definition: An appliance is a piece of equipment used for jobs in the home.
example: Many homes have appliances like ovens, toasters and refrigerators.
Extra definition
A device or piece of equipment designed to perform a specific task:
A fire engine:
The action or process of bringing something into operation:
Extra example
In its simplest form, it is a data delivery appliance designed specifically for performance, low cost of ownership, and reliability.
All projects used a major wood heating appliance with integrated domestic water heating.
In the comments he compares the pleasure he gets from working his will on a recalcitrant domestic appliance to the triumph a caveman felt when slaying a mastodon.
Two fire engines and a high-reach appliance were sent out to an industrial unit at the junction of County Road and Station Road.
Essex Fire and Rescue Service had 55 firefighters, six fire engines, an aerial appliance and a control unit on the scene at the height of the fire.
The keys to another new appliance, a new fire engine carrying new, lighter-weight rescue equipment, were also handed over by the mayor yesterday.
He was particularly animated about the need for less process and more appliance of the code according to relationships, dialogue and trust between the board and its investors.
It is about the personal appliance of science,’ says the Operations Director.
Eventually, a laboratory will be added to the four spacious studios, bringing the appliance of science to the analysis of paintings.
аппарат , прибор ; приспособление , устройство domestic electric appliances — бытовые электроприборы Синонимы: machine, attachment, implement , apparatus
редк. применение , использование The specific objectives of this priority is to train the farmers for the qualitative re-orientation of production for the appliance of these production methods. — Особая приоритетная цель — направить фермеров на качественную переориентацию производства с целью использования этих методов.
definition: A basin is large bowl for washing things. A sink is sometimes called a basin.
example: She filled the basin with water and washed her face.
Extra definition
A bowl for washing, typically attached to a wall and having taps connected to a water supply; a washbasin.
A wide open container used for preparing food or for holding liquid:
A circular or oval valley or natural depression on the earth’s surface, especially one containing water:
The tract of country drained by a river and its tributaries, or which drains into a lake or sea:
An enclosed area of water where boats can be moored:
A circumscribed rock formation where the strata dip towards the centre.
Extra example
‘I liked the traditional idea of washing with a basin and ewer,’ he reflects.
To the right of the fireplace was a washing basin, filled to the brim with crisp water form the well for the workers.
After finishing breakfast she washed the plates in the water basin, along with the bowl that Checkers had licked clean, and returned them to their proper places.
People saw them turn over her basins of food and all the tofu products, eggs and all, splashed on the ground.
Put the cream cheese, mascarpone, caster sugar, eggs and the extra yolk in the basin of a food mixer (you will need the beater attachment).
Some of his flagons, tankards, plates, saucers, salts, basins, and chamber pots, although unspecified as to material, were undoubtedly also made of pewter.
The lower basin needed that water to ship a few barges of grain and other commodities along the channelized river.
The lock is a popular angling pitch, as it provides a natural basin and is usually rich in salmon and trout.
Jutting mountains and low basins form a range of habitats suitable for a broad spectrum of terrestrial and freshwater species.
The team was on the 17 April flight to seed clouds in the Walker and Carson river basins south of Lake Tahoe.
Assistance to the Land Forces in defensive and offensive operations in coastal sectors, as well as in areas of lake and river basins adjacent to the front.
Both species are distributed widely across eastern North America, including the Great Lakes and Ohio River drainage basins.
He returned to his boat at the yacht basin and fell into the water after feeling ill as he boarded the boat.
The marine development proposed by Smith & Son Investments will consist of an ocean marina with a yacht basin.
Some had ventured beyond the yacht basin, but few had gone further than Port of Spain.
These basins were interpreted to contain thick Old Red Sandstone sediments and to have resulted from the extensional collapse of thickened Caledonian crust.
In other parts of the Selendi and Usak-Gure basins, the group contains only tilted sedimentary units due to the extensional tectonics in the region.
These polygonal basins contain up to 6 km of sediment overlying a salt layer several kilometres thick.
миска ; (плоская) чаша ; таз earthenware basin — глиняная миска copper basin — медный таз She mixed the dough in a large basin. — Она замесила тесто в большой миске. Синоним: dish, tureen
резервуар , водоем ; пруд ; преим. амер. бассейн ; водохранилище the basin at the bottom of the waterfall — водоем /бассейн/ у подножия водопада basin irrigation — с.-х. орошение затоплением Синоним: reservoir, vessel
бассейн (реки, моря) the Thames basin — бассейн Темзы catchment basin — водосборная площадь ; бассейн реки
геол. ( тектонический ) бассейн залежь котловина , мульда basin fold — геол. структурная складка, структурный бассейн
часть океана или моря, отделенная подводными возвышенностями мелкая бухта dock basin — портовый бассейн
бот. вдавленность (у ножки или верхушки плода) преим. брит. = washbasin раковина (для умывания) Each room I've stayed in has a cracked basin in the bathroom. — В каком бы номере мне ни довелось остановиться, в ванной – треснувшая раковина.
маленькая бухта колодец , лунка (в геле на иммунодиффузионных планшетах)
definition: A broom is a brush with a long handle used for c leaning floors.
example: My father usually uses a broom to sweep away dust in the basement.
Extra definition
A long-handled brush of bristles or twigs, used for sweeping.
An implement for sweeping the ice in the game of curling.
A flowering shrub with long, thin green stems and small or few leaves, cultivated for its profusion of flowers.
Extra example
Many Indian basketmakers were also skilled makers of chair seats, mats, brooms, and scrub brushes as well as wooden trays, bowls, and spoons.
Brushes, brooms, scrubbing brushes and soap are provided by the owners.
‘Students were told to contribute money for the purchase of brooms, mops, brushes and paint for the contest,’ he said.
A few suggested some places I could store my curling broom.
The people who are travelling down the ice with their brooms will judge the speed of the ice and keep the skip in touch constantly with how fast they think the rock is travelling, and if it needs to be swept, then they will sweep it.
The contestants use brooms to sweep a path on the ice for a sliding stone.
The borders are pretty much full of the usual sort of things: cherry trees, broom, hawthorn, raspberries, rhubarb, pyracantha, clematis, birch, and like so.
No flower born in the summertime was missing from it, not even the flower of the broom, the violet, the periwinkle, or any yellow, indigo, or white flower.
Extremely narrow fairways and tiny greens mean the Scotch broom, beach grass and native rhododendron will snag anything off line.
a new ˈbroom a person who has just started to work for an organization, department, etc., especially in a senior job, and who is likely to make a lot of changes
веник , метла Синоним: besom
бот. ракитник (Cytisus gen.) широкий лошадиный хвост (похожий на метлу) выметать , заметать , мести , подметать A feeble old woman was feebly brooming the floor. — Слабая старая женщина еле-еле подметала пол.
definition: A caterpillar is a small insect that looks like a worm and eats plants .
example: After eating a lot of leaves, caterpillars change into butterflies.
Extra definition
The larva of a butterfly or moth, which has a segmented body resembling a worm with three pairs of true legs and several pairs of leg-like appendages.
(In general use) any insect larva resembling the larvae of caterpillars and moths, especially that of the sawfly.
An articulated steel band passing round the wheels of a vehicle for travel on rough ground.
A vehicle with caterpillar tracks.
Extra example
Flying to several sites to deposit eggs is a strategy used by all moths and butterflies whose caterpillars must hide from predators.
Yet Crawley cautions that the crops his team examined had been engineered to resist herbicides, moth and butterfly caterpillars, and perhaps those qualities didn't matter much in the wild.
The children compared one state of growth to another as the larvae became caterpillars, then butterflies.
For much of the year, most birds feed primarily on insects - everything from caterpillars to mosquitoes, aphids, and mites.
There are more caterpillars and other insects, which are important foods for several types of birds living in the forest understory, in thinned stands that encourage more hardwood shrubs.
Children collect termite, snails, and the caterpillars of several insects.
The first ‘tank’ to have any form of caterpillar track was a vehicle designed by Lieutenant W Wilson and William Tritton called ‘Little Willie’.
He developed caterpillar tracks that replaced wheels on combine harvesters.
This is a yellow JCB vehicle on two large caterpillar tracks with a cab that can rotate all the way around, and a big scoop on an articulated arm at the front.
Mr Hall said: ‘He was knocked to the ground and the caterpillar wheels went over him and completely mashed his leg.’
A cohort of caterpillars bands together to travel in a long column, looking to all the world like the dangerous body of a single, large snake.
Inside is rosewood luxury, downstairs bunks and beds, and under them, two six hundred horsepower caterpillars capable of pushing them across the sea at thirty-five knots.
definition: A cupboard is a piece of furniture that is used to store food or household items.
example: We put all of our dis hes and food in the cupboards.
Extra definition
A recess or piece of furniture with a door and usually shelves, used for storage:
Extra example
There is a large walk-in airing cupboard and a family bathroom on this floor.
