definition: A civilization is an organized group of humans that have culture and government
example: Most early civilizations in Central America didn’t use metal weapons.
Extra definition
The stage of human social development and organization which is considered most advanced:
The process by which a society or place reaches an advanced stage of social development and organization.
The society, culture, and way of life of a particular area:
The comfort and convenience of modern life, regarded as available only in towns and cities:
Extra example
The development of human civilisation is intimately bound up with the domestication of cereals.
These factors, far from being narrow technical issues, capture the essence of social evolution and advanced civilization.
The evolution of civilisation and social organisation that checks and regulates the lust for revenge and other such instincts compel one to answer in the affirmative.
The process of civilization not only brought improved individual self-control but also a change of attitudes and values.
Scholars began to discuss civilization as a unilinear process with races able to ascend or descend a graduated scale.
On the contrary, in every organic process, the antitheses always reflect a unified totality, and civilization is an organic process.
Mazes and a range of labyrinth designs are found all around the world in many cultures and civilizations.
The ancient Mayan civilization was very advanced and had a sophisticated knowledge of science, art, and astronomy.
I think western civilization is built on three fundamental and interlocking principles that form the Western world view.
Yet as we rejoin modern civilisation in the city of Newcastle, this is not the final impression we are left with of our trip.
Some are remote from modern civilisation, others survive cheek by jowl with spreading towns and motorways.
Most come from rural backgrounds and are poorly educated, handicaps for anyone who wants to get ahead in the modern urban-commercial civilisation.
human development, advancement, progress, enlightenment, edification, culture, cultivation, refinement, sophistication
culture, customs, mores, way of life, attainments, achievements;
society, nation, people, community
цивилизация , цивилизованность the ancient civilizations of Central and Latin America — древние цивилизации Центральной и Латинской Америки
цивилизованность, культура , цивилизация Greek civilization — греческая культура
цивилизованный мир When I returned to civilization... — Когда я вернулся в цивилизованный мир... When I returned to civilization — Когда я вернулся в цивилизованный мир
opportune, timely, well timed, favourable, advantageous, expedient
archaic commodious, seasonable
within easy reach of, near (to), close to, well placed for, well situated for, handy for, just around the corner from, within walking distance of, at close quarters to, not far from
informal a stone's throw from, {a hop, skip, and a jump away from}, within spitting distance of
удобный , подходящий ; пригодный convenient time — удобное /подходящее/ время ; удобное время convenient tool — удобный инструмент convenient method — подходящий метод I'll call on you tomorrow evening if it's convenient for you — если вам удобно, я зайду за вами завтра вечером Синоним: opportune
( for , to ) находящийся поблизости, под рукой our house is very convenient for the shops — от нашего дома недалеко до магазинов
definition: A den is a living space for some types of animals, such as lions.
example: The mother lion left her babies in the den.
Extra definition
(Of a wild animal) live in a den:
Extra example
This time he would stay until the snows came, to make sure the cubs denned up.
We identified 617 disturbances on 72 trees that occurred during the time of year when polar bears were denning in the area and which we were unable to attribute to any other source.
Polar bears denning in Norway and Russia near the North Pole carry some of the highest levels of toxic compounds ever found in living animals.
the ˈlion’s den a difficult situation in which you have to face a person or people who are unfriendly or aggressive towards you
to beard the lion in his ˈden to go to see an important or powerful person to tell them that you disagree with them, that you want something, etc.
логово , берлога , нора a fox's den — лисья нора a lion's den — логово льва a bear's den — медвежья берлога Today we are driving north, straight into the lion's den - into rebel-infested territory. — Сегодня мы едем на север, прямо в логово льва, на территорию, кишащую повстанцами. Синоним: lair
притон , прибежище , логово robber den — воровской притон den of vice — вертеп gambling den — (подпольный) игорный дом ; игорный дом opium / drug den — притон наркоманов den of iniquity / vice — прибежище порока the very type of a robber den — настоящий воровской притон
клетка для диких зверей (в зоологическом саду) убежище , укрытие каморка разг. уютная небольшая комната, рабочий кабинет «дом» (в играх) шотл. лощина амер. комната для отдыха брит.; уст. уединенный кабинет шотл. глубокая лощина Синоним: dingle
амер. подразделение каб-скаутов см. тж. Cub Scout жить или зимовать в берлоге скрываться , прятаться в берлоге жить в берлоге, зимовать в берлоге уходить в берлогу, скрываться в берлоге (den up) амер.; разг. впадать в (зимнюю) спячку Our people are inclined to "den up" in the hot weather, as certain animals do in the cold season. — Наши люди склонны "впадать в спячку" в жаркую погоду, как это делают некоторые животные в холодное время года.
definition: Dew is the drops of water that form on the ground outside during the night.
example: When we woke up, we saw that the grass was covered in dew.
