definition: When something is animate, it has life.
example: Rocks and machines are not animate things.
Extra definition
Alive or having life:
Extra example
But equally essential to making sense of the chaos of the world and our place in it, is our ability to distinguish between objects and different kinds of things, so living or dead, animate or inanimate.
Despite this similarity, there are still elemental differences between being alive and deceased, and between the animate and inanimate.
The ‘agent’ in question is merely an organic part of A's body and so not a rational agent or even an ‘animate’ agent, in the sense in which an entire living organism is an animate agent.
оживить , вдохнуть жизнь, дать жизнь воодушевлять ; в вдохновлять; будоражить ; побуждать his excitement animated us — его возбуждение передалось нам be animated by the best intentions — быть движимым самыми лучшими побуждениями Синоним: inspire
кино мультиплицировать ; создавать мультфильмы (по сказке и т. п.) ; делать мультфильмы оживлять ; придавать бодрость, давать ( новый ) импульс , стимул и т. п. to animate a lecture with witty remarks — оживлять лекцию остроумными замечаниями to animate smb.'s courage — вдохнуть в кого-л. мужество a smile animated his face — улыбка оживила его лицо
побуждать , подстегивать к действиям animated by religious zeal — побуждаемый религиозным рвением the motives which animate this man — мотивы, которыми руководствуется в своих действиях этот человек
приводить в действие , в движение windmills are animated by the wind — мельницы приводятся в движение силой ветра
definition: To classify things is to put them into groups based on their type.
example: The biologist classified the plant as a completely new species.
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Arrange (a group of people or things) in classes or categories according to shared qualities or characteristics:
Assign to a particular class or category:
Designate (documents or information) as officially secret:
Extra example
These groups are classified into three cultures: those in the interior, the countryside, and the coastal regions.
These shares are classified by their back-end or contingent deferred sales charge.
A successful insurance policy allows individuals to be correctly classified into a risk category.
As a result people coming from countries on the list cannot be classified as asylum seekers because, by definition, none of its citizens can be considered under threat.
For the first time in the five-year history of the Classic, it is being classified as a Category 1 event by the World Professional Darts Council.
For a pothole to be classified as ‘Category One’ it would have to be four inches deep, or be assessed by an expert as being dangerous on other grounds.
There are exceptions to protect the privacy of individuals, but the state's power to classify documents as national-security secrets is strictly limited.
We have learned to our dismay how quick government officials are to classify information, even when it is already in the public domain.
Only the president, the premier or cabinet members acting as proxy for either of them can classify a document as ‘top secret.’
классифицировать , систематизировать to classify by date — классифицировать по хронологии Синоним: organize
распределять по сортам, сериям, категориям; сортировать to be classified as ... — делиться на ... классы not otherwise classified — не отнесенный к какой-л. другой категории
definition: To concede is to admit that something is true against your wish.
example: The student conceded that he had cheated on the test.
Extra definition
Admit or agree that something is true after first denying or resisting it:
Admit (defeat) in a match or contest:
Admit defeat in (a match or contest):
Surrender or yield (a possession, right, or privilege):
Grant (a right, privilege, or demand):
(In sport) fail to prevent an opponent scoring (a goal or point):
Allow (a lead or advantage) to slip:
Extra example
When the allegations were put to McKellar, he denied them while conceding that complaints had been made.
The Liberal Democrats have already conceded that they cannot deny him a further term in office.
This is clear to see on page 41 of the originating judgment where the trial judge relied on that alibi which Mr Smith now concedes is not true.
Senate Majority Leader John Hottinger conceded defeat to Governor Tim Pawlenty this afternoon.
As much as I hated to concede defeat, I opened the door and asked, ‘Anyone have any ideas?’
Milosevic lost the elections, but even two weeks later, he still refused to concede defeat.
It took only minutes before Karae was ready to concede the equestrianship title to Yelan.
Many in the party seemed helpless before the Republican success, ready to concede the 2004 election.
A moment later he told members of his campaign that he was ready to concede the election to Bush, which he did several minutes later over the telephone.
Not all periods of the game are of equal tactical significance, and the ability to play through the dying minutes without panic, and without conceding possession and position is a vital one.
But Anderlecht were an increasing danger, going forward down both flanks and profiting from Liverpool conceding possession.
The home keeper showed immense bravery in just 4 minutes when he dived at the feet of Andy Clark after Derek Clark had carelessly conceded possession.
The Sikhs had to agitate for nearly 15 years until their demand was conceded in 1966.
But the biggest present was a letter on the fax from Jack McConnell conceding her demand for an independent inquiry into the shambles of the Holyrood building.
If Cork demands are conceded, and other counties follow suit, then it would be reasonable to suggest that there will be many players constantly taking time off to train and play.
The situation at the break, 1-0 ahead, was familiar to Kendal but in their three previous matches they had failed to score, conceded goals and lost.
A strong defensive partnership between Ellie Hargreaves and Annabel Graham at the back prevented any goals being conceded during the morning.
While they don't concede goals frivolously, getting the ball in the net has become something of a luxury.
We conceded the lead in a close finish and ended up losing the game.
Johnson being the sole dedicated striker allowed Williamson to stretch Celtic's back three without conceding any numerical advantage to them in the centre of the field.