There is also a large built-in storage cupboard in the landing.
A utility room off the kitchen includes a fitted broom cupboard, floor units and stainless steel sink.
the ˌcupboard is ˈbare used to say that there is no money for something
ˈcupboard love affection that somebody, especially a child, shows towards somebody else in order to get something
a skeleton in the ˈcupboard ( British English ) ( also a skeleton in the ˈcloset North American English , British English ) something shocking, embarrassing, etc. that has happened to you or your family in the past that you want to keep secret
шкаф ; буфет ; сервант ; горка ; шкаф для посуды cupboard love — корыстная любовь, привязанность (особенно у детей, когда они хотят что-л. получить от взрослых) Синоним: sideboard, buffet
definition: If something or someone is delicate, they are easy to break or harm.
example: You should hold the baby carefully because s he’s very delicate.
Extra definition
A delicate fabric or garment:
Extra example
It wasn't too long until I discovered her delicates (bras, panties, aerobic outfits, and make-up).
Just make sure that my delicates are washed by hand.
General sorting categories are whites, light colors, bright or deep-colored materials, permanent press, delicates, and clothes for the dry cleaners.
утонченный , изысканный , тонкий delicate taste — изысканный /тонкий/ вкус delicate mind — возвышенный ум delicate style — изысканный /отточенный, филигранный/ стиль delicate hint — тонкий намек delicate wine — вино с тонким букетом delicate features — тонкие черты (лица) to be in a delicate condition эвф. — быть в интересном положении (быть беременной)
изящный ; сделанный со вкусом; искусный ; тонкий (о произведении, деле, работе) delicate casket — изящная шкатулка delicate workmanship — тонкая /филигранная/ работа delicate operation — виртуозная операция delicate lace — тонкие кружева ; тонкое кружево delicate figure — стройная /точеная, хрупкая/ фигура delicate web of the spider — тончайшая паутина My chief reason for quoting these delicate lines. — Основная причина, по которой я цитирую эти изысканные строки.
хрупкий ; требующий осторожного обращения; слабый , болезненный ; ломкий delicate skin — нежная кожа delicate plant — нежное растение delicate china — хрупкий фарфор delicate health — слабое здоровье delicate constitution — хрупкое телосложение delicate child — болезненный ребенок to be in delicate health — быть слабого здоровья delicate balance — хрупкий баланс delicate china cup — тонкая фарфоровая чашка My health has always been delicate. — У меня всегда было слабое здоровье. Синоним: fragile, frail
(высоко)чувствительный , тонкий ; точный delicate instrument — тонкий прибор delicate adjustment — тонкая настройка delicate balance — чувствительные весы delicate equipment — чувствительное оборудование Let us learn then to have a delicate conscience. — Так давайте научим нашу совесть тонко чувствовать.
острый , тонкий ; чувствительный delicate ear — острый слух to have a delicate ear for music — иметь тонкий музыкальный слух
щекотливый , затруднительный delicate subject — щекотливая тема delicate stage in negotiations — трудный /сложный/ этап переговоров that's a delicate affair — это тонкое дело ; ≅ здесь надо действовать умно delicate situation — щекотливое положение Синоним: ticklish
деликатный , учтивый , тактичный ; вежливый delicate manners — учтивые манеры a conversation which is not exactly delicate — (несколько) грубоватый разговор We were both too delicate to communicate what we felt to each other upon the occasion. (L. Sterne) — Мы оба были слишком деликатны, чтобы открыть друг другу свои чувства в тот раз.
приятный на вкус , вкусный ; легкий delicate dish — вкусное блюдо delicate food — легкая пища Синоним: dainty
арх. «деликатный», «интересный» to be in a delicate condition /in a delicate state of health/ — быть в (интересном) положении
блеклый Синоним: subdued
деликатный ; непростой (о ситуации) delicate problem — деликатная проблема His mission was a delicate one. — У него было поручение деликатного характера. Синоним: ticklish
изысканный ; деликатесный Horseflesh was the most delicate of all the Tartar viands in the times we are now considering. — Во времена, о которых мы сейчас говорим, самым изысканным мясным деликатесом у татар была конина. Синоним: dainty
definition: To emerge from something means to come out of it.
example: The hand suddenly emerged from the grave.
Extra definition
Move out of or away from something and become visible:
(Of an insect or other invertebrate) break out from an egg, cocoon, or pupal case:
Become apparent or prominent:
(Of facts) become known:
Recover from or survive a difficult situation:
Extra example
But the spectacle can cloy and a sadness lingers after the pageant has moved on as householders emerge with shovels and brooms to sweep away all trace of their work.
No birds are perched on the board; however, the head of a single cormorant, its signature white throat clearly visible, just emerges from the waters of the lagoon ahead of the barge.
Julia stands alone in the middle of the road, unable to move, until Steven emerges from the carriage and slowly leads her back.
The new spectacularly rises from the old like a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis.
Release the butterfly where it was captured as soon as it emerges from its chrysalis.
The title may refer to a process, as when a butterfly emerges from the chrysalis.
The picture emerging yesterday was confused at best.
He said he was confident that they would put up an impressive show and eventually emerge winners.
The difference only emerges in the context in which it applies within the count in the indictment.
The crash occurred on Sunday, but the amazing survival stories only emerged yesterday.
During the hearing, one critical piece of evidence emerged which could prove very damaging to the government.
Details of C & C executives' basic salaries also emerged yesterday.
But hope persists that the UUP risk-taker can emerge relatively unscathed from this election.
Despite the complications, the surgeries typically go smoothly and most tarantulas emerge unscathed.
From nearly 50 years of complex warfare the house of Wessex had emerged triumphant.
come out, appear, come into view, become visible, make an appearance;
turn up, spring up, come up, surface, crop up, pop up;
materialize, manifest oneself, arise, proceed, issue, come forth, emanate
become known, become apparent, become evident, be revealed, come to light, come out, transpire, come to the fore, enter the picture, unfold, turn out, prove to be the case;
become common knowledge, get around
( from ) появляться , показываться ; выходить (откуда-л.) the sun emerged from the clouds — солнце вышло из-за облаков A hand holding the magic sword emerged from the lake. — Из озера появилась рука, держащая волшебный меч.
мор. всплывать , появляться на поверхности the submarine emerged — подводная лодка всплыла
выясняться , явствовать , следовать ; выявляться from this report he emerges as an able administrator — отчет рисует его как способного администратора ; из сообщения явствует, что он способный администратор from these facts it emerges ... — из этих фактов следует ... no new idea emerged during his speech — в своей речи он не предложил ничего нового What results emerged from your talks? — И каковы результаты ваших бесед? to emerge unscathed — выйти сухим из воды
всплывать , возникать , появляться (о вопросе и т. п.) here emerges the question as to ... — тут возникает вопрос относительно ... there emerged a necessity of ... — появилась необходимость в ... Синоним: arise
выйти , подняться , выбраться to emerge from poverty — выйти из нищеты to emerge into notice — заставить себя заметить he emerged from the ordeal triumphantly — он с честью вышел из этого тяжкого испытания on emergeing from boyhood he ... — едва выйдя из отроческого возраста, он ...
definition: A hook is a sharp curved piece of metal used for catching or holding things.
example: The fish went after the s harp hook.
Extra definition
Attach or fasten with a hook or hooks:
Bend into the shape of a hook so as to fasten around or to an object:
Secure (the ball) and pass it backwards with the foot in the scrum.
Catch with a hook:
Attract and hold the attention of; captivate:
Hit (the ball) round to the on side with a horizontal or slightly upward swing of the bat at shoulder height; hit a ball delivered by (the bowler) with such a stroke.
Strike (the ball) so that it deviates in the direction of the follow-through, typically inadvertently.
Punch one’s opponent with the elbow bent and rigid:
Run away:
(Of a woman) work as a prostitute.
Extra example
She had just finished hooking the last clasp when Loretta turned to her holding up a delicate silver chain and smiling triumphantly.
Michelle carefully hooked the clasp and turned Dylan to face her.
He fires a grappling hook that hooks itself onto the balustrade of the rooftop garden.
Isabella hooked her arm through mine and dragged me in.
I hooked his arm in mine and laid my head on his shoulder.
He hooked his arm in mine and slowly led me to the dining room.
This is done by hooking the ball with the soft swinging motion of one of the feet as the teams 8-man scrum pack pushes forward to give the hooker more room to hook the ball.
At this point, the hookers both attempt to hook the ball back to their teammates.
You can only hook the ball back with your feet.
Proud of a nice catch, Myrtle McDonald hooked this fish in the Chapman River.
I went for another half an hour before hooking my third rainbow making me the only angler to land three fish.
Beware though: hooking the prize catch is one thing, securing it in your keepnet another.
