra example
The antecedents and consequents of conditionals must be complete sentences.
If the antecedent is more true than the consequent, then the conditional is less than the maximal truth by the difference between their values.
But every complete sentence can be used without expressing a judgement, for instance as the antecedent or consequent of a conditional.
In more substantial structures, where the antecedent focuses primarily on tonic harmony, the consequent is as likely to move to the dominant, or some other chord, as to return to the tonic.
He ranges impressively over both precedents and consequents.
являющийся результатом, следствием чего-л. his long illness and consequent absence from school — его длительная болезнь и пропуск занятий в результате этого the rise in prices consequent upon the failure of the crops — рост цен, вызванный неурожаем The warming of the Earth and the consequent climatic changes affect us all. — Глобальное потепление и вызванные им климатические изменения затрагивают всех нас.
последовательный ; следующий за the confusion consequent upon the earthquake — смятение, последовавшее за землетрясением
консеквентный , соответствующий уклону поверхности результат , последствие Синоним: consequence, sequel
грам. второй член условного предложения, следствие ; лингв. вторая часть условного предложения мат. второй член, знаменатель пропорции исход ; итог Синоним: consequence, sequel
definition: To derive something from another source means to get it from that thing.
example: Red’s nickname was derived from the color of her hair.
Extra definition
Obtain something from (a specified source):
Base a concept on an extension or modification of (another concept):
(Of a word) have (a specified word, usually of another language) as a root or origin:
Arise from or originate in (a specified source):
(Of a sentence in a natural language) be linked by a set of stages to (its underlying logical form).
(Of a substance) be formed or prepared by (a chemical or physical process affecting another substance):
Obtain (a function or equation) from another by a sequence of logical steps, for example by differentiation:
Extra example
The Africanized sources were derived from colonies obtained locally.
This organization can derive its power from a number of sources, both economic and non-economic.
He did repeatedly make clear that his story was derived from what his source said.
The author strongly suggests to any critics that before responding to this item, they first download the work cited in footnote 16 and ensure that their arguments are derived from and based on the authority of the Bible.
These new affiliations are derived from and based upon the commonly experienced terror, and beyond it - on shared survival joy and guilt, depression and reparation, hope and despair.
Epistemologically speaking, all of these concepts are derived from, or associated with, systems theories in general and, more specifically, with theories of self-organizing ecological systems.
The word Islam itself, meaning submission to God, derives from the Arabic root word salama, which means peace.
This process was called retting (a name which, unsurprisingly, derives from the same root as rot).
Similarly, dishevelled comes from the Old French deschevelé and was not derived from a word shevelled.
Yet another source of public confusion derives from psychologists themselves.
A major source of agricultural income derives from wine production.
But it would be a long time before you came up with a source of happiness that derived from the beneficence of government.
In this theory, a passive was no longer to be derived from an active sentence, but both from a common deep structure which was neither active nor passive.
Formal idioms are idiomatic in the sense just stated - their properties cannot be derived from more general principles.
What kind of rule(s) are needed to derive passive sentences?
Since olestra is derived from fat molecules, it has similar chemical and physical properties.
The reduced form is a thioether and is derived from cysteine, whereas the oxidized form is a sulphate ester and is derived from the sulphonation pathway.
It is concentrated in this plant's leaves and is derived from pyridine molecules.
Once you see the steps in deriving the rule and you know why it is a valid shortcut, you won't have any trouble using it.
There were many long calculations, deriving one formula from another to solve a differential equation.
He worked on how to derive class number relations from modular equations.
obtain, get, take, gain, acquire, procure, extract, attain, glean
originate in, have its origins in, have as a source, arise in;
stem, descend, spring, be taken, be got
originate in, have its origin in, be rooted in, be traceable to;
stem, proceed, flow, pour, spring, emanate, issue, ensue, descend, come
получать , извлекать to derive benefit from smth. — извлекать пользу из чего-л. to derive pleasure from singing — получать удовольствие от пения to derive one's income from a farm. — жить на доходы от фермы to derive enjoyment from a game — наслаждаться игрой Синоним: draw, get, gain, obtain
происходить , вести свое происхождение From this O.F. "dars" is also derived the Breton "darz". — Из старофранцузского "dars" происходит также бретонское "darz". Синоним: spring
выводить , получать to derive one's knowledge from books — получать знания из книг The drug is derived from an African plant. — Это лекарство получают из одного африканского растения. Синоним: obtain
эл. ответвлять , шунтовать устанавливать , прослеживать происхождение derived from Latin — латинского происхождения
вытекать , быть следствием consequences that derive from a principle — следствия, вытекающие из принципа
наследовать to derive one's character from one's father — унаследовать характер отца
получать , заимствовать the moon derives its light from the sun — луна получает свет от солнца
мат. брать производную выводить (формулу и т. п.) хим. получать путем замещения лингв. производить (слово и т. п.) устанавливать происхождение, возводить (к чему-л.) These men derive all religion from myths. — Эти люди возводят происхождение всех религий к мифам.
хим. извлекать путем частичного замещения шунтировать отводить (напр. гидросмесь)
definition: To drown is to die from not being able to breathe underwater.
example: He would have drowned if the sailors would not have rescued him.