The Sylvestrians who were reeling at 19 for 4 overnight, batted through to 134, conceding a lead of 125.
capitulate, give in, surrender, yield, give up the struggle, cave in, submit, raise/show the white flag, lay down one's arms;
back down, climb down
informal throw in the towel, throw in the sponge
surrender, yield, give up, relinquish, cede, hand over, turn over, part with, deliver up;
forfeit, sacrifice
уступать (что-л.) ; отказываться (от чего-л.) ; передавать (что-л.) to concede territory — уступить часть своей территории to concede a point — уступить /сдаться/ в каком-л. вопросе to concede a right — уступить право to concede independence — предоставлять независимость The defeated nation conceded some of their land to the enemy. — Проигравшая войну страна уступила победителям часть своей территории.
допускать (возможность, правильность чего-л.) conceding for a moment that ... — допустим на минуту, что ... I concede that I might have been wrong — допускаю, что я мог ошибиться
признать свое поражение (особ. на выборах) ; признать себя побежденным, проигравшим (в спорте) the candidate refused to concede defeat — кандидат не хотел признать, что потерпел поражение the athlete conceded when he saw that he had lost — спортсмен признал победу соперника
спорт. дать фору he conceded ten points to his opponent — он дал своему сопернику фору в 10 очков
спорт. проигрывать ; пропускать The only conceded goal came off a penalty kick. — Единственный пропущенный гол был забит с пенальти. Синоним: lose, yield
признавать to concede defeat — признавать поражение He refuses to concede defeat. — Он не признает себя побежденным. But he conceded that there may be new evidence that emerges. — Но он согласился с тем, что в деле могут появиться новые улики. Синоним: acknowledge, admit, allow, confess Антоним: dispute
example: I learned some concepts of molecules before working in the science lab.
Extra definition
An abstract idea:
A plan or intention:
An idea or invention to help sell or publicize a commodity:
(Of a car or other vehicle) produced as an experimental model to test the viability of innovative design features:
An idea or mental image which corresponds to some distinct entity or class of entities, or to its essential features, or determines the application of a term (especially a predicate), and thus plays a part in the use of reason or language.
Extra example
The effect of this is to deny pupils the ability to deal with difficult abstract concepts.
If this nation has any regard for the abstract concept of ‘justice’ then this practice must end.
In that profession you start with a blank sheet of paper and a concept or abstract idea.
I think the impression of the completed film is the same as the original concept we had planned.
Formulating a design and a plan, from original concept to finished product, can take up to a week.
This process engages political processes to translate new concepts and plans into official policy.
He used good science as the foundation for a public policy solution and good marketing to sell the concept to community leaders.
These are marketing decisions and I would not presume to know which concepts sell and which are an anathema.
The concept would then be sold on to a suitable developer.
Generally, really good concept cars serve as models for much milder production vehicles at some point.
I have mentioned only a few of the multitude of new vehicles and concept cars that were on display, some of which you may already have seen at last year's Birmingham Motor Show.
I certainly see there is plenty of good automotive art in this mix of new models and concept wagons.
Society's use of a term partly determines the concepts of individuals in the society, even of such medically ignorant individuals as Bert.
The content of the dispositional concept thus presupposes the virtual-color concept.
It is essential to the concept of belief that there should be differences of opinion, so that we attribute false as well as true beliefs.
понятие , идея , общее представление; концепция ; принцип It is very difficult to define the concept of beauty. — Очень сложно определить понятие красоты. I failed to grasp the film's central concept. — Мне не удалось понять главную идею фильма. Kleenbrite is a whole new concept in toothpaste! — "Клинбрайт" — это целая новая концепция зубной пасты! allergic breakthrough concept — концепция «всплеска аллергической реактивности», концепция Баттерворса (концепция транзиторного выключения механизмов регуляции биосинтеза IgE вследствие ослабления контроля за IgE-специфическими В-лимфоцитами со стороны супрессорных Т-клеток) concept of directional help — концепция двусторонней помощи (концепция создания вакцин на основе гибридной иммуногенной молекулы, содержащей спаренные T- и B-клеточные антигенные детерминанты) concept of symmetry — принцип симметрии (в теории иммунологической сети) critical site concept — концепция «нейтрализующих эпитопов» (концепция, объясняющая вируснейтрализующее действие противовирусных антител) gene network concept — концепция генной сети internal image concept — концепция «внутреннего образа» (антигена) multipotential lymphocyte concept — концепция полифункциональных лимфоцитов Синоним: idea
фил. понятие (терминологическое средство, с помощью которого ученые анализируют предметы реальности или мысленные конструкции)
definition: To construct something means to make or build it.
example: The men used wood and metal to construct a house.
Extra definition
An idea or theory containing various conceptual elements, typically one considered to be subjective and not based on empirical evidence:
A group of words forming a phrase:
A physical thing which is deliberately built or formed:
Extra example
The first thing to note is that the ‘new economy’ was largely an ideological construct deployed in advance of there being any real evidence of increased productivity and the like.
His is an ideological construct, based on the workings of the so-called ‘free market’.
The following results are presented based upon the constructs of the Behavioral Ecological Model.
The phrase was an elegant construct, and so was the American version.
To many modern critics, this is a philosophical or theoretical weakness, an inability to consider the plays as ultimately linguistic constructs.
Routing services let you define rules and service invocation sequences to create a simple sequence of if-then constructs.
Both loops were placed in an aluminum snap hook to mount the construct in the load frame.
Physical constructs are also unlikely to be reusable for other functions.
He leapt into the air, smashing through the high ceiling and looking for the supportive structures of the construct.
