definition: An alley is a narrow road behind houses or buildings.
example: The alley behind my house looks dirty.
Extra definition
A toy marble made of marble, alabaster, or glass.
Extra example
(right) up your ˈalley very suitable for you because it is something that you know a lot about or are very interested in
аллея ; дорожка (в саду, парке) shady alley — тенистая аллея He walked all night the alleys of his park. — Он бродил всю ночь по аллеям своего парка. It is up your alley. — Это по вашей части. Синоним: avenue, path
узкая улица , переулок (обыкн. в городских трущобах) ; проулок ; узкий переулок filthy alley — грязный переулок Синоним: street
кегельбан узкий проход между домами и т. п. спорт. коридор (на теннисной площадке) проход между противниками проход между рядами (в театре и т. п.) полигр. пропуск нескольких строк проход между рядами домов сущ.; = ally
definition: A bunch is a group of the same things.
example: She was hungry, so she ate the entire bunch of grapes.
Extra definition
Collect or fasten into a compact group:
Form or cause to form tight folds:
Form into a tight group or crowd:
(Of muscles) flex or bulge.
Extra example
The tribesmen were all bunched together in clumps, and they too seemed frenzied with excitement.
There are more than 1,500 passengers going through the international departure where flights are normally bunched together.
The three recent incidents cannot be bunched together to conclude that an irreversible rot has set in the police department.
Even when fully tucked, the shirt is bunched up - it essentially has to be gathered in in 2 places to be fully tucked.
It folded very thin, reminding her of the giant shawl from Turkey her aunt had, which could be bunched up and could still be threaded through the center of a wedding ring.
She's bunched up my sweater in front of her face and is smelling it, the oddest expression on her face.
Because the circuit is generally so slow and twisty, groups of cars tend to bunch up into tight packs and you have to guard against wiping off your nose section on somebody else's rear wheel.
The heat this year won't have helped, not least because this is a hot and very crowded run at the best of times, with no escaping the sun or the other runners, who bunch up around you.
Why do people feel the need to bunch up at the front?
His horse shifted its weight apprehensively, its muscles bunching and smoothing beneath the saddle, causing the leather to creak ever so slightly.
He sprints away again, muscles bunching under the glossy black coat, working off an energy that she is denied.
I felt muscles bunch in a surge of anger and took a deep breath.
the best of a bad ˈbunch ( British English also the best of a bad ˈlot ) a person or thing that is a little better than the rest of a group, although none are very good
the best/pick of the ˈbunch the best out of a group of people or things
связка ; пучок ; пачка a bunch of flowers — букетик цветов a bunch of grapes — кисть /гроздь/ винограда a bunch of keys — связка ключей a bunch of fives — сл. пятерня, кулак bunch of keys — связка ключей bunch of grapes — кисть, гроздь винограда Grapes with bunches red as blood. — Кроваво-красные гроздья винограда. bunch of fives — разг. пятерня, рука, кулак
разг. группа , компания he is the best of the bunch — он лучший среди них a bunch of thieves — шайка воров He is the best of the bunch. — Он лучший из них.
амер. разг. стадо физ. группа , сгусток (ускоряемых частиц) спорт. группа (велосипедистов) leading bunch — головная группа (велосипедистов)
множество he's got a bunch of relatives — у него куча родственников
горн. гнездо , скопление руды текст. низок или гнездо початка уст. опухоль букет (цветов) собирать в пучки, пачки; связывать ; делать пачки Don't bunch the flowers up so tightly, you'll spoil them. — Не завязывай цветы так туго, ты их испортишь.
собирать в сборки (платье) уст. образовывать пучки, гроздья амер. разг. сгонять стадо (обыкн. bunch out) выступать , образовывать выпуклость пропускать поезда пачками = bunch up сбиваться в кучу The singers bunched up to make room for one more. — Вокалисты потеснились, чтобы дать место еще одному человеку.
definition: A chore is a job t hat you have to do but don’t like.
example: It’s Nikki’s chore to do the dis hes every Tuesday and Wednesday night.
Extra definition
A routine task, especially a household one:
A tedious but necessary task:
Extra example
Girls as young as four and five are expected to help with household chores and to care for their younger siblings.
Geraldine was doing her home chores when the phone rang for her Evening Press interview.
By the time I get up, do the usual daily chores and get everyone fed it'll be time to go to work.
Too many of them were standing around as though fielding were merely a tedious chore to be undertaken before you got your turn at bat.
For me, it's so much more of a chore or a necessity than a pleasure.
This seems strange to some, but why should we not make something fun out of a necessary chore?
task, job, duty, errand, thing to be done, burden;
(chores) work, domestic work, drudgery
трудное задание, неприятная работа chore man — поденный работник chore work — поденная работа; урочная работа, определенная норма (работы) I don't see the cleaning and cooking as a chore at all. — Я вовсе не считаю уборку и приготовление пищи неприятной работой. Синонимы: task, labour, toil, headache , ball-breaker
поденная работа чаще pl работа по дому, уборка и т. п. daily chores — повседневные домашние дела ; готовка и уборка his chore is washing the dishes — его обязанность - мытье посуды Should my kids do chores? — Должны ли мои дети выполнять работу по дому?
подсобная работа на ферме тяжелая или неприятная задача she found housekeeping quite a chore — ведение домашнего хозяйства показалось ей делом неприятным it's such a chore to do the shopping every day — ходить каждый день за покупками - это просто каторга
рутинная работа The Ministry of Education hopes to free the teachers from some of their chores. — Министерство образования надеется освободить учителей от некоторых их рутинных обязанностей. Синоним: char, assignment, stint, job, task
обычно chores; = household chores повседневная работа по дому, по хозяйству Синоним: duty, assignment
обычно мн. рутинная работа; ежедневные обязанности, ежедневная [повседневная] работа (особенно работа по дому (напр., уборка) или в подсобном хозяйстве)
definition: When something is decent, it is OK or good enough.
example: Eric did a decent job painting the fence.
Extra definition
Conforming with generally accepted standards of respectable or moral behaviour:
Appropriate; fitting:
Not likely to shock or embarrass others:
Sufficiently clothed to see visitors:
Of an acceptable standard; satisfactory:
Kind, obliging, or generous:
Extra example
Since then thousands of youngsters have learned good manners, decent behaviour and mutual respect, all through the seemingly anachronistic art of ballroom dancing.