Extra definition
Distant early warning, a radar system in North America for the early detection of a missile attack:
Extra example
роса morning dew — утренняя роса wet with dew — мокрый от росы the dew is falling — выпадает роса The grass was wet with dew. — Трава была мокрой от росы. mountain dew — виски
поэт. свежесть , чистота the dew of youth — свежесть юности ; чистота и свежесть юности the dew of sleep — освежающий сон
капля пота; слеза орошать ; обрызгивать , увлажнять ; окроплять eyes dewed with tears — глаза, увлажненные слезами ; глаза, в которых стоят слезы Sweat dewed his brow. — У него на лбу выступили капельки пота. Синоним: wet, moisten, bedew
решительный , крутой ; радикальный , коренной ; интенсивный ; глубокий ; резкий drastic measures — крутые /энергичные/ меры ; энергичные меры drastic cuts in expenses — радикальное сокращение расходов to make drastic alterations — провести коренные преобразования we mustn't do anything drastic — мы не должны предпринимать никаких крайних шагов drastic alterations — коренные преобразования Синоним: violent
мед. сильнодействующий , сильный drastic remedies — радикальные средства ; сильные лекарства, сильнодействующие лекарства
example: The students exited through the front door.
Extra definition
Go out of or leave a place:
Used as a stage direction in a play to indicate that an actor leaves the stage:
Leave a particular situation:
Terminate a process or program:
Relinquish the lead:
Extra example
Each aisle was first entered and exited from the back of the store opposite the cashier counters.
While I was waiting at the arrivals gate, a large group of people exited from the flight previous to the one I was waiting for.
The small old men exited from the dramatic scene ashen-faced.
This may mean that buyers will not allow prices to rise like last time, but it could also mean that owners will be more ready to exit from the market.
Firms have been quietly reducing excess capacity and exiting unprofitable businesses.
One explanation for these declines is obvious: Wives now have more freedom to exit bad relationships.
A user can right-click on that to exit the program - thereby preventing it from recording Web surfing, e-mail and chat sessions.
Changing modes like this does, however, require that you then exit the program and restart it for the changes to take effect.
To exit the program, hit Alt-F again, and hit X or use the arrow keys to select Exit.
leave, go (out), depart, take one's leave, make one's departure, make an exit;
withdraw, retreat, retire
informal quit
эк. , соц. уход * , выход * to make one's exit — выходить ; уйти tail exit — хвостовой выход (в самолете) window exit — выход через окно (в самолете) wing exit — выход через крыло (в самолете) no exit — нет выхода exit only — нет входа fire exit — пожарный выход emergency exit — запасной выход exit from the real estate market — уход с рынка недвижимости The staff records must be destroyed between seven and ten years of the employee's exit from the company. — Данные о сотруднике должны быть уничтожены через 7-10 лет после ухода сотрудника из компании.
уход , выход (откуда-либо) исчезновение , смерть ; уход в другой мир; уход из жизни to take one's exit — сойти со сцены, умереть Синоним: death
выезд (на автодороге) Take the second exit after the bridge. — Тебе нужен второй выезд после моста.
❝no❞exit - «выхода нет» (надпись) ❝exit only❞ - «входа нет» (надпись) exit visa — выездная виза, виза на выезд a fire exit — запасный выход an exit to Gorki street — выход на улицу Горького exit into space — выход в космос
театр. уход со сцены фин. , бирж. выход (инвестора из инвестиционного проекта (напр., продажа инвестором принадлежащих ему акций какой-л. компании)) умереть , сойти со сцены ; покинуть этот мир Синоним: decease, die
выходить ; удаляться to exit the building — выходить из здания Синоним: depart, disappear
лат. уходит exit Hamlet — Гамлет уходит (ремарка в пьесе)
свернуть (с дороги) When he saw the sign, he exited the freeway. — Увидев знак, он свернул с автострады.
выйти (из транспорта) to exit the agreement — выйти из соглашения to exit the company — выйти из доли, продать акции компании
покидать , уходить (с собрания и т. п.) to exit from the insurance business — уйти из сферы страхования, уйти с рынка страховых услуг (о компании) to exit the market — уйти с рынка
уйти из жизни выходной , выпускной (об отверстии и т. п.)
definition: A flock is a group of animals, such as birds, sheep or goats.
example: There was one black sheep in the entire flock.
Extra definition
A soft material for stuffing cushions, quilts, and other soft furnishings, made of wool refuse or torn-up cloth:
Powdered wool or cloth, used in making flock wallpaper.
A lock or tuft of wool or cotton.
Extra example
All excess flock fibers are automatically collected and recycled back to the dispensing hopper.
In considering the diagnosis of flock worker's lung, the symptom profile is crucial in raising clinical suspicion.
Those results are consistent with Schillaci's findings and support our flock composition results.
But the very existence of Michelin-starred Indian restaurants may signal the death knell of flock wall-paper, lager and an onion bhaji.
The hall was decorated in green flock paper, and was furnished with a modern two layer bronze and teak tripod table.
birds of a ˈfeather (flock toˈgether) people of the same sort (are found together)
стадо ; стая (птиц) ; отара (овец) a flock of wild ducks — стая диких уток flocks and herds — овцы и рогатый скот flock of geese — стая гусей to tend a flock of sheep — пасти стадо овец
группа (руководимая лидером) , паства Синоним: throng, crowd
пушинка ; клочок шерсти; пучок (волос) текст. очески толпа , скопление людей a flock of visitors — толпа посетителей to come in flocks — стекаться толпами, валить толпой
дети (в семье) the flower of the flock — краса /украшение/ семьи
ученики (ученого, философа и т. п.) редк. собрание , комплект a flock of pamphlets — стопка брошюр
pl грубая шерсть клок текст. флок, короткое волокно для флокирования толпа (людей), масса , большое количество (чего-л.) noisy flock of tourists — шумная толпа туристов
стекаться , скапливаться , собираться толпой to flock about smb. — толпиться вокруг кого-л., обступить кого-л. to flock after smb. — толпой следовать за кем-л. Hundreds of people are flocking to the football match. — Сотни людей стекаются на футбольный матч.
