definition: A background is a person’s education, family, and experience.
example: The new teacher had a background in science and math.
Extra definition
Form a background to:
Provide with background:
Extra example
And in the big sparse invisible drops that fall early, with no wind, the new rice dances jade and silver, backgrounded by a slanting late summer afternoon rain by Hokusai.
The back cover, with what looks at first sight like a grainy shot of her as a poet-movie star is backgrounded by text.
Here the split images, paralleling, fore- and backgrounding of the original dancers with the current ensemble, acted more as a commentary on the passage of time.
I still cringe at the memory of a gag I made on a policy while backgrounding a journalist before an interview that was turned into a very barbed question for my boss.
It's no surprise that one is the first wife; she was out in the media in December and she's been backgrounding journalists ever since.
The magazine has a good article backgrounding a politician's use of internet networking.
in the ˈbackground not being used at the present time and appearing on the screen behind programs that are being used
merge into the ˈbackground to behave quietly when you are with a group of people so that they do not notice you
задний план , фон ; незаметная позиция red spots on a white background — красные крапинки на белом фоне /поле/ to melt into the background — сливаться с фоном the white house stood out against the background of the dark forest — белый дом выделялся на фоне темного леса the shed stood in the background — сарай стоял в глубине appropriate / fitting background — подходящий фон the low cottage in the background — невысокий коттедж на заднем плане The music served as a background to the recitation of poetry. — Музыка служила фоном для декламации поэзии. against the background — на фоне acoustic background — акустический фон diagram on a green background — диаграмма на зеленом фоне to stay in the background — оставаться в тени [на заднем плане] genetic background — генетический фон
незаметное положение to cultivate a background manner — стараться держаться незаметно the question has fallen into the background — вопрос утратил остроту
предпосылка ; подоплека the background of the war — причины войны ; предвоенная обстановка the background of the deal was easy to explain — подоплека этой сделки была легко объяснима historical background of the conflict — исторические предпосылки возникновения конфликта
история вопроса; сведения общего характера; исходные данные; условие give me the background of the problem — расскажите мне, как возник этот вопрос
(биографические или анкетные) данные ; происхождение ; общественный и моральный облик; связи и окружение (человека) ; соц. истоки; биографические данные to look up smb.'s background — наводить справки о ком-л. /о чьем-л. происхождении и связях, моральном облике и т. п. / what is his background? — что он собой представляет? religious background — религиозные истоки to check smb.'s background — проверить чье-л. происхождение
подноготная (какого-л. события, явления) предпосылка связи, окружение (все, что связано с жизнью, образованием, связями и т. п. человека) подготовка , образование ; квалификация he has the right background for the job — у него хорошая подготовка для этой работы one's academic / educational background — сведения о чьем-л. образовании to have the right background for a job — иметь подходящее образование для какой-л. работы Learn more about his educational background, professional experience, and community activities. — Узнайте побольше о его образовании, профессиональном опыте, и общественной деятельности.
кино обстановка ; место действия предметы или действующие лица , расположенные в глубине кадра background projection — рирпроекция
второстепенное действие театр., кино фон , музыкальное сопровождение, шумовое оформление и т. п. физ. послесвечение background radiation — фоновое излучение
музыкальное или шумовое сопровождение физ. фоновое излучение субстрат ; дно служить фоном
definition: Bait is something used to trick a person or thing to do something.
example: The best bait for catching fish is a big, fat worm
Extra definition
Deliberately annoy or taunt (someone):
Cause dogs to attack (a trapped or restrained animal):
Put bait on (a hook) or in (a trap, net, or fishing area) to entice fish or animals:
Extra example
My government actually has to bait people with catchy song in order to do the thing that should be a civic duty.
These kids are baiting me because they want to hear it from my own mouth.
I don't want him to see me give in to the weight of those urges because his dad has baited me.
Dogs were often used to bait lions, tigers, bears, and other big mammals as part of bloody spectacles popular with the king and paying visitors.
The deer baited by the Ward Union Stag Hunt are, by definition, tame animals, as they have been confined and farmed by the Hunt.
In the Middle Ages they were used to chase wild boar, to bait bulls and were also used as bodyguards.
The size 1 hair-rigged hook was baited with two standard boilies with a pop-up on top.
The hook was baited with two maggots and the tackle fished a few inches over-depth.
Every time one of her grandkids goes fishing and baits a hook the way Grandma taught them to do, her immortality is assured.
taunt, goad, provoke, pick on, torment, torture, persecute, badger, plague, harry, harass, hound, tease, annoy, irritate, get someone's back up
informal hassle, needle, give someone a hard time, wind up, nark
насаживать наживку на крючок baited hook — крючок с наживкой to bait the hook — образн. расставить сети (кому-л.)