If they can capture our attention now, they have hooked us for future years and we are far more likely to buy from their site advertisers.
One inconsequential little jamless doughnut sets in chain a ripple of growing anger that hooks the attention of our entire nation.
What was it about that cheetah that hooked his attention so?
When he hooks a ball over square-leg it is with the cheek associated with schoolboys.
In the same over that he brought up his fifty, he hooked the last ball to the square-leg boundary, where its sheer vigour caused Chris Adams to palm a fairly easy catch over the boundary for six.
Undaunted, the admirable Michael Vaughan hooked a rare Glenn McGrath no-ball for six.
To draw or hook a golf ball, you must have fast hands.
He shouldn't overdo it, though: The flatter the backswing, the easier it is to hook the ball.
If you're slicing or hooking the ball, the divot hole can point the way to a cure.
From round 3 on, it was all Shields as he would hook, and uppercut his way to victory.
She began to, but I can't stand women when they cry, so I said she'd better hook it.
After we had been on the bridge a bit, we got shooed off by a benevolent old retainer who said "Now you've had a nice look now!" and explained the boss would be down in a bit, so we'd better hook it. So we did.
‘When you gave me the shilling,’ cried Dan, ‘he followed me into the yard, and told me to hook it.’
by ˌhook or by ˈcrook using any method you can, even a dishonest one
to free yourself or somebody else from a difficult situation or a punishment
hook, line and ˈsinker completely
off the ˈhook if you leave or take the telephone off the hook , you take the receiver ( = the part that you pick up) off the place where it usually rests, so that nobody can call you
ˌring off the ˈhook to ring many times
sling your ˈhook to go away
крюк ; крючок hook and eye — крючок (застежка) ; дверной крючок и петля (запор) crochet hook — вязальный крючок telephone /switch/ hook — рычажный переключатель (телефонного аппарата) I hung my coat on a hook — я повесил пальто на крючок hooks and eyes — коклюшки meat hook — крюк для мяса
рыболовный крючок ловушка , приманка , западня to swallow the hook, to be caught /to get/ on the hook — попасться на крючок on the hook — на крючке у кого-л., в чьей-л. власти Синоним: snare, catch
багор ; острога секач , секатор , кривой нож (тж. pruning hook) ; садовые ножницы кривой нож; серп бот., зоол. шип , игла jaws armed with strong and penetrating hooks for seizing and securing active and struggling prey — челюсти, снабженные мощными острыми шипами для захвата и удержания пытающейся вырваться жертвы
тех. гак , захватка , зацепка хук, крюк , короткий боковой удар (бокс) ; короткий боковой удар левой (в боксе) right hook — хук справа to deliver a hook — ударять, наносить удар
крутой изгиб ; излучина (реки) pl уст. кавычки ; скобки by hook or by crook — правдами и неправдами ; не мытьем, так катаньем on one's own hook разг. — самостоятельно, на свой риск to take / sling one's hook разг. — смыться, удрать to drop / pop off the hooks разг. — сыграть в ящик ; отправиться на тот свет
сл. вор , жулик , мошенник ; уголовный преступник ; вор-карманник We've nothing on him. But then we've nothing on half the hooks in Eastport. — У нас на него ничего нет. Равно как и на половину уголовников в Восточном порту. Синоним: thief, pickpocket
pl сл. руки; пальцы; «грабли»; "грабли" get your hooks off that cake! — не трогай торт! ; не лезь к торту!
крючок , закорючка (при обучении письму) шип iron hook — шип подковы
тех. зацепка , захват ; скоба муз. флажок , хвостик (часть ноты) мор. разг. якорь узкий мыс с загнутой оконечностью; наволок одежный крючок (для застегивания ботинок, перчаток, одежды) Синоним: buttonhook
рычаг телефонного аппарата to leave the phone off the hook — не повесить телефонную трубку
спорт. кривая , неправильная траектория движения мяча (в футболе) спорт. неправильный удар (в футболе) Синоним: slice
крючочек, загогулинка (как элемент начертания букв) муз. "хвостик" (при изображении ноты "одна восьмая" на нотном стане) лог. знак импликации, следствия марк. , СМИ "крючок" , "наживка" , "приманка" ; способ привлечения клиента (покупателя, зрителя, слушателя и т. п.; напр., бесплатный подарок, который прилагается к основной покупке) сгибать в виде крюка, придавать загнутую форму I hooked my arm in his — я взял его под руку
(тж. hook on, hook up) зацеплять , прицеплять ; сцеплять ; надевать , навешивать на крюк the trolley was hooked on to the engine — вагонетка была прицеплена к локомотиву the mirror was hooked to the wall — зеркало висело на крюке, вбитом в стену my trousers got hooked on the barbed wire — я зацепился брюками за колючую проволоку they hooked themselves on to us — они ходили за нами по пятам to hook the end of the rope on the branch of the tree — прицепить конец веревки к ветке дерева to hook a shelf to the wall — вешать полку на стену
ловить , поймать на крючок (рыбу) to hook a fish — поймать рыбу
подцепить ; поймать на удочку ; заполучить ; завербовать to hook one's fish — образн. поймать рыбку to hook a husband — подцепить муженька He tried to hook a well-off widow. — Он пытался подцепить какую-нибудь состоятельную вдову.
сл. красть ; присваивать ; мошенничать ; получать с помощью обмана he hooked our money — он загреб наши деньги he found the boys hooking apples from the tree — он увидел, что мальчишки воруют яблоки с дерева Синоним: steal, pilfer
бодаться сл., диал. смыться , удрать (тж. to hook it) he hooked it when he saw the truant officer — завидев прогуливающегося полицейского, он удрал Синоним: make off
спорт. нанести удар сбоку; сделать хук (в боксе) Ray hooked a right to his opponent's jaw — Рей провел удар /хук/ справа в челюсть противника
изгибаться крючком, перегибаться the beak hooks strongly downward — клюв сильно загибается книзу
(тж. hook up) застегивать на крючок или на крючки to hook (up) a dress — застегнуть платье (на крючки)
застегиваться на крючок или на крючки the dress hooks (up) at the back — платье застегивается (на крючки) сзади
зацепляться , прицепляться the rods all hooked together — все стержни сцепились между собой
амер. бодать ; забодать диал., сл. дергаться , шарахаться амер. вязать или продергивать крючком (нить, пряжу) захватить и передать мяч ногой назад в «схватке» (регби) забросить мяч в корзину «крюком» (баскетбол) сгибаться в виде крюка Синоним: bend, crook, incurve
диал.; разг. убежать Синоним: make off
застегиваться Please hook my dress up at the back, I can't reach. — Пожалуйста, застегни мне платье на спине, я не могу дотянуться.
вязать крючком поймать (рыбу) (hook into) разг. убедить сделать (что-л. невыгодное, неприятное) ; повесить (на кого-л.; неприятные обязанности) He's been hooked into working at the school fair. — Его убедили поработать на зарплату учителя.
разг. воровать ; таскать Синоним: steal, pilfer
разг. заниматься проституцией спорт. забросить мяч в корзину крюком (в баскетболе) (hook onto) разг. понимать , просекать The children quickly hooked onto the suggestion and were eager to go for a swim. — Ребята быстро поняли намек и просто горели желанием искупаться.
definition: To hop means to jump a short distance.
example: The kangaroo quickly hopped away from danger.
Extra definition
Flavour with hops:
Be stimulated or intoxicated by or as if by a narcotic drug:
Extra example
Henry VIII banned his brewer from adding hops to the royal brew, but as wine became more expensive the popularity of hopped beer grew.
None cared about the threat of AIDS, and all were hopped up on crystal meth - a drug the story's headline described as THE BEAST IN THE BATHHOUSE.
A mere decade ago, at the height of his titanic drug addiction, Earle would all too often be hopped up and smacked out in a Nashville crackhouse.
Supporting CTF, deathmatch, and team deathmatch, the entire multiplayer experience is hopped up on cocaine.
ˈhop it usually used in orders to tell somebody to go away
hop ˈto it catch somebody on the ˈhop to surprise somebody by doing something when they are not expecting it and not ready for it
прыгать , скакать на одной ноге (тж. hop along) to hop it разг. — удирать, убегать
подпрыгивать , прыгать The bird flew upon the table hopping from dish to dish. — Птичка слетела на стол, прыгая от одной тарелки к другой.
перепрыгивать to hop (over) the hedge — перепрыгнуть через изгородь to hop (over) a fence — перескочить через забор I could hop that easily. — Я легко могу это перепрыгнуть.
разг.; = hop on вспрыгивать , вскакивать ; успевать (на поезд) to hop a taxi — вскочить в такси ; вскочить на ходу в такси he hopped on a red bus — он вскочил в проходящий мимо красный автобус that morning he hopped a ride to work — в то утро его подбросили до работы She and some friends hopped a train for Liverpool. — Она и несколько ее друзей успели на поезд до Ливерпуля. The children hopped into their nice warm beds. — Дети запрыгнули в свои теплые кроватки. Hop on a red bus and see London as Londoners see it! — Сядьте в красный автобус, и вы увидите Лондон таким, каким его видят сами лондонцы!