строить , сооружать ; воздвигать ; конструировать to construct a house — построить дом to construct a geometrical figure — начертить /построить/ геометрическую фигуру The hut was constructed from trees that grew in the nearby forest. — Домик построили из деревьев, срубленных в близлежащем лесу. Синоним: build
создавать ; сочинять ; придумывать to construct a theory — создать теорию to construct the plot of a play — придумать фабулу пьесы The writer constructed the story from memories of her childhood. — В основу сюжета писательница положила свои детские воспоминания.
составлять , строить (предложение, уравнение и т. д.) (генно-инженерная) конструкция (векторная ДНК, несущая клонированные последовательности искомого гена) phage-based construct — (генно-инженерная) конструкция на основе фагового вектора plasmid-based construct — (генно-инженерная) конструкция на основе плазмидного вектора retroviral construct — (генно-инженерная) конструкция на основе ретровирусного вектора
конструкция , особ. мысленная; концепция great construct — великий замысел theoretical construct — теоретическое построение a contrast between lived reality and the construct held in the mind — контраст между живой реальностью и мысленным представлением о ней
мет. конструкт , понятие (некоторое теоретическое понятие, сформированное с целью познания мира или практической коммуникации; модное слово в англоязычной литературе по социальным наукам; на русский язык иногда переводится аналогичным образом как "конструкт", но во многих контекстах достаточным переводом является "понятие") In spite of the number of stage-based models of or-ganization growth which have been proposed over the years, there has been remarkably little attention paid to the basic construct of a life-cycle stage. — Несмотря на большое количество моделей организационного роста с выделением отдельных стадий, которые предлагались за все время, крайне мало внимания уделялось базовому понятию стадии жизненного цикла.
обобщенный образ (чего-л.) a false construct of the self — ложное представление о собственной личности
мат. (геометрическое) построение (мысленная) конструкция ; положение the central constructs of role theory — основные положения ролевой теории
example: She celebrated her three decades of work with the company.
Extra definition
A period of ten years:
A period of ten years beginning with a year ending in 0:
Each of the five divisions of each chapter of the rosary:
A range of electrical resistances, frequencies, or other quantities spanning from one to ten times a base value:
Extra example
This volume of published material represents work carried out over a period spanning nearly three decades.
The last serving member from the Battle of Long Tan is retiring from service this month after nearly four decades of military service.
The council decided on a plan of action at its first extraordinary meeting and emergency debate for nearly a decade last month.
The urge to change the world that gnaws at normal people in their late teens and early 20's was taking shape in me around the beginning of my fourth decade.
But this is really just to frame the fact that today's the day; the ending of the past decade and the beginning of the next.
Ironically, it was actually an album released at the beginning of the next decade, which perhaps best symbolises this period of change.
For me this has ranged from two Hail Mary prayers right up to five decades of the rosary (which takes me about fifteen to twenty minutes).
Neighbours and friends who visited Pamela's home yesterday recited prayers and a decade of the rosary in a bid to quieten the restless spirit.
Then maybe a small group would join hands in a circle in prayer and somebody would begin a decade of the rosary.
группа из десяти, десяток десятилетие in the past decade — за последнее десятилетие
ист. декада ; десять дней (по французскому республиканскому календарю 1793 г.) next decade — следующая декада previous decade — предыдущая декада decade counter — декадный счетчик
ист. десятидневка , декада (заменившая неделю по французскому республиканскому календарю 1793 г.) часть , состоящая из десяти разделов (в литературном произведении) десятичный разряд next decade — следующий десятичный разряд
литературное произведение, состоящее из 10 книг или включающее в себя 10 частей
definition: A ferry is a boat that carries passengers over short distances.
example: The ferry took the people across the lake.
Extra definition
Convey in a ferry or other ship or boat, especially across a short stretch of water.
Transport from one place to another on short or regular trips:
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A black-robed priest offered what words of consolation and comfort he could to distraught onlookers as more than 20 ambulances ferried the injured to hospitals.
Restrictions remained in place on the city's main thoroughfare for a couple of hours as gardaí cordoned off the scene and ambulances ferried the injured to hospital.
Ambulances that on Friday ferried the injured to hospital, spent yesterday standing by at the funerals to help relatives overcome with grief.
переправа , перевоз to cross the ferry — переправляться /переезжать/ на другой берег to row smb. over the ferry — перевезти кого-л. на другой берег (на лодке) a ferry was established where London Bridge now stands — на том месте, где находится Лондонский мост, когда-то была переправа to take the ferry, to cross the Stygian ferry — переправиться через Стикс, отправиться к праотцам, умереть Синоним: crossing, passage
паром ; паромное судно; перевозочное средство to take the ferry — переправляться на пароме ; пересекать море /Ла-Манш, Атлантический океан/ ferry ticket — билет на паром ferry captain — капитан парома или транспортного судна на переправе to cross a river by ferry — переезжать, переправляться на другой берег to board / take a ferry — переправляться на пароме Синоним: ferryboat
ав. перегон (самолетов) ferry pilot — летчик, перегоняющий самолеты к месту назначения
регулярная авиатранспортная служба ferry plane — самолет авиатранспортной службы the Transatlantic ferry — трансатлантическая авиатранспортная линия
юр. право перевозки пассажиров и грузов через переправу и взимания за это платы лицензия ( право ) на осуществление паромных перевозок авиа регулярная (военная) авиатранспортная служба авиа перегон самолетов перегонка , перебазирование (воздушного судна) перевозить (на лодке, пароме ; часто ferry across, ferry over) will you ferry me over? — вы перевезете меня на ту сторону? he ferried the passengers across the river — он переправил пассажиров через реку He offered to ferry us across the river in his boat. — Он предложил перевезти нас через реку на своей лодке.