держаться вместе , сбиться в кучу (тж. flock up) валить толпой people flocked to the cities — народ повалил в города the door opened and the public flocked in — дверь открылась, и публика стала входить гурьбой
набивать (пухом, шерстью, волосом) набивать матрацы, подушки тех. покрывать флоком приходить толпой, собираться толпами The crowd flocked around the speaker. — Вокруг выступающего собралась толпа.
definition: To fold is to bend something like paper or cloth so that it takes up less space.
example: I folded the paper and put it in my pocket.
Extra definition
Shut (livestock) in a fold.
Extra example
fold your ˈarms to put one of your arms over the other one and hold them against your body
fold your ˈhands to bring or hold your hands together
fold somebody in your ˈarms to put your arms around somebody and hold them against your body
aˌbove/beˌlow the ˈfold in/not in a position where you see it first, for example in the top/bottom part of a newspaper page or web page
рел. паства , церковь (как сообщество верующих) , стадо Христово свой круг; общество единомышленников, единоверцев; сообщество ; группа единомышленников he rejoined the fold after his youthful escapades — после периода юношеских увлечений он вновь занял свое место в обществе /он остепенился/ to receive smb. back into the fold — принять кого-л. снова в свои ряды to belong to the progressive or radical fold — принадлежать к прогрессивному или радикальному кругу
сгиб , изгиб , складка folds of fat — жировые складки (на шее) to carry smth. in a fold of one's robe — прятать что-л. в складках одежды curtain that falls in perfect folds — занавес, падающий ровными складками When blown, these bellows form two, three, or more folds. — Если выпустить воздух из этих мехов, образуются две, три, или больше складок. antibody fold — складка [изгиб] в молекуле антитела Синоним: bend, ply
овчарня ; загон для овец отара овец лоно церкви, церковь сгибание кольцо (змеи) створ (двери) свертка (в геометрии) преим. брит. складка местности, впадина Синоним: undulation
лист в книге планка в складной двери загон для скота (обычно овец) , кошара Синоним: pen
скот (обычно овцы) , загнанный в загон складывать , сгибать ; загибать ; сворачивать ; перегибать to fold a letter — сложить письмо to fold clothes — складывать одежду to fold down the corner of a page — загнуть угол страницы to fold one's arms — скрестить руки на груди a bird folds its wings — птица складывает крылья to fold one's hands — образн. сложить руки ; бездействовать He folded the newspaper and put it on the table. — Он свернул газету и положил ее на стол. Синоним: crease, line, pleat, wrinkle Антоним: smooth, straighten, unfold
складываться , сгибаться the bed folds into a recess in the wall — кровать убирается в нишу в стене does this table fold? — этот стол складывается?, это складной стол? Having a joint in the middle, it folds. — Поскольку посередине есть шарнир, она складывается.
= fold about / around обнимать , обхватывать to fold smb. in one's arms — сжимать кого-л. в объятиях to fold smb. to one's breast — прижать кого-л. к груди I dare not fold my arms about thee. — Не смею обнять тебя. (Лаун-Теннисон) Синоним: coil, wind, embrace, clasp
спец. фальцевать загонять (овец) ; помещать (овец) в загон завертывать to fold one's cloak about oneself — закутаться в плащ to fold smth. in paper — заворачивать что-л. в бумагу
разг. прикрыть , свернуть (предприятие и т. п.) after a few months he decided to fold the magazine — через несколько месяцев он решил прикрыть журнал
закрыться ; прогореть (тж. fold up) the play folded — пьеса сошла со сцены
кул. осторожно перемешать, соединить (взбитые белки с тестом) текст. дублировать свертывать (в геометрии) (fold in) заворачивать I like to fold presents in pretty paper. — Мне нравится заворачивать подарки в красивую бумагу. Синоним: wrap
(fold around) обертывать He folded the newspaper carefully around the plants. — Он аккуратно обернул растения газетой.
прекращать существование The band folded in December 1966. — В декабре 1966 группа распалась. Синоним: collapse, fail, falter
кул. добавлять какой-л. ингредиент, медленно вливая его и помешивая ложкой загонять скот (обычно овец) в загон Синоним: pen
definition: A lid is a top for a box or container that can be removed.
example: He lifted the lid of the box and revealed her present.
Extra definition
A removable or hinged cover for the top of a container:
An eyelid:
The top crust of a pie.
The operculum of a moss capsule.
A hat or crash helmet:
Extra example
The removable lid of the two-chambered container supported the plant and was opaque.
A ghosting of orange eye shadow covered his lids and the slightest trace of orange lipstick made him look like a punk rocker.
After covering the containers with a lid, they were placed into a water bath at 40°C.
They were a soft hazel, with heavy lids and dark circles beneath.