хромать , прихрамывать , ковылять away he hops with his crutch — он ковыляет прочь, опираясь на костыль Синоним: limp
шутл. танцевать , отплясывать , плясать амер. разг. ( on ) отчитывать (кого-л.) ; напуститься (на кого-л.) the director hopped on Jim for being late — директор напустился на опоздавшего Джима The director hopped on Jim for being late again. — Директор отчитал Джима за очередное опоздание.
убирать , собирать хмель добавлять хмель, приправлять хмелем разг. перелететь (на самолете) to hop the Atlantic — перелететь через Атлантический океан
разг. поспешно уходить, удирать (тж. to hop it) hop it! — убирайся отсюда!, катись!, проваливай!
разг. ( to ) прилететь , приехать (на короткое время) ; заскочить , подскочить (тж. hop over, hop up) he hopped over /up/ to Paris for the day — он на денек прилетел в Париж
припрыгивание , подпрыгивание ; подскакивание; прыганье разг. танцы, небольшой танцевальный вечер, вечеринка ; танцульки; танцевальный вечер You going to the Hanks's hop tonight? — Ты собираешься сегодня на танцульки к Хэнксу?
разг. перелет ; непродолжительный полет; этап перелета; этап ; расстояние ; преодоленное без перерыва to fly from A to B in three hops — долететь от A до B с двумя посадками short hop — краткий перелет They had about three hundred miles to go, and because of the road conditions they decided to do it in two hops. — Им требовалось проехать около трехсот миль, и так как дорога была не очень хорошая, они решили преодолеть это расстояние в два приема. passenger hop — перевозка пассажиров на короткое расстояние
бот. хмель (Humulus lupulus) сл. наркотик ; опиум танец короткое путешествие, прогулка pl высушенные шишки, сережки хмеля flavoured with hops — с хмелем, с добавлением хмеля (о пиве и т. п.)
австрал.; новозел.; разг. пиво короткий полет, перелет на небольшое расстояние транзитный участок трассы полета
definition: Laundry is clothes that have been or need to be washed.
example: He folded the clean laundry and put the dirty laundry in a basket.
Extra definition
Clothes and linen that need to be washed or that have been newly washed:
The action or process of washing clothes:
A room in a house, hotel, or institution where clothes and linen can be washed and ironed:
A company washing and ironing clothes and linen commercially:
Extra example
Ropes stretched from one house to the next, from where hung newly washed laundry, some still dripping with rather murky water.
We have seen your dirty laundry hanging on the line. We know.
The house suddenly falls quiet again and with a deep sigh of exhaustion you turn to the piles of dirty plates and laundry that need washing.
Washing dishes and doing laundry are two processes that waste a lot of water, power, and time.
The drying process for doing laundry at home is either hanging clothes on a clothesline or tumbling them in a gas- or electric-heated dryer.
The rear of the house has an open balcony for washing clothes, doing laundry, and performing other domestic chores.
Some houses have a laundry or mud room located near the kitchen, so this might need to be addressed.
In living areas task lighting is provided by table, desk or floor lamps; in kitchens, bathrooms and laundries room fixtures such as halogen downlights should be placed over work areas.
Just because your new house has a separate laundry room, it doesn't mean that your old washer and dryer will fit.
The community resource centre plays a key role in the area, providing office facilities and a community laundry and ironing service.
A former city slicker has made a clean start by setting up a new laundry and ironing service.
This is done to ensure that workers and communities are protected when commercial laundries handle linens and clothes contaminated by toxic substances.
dirty washing, washing, wash, dirty clothes, clothes to be cleaned
British dated bagwash
washroom, laundry room, launderette, dry cleaner's, public wash house, Chinese laundry
North American trademark laundromat
прачечная laundry soap — хозяйственное мыло laundry soda — стиральная сода to send linen to the laundry — отдать белье в прачечную at / in a laundry — в прачечной a self-service laundry — прачечная самообслуживания laundry service — услуги прачечной Синоним: washhouse
стирка a small laundry can take all morning — небольшая стирка может занять целое утро
(the laundry) тк. sing разг. белье has the laundry come back yet? — вернулось ли белье из стирки?
амер. сл. легально существующее предприятие, через которое проводятся незаконные доходы (от игорных домов и т. п. для сокрытия источника этих доходов) белье для стирки или из стирки clean laundry — чистое, выстиранное белье dirty laundry — грязное, нестиранное белье to do the laundry — стирать белье to dry the laundry — сушить белье to fold the laundry — складывать белье to iron the laundry — гладить, утюжить белье
Continue to investigate or explore (an idea or argument):
Extra example
The most celebrated story of all, however, was one well-attested case of a monkey hotly pursuing an elderly policeman named Sub Inspector Bhola Ram.
Police officers pursuing the car stopped to help their victim, but despite the fact that he was no longer being pursued, the Peugeot driver went on to hit a second student.
He was arrested in the Roxy area by other police officers who pursued the bus on motorcycles.
A stalker who tried to pursue a Lady Chatterley-style relationship with an Earl's daughter has been given a suspended jail sentence for flouting a court order to leave her alone.
Keaton looks fantastic, to the extent that when Keanu Reeves's charming doctor persistently pursues her, we're not in the least surprised.
He has become an itinerant preacher, but his temporary religious conversion does not prevent him from persistently pursuing her.
But we must pursue and accomplish our goals of building Inuktitut resources and curriculum.
Instead, by letting themselves always yet never fully imitated by the cyborg, the human now pursues a more ambitious goal of taking the place of ‘Being.’
Last spring, Alexis O'Hara brought her third year of organizing the Montreal Slam to a halt in order to pursue her own artistic goals.
We will continue to pursue the diplomatic path.
This suggests that diasporic Chinese communities can and may continue to pursue this multiple-identity path as their forebears.
Brown insists his doubters are wrong, and that he will pursue the path of continued reform.
It was, of course, a mistake for him to pursue the Labour leadership.
At the present time the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is a federal executive authority, which pursues State policy and engages in State administration in matters of defense.
It's one thing to examine the options, it is another to pursue a determined course of action to achieve a concrete result.
Researchers around the world continue to pursue the idea, however.
Birkeland continued to pursue his ideas, but over time the quality of his work declined.
That's why it's so critically important that we continue to pursue the war against terrorism from a global standpoint.
go after, run after, follow, chase, give chase to;
woo, court, pay court to, pay suit to, chase after, chase, run after
informal make up to
dated make love to, romance, set one's cap at, seek the hand of, pay addresses to
strive for, push towards, work towards, try for, seek, search for, quest (after), be intent on, aim at/for, have as a goal, have as an objective, aspire to
engage in, be engaged in, be occupied in, participate in, take part in, work at, practise, follow, prosecute, conduct, ply, apply oneself to, go in for, take up
conduct, undertake, follow, carry on, devote oneself to, go on with, proceed with, go ahead with, keep/carry on with, continue with, continue, take further, prosecute, persist in, stick with/at
преследовать (кого-л.) ; гнаться , бежать (за кем-л.) to pursue a runaway — преследовать беглеца to pursue one's prey — преследовать жертву to pursue a pretty girl — преследовать хорошенькую девушку Синоним: follow
преследовать , неотступно следовать ill luck pursued him till his death — неудачи преследовали его до самой смерти he is pursued by remorse — его мучат угрызения совести the boy pursued his father with questions — мальчик донимал отца /докучал отцу/ своими вопросами
искать , добиваться to pursue pleasure — искать удовольствий to pursue fame — искать славы, гнаться за славой to pursue peace — добиваться мира to pursue a position — добиваться определенного общественного положения
продолжать (занятие, обсуждение, путешествие и т. п.) to pursue one's studies — продолжать занятия to pursue a subject — продолжать разговор на какую-л. тему ; продолжать обсуждение какого-л. вопроса
заниматься (чем-л.) , избрать (что-л.) своей профессией to pursue science — заниматься наукой to pursue a hobby — иметь хобби
преим. шотл. юр. возбуждать , подавать (жалобу) , предъявлять (иск) следовать какому-л. курсу; придерживаться намеченного плана to pursue the policy of peace — вести /проводить/ политику мира to pursue an inquiry — вести /проводить/ расследование
редк. продолжать (говорить) ❝and so❞, he pursued, ❝we must act❞ - «итак, - продолжал он, - мы должны действовать» следовать to pursue a northern course — следовать курсом на север
возбуждать (дело) следовать намеченному курсу рассматривать , расследовать (вопрос, дело) The police are currently pursuing several lines of inquiry into the case. — Полиция в настоящее время рассматривает несколько линий следствия по делу.