переезжать , переправляться (через реку и т. п.) I intended to remain until the weather cleared before I ferried back. — Я собирался остаться и не переезжать на тот берег до тех пор, пока погода не наладится.
перегонять , перебазировать воен. перевозить (на плавучих средствах) ав. перевозить по воздуху перевозить , транспортировать (при помощи наземного или воздушного средства передвижения) Синоним: transport, carry, convey
example: An eraser is handy if you make a lot of mistakes.
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(In Europe) a mobile phone.
Extra example
But if you can manage not to ask questions about why they don't just use their mobiles/cell phones / handies, or why they don't just use email, this doesn't matter.
ˌcome in ˈhandy to be useful
ловкий , умелый ; проворный ; искусный to be handy at smth., to be handy at /in/ doing smth. — уметь делать что-л., быть искусным в чем-л. she is handy with the needle — она хорошо шьет he is handy in the house — он все умеет делать по дому She's handy with tools. — Она ловко управляется с инструментами. He is good at wallpapering but he's not so handy with a paintbrush. — Он хорошо клеит обои, но с кистью не в ладах. Синоним: skilful, skilled, dexterous
удобный (для пользования) ; полезный ; легко управляемый прям. и перен. handy ship — маневренный корабль This tool is handy for various jobs. — Этот инструмент удобен для выполнения различных работ. handy hints and tips — полезные советы handy excuse — удобный предлог come in handy — пригодиться
близкий , находящийся под рукой; ( имеющийся ) под рукой to keep smth. handy — держать что-л. под рукой the post-office is handy — почта рядом
удобный (для пользования) ; портативный handy volume — небольшой /удобный для пользования/ том
definition: To isolate is to separate one person or thing from a group.
example: The teacher isolated the bad child from the class before talking with her.
Extra definition
A person or thing which has been or become isolated:
A culture of microorganisms isolated for study.
Extra example
The men who end up on Skid Row are social isolates.
But in high school, they tended to be outsiders - social isolates or whatever.
Some, but not all of these creators were social isolates, eccentrics, and obsessives.
The invasive isolates were mostly obtained from blood whereas the non invasive isolates were isolated from throat.
Our study was based on clinical isolates obtained from patients.
Overall, 189 bacterial isolates from 149 patients were misidentified.
изолировать , отделять ; обособлять to isolate from the whole world — изолировать /отрезать/ от всего мира to isolate a patient — изолировать больного, подвергнуть больного карантину
хим. выделять , получать Scientists are working to isolate certain chemicals important to medicine from the natural substances in which they are found. — Ученые работают над получением важных для медицины химических соединений из натуральных веществ, в которых эти соединения содержатся.
definition: If something is numerous, there are many of those things.
example: It was hard to drive fast since there were numerous holes in the road.
Extra definition
Great in number; many:
Consisting of many members:
Extra example
The nominees are too numerous to mention - but you can see them all here.
And of course television news is even worse, as numerous studies have shown.
Productivity is notoriously difficult to measure, as numerous studies have found.
You know, insects are the most numerous group of species on this planet?
many, a lot of, a great many, very many, countless, scores of, innumerable;
several, quite a few, various, diverse;
a great number of, a great deal of, plenty of, copious, a quantity of, quantities of, an abundance of, a profusion of, a multitude of;
многочисленный , множественный numerous family — большая семья numerous visitors — много посетителей numerous library — богатая библиотека numerous gifts — многочисленные подарки numerous dinner — уст. большой званый обед
редк. исходящий от многих numerous hum — многоголосый шум
definition: A particle is a very small piece of something.
example: The bottles of wine were covered in a layer of dust particles.
Extra definition
A minute portion of matter:
Any of numerous subatomic constituents of the physical world that interact with each other, including electrons, neutrinos, photons, and alpha particles.
A hypothetical object having mass but no physical size.
The least possible amount:
(In English) any of the class of words such as in, up, off, over, used with verbs to make phrasal verbs.
(In ancient Greek) any of a class of words used for contrast and emphasis, such as de and ge.
Extra example
Uncatchables were like magnets for loose electrons, and whenever they became solid, it was because they had attracted all of the minute particles of matter in the area towards them.
It is true that Newton did suggest that if we could know the forces that operate on the minute particles of matter, we could understand why macroscopic processes occur in the ways they do.
Cloud seeding is a snowmaking technique that discharges minute particles of a chemical called iodide into winter storm clouds to create snow.
Counting photons, particles that carry electromagnetic energy including X-rays, was critical to this discovery.
Electrical power can be related to the Planck constant, defined as the ratio between the frequency of an electromagnetic particle such as a photon of light and its energy.
In addition, they must consider the electrons not as particles, but as quantum mechanical waves.
At that time he made the claim, for the first time, that the particle had zero mass.
The view which I am so bold to put forth considers radiation as a high species of vibration in the lines of force which are known to connect particles, and also masses of matter together.
A mechanism which gives mass to the particles by allowing them to interact with a field was first suggested by Peter Higgs.
If no special emphasis is employed, the adverbial particle in a phrasal verb proper is stressed: to píck úp a bóok/píck a bóok úp.
Maybe, as a result of this, sentences occasionally miss main verbs or particles get mislaid, but blogging is Hell, soldier.
The third shared feature is that where there is more than one particle accompanying a verb, the particles always have a fixed order before the verb: tense-mood-aspect.