Extra definition
Die through submersion in and inhalation of water:
Deliberately kill (a person or animal) by drowning:
Submerge or flood (an area):
(Of a sound) make (another sound) inaudible by being much louder:
Be overwhelmed by a large amount of something:
Cover or immerse food in:
Extra example
Police and firefighters saved a motorist from drowning after his car left the road and plunged into a water-filled ditch yesterday.
Yeah, when we did the stuff in the water, I almost drowned.
It is said that one night after a bout of heavy drinking, Li Bai plunged into a pool to catch the moon reflected in the water and drowned.
Asked to carry the scorpion across the river the rat agrees reluctantly, his insurance being the promise that his passenger is unlikely to sting as that will kill the rat and drown him.
They were calling for the killing to start immediately, by drowning the sheep if necessary.
He also shot the family dog and drowned her puppies.
During the nineteenth century alone, floods drowned low areas in 1861, 1876, and 1894.
First, it is an ecological area and the member needs to decide whether he thinks drowning ecological areas is a plausible idea.
In 1979 he inspired the farmers of Uttara Kannada to oppose a dam that would have drowned their holdings and taken much forest with it.
But our laughter is drowned out by the sound of cutlery hitting the table.
The laughter from the barracks was soon drowned out by the sound of Jasmine's angry footsteps on the ground as she entered the garden.
I could hear lots of popping and crackling sounds but it was quite relaxing, as other sounds were drowned out and I just had to lie there.
He was completely drowned in the picture, his deep concentration becoming almost meditation.
He had nearly drowned in the sudden wave of sheer bliss and contentment that overwhelmed him.
He felt the waves of despair and overwhelming anguish that radiated until her fury drowned in the sadness.
It is not eight inches thick and drowned in tomato sauce sweet enough to rot your teeth, either.
drown your ˈfears/ˈloneliness/ˈsorrows, etc. to get drunk in order to forget your problems
тонуть to save a person from drowning — спасти тонущего человека But for the life jacket, he would have drowned. — Если бы не спасательный жилет, он бы утонул. to drown one's sorrows (in wine) — заливать свое горе (вином)
топить to drown oneself, to be drowned — утонуть to drown a cat — утопить кошку He drowned himself. — Он утопился.
погружать заливать , затоплять to drown the land — затопить местность to drown cornflakes in milk — залить хлопья молоком His face was drowned in tears. — Его лицо было залито слезами.
заливать , топить to drown one's grief in wine — топить горе в вине, заливать горе вином to drown oneself in sleep — погрузиться в сон drowned in tears — весь в слезах, заливаясь слезами
заглушать , пересиливать (тж. drown out) his voice was drowned in the noise — его голос потонул в (общем) шуме The crowd drowned his last few words in cheers. — Его последние слова потонули в аплодисментах.
тонуть , идти ко дну (под воздействием неблагоприятных обстоятельств) to be drowning in debt — тонуть / быть по уши в долгах
definition: A dynasty is a series of rulers who are all from the same family.
example: The ancient Egyptians had a dynasty that lasted for m any years.
Extra definition
A line of hereditary rulers of a country:
A succession of people from the same family who play a prominent role in business, politics, or another field:
Extra example
The Habsburg and Hohenzollern dynasties abdicated, following the Romanovs.
Sharif Ali bin al-Hussein is reportedly the current heir to the Iraqi line of the Hashemite dynasty.
In 1740 war came again as the result of another succession crisis when the male line of the Habsburg dynasty came to an end.
Mark Stafford, a fourth-generation scion of one of Leinster's most prominent business dynasties, has decided to end his family's informal media omerta.
Looking outside politics, we see similar dynasties in business, for example the Rockefellers, Mellons and du Ponts.
For the Post, the International Herald Tribune partnership was as much a personal bond between the two newspapers and the two family dynasties as it was a business deal.
династия to establish, found a dynasty — основывать династию to overthrow a dynasty — свергать династию Ming dynasty ruled China from 1368 to 1644. — Династия Минг правила в Китае с 1368 по 1644 г. Синоним: house
definition: A fraction is a small part of something.
example: Only a fraction of the cake was gone.
Extra definition
A numerical quantity that is not a whole number (e.g. 1/2, 0.5).
A small or tiny part, amount, or proportion of something:
A dissenting group within a larger one:
Each of the portions into which a mixture may be separated according to a physical property such as boiling point or solubility:
(In the Christian Church) the breaking of the Eucharistic bread:
Extra example
The Mathematics Computation subtest assesses skills in computing with whole numbers, fractions, mixed numbers, decimals, and algebraic equations.
Use the method above to convert it into a fraction with whole numbers in the denominator.
Basic operations with whole numbers, fractions, and decimals were required to solve some problems, although many items required no calculations.
Her goal was $60,000 but she was only able to get a fraction of that amount.
It's only a fraction of the amount of money necessary to attend most private schools.
If they did, the insurance company would have been charged a fraction of that amount.
On the other hand, we can see very clearly the fractions within the hardliner camp, again in contrast to what the pro-participation group is saying.
Today's Muslim is put under the spotlight and has been critically scrutinized not only by the non-Muslim communities' worldwide but also from fractions within our own community.
The state, then, is the condensation of a hegemonic relationship between dominant classes and class fractions.