выполнять , совершать следовать по заданному курсу
неохотный ; вынужденный , вырванный силой reluctant answer — неохотный ответ ; вынужденный ответ our reluctant helpers — люди, которые помогали нам неохотно /из-под палки/ ; наши ленивые помощники reluctant hero — герой поневоле Синоним: unwilling, averse, disinclined
сопротивляющийся , с трудом поддающийся a soil reluctant to the plough — почва, с трудом поддающаяся обработке
делающий (что-л.) с неохотой he seems reluctant to take the matter up — он, видимо, неохотно берется за это дело he is reluctant to accept — он неохотно соглашается I'm reluctant to condemn him — мне не хочется его осуждать
делающий что-л. с большой неохотой, по принуждению
definition: Sleeves are the part of a shirt where y our arm s go.
example: Ryan bought a new shirt with long sleeves to keep his arm s warm.
Extra definition
The part of a garment that wholly or partly covers a person’s arm:
A protective paper or cardboard cover for a record, CD, or DVD:
A protective or connecting tube fitting over or enclosing a rod, spindle, or smaller tube.
A windsock.
A drogue towed by an aircraft.
Extra example
Cut the garment neckline, sleeves and lower edge to the desired finished length.
And the flared sleeve dress shirt and strapless dress combo is just unusual enough to be interesting but not weird.
Today, he wore black slacks and a very light blue dress shirt, sleeves rolled up past his elbows.
But she doesn't regret turning down the offer to design the album sleeve.
This state of flux in the music industry means that graduating and going into record sleeve design is probably going to be difficult.
Our CDs are packaged using the exact artwork of the original album in our custom LP style cardboard sleeves.
The width adjusts hydraulically, and cylinders and return sleeves are protected by steel oversleeves.
Paperboard cartons and sleeves are used to enclose plastic tubs.
The carrier is a sleeve that encloses bearings and seals intended to prevent water from entering the sterndrive housing at the drive shaft.
At higher wind speed (approx. 30 km/hour, the sleeve inflates and indicates visually wind direction and speed.
At night, the wind direction indicator is illuminated with an array of overhead lights to highlight the wind sleeve.
An unusual role was as a target tug trailing a sleeve drogue for air-to-air firing practice.
If a 'sleeve' was shot away or otherwise became detached, its recovery was worth a mad scramble.
an ace up your ˈsleeve ( British English ) ( North American English an ace in the ˈhole ) a secret advantage, for example a piece of information or a skill, that you are ready to use if you need to
have a card up your ˈsleeve to have an idea, a plan, etc. that will give you an advantage in a particular situation and that you keep secret until it is needed
have a ˈtrick, some more ˈtricks, etc. up your sleeve to have an idea, some plans, etc. that you keep ready to use if it becomes necessary
have/keep something up your ˈsleeve to keep a plan or an idea secret until you need to use it
laugh up your ˈsleeve (at somebody/something) to be secretly amused about something
roll up your ˈsleeves to prepare to work or fight
wear your ˌheart on your ˈsleeve to allow your feelings to be seen by other people
рукав to turn /to roll/ up one's sleeves — засучить рукава sleeve insignia — воен. нарукавный знак long sleeve — длинный рукав short sleeve — короткий рукав to turn / roll up one's sleeves — закатать, засучить рукава ; приготовиться к борьбе, к работе to pull the sleeves down — опустить рукава to seize smb. by the sleeve — схватить кого-л. за рукав to laugh in / up one's sleeve — смеяться в кулак, исподтишка ; радоваться втихомолку
definition: The spine is the bone that runs up and down the middle of the back.
example: Our spine helps us to stand up nice and straight.
Extra definition
A series of vertebrae extending from the skull to the small of the back, enclosing the spinal cord and providing support for the thorax and abdomen; the backbone:
The central feature or main source of strength of something:
Resolution or strength of character.
The part of a book’s jacket or cover that encloses the inner edges of the pages, facing outwards when the book is on a shelf and typically bearing the title and the author’s name.
Any hard, pointed defensive projection or structure, such as a prickle of a hedgehog, a spike-like projection on a sea urchin, a sharp ray in a fish’s fin, or a spike on the stem of a plant.
A linear pay scale operated by some large organizations that allows flexibility for local and specific conditions.
A tall mass of viscous lava extruded from a volcano:
Extra example
Cervical nerve roots exit the cervical spine through the intervertebral foramina between the vertebrae.
Below the lumbar spine is the sacrum, which is actually five vertebrae fused into one bone.
It can result in spina bifida, where the bones of the spine do not completely enclose the spinal cord.
All but full forward Noel Costelloe in the central spine of the team were switched from their starting positions.
He chose to leave wingers Derek Townsley and Kevin Twaddle on the bench in an attempt to strengthen the spine of the side, and it proved a fine piece of judgment.
He has featured in the spine of any Aberdeen sides reaching out towards respectability in the past seven years.
And there are men and women of spine in the private media in Zimbabwe who are determined to continue doing their job despite all the risks.
Sabu's youthful charm and popularity encouraged Alex to build his future Empire films with a more careful regard for character and a stronger dramatic spine.
In another case, also featuring a desperate mother and a child who'd gone bad, Judge Hatchett lectured the mother to get some spine.
Most packages contain two tapes within a box about the size of a book, arranged on bookstore shelves with the spine displaying the author and title.
Yet its opulent, mouldering furnishings appear intact, its books look down from the shelves, their spines unspoiled but their pages crumbled by termites.
She'd run her fingers gently over the book spines and read the titles he kept on the shelf above his writing desk.
The dorsal and pectoral fins have hard spines whereas the other rays are soft like the anal and caudal fins.
Bream have a needle sharp set of spines running through the dorsal fin similar to bass.
The fins have strong leading rays, which form a row of sharp spines along the dorsal fin.
There were two parts to the deal - a 3 percent pay increase and a second tranche that would introduce a new pay spine to allow many staff to get to a higher pay level more quickly.
The new salary introduces two forms of performance related pay: the revamped merit award scheme and the basic pay spine.
They say academic staff will get at least 6.5% by August 2004, with a further 1.2% on average where universities and colleges can introduce the new pay spine by that date.
From north and south, swamps or dense jungle rose toward a volcanic spine that was thought for decades to be too wild to support human life.
It's an area of tundra and lakes with the volcanic spine of the Alaskan peninsula visible in the distance.
East of Eagle Harbor, Brockway Mountain Drive climbs the Keweenaw's volcanic spine.
definition: A stain is a dirty mark that is difficult to clean.
example: He had a red stain on the collar of his shirt.
Extra definition
A coloured patch or dirty mark that is difficult to remove:
A thing that damages or brings disgrace to someone or something’s reputation:
A penetrative dye or chemical used in colouring a material or object.
A special dye used to colour organic tissue so as to make the structure visible for microscopic examination.
Any of the minor colours used in blazoning and liveries, especially tenné and sanguine.
Extra example
Then when I tried to spit on my fingers and clean the stains they become dirty mud stains.
Anna was dressed in a dirty nightgown with mud stains on her.
Trouble is it's so hot it's difficult to remove those stubborn stains.
Fully 18 months after being suspended from duty they can go back to work without a stain on their reputations.
That it is largely ignored is a stain on the reputation of those who would have us believe they have the good of the theatre at heart.
It is a story of savage in-fighting which has left a bloody stain on the club's reputation.
Now several companies are providing training for stamped concrete, polymer overlays, and chemical stains.
They cut borders and pattern lines into the surface to separate different applications of colored chemical stains.
Chemical stains and polymer toppings are now being distributed through construction supply houses.
Elastic trichrome and trichrome stains of the liver tissue failed to show evidence of fibrosis.
A mucicarmine stain of the tissue was focally positive, but no capsular material was identified surrounding the organisms.
A cytospin slide was also stained with a Papanicolaou stain and examined in cytology.
Also, the abatements, which, were they in metals or colors, were rare but otherwise not unusual charges, were tinctured in the two stains: sanguine, better known as wine-color or murrey, and tenne or orange.
Next among the colours of heraldry are the three stains: tenné, murrey (supposedly a colour associated with mulberries) and sanguine (or blood colour).
пятнать , покрывать пятнами , пачкать his hands are stained with blood — его руки обагрены кровью Her hands were stained with blood. — Руки у нее были в крови.