We could help to maintain decent moral standards in advertising, by using our own purchasing power ethically.
We should be here in the House to establish decent standards of behaviour in our society.
One source told Hersh that ‘after a decent interval,’ he would depart.
Some 19 months later, time enough for five or six decent intervals, Tenet still holds the job and appears to have job security, too.
Then came the main courses - served after a decent interval to allow some digesting and conversation to take place before studious consumption resumed.
I also wondered why a manufacturer would make an otherwise decent dress too sheer so everyone can have a perve at your undies if you wear it.
From the sounds downstairs, my mother was trying to recover from last night's hangover and put on a decent dress for her daughters' weddings.
She got out of bed and changed into a decent dress of woolspun.
Over the weekend I tend to wander around in my pyjamas, contact lenses not yet inserted, until after breakfast, before attempting to dress and get decent.
Now go get yourself decent, I'll call a cab
‘Lyn are you there?’ Andrea said knocking. ‘Are you decent?’
As always I struck up a conversation with the barista, commenting it had been three days since I'd had a decent cup of coffee.
The text is a decent size; leading satisfactory; and it's longish - nearly 400 pages - but not too long.
They were both pretty ordinary, lived normal lives, made satisfactory grades and were decent looking.
Cash also plays its part in managerial success, but the £5m that Moyes has been given to spend represents no more than a down payment on a decent Premiership player.
Somehow, the York players transformed themselves into what we all know they have the potential to be - decent rugby players.
A person who loves watching movies can never be alone when they have a decent VHS or DVD player.
Frank has always been approachable, a very honest, decent, generous man, with a great sense of humour too.
Lots of Tories hold a strange affection to the ageing leftie, and when I read the last volume of his diaries he came across as a very decent, generous fellow.
So let no-one say British people aren't decent, aren't generous.
satisfactory, reasonable, fair, acceptable, adequate, sufficient, sufficiently good, good enough, ample, up to scratch, up to the mark, up to standard, up to par, competent, not bad, all right, average, tolerable, passable, suitable
to do the decent ˈthing to do what people or society expect, especially in a difficult situation
приличный , порядочный ; благопристойный , скромный ; сдержанный decent conduct — благопристойное /хорошее/ поведение decent people — добропорядочные люди decent conditions — приличные условия decent marks — хорошие отметки decent family — хорошая семья a decent sort of man — порядочный человек a decent suit of clothes — приличный костюм to look decent — выглядеть вполне прилично to do the decent thing by smb. — поступить порядочно по отношению к кому-л. ; загладить свою вину перед кем-л. to do the decent thing — проявить порядочность She had a decent upbringing. — Она была хорошо воспитана. Синоним: modest, frugal
скромный , пристойный decent in conversation — сдержанный в выражениях Синоним: appropriate, apt, moral
разг. славный , хороший ; неплохой , сносный decent house — славный домик awfully decent of you — очень мило с вашей стороны he writes decent English — он вполне прилично пишет по-английски the wine is quite decent — вино вполне приличное the food is decent enough — еда сносная, есть можно decent restaurant — приличный ресторан
порядочный , достаточный , изрядный decent fortune — изрядное состояние decent income — вполне достаточный доход
example: He felt a sense of disgrace after failing his big exam.
Extra definition
Bring shame or discredit on:
Cause (someone) to fall from favour or a position of power or honour:
Extra example
‘I do not intend to disgrace myself at the end of my career,’ he said.
Tomorrow begins with a nine o'clock class, so I hope I shan't disgrace myself, time-wise, there.
She didn't disgrace herself and managed to keep with them for much of the race only to fade slightly at the end.
We see it regularly now when prominent figures fall foul of the law or when disgraced business leaders transgress the code and pay the price.
He was disgraced in 1999 after he tested positive for drugs at the Pan-American games.
Two disgraced employees recount how their lives were ruined when they stole from their employers.
bring shame on, shame, dishonour, discredit, bring into disrepute, degrade, debase, defame, stigmatize, taint, sully, tarnish, besmirch, stain, blacken, drag through the mud/mire, give a bad name to, put in a bad light, reflect badly on
humiliate, mortify, embarrass, cause to lose face, chasten, humble, demean, put someone in their place, take down a peg or two, cut down to size, show up
North American informal make someone eat crow
позор , бесчестье ; унижение to bring disgrace upon smb., to bring smb. into disgrace — навлечь позор на кого-л. you are a disgrace to your family — ты позоришь семью these slums are a disgrace to the town — эти трущобы - позор города there is no disgrace in doing that — в этом нет ничего позорного, этого нечего стыдиться deep disgrace — несмываемый позор public disgrace — общественное порицание to suffer disgrace — опозориться Синоним: shame
немилость ; отсутствие расположения, доброго отношения; опала to be in disgrace — быть в немилости /в опале/ to fall into disgrace (with smb.) — впасть в немилость (у кого-л.) Синоним: disfavour
позорить , бесчестить , пятнать ; дискредитировать ; компрометировать to disgrace one's name — запятнать свою репутацию ; опорочить себя habits which disgrace a man — привычки, недостойные человека Синоним: dishonour, discredit Антоним: compliment, exalt, praise, raise, respect
лишать расположения; накладывать опалу воен. разжаловать to disgrace an officer — разжаловать офицера
definition: The elbow is the middle part of a person’s arm that lets you bend it.
example: She pointed to her elbow to show me where she hurt hers elf.
Extra definition
Push or strike (someone) with one’s elbow:
Move by pushing past people with one’s elbows:
Treat (a person or idea) dismissively:
Extra example
But by 6 pm, invaders had already taken over the band, jostling, pushing and elbowing anyone in their path, forcing reluctant revelers to the sides of the road.
The second his back was on me, I elbowed him hard and pushed him towards the other guy, who had slowly stood up.
Players are elbowing opponents and get one match ban, it is quite amazing.
She took the bowl of chips and elbowed past us to the parlor.
Ian elbowed past him silently and went upstairs.
Three suitors elbowed past Derick, but he was concentrating so hard on the scenery that he hardly noticed.