The aqueous, ethanol and ethyl acetate fractions were slowly evaporated to dryness under vacuum and stored at 4 degreesC for biological study.
The majority of the manufacturing is from the catalytic cracking of ethane, petroleum fractions, and crude oil.
Oil refining separates the various fractions of petroleum by a process called fractional distillation and takes place in a large plant called a refinery.
tiny part, small part, fragment, snippet, snatch, smattering, selection
мат. дробь , дробная часть (числа) common /vulgar/ fraction — простая дробь continued fraction — непрерывная дробь decimal fraction — десятичная дробь proper fraction — правильная дробь to reduce a fraction — сокращать дробь common fraction — мат. простая дробь complex fraction — мат. составная дробь compound fraction — мат. составная дробь improper fraction — мат. неправильная дробь irreducible fraction — мат. несократимая дробь simple fraction — мат. простая дробь vulgar fraction — простая дробь common fraction, simple fraction, vulgar fraction — простая дробь complex fraction, compound fraction — составная дробь
часть ; частица , доля , крупица ; порция ; относительное количество a fraction of a second — доля секунды not by a fraction — ни на йоту, ничуть to a fraction — разг. полностью, совершенно to suit to a fraction — разг. полностью подходить a fraction closer — чуть-чуть поближе Синоним: portion
отрезок fraction of time — отрезок времени fraction of distance — отрезок дистанции ; часть расстояния
хим. погон , фракция , частичный продукт перегонки clay fraction — илистая фракция sand fraction — песчаная фракция silt fraction — илистая фракция adherent fraction — адгезивная фракция (клеток) Behrman's placental fraction — плацентарная фракция Бермана (специфический белок плаценты) Cohn fraction II — вторая фракция Коэна (гамма-глобулин, выделенный из сыворотки фракционированием этанолом по методу Коэна) globulin-rich fraction — глобулиновая фракция (сыворотки) high-density fraction — фракция с высокой плотностью ; тяжелая фракция (при фракционировании лимфоцитов в градиенте плотности) low-density fraction — фракция с низкой плотностью ; легкая фракция (при фракционировании лимфоцитов в градиенте плотности) postgradient fraction — наиболее легкая фракция градиента, постградиентная фракция subcellular fraction — субклеточная фракция aggregate fraction — агрегатная фракция supernatant fraction — всплывающая фракция
частица , крупица , пустяк Синоним: grain, atom, bit, little
мат. коэффициент пол. группа давления [интересов] (ассоциация граждан, организованная в целях побудить органы власти принять решение, благоприятное для их интересов) (группа членов той или иной партии, организованно проводящая в парламенте и других государственных органах и общественных организациях политические установки своей партии) (особая группировка внутри партии, имеющая собственную идейную и организационную платформы, отличающиеся от основной политической линии и текущих установок партии) Синоним: faction
definition: Frost is a white layer of ice that form s during very cold weather.
example: In the morning, the trees were all covered with frost.
Extra definition
Cover (something) with or as if with frost; freeze:
Become covered with small ice crystals:
Damage or otherwise affect as a result of frost.
Decorate (a cake or biscuit) with icing:
Extra example
Headed for the warmth of the Student Center and morning coffee, I notice that the display window maintained by the Fashion Design department is frosted over.
Steam puffed from the mouths of the quarterbacks as they barked out the plays, and from their teammates as they huffed each bone-chilling breath; at the end, Fisher's mustache was frosted over.
The room beyond the metal door was cold, explaining why the window of the door was frosted over (delayed reaction, understandable during these circumstances).
Add the rest of the ingredients in the order above and shake with loads of ice until the shaker frosts up.
At times it was so cold that they could see their equipment frosting up in front of them.
And off we toddled, me with my evening gin frosting in my hand, and Dolly with an air of great relief that the election was over, for today at least.
Benji whistled to himself as he headed towards the kitchen of his parents' bakery, tying on his apron and already smelling the sweet scent of a cake ready to be frosted.
Though he spends more time managing than frosting cakes these days, he still bakes most mornings.
Cookies that have been frosted with a butter cream type frosting cannot be stacked.
покрываться инеем the windows have frosted over in the night — окна за ночь покрылись инеем /украсились морозными узорами/
покрывать глазурью, посыпать сахаром ; посыпать сахарной пудрой матировать (стекло) стирать глянец подковывать на острые шипы поэт. серебрить (волосы) сединой подвергать быстрому замораживанию (продукты) делать стекло матовым ставить шипы на подкову; подковывать лошадь шиповаными подковами мороз five degrees of frost — пять градусов мороза black frost — мороз без инея sharp /hard, biting/ frost — сильный мороз ringing frost — трескучий мороз slight frost — легкий морозец the fruit has been damaged by frost — фруктовые деревья пострадали от мороза hard / sharp / biting / heavy / severe frost — сильный мороз light / slight frost — легкий морозец touch of frost — заморозки fifteen degrees of frost — пятнадцать градусов мороза
иней (тж. hoar frost, white frost) grass covered with frost — трава, покрытая инеем Синоним: hoarfrost, rime
суровость , холодность ; охлаждение в отношениях there is a frost in his manner — в его манере есть какая-то холодность Синоним: coldness, severity, frigidity
разг. провал , неудача ; разочарование the book turned out a frost — книга оказалась неудачной what a frost! — какое разочарование! a dead frost — сл. гиблое дело, полная неудача Синоним: failure
морозы, холода early frosts — ранние заморозки frost resistance — морозостойкость
definition: An illusion is something that looks real, but doesn’t actually exist.
example: Some pictures create an illusion for the eyes.