позорить , пятнать (репутацию и т. п.) stained with vice — преисполненный пороков
красить , окрашивать краситься , окрашиваться текст. набивать рисунок морить (древесину) ; протравливать протравливаться, мориться портить (репутацию, доброе имя) пятно ink stain — чернильное пятно to get out /to remove/ stains — удалять /отчищать/ пятна stubborn stain — пятно, которое трудно удалить to leave a stain — посадить / оставить пятно to remove a stain — удалить пятно
позорящий факт, пятно to redeem one's name from the stain — восстановить свое доброе имя, снять пятно со своей репутации to wipe off the stain of a former defeat — смыть позор понесенного поражения without a stain on one's character — с незапятнанной репутацией a stain on smb.'s reputation — пятно на чьей-л. репутации Синоним: shame, disgrace, stigma
to speak angrily to somebody who has done something wrong
раздевать ; снимать ; срывать (одежду ; тж. strip off) to strip the clothes from /off/ one's body — снять /сорвать/ с себя одежду he stripped the shirt from his back — он снял с себя рубашку to strip smb. (off) to the skin /naked/ — раздеть кого-л. донага to strip smb. of clothes — снять /сорвать/ с кого-л. одежду to strip smb. naked — раздеть кого-л. донага
раздеваться (тж. strip off) to strip off one's clothing — раздеться, снять одежду to strip to the waist — раздеться до пояса to strip to the waist for a physical examination — раздеться до пояса для медосмотра
метал. раздевать (слиток) сдирать , обдирать ; счищать ; снимать ; обнажать (тж. strip off) ; снимать верхний слой; зачищать to strip the room of furniture — вынести из комнаты (всю) мебель the locusts stripped the fields — саранча опустошила поля trees stripped of their leaves — голые деревья land that has been completely stripped of its timber — полностью вырубленный участок леса a plant stripped of all its equipment — демонтированный завод a prose style stripped to the bones — экономный /строгий/ стиль литературного произведения to strip disabled vehicles of ammunition — воен. снимать боеприпасы с подбитых машин to strip ship for action — мор. готовить корабль к бою These fruit knives are very good for stripping apple skins off. — Овощной нож очень удобен, когда нужно очистить яблоко.
( of ) лишать (чего-л.) ; отбирать (что-л.) to strip smb. of his title — лишить кого-л. звания to strip smb. of his honours — отобрать у кого-л. награды a saint stripped of his halo — святой, лишенный своего нимба /ореола/ to strip of colour — обесцвечивать to strip smb. of all civil rights — лишить кого-л. всех гражданских прав
(strip of) отнимать , отбирать (что-л.) ; лишать (чего-л.) ; грабить to strip smb. of his possessions — отнять у кого-л. имущество he was stripped of all he had — у него все отняли The thieves stripped the house of its valuables. — Воры унесли из дома все ценные вещи.
исполнять стриптиз; раздеваться под музыку разбирать , демонтировать to strip a weapon — разбирать оружие Your car will be in the garage for a few days as we have to strip the whole engine down to discover the fault. — Ваша машина несколько дней побудет в гараже, так как нам нужно будет разобрать двигатель для того, чтобы выяснить причину поломки.
тех. срывать резьбу горн. обнажать , вскрывать ; разрабатывать открытым способом to strip a mine — хищнически эксплуатировать шахту
резать на длинные, узкие куски, на полоски, на ленты сдираться ; сниматься ; счищаться bananas strip easily — бананы легко чистятся
метал. раздевать (слитки) хим. отгонять легкие фракции с.-х. трепать (лен или пеньку) с.-х. выдаивать до конца to strip a cow — взять у коровы все молоко
с.-х. отделять среднюю жилку табака рыб. выдавливать (икру, молоки) фин. отделять купон * (разбивать купонную облигацию на несколько самостоятельно обращающихся частей) длинный , узкий кусок; лента ; полоска a strip of board /of wood/ — планка ; рейка a strip of adhesive tape — полоска липкого пластыря flight progress strip — лента записи хода полета, полетный лист joint strip — стыковая лента (крыла и центроплана) splice strip — стыковая лента (капота двигателя)
полоса (земли) ; участок a strip of land — полоса земли a garden strip — садовый участок test strip — опытная делянка aerodrome strip — летная полоса аэродрома air strip — взлетно-посадочная полоса, ВПП crash landing strip — аварийная посадочная полоса flight strip — взлетно-посадочная полоса, ВПП instrument strip — летная полоса, оборудованная для полетов по приборам landing strip — посадочная полоса (с грунтовым покрытием) runway side strip — (маркировочная) полоса боковой кромки ВПП runway strip — летная полоса (включает ВПП, концевые и боковые полосы безопасности) takeoff strip — взлетная полоса taxiway strip — рулежная полоса (включает рулежную дорожку и боковые полосы безопасности)
(грунтовая) взлетно-посадочная полоса , (грунтовая) ВПП (для взлета и посадки легких самолетов) strip alert — амер. дежурство самолетов на взлетно-посадочной полосе strip lights — огни взлетно-посадочной полосы Синоним: airstrip, runway
спорт. дорожка (для фехтования) фин. отделение (дивидендов) * , стрип * (покупка акций с целью получения дивиденда) principal strips and interest [coupon] strips — стрипы, дающие право на получение номинала, и процентные стрипы [стрипы на получение купонных платежей] Синоним: dividend stripping
страничка юмора (в газете) , комикс Синоним: comic strip
спец. штрипс strip mill — штрипсовый стан
рассказ в картинках (в газете ; тж. comic strip, strip cartoon) прокладка аэрофотосъемочный маршрут (тж. flight strip, photographic strip) узкий участок, полоса (земли, воды) стриптиз Синоним: striptease
перемычка ; накладка bonding strip — перемычка металлизации cap strip — накладка полки (лонжерона) fuselage splice strip — соединительная накладка обшивки фюзеляжа ice protection strip — накладка (на обшивке фюзеляжа в зоне винтов) для защиты от попадания кусков льда
definition: To swear means to promise to do something.
example: I will put my hand on the Bible and swear to do my best for the country.
Extra definition
Make a solemn statement or promise undertaking to do something or affirming that something is the case:
Take (an oath):
Take a solemn oath as to the truth of (a statement):
Make (someone) promise to observe a certain course of action:
Use offensive language, especially as an expression of anger:
Extra example
Hidden in the forest, Von Rothbart had secretly overheard Siegfried's promise, and he swore he would stop this love.
We were told we could choose to say swear or affirm at one point yet no alternative was given for the last line, which is ‘so help me God’.
I do solemnly swear that I will obey all laws commands and dictates of our leader - for he has lovely teeth.
Once there, frightened of Injun Joe, they decided to swear an oath that they won't tell anyone what they just witnessed.
Anybody who wants to considered a freeman must swear an oath of loyalty.
Among them the fact that it was the judge and jury who swore an oath to render a true and just decision.
He swore a statutory declaration 26 March 1993 to say the companies were being deregistered.
People swear statutory declarations about all sorts of things.
The worker is the Commissioner that swore the declaration.
I have a great deal of power over them, but, like one of those comic-book heroines, I am sworn to use it only for good.
There's a great deal more that I wish could say, but I am sworn to secrecy.
After all, these millions belong to the stockholders, and board members are sworn to protect their money.
Nearly everything you wanted to know about bad language, swearing, cursing, foul-mouthed expression - you get the picture - is here.
Intersting that 10% of people think the word God is swearing or very offensive language.
You have to be there to appreciate fully the effect of an old grey poet and a big grey cat swearing at one another in a language mix that's far from suitable for polite company.
promise, vow, promise under oath, solemnly promise, pledge oneself, give one's word, take an oath, swear an oath, swear on the Bible, give an undertaking, undertake, affirm, warrant, state, assert, declare, aver, proclaim, pronounce, profess, attest, guarantee;
Law depose, make a deposition, bind oneself
rare asseverate
curse, blaspheme, utter profanities, utter oaths, be foul-mouthed, use bad/foul language, be blasphemous, take the Lord's name in vain, swear like a trooper, damn
informal cuss, turn the air blue, eff and blind
archaic execrate
swear ˈblind to say that something is definitely true
swear like a ˈtrooper to often use very rude or offensive language
клясться ; присягать to swear to do smth. — поклясться /торжественно обещать/ сделать что-л. he swore to say nothing /that he would say nothing/ — он поклялся /побожился/ ничего не говорить /что ничего не скажет/ to swear an oath — давать клятву, клясться ; давать клятву he had sworn a solemn oath to return — он дал торжественную клятву /торжественно обещал/ вернуться to swear friendship — клясться в дружбе to swear by smth., smb. — клясться чем-л., кем-л. I swear by Jupiter — клянусь Юпитером he swore by all the gods — он призывал всех богов в свидетели to swear on the Bible — (по)клясться на Библии I swear he's right — клянусь, он прав I would swear he was there — я готов побожиться, что он там был to swear revenge on smb. — поклясться отомстить кому-л. to swear allegiance — клясться в верности They swore allegiance to the government. — Они поклялись в верности правительству. I swear by the name of God that what I say is true. — Клянусь именем Господа, что говорю правду.