The play is set at a time when an indulgent old order was elbowed aside by brash, pragmatic modernisers, a process so widely witnessed in the past century that it has always seemed relevant.
The classics have gradually been elbowed aside in favour of more unusual music: Villa Lobos last spring, for example, and an all - American programme just before it.
The current chairman, a businessman and former police commissioner, is said to have been elbowed aside by Reilly.
get the ˈelbow to be told by somebody that they no longer want to have a relationship with you; to be told to go away
give somebody the ˈelbow to tell somebody that you no longer want to have a relationship with them; to tell somebody to go away
more power to somebody’s ˈelbow used to express support or encouragement for somebody to do something
not know your ˌarse from your ˈelbow to be very stupid or completely lacking in skill
rub ˈshoulders with somebody ( North American English also rub ˈelbows with somebody ) to meet and spend time with a famous person, socially or as part of your job
локоть elbow bone — локтевая кость to lean one's elbow — облокотиться to raise oneself upon an elbow — приподняться на локте at one's elbow — под рукой, рядом he has assistants at his elbow — помощники всегда с ним (рядом) to bend / crook / lift the elbow — разг. выпить, принять на грудь to rub elbows with smb. — якшаться с кем-л. up to the elbows in work — по горло в работе at one's elbow — под рукой; рядом; поблизости tennis elbow — "теннисный" локоть (воспаление суставной капсулы локтевого сустава, вызванное игрой в теннис)
( резкий ) изгиб , поворот (дороги, реки) тех. прямое колено трубы патрубок (коленчатый) pl рожки (макаронные) рожок (макаронное изделие) крутой изгиб (дороги, реки) толкать локтем; толкаться локтями ; пихаться прям. и перен. to elbow one's way through the crowd — протискиваться сквозь толпу, прокладывать себе дорогу в толпе That rude man elbowed me aside and got on the bus ahead of me! — Этот мужлан оттолкнул меня и пролез в автобус передо мной. She elbows her way into the best social circles. — Она пытается пробиться в высшие слои общества.
толкать ; сталкивать ; выталкивать to elbow people aside — отталкивать людей the small farmers have been gradually elbowed out of their holdings — мелких фермеров постепенно сгоняют с их земель
проталкиваться , протискиваться , пробираться (через толпу) to elbow up to counters — пробиваться к прилавкам to elbow one's way out — выбираться (откуда-л.) , расталкивая других to elbow one's way in /into, through/ — пробираться куда-л., расталкивая других ; работать локтями
( in , into ) проникать , втираться he elbowed his way into society — он втерся в высшее общество he'll elbow his way in wherever he wishes to go — он пробьет себе дорогу куда угодно, не считаясь ни с чем
изгибаться , делать зигзаг или крутой поворот (о реке, дороге) толкать локтями, пихать
definition: When you are grateful for something, you are happy that it happened.
example: The girls were grateful to have a chance to spend time with their grandfather.
Extra definition
Feeling or showing an appreciation for something done or received:
Received or experienced with gratitude; welcome:
Extra example
I know some of you have made heroic efforts to get here, and we are very grateful and appreciative of that.
To be offered a treat such as freshly baked shortbread is sure to raise a grateful smile.
She is also very appreciative of what you do for her and is grateful for my interest.
And who is there, therefore, to whom, if prepared for heaven, the grave would not be a place of calm and grateful rest?
After a much needed and grateful rest the Saints resumed their journey in the spring of 1854, arriving in Utah in October of that year.
A short walk of perhaps a hundred yards beneath the grateful shade of wide-spreading mulberry trees covered with fruit and bearing in their branches numberless gaudy-hued, twittering songsters, brought one to the hotel.
thankful, filled with gratitude, appreciative;
indebted, obliged, obligated, under obligation, in your debt, beholden
благодарный ; признательный grateful heart — благодарное сердце to be grateful to smb. for encouraging words — быть благодарным /признательным/ кому-л. за ободряющие слова he was grateful that his mother hadn't heard — слава богу, мать ничего не слышала I am grateful to you for your help. — Благодарю тебя за помощь. Синоним: gratifying, thankful Антоним: indifferent, ungrateful
выражающий благодарность; благодарственный grateful letter — благодарственное письмо grateful glance — благодарный взгляд grateful tears — слезы благодарности /признательности/ in grateful ecstasy — в порыве благодарности
example: She was irritated when her brother told her that he had lost her camera.
Extra definition
Make (someone) annoyed or a little angry:
Cause inflammation or other discomfort in (a part of the body):
Stimulate (an organism, cell, or organ) to produce an active response.
Extra example
Later that evening, Jenny remarked that she was irritated with Sara.
Ryan asked, but Meg could tell he wasn't irritated; his tone was teasingly amiable.
The situation was made worse when Jason made a remark that had irritated her.
The top of the femoral canal may be reinforced by a mesh made of a synthetic material that does not irritate the body.
Without the protection of the eyelid, the inside of the eyelid and the surface of your eye may become dry, irritated and inflamed.
Every single square inch of your body is irritated.
The implanted electrodes may irritate the snake to such an extent that it may never reach basal condition.
annoy, vex, make angry, make cross, anger, exasperate, bother, irk, gall, pique, put out, displease, get/put someone's back up, antagonize, get on someone's nerves, rub up the wrong way, try someone's patience, ruffle, ruffle someone's feathers, make someone's hackles rise, raise someone's hackles;
enrage, infuriate, madden, incense, make someone's blood boil, drive to distraction, goad, provoke
informal aggravate, peeve, hassle, miff, rile, nettle, needle, get, get to, bug, hack off, get under someone's skin, get in someone's hair, get up someone's nose, put someone's nose out of joint, get someone's goat, give someone the hump, rattle someone's cage, get someone's dander up, drive mad/crazy, drive round the bend/twist, drive up the wall, drive bananas, make someone see red
возмущать , раздражать , сердить he was irritated by the delay — задержка раздражала его /вызывала у него раздражение/ He did not wish to irritate the enemy. — Он не хотел сердить противника. Синоним: provoke, vex
мед. вызывать раздражение, воспаление the thick smoke irritated my eyes — от густого дыма у меня воспалились глаза
физиол. наносить раздражение, раздражать a muscle contracts when it is irritated by electricity — под воздействием электричества мышца сокращается
делать недействительным , аннулировать A testament has been irritated. — Завещание было признано недействительным. Синоним: unsettle, defeat
definition: To kid is to make a joke to make someone believe something which is not true.
example: I am not really mad. I was kidding when I said I was angry.