If lipstick looks too shiny on your eyelids, dust your lids with loose powder foundation to tone down the color.
She looked at him with wise, solemn blue eyes, hooded by delicate yet heavy lids.
Finally, drizzle the crumb side of the lid with remaining olive oil and sit it on top.
Slice the tops off the tomatoes and reserve for lids.
The only problem was keeping the pie lids flat, as they tend to form a dome when cooked.
cover, top, cap, covering;
cork, stopper, bung, plug
ˌflip your ˈlid to become very angry and lose control of what you are saying or doing
to tell people unpleasant or shocking facts about something
put the (tin) ˈlid on something/things to be the final act or event that spoils your plans or hopes
крышка , колпак teapot lid — крышка чайника lid of a chest — крышка сундука to cover smth. with a lid — закрывать что-л. крышкой Синоним: cover
веко to narrow one's lids — прищуриться Синоним: eyelid
разг. шляпа ; шлем Синоним: hat, cap
разг. (резкое) ограничение , узда ; запрет to put a lid on release of information — наложить запрет на передачу информации to put a lid on military spending — ограничить расходы на вооружение to put a lid on smth. — наложить запрет на что-л. The soldiers' presence seemed to keep a lid on the violence. — По-видимому, присутствие солдат сдерживало беспорядки. Синоним: limit, check, restraint
амер. сл. пакетик марихуаны (унция, 28 г) полигр. проф. сторонка (переплета книги) бот. крышечка (мха) амер. сторона переплета (книги) слой атмосферы с температурной инверсией закрывать крышкой They lidded that box again. — Они снова закрыли ящик крышкой.
definition: To loom is to seem very large and often scary.
example: The ominous clouds loomed over the school.
Extra definition
A vague and often exaggerated first appearance of an object seen in darkness or fog, especially at sea:
The dim reflection by cloud or haze of a light which is not directly visible, e.g. from a lighthouse over the horizon.
Extra example
His memoirs state that he was "conscious of the loom of the land about 3 am", little more than an hour before the landing.
From the Monday to the Thursday I doubt whether it was ever possible from our windows in Baker Street to see the loom of the opposite houses.
Rock, nothing but ocean waves for another 170 miles until the loom of the Fastnet light lifts above the horizon.
Thousands pay homage every year and the loom of its light is a sight for seafarers' eyes.
In the distance, straight ahead off the bow, I could see the loom of the green five-second light of the Block Island lighthouse.
ˌloom ˈlarge to be worrying or frightening and seem hard to avoid
ткацкий станок ткачество неясные очертания (земли на горизонте и т. п.) мираж отблеск кайра валек весла очертания (неясные или преувеличенные) тень Синоним: shade, shadow
неясно вырисовываться, появляться (в тумане и т. п.) , маячить (тж. loom up) ; виднеться вдали a black shape loomed in the distance — что-то чернелось вдали the dark outline of another ship loomed through the fog — темный контур какого-то корабля неясно вырисовывался в тумане the mountain-tops loom through the clouds — сквозь тучи смутно видны вершины гор
принимать угрожающие размеры; грозить (тж. loom up) to loom large — выглядеть грозным, угрожающим his own private troubles loom very large just now — его личные заботы и тревоги кажутся весьма серьезными именно теперь the risk loomed large in his mind — эта угроза заботила его больше всего the examinations are looming up — надвигаются экзамены
принимать преувеличенные, угрожающие размеры; разрастаться
definition: When something is mighty, it is strong and large.
example: The mighty wrestler scared all who faced him
Extra definition
Extra example
So when you reach 6,000 rpm the first time and think that this is a mighty fast car, the CCX is just limbering up.
Cold, wind and precipitation can make you mighty uncomfortable, not to mention put you at risk for hypothermia.
It's mighty curious behavior to dump shares as the stock price is climbing and their marketablity should increase.
extremely, exceedingly, enormously, vastly, immensely, tremendously, hugely, markedly, remarkably, abundantly, deadly, awfully, dreadfully, mightily, very, very much, most, so, to a great extent
high and ˈmighty behaving as though you think you are more important than other people
the ˌpen is ˌmightier than the ˈsword people who write books, poems, etc. have a greater effect on history and human affairs than soldiers and wars
могущественный , могучий , мощный , сильный mighty nation — могущественная нация /страна/ the mighty ocean — величественный океан Синоним: powerful, potent
эмоц.-усил. громадный he was in a mighty hurry — он очень спешил we had a mighty dinner — обед у нас был отменный you are making a mighty big mistake — ты делаешь очень большую ошибку, ты очень ошибаешься there was a mighty row about it — это вызвало страшный /дикий/ скандал
объемный , большой (о размерах) разг. огромный mighty delight — огромное удовольствие
весьма , очень , сильно , чрезвычайно mighty rich — очень богатый that's mighty rich /good/! — (вот) это здорово! I'm mighty sorry — я очень сожалею you've got to be mighty careful — ты должен быть страшно осторожным This is all mighty fine. — Все это очень здорово. I myself know always mighty well what I want. — Я сам всегда отлично знаю, чего я хочу. Синоним: extraordinarily, extremely
definition: A mushroom is a fungus with a round top. Some are used as food.
example: The soup had fresh mushrooms in it.