( by ) молиться на кого-л.; безгранично верить кому-л. или во что-л. he swears by this doctor — он молится на этого врача he swears by quinine for fever — он рекомендует принимать хинин от малярии take these tablets if you feel run down, I swear by them — принимайте эти таблетки, если почувствуете слабость, мне они всегда помогают
(обыкн. to ) заставлять поклясться to swear smb. to secrecy — взять с кого-л. клятву хранить тайну
приводить к присяге to swear a witness — привести свидетеля к присяге the judges were sworn into office — судей привели к присяге при вступлении в должность to swear in a witness — привести свидетеля к присяге The newly elected President was sworn in today. — Сегодня новоизбранный президент был приведен к присяге.
юр. показывать , давать показания под присягой to swear to smth. — показывать что-л. под присягой will you swear to it that you were not there? — вы можете показать под присягой, что вас там не было? to swear an accusation /a charge/ against smb. — подтвердить обвинение кого-л. под присягой the affidavit should be sworn to before a notary public — письменное показание должно быть дано под присягой у нотариуса Will you swear to it that you were not present? — Вы подтвердите под присягой, что вас там не было?
ругаться ; богохульствовать ; сквернословить ; ругать (кого-л.) to swear an oath — выругаться he swore under his breath — он тихо выругался he swore a profane oath — он крепко выругался to swear at smb. — (об)ругать кого-л. to swear like a fishwife /like a lord, like a sailor, like a trooper, like blazes/ — ≅ ругаться как извозчик ; ругаться на чем свет стоит to swear like a trooper брит.; уст. — ругаться как извозчик Don't swear at me, if you please! — А ну-ка брось кричать на меня!
присягать , принимать присягу to swear allegiance — присягнуть на верность /в верности/
(swear by) разг. постоянно обращаться к чему-л., рекомендовать что-л. (swear off) разг. давать зарок (не делать чего-л.) to swear off drinking — дать зарок не пить
definition: To swing something means to move it back and forth or from side to side.
example: He can swing a golf club very powerfully.
Extra definition
A seat suspended by ropes or chains, on which someone may sit and swing back and forth.
A period of time spent swinging back and forth on a seat suspended by ropes or chains.
An act of swinging:
The manner in which a golf club or a bat is swung:
The motion of swinging:
An attempted blow or punch:
Sideways deviation of the ball from a regular path:
A discernible change in opinion, especially the amount by which votes or points scored change from one side to another:
A style of jazz or dance music with a flowing but vigorous rhythm.
The rhythmic feeling or drive of swing.
A swift tour involving a number of stops, especially one undertaken as part of a political campaign.
(In musical theatre) an understudy, typically one who covers multiple roles in the chorus of a particular production.
Extra example
The chains that had been holding the seat of the swing up were still sticking straight out.
An electricity company is warning children to stay away from its cables after workers found a rope swing attached to live wires.
All that's left are a couple of lengths of chain, swings long gone.
I decided it would be irresponsible of me to leave without ensuring that they worked properly. So I had a swing for 5 minutes.
Go into the play ground and have a swing on the swings.
Warm hands brushed my shoulders and I shrieked, lashing out with a violent swing of my arms.
Turning with a swing of his arms, Randy loped down the steps and across the grass to his own home, already noisy with the bickering of his parents.
Dean punctuated the moment with a swing of his arm and a yell.
The researchers referred to timing as those forces that are applied to the golf club during the swing.
A proper stroke has been compared to the proper swing of a golf club.
In addition to the above, other factors need to be considered and corrected to improve your golf swing.
Here, layers are added at the chin length to increase hair volume and give some swing.
A full skirt adds swing and style.
Until the 1920s, the most accurate timepieces depended on the regular swing of a pendulum.
There were some swings and some punches as well as a few cheap kicks.
She quickly turned back around and took a swing to punch me in the face but I jerked my head back so she could miss.
After that, I snapped back to reality and started dodging his punches and swings.
Does it surprise you that genuine swing bowlers are such a rare breed these days?
Bowlers depending on swing have traditionally fared well here.
The breakthrough came from Jones, an inspiration at times, who had begun to gain some swing as the ball scuffed.
Minor parties tend not to be elected, and the constituency system exaggerates national swings in votes to produce a larger than proportional swing in the numbers of seats won or lost.
A swing of three million votes is gigantic in our society where party allegiances are formed in childhood and reinforced by an omnipresent media.
A swing of 100,000 votes in a over two decades is quite phenomenal, and it points to a future where Unionists can no longer demand that it is their way or the highway.
His choreography is full of intricate rhythms done with up-tempo swing and other driving jazz music forms.
It's certainly not easy for a jazz pianist famous for swing to turn over to bebop.
The band has a wide appeal, playing everything from small band swing to Dixieland jazz and 50s influenced rhythm and blues.
On record, he is a master of filling spaces with innovative licks, whilst still leaving enough room for the music's swing and rhythm to ease the tunes along.
It is perhaps the busiest of the productions on the album working more of a swing into its rhythmic structure.
But it's the song's swing rather than its lyrics that keep it agitated.
Also afterwards, President Bush opened a five-day campaign swing with a bus tour in Florida.
Cheney just finished a campaign swing through Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
Now his comments came ahead of a campaign swing by President Bush.
Beginning as a swing and understudy in 1996, the teenager eventually scored a major role and performed the lead as an understudy about ten times.
Former Joffrey dancer Meg Paul, who has been with the production from its workshop days as both a swing and an understudy, is now also a dance captain.
Powell went on a week after she was hired as a swing on Hairspray.
swaying, oscillation, undulation;
wagging, toing and froing, wobble;
Astronomy libration
change, move;
turnaround, turnround, turnabout, reversal, about turn, about face, volte face, change of heart, change of loyalties, U-turn, sea change, swerve, backtracking
no room to swing a ˈcat when somebody says there’s no room to swing a cat , they mean that a room is very small and that there is not enough space
swing the ˈbalance swing both ˈways to be bisexual (= sexually attracted to both men and women)
ˌswing for the ˈfences to really try to achieve something great, even when it is not reasonable to expect to be so successful
ˌswing into ˈaction to start doing something quickly and with a lot of energy
ˌswing the ˈlead to pretend to be ill/sick when in fact you are not, especially to avoid work
get in/into the ˈswing (of something) to get used to an activity or a situation and become fully involved in it
in full ˈswing having reached a very lively level
ˌswings and ˈroundabouts used to say that there are advantages and disadvantages whatever decision you make
качать , колебать ; раскачивать ; размахивать to swing the bells — раскачивать колокола to swing one's arms — размахивать руками to swing one's legs — болтать ногами to swing the hips — покачивать бедрами to swing the lead брит.; разг. — симулировать (болезнь)
качаться , колебаться ; раскачиваться to swing in the wind — качаться /покачиваться, колыхаться/ на ветру his arms swung as he walked — он размахивал руками, когда ходил to swing from right to left — раскачиваться из стороны в сторону
вертеть , поворачивать to swing the car round — развернуть машину to swing the door open — распахнуть дверь настежь to swing one's forces — воен. перебрасывать войска (с одного направления на другое)
вертеться , поворачиваться , разворачиваться the car swung round the corner — машина (резко) завернула за угол the whole line swung to the left — вся колонна /шеренга/ сделала поворот /повернулась/ налево the door has swung to — дверь захлопнулась the door swings outward — дверь открывается наружу to swing at anchor — мор. разворачиваться на якоре to swing into line — мор. заходить в линию, вступать в строй to swing round to confront smb. — резко повернуться лицом к кому-л. the breeze had swung round — ветер переменился /стал дуть с противоположной стороны/ to swing shut — захлопываться to swing into line мор. — заходить в линию, вступать в строй
вешать , подвешивать to swing smth. up — поднимать что-л. to swing up a heavy load with a crane — поднять тяжелый груз с помощью крана
разг. быть повешенным, болтаться (на виселице) ; вздернутым (на виселице) even if I should swing for it — даже если меня за это повесят He shall swing for it. — Его повесят за это.