Extra definition
A small wooden tub, especially a sailor’s mess tub for grog or rations.
Extra example
handle/treat, etc. somebody with kid ˈgloves to deal with somebody in a very careful way so that you do not offend or upset them
ˈkids’ stuff ( British English ) ( North American English ˈkid stuff ) something that is so easy to do or understand that it is thought to be not very serious or only suitable for children
a/the ˌnew kid on the ˈblock a person who is new to a place, an organization, etc.
used to show that you are very surprised at something that somebody has just said
козленок лайка (кожа) gloves of kid — лайковые перчатки
pl амер. лайковые перчатки разг. малыш , ребенок , дитя slum kids — дети трущоб wife and kids — жена и ребятишки a film for school kids — фильм для школьников They're just kids. — Они просто дети.
амер. юноша , парень college kids — студенческая молодежь I'll tell you what I'll do with you, kid. — Я скажу тебе, парень, что я с тобой сделаю.
козлятина шевро амер. детка , крошка (в обращении, обыкн. к девушкам) амер. сл. крошка (перед именем молодого боксера) Kid Bill — крошка Билл
(the Kid) воен. жарг. второй пилот (the Kids, the Kid) две маленьких звезды в созвездии Возничего надувательство , блеф it was all a kid — это был розыгрыш /чистый блеф/
мясо молодого козленка ребенок , отпрыск (любого пола и возраста) They were able to send their kids to college. — Они смогли отправить своих детей в колледж. Синоним: child
амер.; разг. молодой человек ; малышка (в обращении к девушке) ягниться разыгрывать , дурачить (кого-л.) ; дразнить (тж. kid around) it is the truth, I wouldn't kid you — это правда, я бы не стал вам втирать очки I thought he was kidding at first — сперва я думал, что он меня дурачит don't kid around with me — не морочь мне голову to kid smb. into smth. /into doing smth./ — обманом заставить кого-л. сделать что-л.
подшучивать (над кем-л.) ; дразнить (кого-л.) no kid? — ты не шутишь?, это серьезно? she is always kidded about her accent — над ее акцентом постоянно шутят
младший kid sister — младшая сестренка ; младшая сестра
детский , ребяческий ; пригодный для детей kid stuff — пренебр. что-л. годное только для детей (о книге, занятии и т. п.) ; пренебр. «детские игрушки», легкое, простое дело ; ≅ и ребенок справится
definition: When something is loose, it is not held in place well.
example: The bolt was loose, so I tightened it with the wrench.
Extra definition
Set free; release:
Make (something) loose; untie or undo:
Relax (one’s grip):
Fire (a bullet, arrow, etc.):
Extra example
Then about 150 years ago the glacial dam burst, loosing a 100-foot, landscape-scouring wave that wiped out entire villages.
At the end of the millennial reign, Satan will be loosed and a massive rebellion against the kingdom and a fierce assault against Christ and His saints will occur.
The prime minister is afraid that his protestations will be lost in the synthetic public outrage that is being loosed by the Eurosceptic media.
Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?
At Epsilon's signal, the mercenaries unceremoniously dumped their load at Darkstorm's feet and loosed the ropes that kept it bound.
Just as he had loosed the compass from its rope, the sea gave a mighty heave and tossed the compass from his grip.
He relaxed, and Lea loosed her grip, but again didn't release him.
I was actually beginning to think that we were having a romantic moment when he suddenly loosed his grip on me.
Mira watched in shock as his grip loosed, and he slid noiselessly to the floor, his mouth open in a surprised ‘oh’.
You can see why Rummy would want to loose off a little cannon fire at anybody who wrote this up.
Visually striking and intriguing in concept, the link gun also takes its name from its secondary fire mode, which encourages the player to loose off a stream of fire towards a similarly armed team mate.
Sarah peeked over, spotting quickly to loose off another arrow before she was sniped off.
free, set free, unloose, turn loose, set loose, let loose, let go, release, liberate;
fire, discharge, shoot, eject, catapult, let go, let fly with
all ˈhell broke loose suddenly there was a lot of noise, arguing, fighting or confusion
break/cut/tear (somebody/something) ˈloose from somebody/something to separate yourself or somebody/something from a group of people or their influence, etc.
hang/stay ˈloose to remain calm; to not worry
have a loose ˈtongue to talk too much, especially about things that are private
have a ˈscrew loose to be slightly strange in your behaviour
let ˈloose ( British English ) ( North American English cut ˈloose ) to do something or to happen in a way that is not controlled
let ˈloose something to make a noise or remark, especially in a loud or sudden way
play fast and ˈloose (with somebody/something) to treat somebody/something in a way that shows that you feel no responsibility or respect for them
on the ˈloose having escaped from somewhere; free
(adj.) неплотно соединенный, разболтанный , свободный to let loose — выпускать, освобождать ; children let loose from school - дети, отпущенные из школы ; давать волю (воображению, чувству и т. п.) ; выпускать to let loose one's indignation — дать волю своему негодованию, открыто выразить свой гнев to let loose at smb. — набрасываться на кого-л. с руганью to let a dog loose on smb. — спустить /натравить/ на кого-л. собаку to get /to break/ loose — вырваться на свободу ; сорваться с цепи he got one hand loose — он высвободил одну руку to cut loose — оторваться ; сбежать ; to cut loose from one's family - бросить семью ; уйти из семьи ; разойтись, дать себе волю after the first game he cut loose and won the match easily — после первого гейма он разошелся и легко выиграл встречу the dog is too dangerous to be left loose — эту собаку слишком опасно оставлять непривязанной to get loose — сбежать The dog ran loose in the yard. — Собака свободно бегала по двору. loose bowels — склонность к поносу to sit loose to smth. — не проявлять интереса к чему-л. to have one's feet loose — быть легким на подъем at a loose end, at loose ends амер. — без определенной работы, без занятий, без дела They roamed the streets at a loose end. — Они болтались по улицам без дела.