These are considered particles and they're placed at the end of a sentence, usually to signify a certain attitudinal meaning or intonation.
Such a particle would generally be included in a grammar in a post-compositional pragmatic component, but, surprisingly, like also affects basic semantic attributes.
частица ; бесконечно малая частица вещества charged particle — физ. заряженная частица field particle — физ. квант поля antigen-laden particle — нагруженная [сенсибилизированная] антигеном частица empty particle — «пустая» (лишенная нуклеиновой кислоты) вирусная частица FACS-countable particle — частица, дающая сигнал флуоресценции выше порогового значения opsonized particle — опсонизированная частица
крупица , частица particle of dust — пылинка not a particle of truth — ни крупицы правды not a particle of doubt — ни тени /ни грана/ сомнения she hasn't a particle of sense — у нее нет ни капли здравого смысла alpha particle — альфа-частица elementary particle — элементарная частица subatomic particle — субатомная частица Синоним: grain, atom
грам. неизменяемая частица; префикс , суффикс небольшая статья, раздел ; пункт , параграф , статья документа рел. часть причастия, просфоры (у католиков) лингв. служебное слово уст. статья (документа) корпускула phage particle — фаговая корпускула
definition: A plea is a request that is urgent or emotional.
example: The poor, hungry man made a plea for food.
Extra definition
A request made in an urgent and emotional manner:
A claim that a circumstance means that one should not be blamed for or should not be forced to do something:
A formal statement by or on behalf of a defendant or prisoner, stating guilt or innocence in response to a charge, offering an allegation of fact, or claiming that a point of law should apply:
Extra example
But unlike Moore, he doesn't rely on emotional pleas from hysterical moms and funny songs to lighten the mood.
Beware of charities long on emotional pleas but short on concrete examples of where the money goes, she advised.
He also is undecided on his emotions, chopping and changing between angry violent outbursts and whiny emotional pleas.
You must demonstrate that you have made a decision and will no longer accept philandering, excuses, promises or pleas.
His attorneys moved on Wednesday to obtain a prompt hearing on his plea that he is legally entitled to release.
He was given six years for forgery despite his plea that he regarded painting banknotes as "a new form of art."
The defendants put forward a plea of justification, based on the issue of the writ itself.
It seems that he indicated a plea of guilty even before the charge was amended.
I have already said that I am not going to make a plea of diminished responsibility on the grounds of incapacity.
юр. заявление , сделанное в суде одной из сторон или от ее имени; сделанное в суде одной из сторон официальное заявление , ответ подсудимого или ответчика суду defendant's plea — защита подсудимого, выступление (в суде) для защиты интересов ответчика plea of guilty — признание себя виновным plea bargaining — амер. соглашение о принятии вины обвиняемым to enter a guilty plea — каяться, раскаиваться to enter a plea of not guilty — оправдываться, убеждать в невиновности
юр. возражение , апелляция plea to the jurisdiction — возражение против юрисдикции суда to put in a plea — представлять суду возражение против иска
жалоба , прошение ; иск по суду to enter / make / put forward a plea — просить (о чем-л.) , подавать прошение (о чем-л.)
юр. ист. судебное дело, процесс ; юр.; ист. ; = law-plea судебный акт; тяжба pleas of the Crown — уголовные процессы common pleas — общие дела (т.е. дела, не вызывавшие интереса у Королевского Двора) ; гражданские дела Pleas of the Crown — судебные дела государственной важности ; уголовные дела to hold pleas — отправлять судебные дела
оправдание , предлог ; довод ; ссылка (на какую-л. причину) ; повод on the plea of — под предлогом on / at / with the plea of a headache — под предлогом головной боли Синоним: argument, reason, apology, pretext, excuse
обращение , призыв ; просьба ; мольба ; требование ; предложение plea for mercy — ходатайство о помиловании ; прошение о снисхождении, помиловании plea for aid — мольба о помощи help plea — просьба о помощи ardent / fervent / impassioned / moving / passionate plea — горячая, пылкая, страстная просьба urgent plea — настойчивая просьба to answer / respond to a plea — внимать просьбе to deny / reject a plea — не внимать просьбе to advance a plea — выдвигать требование или предложение Синоним: entreaty, supplication, appeal, argument, claim
заявление (суду) оснований иска или защиты против иска передача дела в суд юр. заявление оснований для иска или защиты против иска шотл. ссора , вражда ; спор , выяснение отношений Синоним: controversy, debate, contention, quarrel, strife
definition: To refrain from something is to avoid doing it.
example: The doctor asked Mary to refrain from eating fast food as part of her diet.
Extra definition
A repeated line or number of lines in a poem or song, typically at the end of each verse.
The musical accompaniment for a refrain:
A comment or complaint that is often repeated:
Extra example
These all seem to derive from the Folio text, but some may supplement it by accurately recording where breaks came between verses and refrains.
Even Isaiah turns preacher in our text with a sermonic refrain repeated in verses 21 and 28.
In these ten short verses, the refrain, ‘Do not fear,’ occurs three times.
Musical refrains differ by virtue of the score or the performer.
The fast sections are extremely delightful with slow sections having wonderful melodies and tender refrains.
The arrangements are intelligent without being fussy: tuneful refrains for cello and woodwind, beguiling motifs for piano and vibes, emotional guitar and restrained drums.
Amongst the journalists who responded to my queries, there was a constant refrain: ‘what can I possibly do?’
A constant refrain from Australian political parties not only in the recent election campaign but for generations has been that Australia cannot afford more money for national defence.