Extra definition
An instance of a wrong or misinterpreted perception of a sensory experience:
A deceptive appearance or impression:
A false idea or belief:
Extra example
Hallucinations and illusions are disturbances of perception that are common in people suffering from schizophrenia.
The intoxicated state is characterized by illusions, visual hallucinations and bodily distortions.
They also experienced visual illusions such as real objects appearing to move or pulsate.
Unfortunately, Britain and Europe are all too eager to pretend that such illusions are reality.
The progress of the film is a progress through illusion and deception toward reality and truth.
However, you will live in a metaphysical world, where reality and illusions will be so skewed that they will appear to be identical.
Man and house are thus a perfect match, as all the characters trapped in their own illusions and false expectations of Sancher end up more hurt than healed.
Our world will appear to crumble as we know it, as distractions, false voices, illusions and misconceptions will be taken away from us.
Believing that our beliefs are illusions, however, is self-refuting.
mirage, hallucination, apparition, phantasm, phantom, vision, spectre, fantasy, figment of the imagination, will-o'-the-wisp, trick of the light;
fantasy, dream, chimera, fool's paradise, self-deception, castles in the air, castles in Spain;
fallacy, error, misjudgement, fancy
иллюзия , обман чувств ; мираж optical illusion — оптическая иллюзия, обман зрения ; оптический обман, обман зрения illusion of the senses — обман чувств to create the illusion of reality — создать впечатление реальности under an illusion — под действием иллюзии to create / produce an illusion — создавать иллюзию to cherish / harbor an illusion — питать иллюзии to dispel an illusion — рассеивать иллюзию to indulge in illusions — предаваться иллюзиям to have no illusions about smb. — не обольщаться на чей-л. счет It's an illusion to think that... — Странно обольщаться по поводу... Синоним: delusion, deception, fancy, apparition, phantom
ткань «иллюзион», тонкая прозрачная кисея, тюль ; прозрачная кисея мираж ; призрак иллюзия , заблуждение , несбыточная мечта to indulge in illusions — предаваться иллюзиям, строить /создавать себе/ иллюзии to be under an illusion that ... — обольщаться мыслью о том, что ... I have no illusions on this point — у меня нет никаких иллюзий на этот счет to cherish an illusion — питать иллюзии, обольщаться надеждой to destroy /to dispel/ illusions — рассеять иллюзии it is an illusion to believe that ... — было бы заблуждением считать, что ... it produces the illusion that ... — это создает ложное впечатление, что ...
definition: To invade is to take over a place by force.
example: The enemy forces tried to invade our country through the air.
Extra definition
(Of an armed force) enter (a country or region) so as to subjugate or occupy it:
Enter (a place, situation, or sphere of activity) in large numbers, especially with intrusive effect:
(Of a parasite or disease) spread into (an organism or bodily part):
Encroach or intrude on:
Extra example
I think that the greatest revelation of the Iraq war has been that we lack the military force to invade a smallish country with terrain that provides easy surveillance and movement.
I am just inquiring, what was the British tradition in relation to maintaining discipline of its forces when they were invading countries like India?
British armed forces invaded Mesopotamia, as Iraq was then known, in 1914 with promises of freedom - from the Turks.
Then, activists invaded the public space of lunch counters and voter registration offices simply to eat lunch and register to vote.
The minute he said that a heavy atmosphere of silence invaded the place.
He was someone special enough that they could let him invade their comfortable place.
They are not normally present in significant quantities until a plant is invaded by disease.
Plants are exposed to a great number of pathogenic microorganisms, but a relatively small proportion of them are able to invade plants and cause diseases.
Now when anything invades another cell, or particularly when a parasite invades a red blood cell, they have to multiply.
I just really felt like I'd be intruding, invading their privacy.
The possibilities include adding extra points for financially motivated hackers, or for intruders that invade an individual's privacy.
Yes, but to be famous is, if you like privacy, it invades your privacy and takes that away from you.
occupy, conquer, capture, seize, take (over), annex, win, gain, secure;
march into, overrun, overwhelm, storm, descend on, swoop on, swarm over, surge over, make inroads on;
intrude on, violate, encroach on, infringe on, trespass on, obtrude on, burst in on, interrupt, disturb, disrupt
informal horn in on, muscle in on
archaic entrench on
вторгаться , нападать ; захватывать , занимать , оккупировать ; насильственно овладевать to invade a country — вторгнуться в страну ; оккупировать страну Синоним: encroach, intrude
нахлынуть ; наводнить , заполнить tourists invaded the city — город наводнили /в город нахлынули/ туристы grasshoppers invaded the fields — на поля напали кузнечики A sense of loss, of loneliness invaded her. — На нее нахлынуло чувство одиночества и потери.
посягать (на чьи-л. права) ; нарушать (чьи-л. права, свободы) to invade another person's rights — посягать на чьи-л. права Синоним: infringe, encroach, violate
врываться охватывать , овладевать (о чувствах) a sense of loneliness invaded her — ею овладело чувство одиночества terror invaded our minds — нас охватил ужас
definition: A lieutenant is a rank in the military or police, or a person with that rank.
example: The lieutenant was a good leader, and his soldiers respected him.