Extra definition
Increase, spread, or develop rapidly:
Form a shape resembling that of a mushroom:
(Of a bullet) expand and flatten on reaching its target:
Gather mushrooms:
Extra example
As the number of golf courses mushrooms, concerns have arisen about the development of young golfers who will bring popularity to the game.
Starting from Florence, these protests rapidly mushroomed over the entire country.
The federal prison population has mushroomed since the 1980s when stiff mandatory sentences were introduced for federal offenses, especially drug crimes.
The recovered bullet had stayed together and mushroomed to a full inch - the only .45 slug I've ever seen expand that much in living flesh and bone.
At that range, the bullets would barely have had time to mushroom before punching straight through him, dermal weave or not.
When a hollow point bullet hits a bullet proof vest, it mushrooms and will not go through the vest.
что-л. быстро возникающее или вырастающее воен. жарг. грибовидное облако (при атомном взрыве) разг. зонтик биол. гриб , грибок ; низший гриб to pick mushrooms — собирать грибы edible mushroom — съедобный гриб Синоним: fungus
разг. нечто похожее на гриб зонт собирать грибы , ходить по грибы (тж. to go mushrooming) амер. расти ( быстро ) как грибы быстро распространяться (о пожаре ; тж. mushroom out) воен. начинать продвижение в расходящихся направлениях расти , распространяться ; внезапно и быстро вырасти In 1991 the actor starred in a steamy drama, and since then his female fanbase only seems to mushroom. — В 1991 году этот актер исполнил главную роль в эротической мелодраме. С тех пор число поклонниц его таланта неуклонно растет. Синоним: grow
definition: When something is native, it is originating in a certain place or area.
example: Avocadoes are native fruits of Mexico.
Extra definition
Associated with the place or circumstances of a person’s birth:
Of the indigenous inhabitants of a place:
(Of a plant or animal) of indigenous origin or growth:
Used in names of animals or plants resembling others familiar elsewhere, e.g. native bee.
(Of a quality) belonging to a person’s character from birth; innate:
(Of a metal or other mineral) found in a pure or uncombined state.
Designed for or built into a given system, especially denoting the language associated with a given processor, computer, or compiler, and programs written in it.
Extra example
He also said that the stolen properties were sent to his native village through his associate for disposal.
She also posed for a 1955 painting in which he depicted her wearing the native dress commonly associated with Kahlo.
This corps was never involved in the brutalities associated with other native police.
The book's author is a historian and geologist who writes of the prehistory of the area, its geologic formation, and its native inhabitants.
What is most interesting about this movie is the gradual disappearance of native inhabitants and even of the mountain as backdrop.
But abstention from meat came naturally to the native inhabitants of India because of the climate.
Both shrub species are native to Germany and are diffuse-porous.
By that criterion, more than a dozen long-nosed fly species are native to southern Africa.
The species is native to South Africa, but is now widespread in south-western Australia, being especially abundant on roadsides and wasteland.
Because of that freedom, you can gather the fruits of your labor, develop your native qualities, and gain the respect of others.
That's folk wisdom reflective of the depth of native wit and imagination.
Similarly, I wonder about textual and traditional derivatives that establish the personification sets/traits that we think of as native qualities of an animal.
Gold most commonly occurs as a pure metal called native gold or as a natural alloy with silver called electrum.
Other silver minerals reported were native silver, argentite, freibergite, and hessite.
The simplest ore minerals are the native metals in which the mineral is composed of a single element.
Early programmers worked in native computer code or machine language.
It was never designed to be a native client/server system.
This article has highlighted the importance of storage granularity and indexing within the design of a native XML database.
hereditary, inherited, in the blood, in the family, natal, congenital, bred in the bone, inbred, ingrained, built-in
rare connate, connatural
go ˈnative to try to live and behave like the local people
родной , исконно присущий native language — родной язык native speaker — носитель языка native land — родина his native town — город, где он родился native Bostonian — уроженец Бостона native sons — амер. сыны родины (коренные американцы) persons native to the region — местные уроженцы potato is native to America — родиной картофеля является Америка men and women native to countries such as Japan — мужчины и женщины, рожденные в таких странах, как Япония Mother Teresa visited her native Albania. — Мать Тереза посетила свою родину Албанию. She spoke not only her native language, Swedish, but also English and French. — Она говорила не только на своем родном языке - шведском, но также на английском и французском.