Dean's emphasis on Kennedy's prudence during the Cuban missile crisis was a constant refrain of leading Democrats in late 2002.
сдерживаться , удерживаться , воздерживаться to refrain from doing smth. — воздерживаться от какого-л. поступка to refrain from meat — отказаться от мяса please refrain from smoking during the performance — просьба не курить во время представления he could not refrain from smiling — он не мог не улыбнуться she could not refrain from tears — она не могла сдержать /удержаться от/ слез I can't refrain from returning there. — Я не мог не вернуться туда. The people were asked to refrain from baths while water was scarce. — Жителей призвали воздержаться от приема ванн на период нехватки воды. Синоним: decline, abstain
сдерживать , удерживать , обуздывать he refrained his wrath — он обуздал свой гнев
сдержаться , удержаться от (чего-л.) How shall I refrain from tears when we part? — Как мне не плакать, ведь мы расстаемся.
definition: A review of something is a formal inspection of it by people in authority.
example: The government ordered a careful review of the economic situation.
Extra definition
Assess (something) formally with the intention of instituting change if necessary:
Submit (a sentence, case, etc.) for reconsideration by a higher court or authority:
Survey or evaluate (a subject or past events):
Write a critical appraisal of (a book, play, film, etc.) for publication in a newspaper or magazine:
(Of a sovereign, commander-in-chief, etc.) make a ceremonial and formal inspection of (military or naval forces):
View or inspect again:
Extra example
The council says it has no intention of reviewing the decision.
Medecins Sans Frontieres have shown no intention to review their decision to pull out of the country in July for their workers' safety.
PhotoForum can see that it is necessary to review tertiary education.
The prison warden in this case will undoubtedly ask the Supreme Court to review this case.
And, for the sake of comparison, I couldn't find any reference to the US Supreme Court reviewing mandatory sentencing laws either.
However, where an administrative body originally exercised the power to deprive people of their liberty, they must have the right to have their case reviewed by a court.
She is wistful and pleased as she reviews past events.
The list of drug interactions with cisapride has been updated since this topic was reviewed in a past newsletter.
He or she reviews the necessary steps of the bowel prep to include remaining on a clear liquid diet for two days before surgery.
One reason that avant-garde film wasn't reviewed in newspapers during my time as a critic had to do with the avant-garde film world.
But here's the caveat: Not all books written by newspaper reporters should be reviewed.
In her naiveté she had thought that all serious books were reviewed in the major newspapers, especially The New York Times.
The phantasmagoria includes a scene depicting the French emperor reviewing an army of hideous demons.
Today, the Queen reviews the Fleet (presumably both the Red and the Blue bits).
In 1915, Brigadier General Abbot reviewed the Bradford City Volunteers.
The program uses thousands of slides that are reviewed by a wide variety of practicing cytotechnologists and cytopathologists in a variety of practice settings.
Each month, following the ADASP recommendations, cases were randomly selected and reviewed by 1 pathologist.
Our view, having reviewed all the material, is that judgments went to (although not beyond) the outer limits of the intelligence available.
reconsider, re-examine, reassess, re-evaluate, reappraise, moderate, rethink, think over, take another look at, take a fresh look at, look at in a different light, have another think about;
change, alter, modify, revise
рассмотрение ; обзор , обозрение ; пересмотр in /under/ review — рассматриваемый the period under review — отчетный /рассматриваемый/ период to come under review — рассматриваться, изучаться to take a review of the war — рассмотреть основные события войны to pass one's life in review — вспоминать о том, что было
упр. просмотр , проверка , контроль школ. повторение пройденного материала рецензия ; отзыв (о книге, фильме и т. п.) ; критическая статья review copy — экземпляр, присланный для отзыва favourable / positive review — благоприятный, положительный отзыв negative / unfavourable review — отрицательный отзыв to do / write a review (of a book) — писать рецензию (на книгу) to get / receive a review — получать отзыв The play got rave reviews. — Пьеса получила восторженные отзывы. review copy — экземпляр недавно вышедшей книги, высылаемый издательствами в средства массовой информации для отзывов
обзор (в печати) a review of the year's sporting events — обзор спортивных событий года
периодический журнал, периодическое издание scientific review — научный журнал weekly review — еженедельное издание
воен. парад , смотр review order — парадная форма одежды a review of the troops — парад войск to march /to pass/ in review — проходить торжественным маршем to review troops — принимать парад войск
упр. , юр. рассмотрение (заявлений, дел) , пересмотр (решений) court of review — кассационный суд in /under/ review — пересматриваемый
театр. обозрение , ревю учет , ауд. обзор ; ревизия (бухгалтерская услуга, предоставляющая совету директоров или заинтересованным сторонам гарантию надежности финансовой информации без проведения дипломированным общественным бухгалтером аудиторской проверки в соответствии с общепринятыми правилами аудита) повторение (пройденного материала) рассматривать , пересматривать ; бросать взгляд (на что-л.) to review the past — вспоминать прошлое to review the situation — анализировать положение to review smb.'s conduct — разбирать чье-л. поведение
просматривать , проверять школ. повторять пройденный материал to review for a test — готовиться к тесту /к проверке знаний/ ; готовиться к тесту
рецензировать ; писать критический отзыв; делать ( критический ) обзор the film was kindly reviewed in the papers — фильм получил в прессе положительную оценку to review a book — рецензировать книгу Синоним: survey
быть рецензентом to review for a newspaper — быть рецензентом в газете
воен. производить , делать смотр; принимать парад Синоним: view, inspect, examine
производить смотр юр. пересматривать (решение и т. п.) обозревать , осматривать повторять (пройденный материал)
definition: If someone is sophisticated, they know many things about the world.
example: Jake is one of the most sophisticated persons I’ve ever met.