Extra definition
A deputy or substitute acting for a superior:
A rank of officer in the British army, above second lieutenant and below captain.
A rank of officer in the navy, above sub lieutenant and below lieutenant commander.
(In the US) a police officer next in rank below captain.
Extra example
While he sits at the apex, it is likely that his top deputies and their lieutenants are largely responsible for coordinating the activities of the far-flung cells.
Certainly a number of his lieutenants and cohorts have been captured in recent months.
But I regard you as a lieutenant available to assist as and when required.
The company commander thought the new lieutenant and staff sergeant were scapegoats for superior officers in their chain of command.
They are scheduled to graduate from the Royal Military College as lieutenants in the Australian Army on Saturday June 22.
The team, made up of one major, four captains, one lieutenant, one first sergeant, and three sergeants first class, began the arduous task of preparing the foreign soldiers for combat.
Nuclear propulsion pay will now be received by sub lieutenants and lieutenants at category A levels on completion of their engineer officer of the watch board.
He has commanded in every rank from lieutenant to vice admiral, and has flown his flag in all three of the Navy's aircraft carriers.
During the second world war he served in the Royal Navy as surgeon lieutenant, escorting convoys in the north Atlantic on HMS Maplin, a converted merchant ship which catapulted Hurricanes into combat.
According to the Independent, a police lieutenant declared at the hotel yesterday that he had stationed snipers around the building and would kill anyone who attempted to leave.
After a portentous prologue, the film shifts five years ahead, showing him in his new position as lieutenant in the citizen police force.
The police lieutenant who handled the case of our intruder called and informed me that the man who broke into our house was found dead in his jail cell.
deputy, second in command, right-hand man/woman, number two, assistant, aide, wingman, henchman, henchwoman, subordinate
informal sidekick
North American informal body man
лейтенант first lieutenant — первый лейтенант; помощник командира корабля flight lieutenant — капитан авиации (в Великобритании) lieutenant junior grade — амер. младший лейтенант second lieutenant — второй лейтенант (низшее офицерское звание)
definition: The word marine describes something related to the sea.
example: A healthy ocean is full of marine animals.
Extra definition
A member of a body of troops trained to serve on land or sea, in particular (in the UK) a member of the Royal Marines or (in the US) a member of the Marine Corps:
Extra example
Men who are recently out of the army or marines are favored to play hostile gunmen.
Seven other marines from 3 Commando Brigade and four American soldiers also died.
I went to live with my aunt's dad, who was a drill sergeant in the marines, and he tried to turn me into a soldier.
мор. , трансп. морской флот the merchant /mercantile/ marine — торговый флот
воен. , мор. солдат морской пехоты the marines — морская пехота Royal Marines — Королевская морская пехота (военные, служащие на кораблях Ее Величества) Синоним: sailor, mariner
жив. морской пейзаж, марина Синоним: seascape
уст. побережье , прибрежная полоса , поселение уст. морской берег флот mercantile / merchant marine — торговый флот Синоним: navy
уст. морская прогулка воен. , мор. морской , флотский (о солдатах, военных частях и т. п.) marine deposits — морские отложения marine plants — морские растения marine animals — морские животные marine park — морской заповедник marine aerodrome — гидроаэродром marine belt — пограничная (трехмильная) зона marine express — срочная перевозка груза морем marine painter — художник-маринист marine life — морская жизнь marine plants / animals — морские растения / животные marine plants [animals] — морские растения [животные] Синоним: sea, maritime
военно-морской , флотский (о солдатах, военных частях) marine force — военно-морские силы
судовой , корабельный (о снастях, принадлежностях, приборах) marine architect — кораблестроитель, корабельный инженер marine engines — машины морских судов marine glue — морской клей (замазка из резины, масла и шеллака) marine insurance — морское страхование (судов и грузов) marine stores — подержанные корабельные принадлежности ; судовые припасы marine engineer — судовой механик
definition: The merit of something or someone is their good qualities .
example: The actor received an award for his merits in the movie.
Extra definition
Deserve or be worthy of (reward, punishment, or attention):
Extra example
All this would have merited some serious attention from Peter.
Jack thought it was a turning point, but did not think the foul merited the punishment.
Whereas virtually every player deserved the award at Reading on Tuesday, nobody merited the accolade last night.
deserve, earn, be deserving of, warrant, rate, justify, be worthy of, be worth, be entitled to, have a right to, have a claim to/on, be qualified for
заслуга to make a merit of smth. — ставить что-л. себе в заслугу to take great merit to oneself (for smth.) — приписывать себе большие заслуги (в чем-л.) to treat smb. according to his merits — оценивать кого-л. по заслугам he was rewarded according to his merits — он был вознагражден по заслугам to make smb. a sergeant on merit — воен. присваивать кому-л. звание сержанта за боевые заслуги there isn't much merit in it — в этом нет большой заслуги Order of Merit — орден «За заслуги» merit system — амер. система заслуг (система найма и повышения по службе государственных служащих) Order of Merit — орден "За заслуги" He was rewarded according to his merits. — Он был вознагражден по заслугам.