несвязанный ; неупакованный loose goods — развесные товары loose flowers — отдельные цветы (не в букете) to carry one's small change loose in one's pocket — носить мелкие деньги прямо в кармане (не в кошельке) to buy sweets loose — покупать конфеты на вес или поштучно The loose papers blew off the desk. — Свободно лежащие бумаги сдуло со стола. Синоним: unbound, untied, free, unfettered, unattached, unconnected
неприлегающий, широкий loose clothes — широкая /просторная/ одежда loose coat — свободное пальто без пояса Синоним: loose-fitting
незакрепленный ; ненатянутый ; болтающийся ; шатающийся ; плохо прикрепленный loose end — незакрепленный /свободный/ конец (каната, троса и т. п.) ; свободный конец (веревки, троса) loose tooth — шатающийся зуб loose nail — расшатавшийся гвоздь loose window — окно, в которое дует ; дребезжащее окно loose joint — мед. болтающийся сустав loose thread — висящая нитка loose cheeks — обвислые щеки loose knot — слабый узел loose masonry — сухая кладка (без раствора) loose dye — непрочная окраска loose part — отдельная деталь ; запасная часть ; незатянутая деталь to come loose — развязаться ; открепиться, отделиться ; открепиться some of the pages have come loose — некоторые страницы оторвались she wears her hair loose — она не подбирает волосы /ходит с распущенными волосами/ the button is loose — пуговица болтается /вот-вот оторвется/ Her hair hung loose to her shoulders. — Ее волосы свободно падали на плечи. Some of the pages have come loose. — Некоторые страницы оторвались.
неопределенный ; неточный ; расплывчатый ; слишком общий loose translation — вольный перевод ; приблизительный перевод ; вольный перевод / небрежный, неточный перевод loose calculations — неточные /приблизительные/ расчеты loose construction — расширительное толкование (закона) loose statement — расплывчатое заявление loose meaning of the word — широкий смысл слова loose thinker — слабый мыслитель loose style — небрежный стиль ; раскованность слога Her logic is too loose to make much sense. — Ее рассуждение носит слишком общий характер, чтобы иметь какой-то глубокий смысл. Синоним: inexact, imprecise, inaccurate, vague
распущенный , безнравственный ; распутный , развратный loose conduct — распущенность loose woman — безнравственная женщина to lead a loose life — вести беспутную жизнь Years of loose living made him soft. — Годы беспутной жизни подорвали его здоровье. Синоним: wanton, profligate, abandoned, dissipated, wild, fast, dissolute, licentious, immoral, libertine, lewd, unbridled, unconstrained, unchaste
неплотный ; рыхлый ; редкий loose fabric — неплотная ткань loose soil — рыхлая почва loose rocks — геол. слабо сцементированные породы loose handwriting — размашистый почерк in loose order — воен. в расчлененном строю
тех. холостой loose running — холостой ход
хим. свободный , несвязанный несдержанный loose bowels — понос loose tongue — болтливость to have a loose tongue — не уметь держать язык за зубами ; болтать лишнее
лингв. несвязанный (об элементах синтаксической структуры) сыпучий освобождать , выпускать to loose one's hold — выпустить из рук, отпустить Loosing off his last arrow, the hunter prayed that the deer would fall. — Выпуская последнюю стрелу, охотник молился о том, чтобы олень упал.
давать волю , выход (чему-л.) his tongue was loosed by drink — вино развязало ему язык to loose hatred upon smb. — выплеснуть ненависть (на кого-л.) Синоним: emit
освобождать (от обязательства) ; прощать (долг и т. п.) Синоним: free, release, liberate, unchain, unleash
распускать (волосы) поэт. развязывать ; ослаблять (пояс и т. п.) to loose a knot — развязать узел ; ослабить узел to loose the fetters — развязать путы ; образн. разбить оковы They loosed the prisoners' bonds and set them free. — Они развязали веревки, связывавшие руки заключенных, и выпустили их. Синоним: untie, unbind, unfasten, loosen, undo
откреплять ; отвязывать (лодку, веревку) поэт. сломать (печать) пускать , выпускать (стрелу) ; выстрелить мор. отдавать (снасть) to loose sails — отдавать паруса to loose for sea — разг. сниматься с якоря
спускать с цепи , выпускать из клетки Синоним: free, release, liberate, unchain, unleash
рел. отпускать грехи шотл.; юр. отменять приказ об аресте уст. заканчиваться (о работе, занятиях) He hears this song every day when the school looses. — Он слышит эту песенку каждый день, когда заканчиваются занятия в школе.
отпускать свободный выход; открытое проявление to give (a) loose to one's tongue — дать волю языку: развязать язык to give (a) loose to one's feelings — дать волю /выход/ своим чувствам
выпускание стрелы из лука (в процессе выстрела) A very small defect in the archer's gear will materially affect the smoothness of the loose. — Даже самая маленькая неполадка в снаряжении лучника повлияет на плавность выстрела.
выход , проявление (чувств) She gave a loose to her tears. — Она дала волю слезам.
definition: To offend someone means to make them angry or upset.
example: They were both offended by what they had said to each other.
Extra definition
Cause to feel upset, annoyed, or resentful:
Be displeasing or cause problems to:
Commit an illegal act:
Break a commonly accepted rule or principle:
Extra example
We too have strong convictions, we too can be offended, insulted and annoyed, and we have to say we're not going to put up with it.
If it was any other person, I would have been offended and annoyed that someone should try and exert such force over me.
I appreciate that this is a very emotive and difficult subject to discuss openly, and I therefore apologise unreservedly if any part of my opinion has upset or offended you.
Food allergies are untreatable, and people with these allergies must avoid offending foods, which can be impossible.
Call me rigidly European, but it offends my sense of food order.
He concluded that 52 per cent of sufferers had reported a significant reduction of their symptoms after changing their diet to remove offending foods from their diets.
I'm very confident that we are making a big difference these days into the lives of young people who are likely to commit crimes and to offend.
In many cases where young boys sexually offend there was a family history of emotional, sexual and physical abuse.
The project has been introduced to help police solve crimes and deter criminals from further offending.