Extra definition
Having, revealing, or involving a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture:
Appealing to or frequented by people who are sophisticated:
(Of a machine, system, or technique) developed to a high degree of complexity:
(Of a person or their thoughts, reactions, and understanding) aware of and able to interpret complex issues; subtle:
Extra example
They hadn't gone to college, and they saw Father Mark as a repository of knowledge and culture and sophisticated humor.
In Memphis, he has an experience that makes him realize that he is not as sophisticated or worldly as he thought: he meets a boy by chance on the road, and they come upon a jug of bootleg alcohol.
Readers of this blog are, by definition, sophisticated and worldly-wise individuals who know full well that major film studios do not read unsolicited screenplays.
But most of all, people come here to eat. springing up on every corner are sophisticated restaurants serving exquisite food.
The low-ad loading and sophisticated playlist were hugely appealing, but it just wasn't a great money-spinner.
His philosophy is a simple, yet sophisticated restaurant with no clutter - somewhere to enjoy his food at a reasonable price.
There would also be a vital need to control access to computer systems that were being used to develop sophisticated machines.
It's a new departure for politics in this country as political parties adopt the sophisticated marketing techniques of advertising to sell their brands to the widest possible audience.
In Edinburgh we had a sophisticated marketing system to work out who the audience was.
In this sense, it suggested a sophisticated enemy, well aware of how modern wars are fought.
Senior citizens are among the most sophisticated people on this issue because they pay for drugs out of pocket.
But Goloku's teachings also carried a more subtle and sophisticated thought, under the simple morality of the precept.
лишенный простоты, естественности; утонченный , изощренный sophisticated manners — изысканные манеры sophisticated taste — утонченный вкус sophisticated novel — роман для избранных ; роман, рассчитанный на искушенного читателя a sophisticated lifestyle — утонченный образ жизни Синоним: urbane
искушенный , умудренный опытом sophisticated traveller — опытный /бывалый/ путешественник sophisticated adolescent — развитой (не по летам) подросток sophisticated columnist — осведомленный /авторитетный/ журналист sophisticated politicians — искушенные политики a sophisticated view — искушенный взгляд
сложный , усложненный ; сложно устроенный sophisticated apparatus — сложная аппаратура sophisticated research techniques — сложная техника изысканий sophisticated surgery — сложная современная хирургия ; тонкая хирургическая операция one of the most sophisticated of animal communication systems — одна из самых сложных систем коммуникации, используемых животными Sophisticated search techniques would be required to locate faint objects. — Для поиска слабо светящихся объектов потребуются (более) сложные методы. Синоним: complex
современный , стоящий на уровне современности sophisticated weapons — новейшие виды сложного оружия Синоним: up-to-date, advanced
фальсифицированный ; с примесью sophisticated oil — масло с примесью суррогата sophisticated food — (пищевые) эрзацы, суррогаты
искаженный , извращенный ; вводящий в заблуждение sophisticated text — искаженный текст
рафинированный ; изысканный sophisticated modern tastes — современные рафинированные вкусы sophisticated wines — изысканные вина Синоним: urbane
изощренный a sophisticated maniac — изощренный маньяк
умудренный (опытом) ; опытный a sophisticated scholar — умудренный опытом ученый a sophisticated expert — опытный эксперт
предназначенный для людей с тонким вкусом, отвечающий изощренному вкусу, тонкий , замысловатый a sophisticated novel — роман для искушенного читателя ; замысловатый роман sophisticated music — тонкая музыка
definition: To surrender something is to give it up.
example: The thief surrendered the money to the police when he was caught.
Extra definition
The action of surrendering to an opponent or powerful influence:
The action of surrendering a lease or life insurance policy.
Extra example
A final series of surrenders followed as hungry Lakota bands capitulated at military posts along the upper Missouri and Yellowstone.
Close combat is the only form of warfare that results in surrenders.
The victor would then be able to starve his opponent into surrender, or at least so disrupt his trade that his economy would collapse and he would no longer be able to continue the war.
As a consequence of the approach adopted by insurance companies on the early surrender of endowment policies, a market has developed in second-hand endowment policies.
Such a world exists - not for car owners, but for owners of life insurance policies intended for lapse or surrender.
I conclude on the evidence that the only reason for TMD's involvement at this stage was the early surrender of the lease and that these costs would not have been incurred but for that indication.
capitulation, submission, yielding, giving in, succumbing, acquiescence, laying down of arms, quitting;
fall, defeat
сдача ; капитуляция surrender at discretion — воен. безоговорочная капитуляция the surrender of a fort — сдача крепости to demand the surrender of fire-arms — воен. потребовать сдачи огнестрельного оружия the surrender of documents — передача /сдача/ документов a complete surrender of self to art — беззаветная преданность искусству unconditional surrender — безоговорочная капитуляция the surrender of illegal weapons — сдача незаконного оружия Синоним: capitulation
выдача (преступника одним государством другому) отказ (от чего-л.) to make surrender of principle(s) — отказаться от своих принципов
юр. уступка ; отказ (от права) surrender value — сумма, возвращаемая лицу, отказавшемуся от страхового полиса surrender of power to smb. — отказ от власти в пользу кого-л., передача власти кому-л.