туземный native troops — туземные войска native states — ист. туземные княжества (в Индии - во время владычества англичан) native policy — политика (метрополии) в отношении туземного населения колонии ; колониальная политика native customs in Borneo — обычаи туземцев Борнео to go native — перенять образ жизни туземцев (о белых) Синоним: aboriginal, endemic, indigenous, autochthonous Антоним: alien, foreign, immigrant
местный native plants — местные, аборигенные растения native industry — местная промышленность native transport — воен. местный транспорт Native people were allowed to retain some sense of their traditional culture and religion. — Местным жителям разрешалось сохранять некоторые элементы своей традиционной культуры и религии. native customs — местные обычаи Синоним: aboriginal, endemic, indigenous, autochthonous Антоним: alien, foreign, immigrant
чистый , самородный (о металлах и т. п.) native gold — самородное золото
естественный ; дикий ; встречающийся в природе native grasses — дикие травы ; природный, естественный луг native plants — дикие растения native sugar — неочищенный сахар
прирожденный , врожденный , природный native ability — врожденный талант ; природная способность native liberty — исконная свобода a beauty native to her family — красота, которая у нее в роду We have our native inborn talent, yet we hardly use it. — У всех у нас есть какой-либо врожденный талант, однако мы почти не используем его. Синоним: original, parent
родившийся (в каком-л. месте) native Frenchmen — французы, родившиеся во Франции
принадлежащий по праву рождения native rights — наследственные права
необработанный , неочищенный salt in its native state — соль в ее естественном виде
( to ) присущий , свойственный native to the heart — свойственный сердцу native to religion — присущий религии
неприукрашенный, простой Синоним: unadorned, simple, plain, unaffected
уроженец a native of Southern France — уроженец юга Франции a native of Wales — уроженец Уэльса
часто пренебр. туземец ; абориген friendly natives — дружественно настроенные туземцы hostile natives — враждебно настроенные туземцы They used force to banish the natives from the more fertile land. — Они силой изгоняли туземцев с более плодородных земель. Синоним: indigene
(тж. Native) южно-афр. туземец (официальное наименование негров) Синоним: indigene
местное растение или животное the kangaroo is a native of Australia — родина кенгуру - Австралия The coconut palm is a native of Malaysia. — Родина кокосовой пальмы - Малайзия.
коренной житель he speaks English like a native — он говорит по-английски как (настоящий) англичанин
австрал. местный уроженец (о белых, родившихся в Австралии) человек , родившийся под определенной звездой (в астрологии) устрица с искусственной устричной банки ист. родившийся рабом, раб по рождению автохтон Синоним: indigene
негр , черный цветной (Native) амер.; = Native American диал. родина , место , откуда кто-л. родом ист. рожденный рабом, раб от рождения
definition: Poison is a dangerous substance that causes illness or death.
example: They used poison to get rid of the rats in their home.
Extra definition
Administer poison to (a person or animal), either deliberately or accidentally:
Adulterate or contaminate with poison:
Treat (a weapon or missile) with poison in order to augment its lethal effect:
Prove harmful or destructive to:
(Of a substance) reduce the activity of (a catalyst).
Extra example
He tried to poison us like lower animals, like the mice that pester storybook villages, the insects that fly around the heads of those that I read about.
Towards the end, as he's dying of an undefined illness, we realize he picks up chicks by poisoning their pets but acting so super nice and stuff.
The snake's venom poisoned the wolf and raven's blood.
On the Australian mainland, they killed them by giving them poisoned food and clothing contaminated by diseases they had never before experienced.
Scary reports are all over the media here in southern California about some nutball who poisoned some baby food.
In June 2002, following threats that their food would be poisoned, the men were unable to eat for a period of seven days.
But this is still not all there is in combat, as you can poison your weapons or arrows to do even more damage.
The Sultan's army was primarily light cavalry armed with crossbows that shot poisoned arrows.
I was especially wary of them this time, now that I knew their swords were poisoned, and dodged them as they attempted to advance on me.
And, if your opponent is indeed guilty of abusing those around him: It won't be long before he fatally poisons his campaign with destructive behavior.
But I simply cannot remain silent and sit here and listen when a party that is trying to attain power at any cost poisons the relationship between the two peoples of this country.
Their bitterness poisons their attitude and their outlook on life.
The cells worked well initially, but any traces of carbon monoxide in the hydrogen fuel quickly poisoned the catalyst.
The catalysts are easily poisoned by lead, however, which clogs their reactive surfaces.
And that soaks into tissue very readily, with the acid part doing its damage along the way, and the fluoride merrily poisoning enzymes and wreaking havoc.
administer poison to, give poison to;
contaminate, put poison in, adulterate, tamper with, spike, lace, doctor
one man’s ˌmeat is another man’s ˈpoison used to say that different people like different things; what one person likes very much, another person does not like at all
what’s your ˈpoison? used to ask somebody what alcoholic drink they would like
a poisoned ˈchalice a thing that seems attractive when it is given to somebody but which soon becomes unpleasant
яд ; отрава poison flour — белый мышьяк to take poison — принять яд powerful poison — сильный яд rat poison — крысиный яд metabolic poison — метаболический яд, антиметаболит mitotic poison — митотический яд (ингибитор митотической активности клетки)
пагубное влияние , яд ; негативное влияние the poison of jealousy — яд ревности the poison of this doctrine — губительное действие этой доктрины The poison of seditious doctrines. — Отрава бунтарских идей. Синоним: bane, toxin, venom
физ. вредный поглотитель (нейтронов) ; реакторные шлаки хим. отравляющая примесь разг. спиртной напиток Come right in and name your poison. — Входите и скажите, что вы будете пить.
отравлять to poison the wells — отравить колодцы ; коварством обессилить противника The soil has been poisoned with chemical waste from the factory. — Почва была отравлена химическими отходами предприятия. Синоним: envenom, spoil
заражать his foot was poisoned by being pierced with a nail — он наткнулся на гвоздь, и у него началось заражение крови Синоним: envenom, spoil
портить , развращать to poison a person's mind — развратить /отравить/ чей-л. ум The mother had poisoned the children's minds against their father. — Мать настроила детей против отца.