достоинство ; добродетель ; преимущество a man of merit — достойный человек ; человек, обладающий многими /большими/ достоинствами the suggestion has merit — предложение имеет свои достоинства /плюсы/ a work of little merit — произведение, не имеющее особых достоинств according to merit — по достоинству the committee will look at the relative merits of the two proposals. — комиссия рассмотрит относительные преимущества обоих предложений. Синоним: excellence, value, virtue, worth Антоним: fault, flaw, vice
pl качества the merits of a case — присущие делу положительные и отрицательные стороны ; существо дела ; положительные и отрицательные стороны дела figure of merit — показатель качества on its merits — по существу to come to the merits of the matter — перейти к вопросу по существу ; дойти до сути вопроса to discuss /to go into/ the merits of smth. — обсудить что-л. ; обсудить все достоинства и недостатки /все «за» и «против»/ чего-л. to decide the question on its merits — решить вопрос по существу to judge on the merits of the question — судить по существу вопроса
поведение , заслуживающее одобрения, награды His merit was rewarded by the favour of the prince. — Его достойное поведение было вознаграждено благосклонностью принца.
суть , существо заслуживать , быть достойным to merit reward — заслужить похвалу, быть достойным похвалы he merited to be trusted — он заслужил доверие this thesis merits careful consideration — это положение заслуживает тщательнейшего рассмотрения Синоним: deserve
definition: A navy is the part of a country’s military that fights at sea.
example: My country is known for our strong navy.
Extra definition
The branch of the armed services of a state which conducts military operations at sea:
The ships of a navy:
A fleet of ships.
A dark blue colour:
Extra example
There were also brochures from the different sections of the military: the navy, army, marines, etc.
This problem extends into all branches of the Canadian Armed Forces: the navy, the air force and army.
Hundreds of the missiles are slated to be produced for the navy - the only branch of the military which has until now shown interest in purchasing the new weapons system.
In the Second World War carriers replaced battleships as the capital ships of modern navies because aircraft could perform the functions of naval guns more effectively.
It gives the audience a gritty, detailed, and carefully researched view of daily life and deadly combat aboard a ship of Nelson's navy.
No ship in Victoria's navy was as well supplied with wine, pickles, and preserves as Challenger.
The girls are all demurely dressed in pleated navy blue skirts with pale blue and white sailor tops.
I put my face gently against his chest and wept openly onto his dark navy blue shirt.
He was wearing dark riding breeches, which were either a very dark navy blue, or black.
navy blue, dark blue, indigo, midnight blue, ink blue
военно-морской флот , военно-морские силы the Royal Navy — военно-морской флот (Великобритании) navy in the air — разг. морская авиация Navy Regulations — военно-морской устав Navy List, амер. Navy Register — список кораблей и командного состава военно-морских сил Royal Navy — брит. Королевские ВМС, военно-морские силы Великобритании navy yard — военная верфь, судостроительный [судоремонтный] завод военно-морских сил
definition: Polar relates to the cold places on Earth’s north and south ends.
example: Only a few people live in the Earth’s northern polar region.
Extra definition
The straight line joining the two points at which tangents from a fixed point touch a conic section.
A variable binary star which emits strongly polarized light, one component being a strongly magnetic white dwarf.
Extra example
Sturm's theoretical work in mathematical physics involved the study of caustic curves, and poles and polars of conic sections.
This exactly means that the directrix is the polar of the focus, while the focus is the pole of the directrix with respect to the parabola.
Bobillier is best known for his work on polars of curves and of algebraic surfaces.
полярный ; полюсный polar circle — полярный круг polar lights — северное сияние polar front — метеор. полярный фронт, фронт арктических масс воздуха polar cap /hood/ — полярная шапка (из льда и снега) polar travellers — полярники, исследователи полюса
диаметрально противоположный Rusticity and urbanity are polar opposites. — Сельская и городская жизнь являются полными противоположностями.
основной , центральный , кардинальный the polar provision of the treaty — главное положение договора Синоним: pivotal
путеводный , направляющий косм. ( движущийся ) на полярной орбите polar satellite — спутник на полярной орбите
физ. полярный polar region — полярная /околополюсная/ область (магнита)
мат. ( выраженный ) в полярных координатах действующий в противоположных направлениях хим. ионизирующий (при растворении или плавлении) центральный ; осевой физ. поляра , полярная диаграмма wing polar — поляра крыла
definition: A ray is a line of light that comes from a bright object.
example: The sun’s warm rays covered the beach.
Extra definition
(In tonic sol-fa) the second note of a major scale.
The note D in the fixed-doh system.
Extra example
catch/get/grab some ˈrays to sit or lie in the sun, especially in order to get a suntan
a ˌray of ˈsunshine a person or thing that makes life brighter or more cheerful
луч the rays of the sun — солнечные лучи a ray of light — луч света
проблеск , луч ; слабый свет a ray of hope — луч /проблеск/ надежды not a ray of hope — ни малейшей надежды The news of her safe arrival was the only ray of sunlight. — Новость о ее благополучном возвращении была единственным радостным проблеском. I couldn't offer her even the smallest ray of comfort. — Я не мог предложить ей никакого утешения. Синоним: flash, gleam
физ. луч to emit / send forth / send out rays — испускать лучи
бот., зоол. луч скат (Batoidei) мат. луч , полупрямая топ. линия визирования directional ray — визирный луч
вид шерстяной ткани в полоску поэт. свет , сияние прям. и перен. излучать (тж. ray out, ray forth) His presence rays life into every part of the drama. — Его присутствие вселяет жизнь в каждый эпизод драмы.
example: After I officially resigned from work, I said goodbye to my boss.