юр. признание себя несостоятельным должником явка с повинной юр. отказ (от права) surrender of a lease — отказ от аренды (до окончания срока)
юр. препровождение (преступника в суд) передача (чего-л.) сдавать to surrender a fortress to the enemy — сдать крепость врагу to surrender arms / weapons — сложить оружие They were given two hours to surrender their weapons. — Им дали два часа на то, чтобы сложить оружие. The defendant was released to await trial but had to surrender her passport. — Обвиняемую отпустили до начала суда, но потребовали сдать паспорт.
сдаваться ; капитулировать to surrender at discretion — воен. сдаваться на милость победителя I surrender! — (я) сдаюсь! he surrendered (himself) to justice — он отдал себя в руки правосудия we advised the hijackers to surrender (themselves) to the police — мы предложили воздушным пиратам сдаться полиции to refuse to surrender — не сдаваться In 1865, the Confederate Army surrendered. — В 1865 г. армия Конфедерации сдалась. The hijackers eventually surrendered (themselves) to the police. — В конце концов, угонщики сдались полиции. in 1865, the Confederate Army surrendered — в 1865 г. армия Конфедерации сдалась
отказываться (от чего-л.) to surrender hope — отказываться от надежды, оставить надежду to surrender all hope of smth. — оставить /потерять/ всякую надежду на что-л. to surrender one's right to smb. — отказываться от своего права в чью-л. пользу we shall surrender our liberty to no one — мы никому не отдадим нашей свободы to surrender one's office — выйти /подать/ в отставку to surrender a policy — отказаться от полиса
(часто to surrender oneself) поддаваться ; предаваться to surrender (oneself) to despair — впасть в отчаяние to surrender (oneself) to sleep — заснуть to surrender (oneself) to smb.'s influence — подпасть под чье-л. влияние don't surrender to panic — не поддавайтесь панике to surrender (oneself) to a sense of apathy — впасть в апатию She surrendered to temptation and took out a cigarette. — Она поддалась искушению и вынула сигарету.
юр. уступать ; отказываться (от права) to surrender an insurance policy — отказаться от страхового полиса с тем, чтобы сразу получить часть премии Hannah was most reluctant to surrender her independence. — Ханне совсем не хотелось отказываться от независимости. to surrender a territory — уступать территорию
юр. признать себя в суде несостоятельным должником юр. отказываться от права to surrender a lease — отказываться от аренды (до окончания срока) to surrender an insurance policy — отказываться от страхового полиса (с тем, чтобы сразу же получить часть уже выплаченных страховых взносов) He agreed to surrender all claims to the property. — Он согласился отказаться от всех прав на эту собственность.
юр. признавать себя несостоятельным должником (в суде) передавать (что-л.)
definition: If something is upright, it is standing up straight.
example: Meerkats can’t walk like humans, but they can stand upright.
Extra definition
A post or rod fixed vertically, especially as a structural support:
An upright piano:
Extra example
The ‘smart’ fence uses breakable metal pins inserted between the top pole and the uprights supporting it.
The winds, which had now swung south-east sent great waves over those who still clung to anything they could get a grip on, such as chains, steel uprights or iron support bars.
The most common arch form is constructed of steel uprights supported in concrete-filled oil drums, with a trellised head spanning the road.
One option for families with children studying piano is to purchase uprights with the reduced keyboard and trade up later, as is done with different size violins.
The ‘soft pedal’ on some uprights moves the whole set of hammers closer to the strings, so that they give a less powerful blow.
Many manufacturers will offer both uprights and grands with smaller keyboards.
column, standard, stanchion, post, pole
sit/stand bolt ˈupright to sit or stand with your back straight
стойка ; колонка пианино (тж. upright piano) сл. смесь пива с джином обыкн. pl спорт. стойки вертикаль a post out of upright — покосившийся столб
подпорка ; колонна обычно мн.; спорт. стойка ворот вертикальный слой вертикальный ; прямой an upright tree — прямое дерево
отвесный (о холме, горе и т. п.) честный ; справедливый upright judge — справедливый судья upright man — честный человек He bore through England the reputation of an upright and virtuous king. — В Англии он снискал репутацию честного и добродетельного короля. Синоним: moral
держащийся прямо прямой прямо , вертикально , стоймя to stand /to hold oneself/ upright — стоять прямо I can hardly sit upright. — Я с трудом могу сидеть прямо.
поднять в вертикальное положение, поставить стоймя
definition: If something is worthwhile, it is important or useful.
example: On his visit to Canada, he realized studying English was worthwhile.
Extra definition
Worth the time, money, or effort spent; of value or importance:
Extra example
Are the musicians at the airport a waste of money or worthwhile entertainment for our visitors?
We thought this would be a fun way of raising some money for a worthwhile cause.
All the effort was made worthwhile as Heaton again ran half the field for his second try.
valuable, of value, worth it, worth the effort, useful, of use, usable, of service, beneficial, rewarding, advantageous, positive, helpful, of help, of assistance, purposeful, profitable, gainful, fruitful, productive, constructive, effective, efficacious, effectual, justifiable, significant, important, substantial, meaningful, worthy;
excellent, exemplary, good
стоящий ; дающий результат worthwhile experiment — полезный опыт is the experiment worthwhile? — есть ли смысл /стоит ли/ ставить этот опыт? we tried it but found it was not worthwhile — мы попробовали, но убедились, что зря теряем время in a worthwhile manner — результативно to be worthwhile — иметь смысл Синоним: rewarding