губить , отравлять to poison the pleasure — испортить удовольствие this poisoned his whole life — это испортило /отравило/ ему всю жизнь
физ. отравлять (продуктами деления и т. п.) зашлаковать (реактор) ядовитый poison gas — ядовитый газ Синоним: toxic, venomous
definition: Reeds are tall and skinny plants that grow in groups near water.
example: The sun set behind the reeds of the lake’s shore.
Extra definition
A tall, slender-leaved plant of the grass family, which grows in water or on marshy ground.
Used in names of plants similar to the reed and growing in wet habitats, e.g. bur-reed.
A tall straight stalk of a reed plant, used especially as a material in making thatch or household items:
Straw used for thatching.
A rustic musical pipe made from a reed or from straw:
A thing or person resembling or likened to a reed, in particular:
A weak or impressionable person:
An arrow:
A set of semi-cylindrical adjacent mouldings like reeds laid together.
A piece of thin cane or metal, sometimes doubled, which vibrates in a current of air to produce the sound of various musical instruments, as in the mouthpiece of a clarinet or oboe or at the base of some organ pipes:
A wind instrument played with a reed.
An organ stop with reed pipes.
An electrical contact used in a magnetically operated switch or relay:
A weaver’s comb-like implement (originally made from reed or cane) for separating the threads of the warp and correctly positioning the weft.
Extra example
Aquatic plants come in many forms, from relatively simple multi-cellular algae to reeds and water lilies.
Water lilies, reeds and sometimes, on hot days and nights, mists articulate the change between the heavily trafficked street and the park.
Look again for flooded areas, especially where long grasses and reeds lie over the water's surface.
In the north, walls are made of millet stalks or reeds, and roofs are typically corrugated tin.
Here we've got some reeds as well, which are mainly used for thatching the roofs.
From the riverbanks reeds are harvested for hut building and thatching.
The facade is of Corrib stone and the roof is thatched with Turkish reed to a minimum depth of 14 inches - the thatching has a lifetime of more than 15 years.
People making a living off the fens catching eels and harvesting marsh reed for thatching were a tad upset and started a guerilla war against the engineers who were building the drains.
Nigerians build simple rectangular or cylindrical houses of reed, mud brick, or cinder block.
A single, consistent bar on a hollow reed, just musical enough to be considered a note.
You are weak reeds, cast aside in a search for something useful.
On that slim reed of hope that an agreement might still be reached, the talks adjourned at 6 a.m.
A lot of things I don't agree with, but I'm a grass reed, I go with it.
He obviously cannot control his own people and became a weak reed in the process.
One easily accounts for the 3 small sinkings on the Doric capital: they represented the strings that tied the original bundled reeds together to make them strong to bear great weight.
In order to give the stucco a hold on a wooden wall or ceiling reeds are nailed to the surface beforehand, providing a ‘key’.
She had just attached the reed to the mouth piece when she realized, ‘Oh my gosh!’
Wind instruments are tuned by adjustment to the length of tubing, using the tuning-slide on a brass instrument, the staple of the reed on an oboe, or the movable top joint of a flute, etc.
She hoped no one noticed her bright cheeks as she attached the reed to her mouth piece.
The Beast isn't even an electronic record as such, as Michel records himself on guitar, drums, melodica, horns, reeds, keys, the list goes on.
Al is a rare multi-instrumentalist, able to alternate on reeds and trumpet with equal artistry over an evening.
Youssou N'Dour worked with Fathy Salama, who arranged and conducted his orchestral group of violins, reeds, flutes, and percussion.
By bouncing, the reed breaks an electrical circuit.
бот. тростник , камыш (Phragmites) broken reed — ненадежный человек
поэт. стрела свирель , дудочка язычок (муз. инструмента) тростинка , камышинка собир. тростниковые заросли собир. кровельная солома (the reed) собир. крупностебельные травы (типа осоки) буколическая поэзия язычковый музыкальный инструмент the reeds of the orchestra — язычковые инструменты оркестра
горн. запальный шнур текст. бердо стволы тростника (используемые, например, для крыш) слабый , легко поддающийся влиянию человек муз. (reeds) язычковые музыкальные инструменты древнееврейская мера длины (в виде стебля тростника) буколическая, пасторальная поэзия крыть крышу тростником или соломой использовать тростник или камыш в декоративных или прикладных целях покрывать крыши камышом
защищать ; прикрывать ; заслонять to shield one's eyes with one's hand — прикрыть глаза рукой to shield one's child with one's own body — прикрыть ребенка собственным телом to shield oneself behind smb. else — спрятаться за чью-л. спину He shielded his eyes from the bright light. — Он заслонил глаза от яркого света. Синоним: cover, hide, protect
спасать , выгораживать to shield from invasion — спасать от вторжения to shield smb. from censure — оградить кого-л. от критики he did it to shield his brother — он сделал это, чтобы отвести беду /подозрение/ от брата They tried to shield the General from federal investigators. — Они попытались защитить генерала от федеральных следователей.
тех. экранировать брать под защиту закона (право и т. п. ; ср. shield law ) воен. прикрывать
definition: Stormy describes something affected or characterized by storms.
example: The golfers decided to go home because of the stormy weather.