They are laws which offend against the principle of autonomy and they are laws which place both doctors and patients at risk.
There are occasions when closed courts can be justified, although they offend against the principle that justice must be seen to be done.
Evidence so admitted does not offend against the general rule.
hurt someone's feelings, give offence to, affront, upset, displease, distress, hurt, wound, pain, injure, be an affront to, get/put someone's back up, disgruntle, put out, annoy, anger, exasperate, irritate, vex, pique, gall, irk, provoke, rankle with, nettle, needle, peeve, tread on someone's toes, ruffle, ruffle someone's feathers, rub up the wrong way, make someone's hackles rise, insult, humiliate, embarrass, mortify, scandalize, shock, outrage, spite
informal rile, miff, rattle, aggravate, put someone's nose out of joint, get up someone's nose, get under someone's skin, hack off, get someone's goat, get to, bug
British informal nark, get on someone's wick
displease, be displeasing to, be distasteful to, be disagreeable to, be offensive to, cause offence to, upset, put off, disgust, repel, revolt, be repugnant to, repulse, turn someone's stomach, sicken, nauseate, make sick, make someone's gorge rise
informal turn off
North American informal gross out
break the law, commit a crime, do wrong, sin, go astray, fall from grace, err, transgress
archaic trespass
обижать , оскорблять to be offended at /by/ smb.'s words — обижаться на чьи-л. слова I'm sorry if I've offended you — простите, если я вас обидел even the mildest criticism offends her — даже самые незначительные замечания воспринимаются ею с обидой
вызывать , причинять боль ; действовать на нервы, раздражать he took off his shoes and removed the pebble that offended him — он снял ботинок и вытащил камешек, который мешал ходить it offends my ears to hear that — мне больно это слышать Синоним: vex, annoy, displease, anger
библ. сбивать с пути истинного , соблазнять whoever shall offend one of these little ones — и если кто соблазнит одного из малых сих
оскорблять , вызывать раздражение, отвращение to offend the eye — оскорблять зрение to offend one's sense of justice — оскорблять чье-л. чувство справедливости
нарушать (что-л.) ; погрешить (против чего-л.) to offend against custom — нарушить обычай in what way have I offended? — что я сделал дурного?, в чем я провинился?
(обыкн. against ) юр. совершить проступок, преступление to offend against the law — нарушать закон, идти против закона
служить камнем преткновения (offend against) действовать против чего-л ; нарушить что-л. Синоним: transgress
ночной , продолжающийся всю ночь; происходящий ночью an overnight stop in Paris — остановка на ночь в Париже an overnight flight — ночной рейс
предназначенный для использования ночью an overnight pass — пропуск на одну ночь an overnight bag — сумка с ночными принадлежностями
происходивший накануне вечером или ночью overnight conversation — разговор накануне вечером
продолжавшийся всю ночь overnight journey — ночное путешествие
(планируемы) на одну ночь an overnight stop — остановка на ночь
предназначенный для короткой поездки an overnight bag — самые необходимые вещи для короткого путешествия
действительный в течение одной ночи происшедший внезапно, вдруг an overnight success — мгновенный успех there had been an overnight change of plans — за ночь планы полностью изменились
внезапный , мгновенный The book was an overnight success. — Книга имела мгновенный успех.
случившийся ночью фин. , банк. , бирж. овернайт (о кредитных, депозитных и иных подобных операциях, при которых денежные средства одного лица заимствуются другим лицом в конце дня и подлежат возврату на начало следующего дня; также о сами средствах, заимствованных на таких условиях) накануне вечером to make preparations overnight — готовиться накануне
с вечера (и всю ночь); всю ночь to stay overnight — ночевать the produce arrives overnight — продукция поступает всю ночь /круглосуточно/
быстро , мгновенно , сразу же; неожиданно , вдруг he rose to international fame almost overnight — он приобрел мировую славу почти мгновенно the weather has changed overnight — погода за ночь изменилась change will not come overnight — перемены (к лучшему) не происходят сразу Cities sprang up overnight. — Города возникли очень быстро. She became a star overnight. — Она мгновенно стала звездой. ; Она неожиданно стала звездой.
на ночь to stay overnight — ночевать, оставаться на ночь to overnight at a hotel — провести ночь в отеле
скоро предыдущий вечер разг. остановка на одну ночь; пребывание в течение одной ночи (где-л.) разг. человек , который останавливается на одну ночь разг. пассажир , прибывающий в ночное время разг. самолет , поезд , прибывающий в ночное время преим. амер. предыдущий вечер соц. опрос за ночь * , мгновенный опрос (опрос, проведенный за один день, результаты которого оглашают на следующий день; такой национальный опрос обычно имеет выборку до 1200 респондентов; проводится обычно с целью узнать реакцию на какое-л. событие, напр., президентские дебаты и т. д.) Синоним: flash poll, spot survey
ночевать , оставаться на ночь to overnight at a hotel — провести ночь /заночевать/ в гостинице stay overnight — ночевать
definition: To persist means to keep doing something even when it is hard.
example: Even though the lesson was difficult, he persisted until he understood.
Extra definition
Continue in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition:
Continue to exist; be prolonged:
Extra example
He retreated to the ground and did not continue to persist in creating hostile assaults.
The main effort should focus on finding a solution to the conflict, rather than persisting with the current situation of conflict management.
But the BCC and the police are firm about persisting with the system.
After the operation his symptoms persisted and got worse, leaving him in such pain that he had to be prescribed morphine.
O'Connor said the symptoms usually persist for a few days and then ease up.