Extra definition
Voluntarily leave a job or office:
Give up (an office, privilege, etc.):
End a game by conceding defeat without being checkmated:
Accept that something undesirable cannot be avoided:
Surrender oneself to another’s guidance:
Extra example
By 1909 Einstein was recognised as a leading scientific thinker and in that year he resigned from the patent office.
The Chancellor resigned from office and decided to leave the academy on his own.
So, taking drastic steps, John resigned from his job and, with his one suitcase, stayed in Southampton.
I further call on her to present a public apology to the family, and then to resign her office.
The Deputy is resigning his seat in the light of the Government's decision to abolish the dual mandate.
Precisely what transpired is unknown, but he resigned all offices and spent the rest of his life in Europe, dying in Boulogne.
The game was over after 25 moves but he tried some tactics before resigning in 34 moves.
Your only reasonable choices are to either make the move immediately or resign.
He proceeded to strategically outplay his opponent in very convincing fashion, and the latter admitted after the game that he had been close to resigning after the first time scramble.
At the moment, it is extremely difficult to find a decent house either for rent or purchase at affordable rates and many people have resigned themselves to accepting anything called shelter.
My husband has resigned himself to my ‘hobby’ and accepts it.
In the summer of 1647 and again in the autumn of 1648 a majority in the two Houses, unable to see the way forward, resigned themselves to accepting such terms as the king would accept.
She had sufficient control over herself to accept his decision without a murmur, and to resign herself to his will.
The wife of a man born to be a leader need only resign herself to his guidance; whereas the wife of a fool, conscious of superior power, is bound to take the reins in her own hand if she would avert calamity.
She looked once or twice at her brother in a way that made his heart ache; but she seemed to have resigned herself to his direction.
leave, go, hand in one's notice, give in one's notice, give notice, stand down, step down, bow out, walk out
informal quit, call it a day
give up, leave, vacate, stand down from, retire from
informal quit, pack in, jack in
archaic demit
reconcile oneself to, become resigned to, become reconciled to, have no choice but to accept, come to terms with, learn to live with, get used to the idea of;
give in to the inevitable, grin and bear it
отказываться (от права и т. п.) to resign a claim — отказаться от требования /от претензии/ to resign one's property — отказаться от имущества the doctor bas resigned all hope — врач оставил всякую надежду (на выздоровление больного) to resign office — отказаться от должности Синоним: quit
(resign to) передавать , перепоручать to resign a child to foster-parents — передать ребенка на воспитание в чужую семью I resign my children to your care — я оставляю своих детей на ваше попечение The mother was unwilling to resign the child to the care of her relatives. — Мать не хотела отдавать ребенка под опеку своих родственников. Синоним: abandon, consign
(часто pass или refl) уступать , примиряться ; подчиняться ; сдаваться ; покоряться to resign to smth. as predestination — покориться тому, что суждено to be resigned to death — примириться с мыслью о смерти to resign one's mind to smth. — свыкнуться с мыслью о чем-л. to resign oneself to another's control — подчиниться чьей-л. власти to resign oneself to one's fate — смириться с судьбой we must resign ourselves to doing without it — мы должны обойтись без этого I resign myself to your guidance — я полагаюсь на ваше руководство Is the firm resigned to losing the contract? — Фирма примирилась с потерей контракта? Синоним: yield
сдать партию (шахматы) black resigns — черные сдаются
уходить в отставку , подавать в отставку ; оставлять пост to resign one's office / post / position — отказаться от своей должности, уйти в отставку They expect the governor to resign his office. — Они полагают, что губернатор уйдет в отставку. Is he going to resign from politics? — Он собирается уйти из политики? He resigned as secretary of defense one day before last fall's elections. — Он ушел в отставку с поста министра обороны за день до выборов прошлой осенью. Is he going to resign from the chairmanship? — Собирается ли он подавать в отставку с поста председателя? Синоним: quit, retire
вновь подписывать (часто from ) отказываться от должности ; слагать с себя обязанности to resign one's commission — воен. подать в отставку to resign from the Cabinet — выйти из (состава) правительства he has resigned (from) his post as Permanent Secretary — он ушел с поста постоянного секретаря
уйти в отставку he resigned — он ушел в отставку /на пенсию/ the Cabinet resigned — правительство подало в отставку
(обыкн. refl) предаваться (чему-л.) to resign oneself to sleep — погрузиться в сон to resign oneself to meditation — предаться размышлениям
definition: Suicide is the act of killing oneself.
example: Some people feel so sad that they think suicide is the only answer.
Extra definition
Intentionally kill oneself:
Extra example
Most of these people I believe are suiciding in advance of the time that they would rather take their own lives because they are afraid of losing the opportunity to take their own lives.
So, that's the good news and we're even learning more so that perhaps in the future we get better at predicting who's most vulnerable to going and suiciding.