Extra definition
(Of weather) characterized by strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning, or snow:
(Of the sea or sky) having large waves or dark clouds because of windy or rainy conditions:
Full of angry or violent outbursts of feeling:
Extra example
Low-pressure weather systems signal cold, stormy weather and snow.
But when a lifeboat arrived in stormy weather to rescue the couple, they were told in no uncertain terms by the pair that they wanted to ‘sit it out’.
She encountered stormy weather less than a day into the voyage, and at about 2am on September 3 fire broke out in the engine room.
One of the paintings stolen is View of the Sea at Scheveningen, a small beach scene, painted in 1882, outside The Hague of a boat setting off into a stormy sea under black clouds.
There was a pause as they looked out at the stormy sea and the gray sky.
The Panamanian-registered Princess Eva has been in sheltered waters in Donegal Bay since Wednesday, after two of its crew were killed in an accident in stormy seas.
Only the banker's closest friends knew of the couple's stormy and passionate relationship.
Fury erupted at a stormy meeting when angry locals turned up to fight plans for two mobile phone masts in York.
The dispute is still thought likely to provoke a stormy, if not violent, showdown.
качаться , колебаться to sway to and fro — качаться из стороны в сторону ; воен. вестись с переменным успехом (о бое) the branches swayed in the wind — ветви раскачивались на ветру to sway in the breeze — качаться на ветру The lamp swayed with the blast. — Лампа качнулась от сильного порыва ветра.
качать , раскачивать wind sways the trees — ветер качает деревья
иметь влияние (на кого-л., что-л.) ; склонять (кого-л. к чему-л.) his speech swayed thousands of votes — его речь оказала влияние /повлияла/ на настроение тысяч избирателей he is not to be swayed by argument or entreaty — его нельзя поколебать ни доводами, ни мольбой he is too much swayed by the needs of the moment — он слишком поддается влиянию обстоятельств His speech swayed the voters. — Его речь оказала влияние на избирателей. I allowed myself to be swayed by his promises. — Я поверил его обещаниям. to sway the balance in smb.'s favour — склонить чашу весов в чью-л. пользу Синоним: influence
обыкн. поэт. управлять , править to sway the sceptre — царствовать
власть , господство ; влияние ; контроль to hold /to bear/ sway over smb. — властвовать /господствовать/ над кем-л. ; оказывать влияние на кого-л. to have great sway — иметь большое влияние /-ую власть/ to be under the sway of passion — быть во власти страсти the sway of fashion — власть моды under the sway of Rome — под владычеством Рима the belief held sway for centuries — это убеждение веками царило в умах he held sway over the British stage — он был признанным королем английской сцены under smb.'s sway — под властью, контролем кого-л. to hold sway over smb. — иметь власть над кем-л. She is now under his sway. — Теперь она в его власти. Синоним: power, influence, domination, control
definition: When something is urban, it is related to the city.
example: Subways are an important form of urban transportation.
Extra definition
In, relating to, or characteristic of a town or city:
Denoting or relating to popular dance music of black origin:
Extra example
Dublin was the earliest of the Irish towns to take on urban characteristics.
The growth of large civilisations has meant that large cities and urban areas have been built in many parts of the world.
Apart from such forest types one can see this tree in urban and suburban areas close to the city, he adds.
They are also more tuned in to radio, listening some 22.6 hours per week, and often turn their dials to black gospel and urban contemporary stations.
As a solo performer from the 1970s onwards, he's been one of the staples of urban contemporary music.
For instance, if someone is listening to an urban contemporary station, the candidate advertisements should reflect the same format and use similar types of music.
городской urban agglomeration — городская агломерация, конурбация urban population — городское население urban district — городской район urban life — городская жизнь urban renewal — возрождение городов urban sprawl — расползание городов urban blight — деградация городов
definition: To wade is to walk in or pass through water.
example: The child waded in the water at the beach.
Extra definition
An act of wading.
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The cave is a respectable size but we didn't follow it far, since after 30m a wade degenerated into a full on swim.
The Bone Cave experience begins with an icy wade across the Duck River and part of the mouth of Bashaw Creek.
A short wade out to sea, the bottom plates, remnants of the ship's engines and boiler lie collapsed upon themselves.
переходить вброд to wade (across, in) a river — переходить реку вброд
пробираться , идти с трудом (по песку, снегу и т. п.) to wade through the mud — идти, увязая в грязи the moon waded through clouds — луна пробивалась сквозь тучи to wade through slaughter — шагать по трупам
преодолевать что-л. to wade through a dull book — с трудом осилить скучную книгу to wade through innumerable details — разобраться в бесчисленных подробностях
разг. наброситься , накинуться he waded single-handed into a man almost twice his size — он в одиночку бросился на человека вдвое крупнее себя You should see the way those boys waded in the meal, as if they hadn't eaten for a week! — Вы, должно быть, заметили, как эти ребята набросились на еду, - словно они не ели целую неделю!
( in , into ) войти (в воду и т. п.) вступить (в спор, в борьбу) ; ввязаться (в разговор) налететь , натолкнуться энергично приняться (за что-л.) to wade in /into/ work — взяться за работу
переход вброд, преодоление брода wade in the brook — переход вброд через ручей