It says on the packet to consult your doctor if symptoms persist for more than seven days.
persevere, continue, carry on, go on, keep at it, keep on, keep going, keep it up, not give up, be persistent, be determined, see/follow something through, show determination, press on/ahead, plod on, plough on, stay with something, not take no for an answer;
be tenacious, be pertinacious, insist, be patient, be diligent, stand one's ground, stand fast/firm, hold on, hold out, go the distance, stay the course, grind away, struggle on, hammer away, stop at nothing, leave no stone unturned
informal plug away, peg away, stick at it, soldier on, hang on, stick to one's guns, stick it out, hang in there, bash on
continue, hold, carry on, last, keep on, keep up, remain, linger, stay, endure, survive
( in , with ) упорствовать ; настойчиво продолжать (что-л.) ; настойчиво ; упорно продолжать he persisted in working at his experiment — несмотря ни на что, он упорно продолжал свой эксперимент to persist in one's statement /in one's opinion/ — упорно стоять на своем /отстаивать свое мнение/ to persist with one's policies — упорно проводить свою политику he is a good man, she persisted — она настаивала, что он хороший человек he persisted in his opinion — он упорно стоял на своем If this behaviour is persisted in it could lead to serious trouble. — Если и дальше так себя вести, это может плохо кончиться. Why do you persist in interrupting me when I have repeatedly asked you to stop? — Почему вы все время меня прерываете, хотя я несколько раз просил вас этого не делать?
оставаться , продолжать существовать , сохраняться ; удерживаться ; устоять the tendency still persists — эта тенденция все еще существует the recession will persist much longer — спад будет продолжаться значительно дольше childish traits which persist in adults — черты /повадки/, сохранившиеся с детства The tendency still persists. — Эта тенденция все еще сохраняется. The pain persisted until the morning. — Боль продолжалась до утра. Синоним: continue, endure, last, survive, weather Антоним: collapse, die, fade, fail
definition: A pine is a type of tree that is tall and thin.
example: There were many beautiful pine trees in the forest.
Extra definition
Suffer a mental and physical decline, especially because of a broken heart:
Miss or long for:
Extra example
He was actually worrying and pining in his heart, but he could not say anything.
Surely the Phantom suffered through worse all those hours pining after that lovely chorus girl.
Not just in a figure of speech kind of way, but genuinely in love - jittery in its presence, pining during its absence, utterly fulfilled and completed during the time you spend with it?
Once this happens, our bodies will no longer crave toxins and my pining for chicken popcorn will fade.
The first semester was okay, but after Christmas I started to pine for home, wishing I was closer, that I could just be there.
His children, who are pining for their father, are being cared for by relatives and told that their father is away working hard to raise case to take them to Disneyland Paris.
languish, decline, go into a decline, lose strength, weaken, waste away, dwindle, wilt, wither, fade, flag, sicken, droop, brood, mope, moon
archaic peak
бот. сосна (Pinus) разг. см. pineapple сосновая древесина обыкн. поэт. изделие из сосновой древесины древесина сосны поэт. что-л. сделанное из сосны (мачта, корабль и т. п.) чахнуть , томиться , изнывать , иссыхать , изнемогать (тж. pine away) to pine (away) with hunger — изнывать от голода to pine with grief — иссыхать от горя to pine away to skin and bone — ≅ остались кожа да кости abandoned by her lover she pined away — она увяла /зачахла/, покинутая любимым Grace missed him so badly that she almost pined away to nothing. — Грейс так тосковала по нему, что совсем зачахла.
( for , after ) жаждать (чего-л.) , тосковать (по чему-л.) to pine after smb. to see — жаждать увидеть кого-л. he is pining for home — он тоскует по дому /родине/ The boy has been pining over his dead dog for more than a week now. — Мальчик вот уже больше недели тоскует из-за смерти своей любимой собаки. Синоним: yearn
усыхать to use timber after pining — использовать древесину после сушки Синоним: shrink
жаловаться , сетовать they were moaning and pining — они сетовали и стонали
арх. оплакивать to pine a loss — оплакивать потерю
сосновый pine land — амер. район, поросший сосновым лесом
definition: A scar is a mark on the skin after a wound heals.
example: The monster had horrible scars on his cheek and forehead.
Extra definition
Mark with a scar or scars:
Form or be marked with a scar:
Extra example
She has confided in me that she's afraid her son has been scarred for life by his father's treatment.
But the ones who survive risk being scarred for life.
Wrinkled and scarred though they were, she could tell these arms were his own and that in reality he wanted them to stay that way.
The case centred around pleural plaques, a benign condition which causes scarring to the lung lining and which is caused by exposure to asbestos.
You have been diagnosed by your physician as having one of the many diseases which can cause interstitial pulmonary fibrosis or what we call lung scarring.
Three main diseases are related to asbestos: asbestosis, or lung scarring, lung cancer and mesothelioma, or cancer of the lining of the chest or abdomen.
disfigure, mark, blemish, blotch, discolour;
pockmark, pit;
Christianity stigmatize
рубец , шрам the cut will not leave any scar — после этого пореза не будет шрама a scar from the bite of a dog — след от укуса собаки hideous / ugly scar — уродливый шрам identifying scar — опознавательный шрам (как особая примета) noticeable / prominent scar — заметный шрам permanent scar — остаточный шрам to bear / carry a scar — иметь шрам
глубокий след, рана such sorrow leaves a scar — такое горе оставляет неизгладимый след в душе a scar upon one's good name — пятно на репутации psychological scar — психологическая травма to leave a scar — оставлять неизгладимый след
утес , отвесная, крутая скала Синоним: rock, cliff, precipice
глубокая царапина (на дереве, камне и т. п.) the scars of bullets on the door — дырки /вмятины/ от пуль на двери
бот. рубец , рубчик шлак , окалина метал. оплавление (стенок печи) наплыв (на отливке) риф обрыв Синоним: rock, cliff, precipice
рубцеваться , зарубцовываться (обыкн. scar over) the cut on his finger will eventually scar over — порез на его пальце в конце концов заживет Синоним: heal
оставлять шрамы, рубцы; обезображивать рубцами, шрамами a face scarred by smallpox — лицо, обезображенное оспой
оставлять глубокие следы a face scarred with sorrow — лицо, на котором страдание оставило глубокие следы
рубцевать (обыкн. scar up) оставлять шрам; ранить прям. и перен. The doctor will put some stitches in that cut to prevent it from scarring over. — Врач наложит на эту рану несколько швов, чтобы потом не остался шрам. Синоним: wound
definition: A sensation is a feeling a person gets from their senses.
example: Mom got a painful sensation in her head from the loud noise.