We're not a deprived country, and yet why are so many young men suiciding?
самоубийство ; юр. тж. суицид attempted suicide — покушение на самоубийство to commit suicide — совершить самоубийство, покончить с собой ; покончить с собой ; совершить самоубийство suicide run — воен. жарг. вылет на опасное задание suicide stand — воен. безнадежное сопротивление to attempt suicide — совершить попытку самоубийства to contemplate suicide — раздумывать о самоубийстве Introducing a flat-rate tax would be political suicide. — Введение налога с единой ставкой было бы политическим самоубийством. physician-assisted suicide — эвтаназия The suicide rate among men between the ages of 16 and 25 has risen alarmingly. — Уровень самоубийств среди мужчин от 16 до 25 лет значительно вырос. Many suicides occur in prisons. — Много самоубийств совершается в тюрьмах. Синоним: self-murder, felo-de-se
самоубийца suicide pilot — камикадзе, летчик-смертник Синоним: self-murderer, felo-de-se
провал планов, крах надежд и т. п. по собственной вине political suicide — политическое самоубийство to commit social suicide — по своей вине потерять положение в обществе the program proved economic suicide — этот план привел (страну, фирму) к экономическому краху
суицид совершить самоубийство, покончить с собой (тж. to suicide oneself) she suicided at the age of 15 — она покончила с собой в 15 лет
дрожать , трястись to tremble with anger — дрожать от гнева to tremble from head to foot — дрожать с головы до ног to tremble like a leaf /like an aspen/, to tremble in every limb — дрожать, как осиновый лист he trembled at the sound of bursting bombs — он дрожал от звука разрывающихся бомб her whole body trembled — все ее тело била дрожь his hands trembled with overdrinking — у него с перепоя тряслись руки to tremble with impatience — дрожать от нетерпения The earth trembled. — Земля тряслась.
вибрировать his voice trembled with excitement — его голос дрожал от волнения
трепетать ; страшиться , опасаться to tremble at the thought — трепетать при мысли to tremble at the country's military might — трепетать перед военной мощью (этой) страны to tremble for smb. — опасаться за кого-л. I tremble to think what might have happened — меня бросает в дрожь при мысли о том, что могло бы случиться hear and tremble! — слушай и трепещи! to tremble for one's life — опасаться, дрожать за свою жизнь to tremble at the thought of smth. — трепетать при мысли о чем-л. Синоним: fear, dread
колыхаться , трепетать ; развеваться the leaves of the poplar tremble in the breeze — листья тополя колышутся на легком ветру flags trembled in the gale — флаги развевались по ветру
уст. говорить дрожащим голосом (тж. tremble out) to tremble (out) prayers — дрожащим голосом произносить молитвы
уст. вызывать трепет (у кого-л.) колебаться , дрожать (о земле, строении и т. п.) the cottage trembled — (весь) домик сотрясался the ship trembled to this blow — корабль отозвался дрожью на этот удар the bridge trembled — мост колебался /подрагивал/
трястись заставлять дрожать; колыхать , трясти дрожание , колебание , дрожь ; содрогание ; трепет all in /of/ a tremble, on the tremble — разг. дрожа, в сильном волнении there was a tremble in her voice — у нее дрожал голос to make smb. tremble — привести кого-л. в трепет Синоним: tremor, vibration, trembling, shiver
лежащий (под чем-л.) юр. преимущественный underlying right — преимущественное право
лежащий или расположенный внизу (чего-л.) расположенный под чем-л. фин. базовый ; базисный (об активе или финансовом потоке, который обеспечивает ценность другого актива или финансового потока) underlying security — базовая ценная бумага
фин. , преим. мн. базовый инструмент [актив] * (финансовый инструмент или товар, лежащий в основе фьючерсного или опционного контракта) Синоним: underlying asset
definition: To travel via something means to travel through or using something.
example: We arrived in the city from the airport via the train.
Extra definition
Travelling through (a place) en route to a destination:
By way of; through:
By means of:
Extra example
Tomorrow we are travelling home via Harrogate where we will call to see Daisy's other sister Janet.
The yacht will be taken to her destination via the Kiel Canal and a number of Baltic ports.
If the Congress is to rule on its own strength in times to come it must travel via Uttar Pradesh.
Around three out of every five mortgages are arranged via mortgage brokers.
Most of the policies were sold via mortgage brokers who recommended the firm to house purchasers.
If you're travelling via coach, then a refreshment hamper is packed into the hold.
These should be no more than 850 words and should be sent electronically via our website.
If the file is to large to send via email, you're left trying to find other ways to send it.
Messages can also be sent via email by completing an online form here.
через ; по маршруту через; с заходом в via London — через Лондон from Helsinki to London via Hamburg — из Хельсинки в Лондон с заходом в Гамбург (о судне)
путем , через посредство, с помощью ; посредством (чего-л.) to make one's views known via a magazine article — высказывать свои взгляды в журнальной статье I sent her a message via her sister — я передала ей записку через ее сестру Any deal would have to be concluded via contracts and attorneys. — Любую сделку нужно было организовывать при помощи контрактов и поверенных в делах. Синоним: by means of
сквозь путь via media — средний путь /курс/ Via Lactea — астр. Млечный путь ; галактика