забрасывать , закидывать he swung the bag onto his back — он закинул мешок на /за/ плечо to swing oneself into the saddle — вскочить в седло
бросаться , кидаться to swing into the moving train — вскочить в поезд на ходу the monkey swung (itself) from branch to branch — обезьяна перебиралась с ветки на ветку
идти , двигаться мерным или непринужденным шагом to swing merrily along — весело маршировать /отбивать шаг/
разг. вздернуть (на виселицу) висеть to swing from the ceiling — висеть на потолке the lantern swung from the roof — на крыше висел фонарь
парить a hawk swung above us — над нами парил ястреб
амер. добиваться перелома to swing the market — резко изменить биржевую конъюнктуру
успешно проводить to swing an election — победить на выборах
разг. склонять на свою сторону; добиваться решения в свою пользу to swing a lot of votes — завоевать массу голосов ; повести за собой многих избирателей
исполнять джазовую музыку в стиле свинга разг. любить музыку, особ. джаз разг. круто менять (мнение и т. п.) ; направлять в другую сторону (внимание, интерес) резко меняться; принимать совершенно другую точку зрения to swing constantly from pessimism to optimism — попеременно впадать то в пессимизм, то в оптимизм
разг. жить полной жизнью, наслаждаться жизнью, быть жизнерадостным, деятельным, не отставать от жизни вести беспорядочную половую жизнь подходить друг другу (о двоих) ; понимать друг друга; сходиться во взглядах , вкусах и т. п. разг. привлекать ; волновать ; удовлетворять требованиям ; подходить под настроение разг. бить наотмашь, с размаху; замахиваться to swing from the heels — ударить с размаху ; резко выступить ; he came out swinging from the heels - он обрушился на противника I made a harmless remark to some guy in the street and he swung at me — я сделал безобидное замечание какому-то типу на улице, а он полез на меня с кулаками
сл. суметь , ухитриться ( сделать или добыть ) he was not able to swing a new car on his salary — на свою зарплату он не может обзавестись новой машиной
идти мерным шагом ходить туда-сюда разг. повесить , вздернуть на виселице амер.; разг. успешно провернуть (непростое) дело , устроить (что-л.) , ухитриться (сделать что-л.) Is there any chance of you swinging us a couple of tickets? — Можно как-нибудь достать нам пару билетов?
муз. играть свинг, свинговать колебаться (о чувствах, настроении) His emotions swung between fear and curiosity. — Он разрывался между страхом и любопытством.
(swing at) ударять , бить со всей силы по (чему-л.) Don't swing at the ball, take careful aim. — Не лупи по мячу, целься внимательнее.
разг. заниматься свингом, участвовать в свинге (совместном половом акте с обменом сексуальными партнерами по обоюдному согласию) качание ; колебание the swing of the pendulum — качание маятника on the swing — качаясь to give the hammock a swing — раскачать гамак I admired the swing of her hips as she walked away. — Я любовался тем, как покачивались ее бедра, когда она уходила.
колебание ; поворот , изменение ; перепад the swing of the tides — чередование /смена/ приливов и отливов a sudden swing of public opinion — резкое изменение общественного мнения the swing of the pendulum — взлеты и спады ; чередование успехов и неудач ; полит. чередование стоящих у власти партий mood swings — перепады настроения a violent swing of public opinion — значительное изменение общественного мнения a big swing towards right-wing ideology — серьезные колебания в сторону идеологии правого крыла In the last elections there was a swing to the right. — На последних выборах преимущество было на стороне правых.
размах , взмах the horse drove off flies with the swing of his tail — конь отогнал мух взмахом хвоста He took a wild swing at the ball. — Он размахнулся и с силой ударил по мячу.
спорт. мах ; замах arm swing — мах рукой obtained swing — выработанный мах that player's swing is too short — у этого игрока слишком короткий замах swing mount — наскок махом leg swing — мах ногой
физ. размах , амплитуда качания ; амплитуда колебания тк. sing ритм качели to sit in a swing — сидеть на качелях The kids were playing on the swings. — Дети резвились на качелях. tree swing — сущ. качели (обычно круглое сидение с отверстием посередине и толстой веревкой, привязанной к дереву)
естественный ход let it have its swing — пусть все идет своим чередом Let it have its swing. — Пусть все идет своим ходом.
свобода действий to give free swing to one's temper — дать волю своему гневу he gave us full swing in the matter — он предоставил нам полную свободу действий в этом деле to have /to take/ one's swing — наслаждаться /пользоваться/ полной свободой ; «погулять», перебеситься to give full swing to smb. / smth. — дать волю кому-л. / чему-л. ; предоставить полную свободу действий He gave us a full swing in the matter. — В этом деле он предоставил нам полную свободу действий.
поездка ; объезд ; турне to return from a swing through eight African nations — возвратиться из поездки по восьми африканским странам swing round the circle — амер. предвыборная поездка по стране (кандидата в президенты) a three-day campaign swing through California — трехдневная предвыборная поездка по городам Калифорнии
суинг , свинг , разновидность джазовой музыки (тж. swing music) свинг , боковой удар (бокс) тк. sing мерное, ритмичное движение; непринужденная походка to walk with a swing — идти ритмичным шагом /непринужденной походкой/
поворот to give the handle a swing — повернуть ручку the car started up at the first swing — машина завелась с первого раза
ход , развитие in full swing — в полном разгаре negotiations are now in full swing — переговоры идут теперь полным ходом the train approached at full swing — поезд приближался на всех парах to get into the swing of the work — войти в курс дела ; when you have got into the swing of things ... - когда ты войдешь в курс дела ... ; включиться в ритм работы
ритм свинга ком. разг. колебание курсов или курса на бирже тех. максимальное отклонение стрелки (прибора) тех. высота центров над направляющими (в Англии) ; удвоенная высота центров над направляющими (в США) воен. жарг. санный автопоезд муз.; = swing music свинг (джазовый стиль) тех. максимальное отклонение индикаторной стрелки (какого-л. прибора, механизма) амер.; уст.; разг. отпуск ; перерыв между сменами, пересменок I went on my swing after that. — После этого я ушел в отпуск.
definition: To utilize something means to use it for a specific purpose.
example: They utilized a pair of scissors to cut the ribbon.
Extra definition
Make practical and effective use of:
Extra example
How can mass media be effectively utilized to propagate and promote a culture of peace?
Greenpeace argues that alternative energy sources such as wind power should be utilised more effectively.
Until that vision becomes a reality the club must squeeze out as much as they can from utilising the present facilities.
make use of, put to use, use, employ, avail oneself of, have recourse to, resort to, look to, bring into service, press into service, take advantage of, exploit, milk, tap, turn to account, bring into play, bring into effective action, deploy
утилизировать , использовать , расходовать , употреблять to utilize fully — полностью израсходовать to unilize resources effectively — эффективно использовать ресурсы to utilize equipment — использовать оборудование Синонимы: use , exploit
definition: A handicap is a condition that limits someone’s mental or physical abilities.
example: Joe has a slight handicap, so he uses a walker to g et around.
Extra definition
Act as an impediment to:
Place (someone) at a disadvantage:
Extra example
But its development is being handicapped by bureaucracy.
This is clearly a measure of last resort and its application is handicapped by the postoperative development of bronchiolitis obliterans.
Cannabis use in young people remains a controversial area, and absence of good data has handicapped the development of rational public health policies.
And I think those people handicapped by the lack of a diploma can easily bypass this hurdle so long as the stress is placed more on a certificate than on real abilities.
In essence, his players were handicapped by their inexperience and a lack of awareness what was required to succeed at the highest level.
People don't realise how much tendinitis can handicap you throughout your time in the game.
hamper, impede, hinder, impair, disadvantage, put at a disadvantage, hamstring, curtail;
помеха ; препятствие ; барьер , преграда time handicap — недостаток времени, цейтнот to overcome a handicap — преодолеть препятствие ; преодолевать препятствие to be under a heavy handicap — быть в чрезвычайно затруднительном положении under a handicap — в затруднении handicap to effective joint working — препятствие для эффективной совместной работы She finds it a bit of a handicap to live without a phone. — Она считает, что трудно жить без телефона. Синоним: obstacle, hindrance
физический или умственный недостаток; дефект ; увечье ; расстройство In cases of severe mental handicap, constant supervision is recommended. — В случае серьезного умственного расстройства рекомендуется постоянное наблюдение за больным. employees with handicaps — работники с физическими или умственными недостатками severe mental handicap — серьезное умственное расстройство physical handicap — физическое расстройство, физический дефект
спорт. гандикап handicap tournament /competition/ — гандикап (соревнование) ; турнир с закрытым гандикапом he was given a handicap of 5 metres — ему дали фору 5 метров ; он должен был пробежать на 5 метров больше
гандикап (старинная карточная игра) скачки или другие соревнования с препятствиями автомобильные гонки по пересеченной местности затруднение мед. , страх. , эк. тр. физический или умственный недостаток, физическое или умственное расстройство быть помехой ; препятствовать , мешать his short-sightedness seriously handicapped his studies — из-за близорукости ему было очень трудно заниматься to be handicapped — испытывать затруднения Rescue efforts have been handicapped by rough seas. — Усилиям спасателей препятствовало сильное волнение на море. mentally handicapped — с умственными недостатками, умственно отсталый physically handicapped — с физическими недостатками; страдающий физическим недостатком The committee's work is handicapped by conflict and distrust. — Работе комитета мешают конфликты и недоверие. Young people are coming out of college with a huge amount of debt, and it handicaps them in their ability to borrow money for a house or a car. — Молодежь заканчивает обучение в колледже с огромными долгами, и это мешает им получать кредиты на покупку дома или машины.
спорт. уравновешивать силы, шансы на успех; уравнивать условия; давать фору затруднять