Extra definition
A physical feeling or perception resulting from something that happens to or comes into contact with the body:
The capacity to have physical sensations:
An inexplicable awareness or impression:
A widespread reaction of interest and excitement:
A person, object, or event that arouses widespread interest and excitement:
Extra example
Does my body remember the physical sensation of holding an item, and transfer this feeling to the virtual environment, though my mind has since forgotten?
Let your mind be quiet, and observe the sensations of your physical body - blood flow, heartbeat, lungs moving, an itch.
Putting the glass back down on the table, he let his gaze settle on Ali as she leant back in her chair, closing her eyes and shuddering slightly as the burning sensation spread throughout her body.
In the case of sensation, the capacity for perception in the sense organ is actualized by the operation on it of the perceptible object.
That feels or is capable of feeling; having the power or function of sensation or of perception by the senses.
In perception and in sensation, consciousness need not reside in the intentional objects of awareness in order for the state of awareness to be conscious.
A toxic cloud at the edge of awareness, a sensation that something is amiss?
Just the eerie sensation that was present in the creepy scenery.
Rick felt massive electromagnetic fields in several rooms in Duff Green, a sensation that confirms to him the presence of paranormal activity.
To say this book caused a sensation is to understate its impact.
Her case caused a sensation earlier in the year and outraged her parents.
It naturally caused a sensation and there was a temporary surge of interest.
Each dish is an unprecedented sensation, and the idea of ever again considering eating anything I'd previously thought of as food quickly becomes absurd.
The contrast of salty cheese, sweet honey and nutty toasted bread is a taste sensation.
The Czechs, meanwhile, saw their dreams dashed by this month's sensations, Greece.
ощущение , чувство pleasant sensation — приятное чувство /ощущение/ ; приятное ощущение a sensation of pain — ощущение боли a burning sensation — изжога a sensation of fear — чувство страха to cause a sensation of smth. — вызывать чувство чего-л. to lose all sensation in one's feet — потерять всякую чувствительность в ногах numbing sensation — чувство онемения unpleasant sensation — неприятное ощущение, нехорошее чувство Синоним: feeling, perception, sense
восприятие visible sensation — зрительное восприятие auricular sensation — слуховой образ to dull the sensation of smth. — притуплять восприимчивость (к чему-л.) Синоним: feeling, perception, sense
сенсация , новинка the greatest sensation — величайшая сенсация, гвоздь сезона to make a sensation — вызвать сенсацию the new opera did not cause the least sensation in the capital — новая опера не произвела никакого впечатления в столице to cause / create a sensation — произвести сенсацию
definition: A sled is a small vehicle that you use on snow.
example: Marvin likes to ride his sled down the hill in winter.
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Ride on a sledge:
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кататься на санках, салазках возить на санках, салазках редк. ехать на санях или нартах редк. транспортировать , возить на санях или нартах ехать на санках, салазках перевозить на санях, нартах санки ; салазки Синоним: sledge, sleigh
сани ; нарты sled dog — упряжная собака, ездовая собака (например, эскимосская лайка) Синоним: drag, sledge
definition: To tease someone means to laugh at or make fun of them.
example: Jake teased Charlie because he was the new student.
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A person who makes fun of someone playfully or unkindly:
A person who tempts someone sexually with no intention of satisfying the desire aroused:
An act of teasing someone:
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Being an awful tease, I posted something there recently under the heading ‘The neocons were right!’
He's a bit of a tease, too, notes another nurse nearby.
Spring Break girls were a tease for the guys and an obvious embarrassment for the parents and grandparents, but it was certainly not a boom for any of the girls.
You ask a lot of him in this role - drag, love scenes with men - and he's presented as a sex object and a tease for other men.
This woman is obviously a flirt and a tease who is looking to get into trouble.
No one wants to be labeled immediately as the cad, the slut, or the tease; no one wants to be taken advantage of or be seen as an opportunist.
If you are not offended by Iowa's pink locker room, it may be because you recognize a joke, a tease, and a riff.
My pa, watching from the terrace above, had this gentle tease: With all your shots, those nets are going to need repairing.
It started out as a joke, a tease, but then one by one, each of us succumbed to the spirit of V-day and quite pathetically, whined about wanting a boyfriend.
дразнить ; поддразнивать to tease smb. about his curly hair — дразнить кого-л. за курчавые волосы he is not soon provoked, however teased — сколько его ни дразни, его трудно вывести из себя He is not soon provoked, however teased. — Сколько его ни дразни, его трудно вывести из себя.
домогаться , выпрашивать that child teases for everything he sees — этот ребенок клянчит все, что ни увидит Синоним: solicit, strive
начесывать , взбивать (волосы) ; делать начес или прическу с начесом уст. надоедать , приставать to tease smb. for smth. /to do smth./ — приставать к кому-л. с просьбами о чем-л. he tried to tease me into staying — он пытался уговорить меня остаться
чесать (шерсть ; тж. tease out) ворсовать (ткань) попытка раздразнить, поддразнивание tease number — стриптиз
definition: A valentine is someone you love or admire with great affection.
example: Harry wanted Molly to be his valentine.
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A card sent, often anonymously, on St Valentine’s Day, 14 February, to a person one loves or is attracted to.
A person to whom one sends a valentine card or with whom one is romantically involved.
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Strange men followed her in the street, and anonymous valentines, love poems, and long-stemmed red roses in bouquets of a dozen found their way to her door.
As she seems easily fooled, why not send yourself sheaves of valentines and other billets-doux?
Sooner or later, we begin to understand that love is more than verses on valentines and romance in the movies.
You're all I need, my love, my valentine.
Actually the trick with having a valentine is loving them every OTHER day of the year.
A young man at a card store before Valentine's Day reading from a card he has picked: ‘… to my darling valentine, my one and only love.’
друг сердца, возлюбленный или возлюбленная (выбираемые или поздравляемые в день св. Валентина, 14 февраля) «валентинка», поздравительная открытка, посылаемая в день св. Валентина шутл. любовное послание подарок другу сердца ко дню св. Валентина ( Valentine ) день св. Валентина зоол. начало брачного сезона (особ. у птиц) возлюбленный , возлюбленная (выбираемые или поздравляемые обычно 14 февраля, в День св. Валентина) валентинка (любовное или шутливое послание, стихи, посылаемые в День св. Валентина) подарок на День святого Валентина