завлекать , соблазнять to bait smb. with promises — соблазнять кого-л. обещаниями
охот. травить собаками ; охотиться с собаками to bait smb. with dogs — натравить на кого-л. собак the dogs baited the bear — собаки травили медведя Синоним: hound
ловить на удочку, на приманку the mouse was baited with cheese — мышь попалась на сыр
дразнить , подтрунивать she loves to bait him about his male vanity — ей доставляет удовольствие задеть его мужское самолюбие
редк. кормить лошадей (в пути) делать привал , останавливаться задерживаться good news baits — ≅ добрая весть улиткой ползет
искушать ; приманивать уст. кормить лошадь (в пути) получать корм (о лошадях и других животных) уст. останавливаться в пути для отдыха и еды; останавливаться где-л. ненадолго For evil news rides post, while good news baits. — Ибо плохие новости прибывают быстро, а хорошие как будто задерживаются в разных местах по пути.
марк. заманивать , завлекать (покупателей) (напр., предлагая в рекламе очень низкие цены на товар) приманка ; наживка worms are good bait for fish — червяки - хорошая наживка для рыбы tempting bait — соблазнительная наживка to offer / hold out / put out / set out bait — положить приманку Синоним: lure, attraction, temptation
искушение , соблазн the bait proved to be too much for her — соблазн для нее оказался слишком велик to rise to the bait, to jump at the bait, to swallow the bait — попасться на удочку, клюнуть на что-л. he fell for the bait immediately — он сразу поддался искушению to take the / jump at the / swallow the bait — попасться на удочку, поддаться искушению When she attempts to make you feel guilty, don't take the bait. — Когда она пытается сделать так, чтобы ты почувствовал себя виноватым, не попадайся ей на удочку.
травля собаками уст. привал , на котором путешественники перекусывают (и кормят лошадей) after a short bait the travellers went on — после короткого привала путешественники поехали дальше
отрава для крыс, насекомых и т. п. ; инсектицид ; средство для уничтожения грызунов сл. гнев , ярость еда , закуска (в дороге) корм (для лошадей) кормление лошадей (в пути) марк. товар-приманка * (товар, продаваемый по низкой цене с целью привлечения покупателей) рекл. = bait advertising
definition: To chronicle something means to record an event or speech.
example: The daily newspaper chronicles local and world events.
Extra definition
Record (a series of events) in a factual and detailed way:
Extra example
Using photographs, illustrations and documents from the school's archives, head of history Elizabeth Sparey chronicles life at Ripon Grammar since pupils wrote with quills and had to bring their own candles to class to read by.
It chronicled the African-American experience through a series of ten plays.
Events may be minutely chronicled, with little effort at critical analysis.
record, put on record, write down, set down, document, register, report, enter;
хроника (историческая) ; хронологическое изложение событий; летопись small-beer chronicle — запись мелочей /незначительных событий/ monthly chronicle — ежемесячное периодическое издание weekly chronicle — еженедельное периодическое издание to keep a chronicle — вести летопись Синоним: history
(the Chronicles) pl Паралипоменон (книга Библии) летописец запись , протокол , регистрация ; опись ; отчет ; хроника The early chapters of this book present a detailed chronicle of musical life in Vienna at the turn of the century. — Первые главы этой книги дают подробное описание музыкальной жизни Вены в начале века. Синоним: record, register, narrative, account
регистрировать , записывать , заносить (в хронику, летопись) to chronicle events — вести хронику событий to chronicle small beer — отмечать всякие мелочи, заниматься пустяками
отмечать (в печати) ; вести хронику Синоним: list, describe
описывать The series chronicles the everyday adventures of two eternal bachelors. — Сериал описывает каждодневные приключения двух заядлых холостяков. Синоним: list, describe
definition: Copper is a red-brown metal often used in electric wire and pipes.
example: Ancient hunters melted copper to make knives and spears.
Extra definition
A police officer.
Extra example
How do you know the coppers won't know you weren't there?
Unless perhaps you were a copper going undercover.
Since Monday I have been counting the number of coppers, cop cars, dog handling units, malicious arrests and good-humoured stop-and-searches I've spotted in Hackney.
хим. медь медь ; красная медь медно-красный цвет медная или бронзовая монета медный котел (особ. на судне или в прачечной) медный диск, который носят индейцы Северной Америки как знак отличия и богатства разг. полицейский сл. доносчик ; полицейский осведомитель to come /to turn/ copper — стать доносчиком
сл. сокращение срока тюремного заключения за «хорошее поведение» (фактически за доносы на сокамерников) мелкая монета (обычно изготавливается из меди или бронзы) He had only a few coppers in his pocket. — У него в кармане завалялись только жалкие гроши.
паровой котел , бойлер (сделанный из меди) тех. паяльник Синоним: soldering iron
зоол. червонец ( лат. Lycaeninae; бабочка с огненно-красной окраской крыльев; группа из семейства голубянок) коп , фараон (полицейский) Синоним: policeman, constable
покрывать медью , омеднять ; обшивать медью держать пари , биться об заклад против чего-л.; карт. биться об заклад амер. разг. класть медяк на карту, против которой делается ставка (в фараоне) арестовать доносить полиции (на кого-л.) служить в полиции, быть полицейским пропитывать медным купоросом ставить (на какую-л. карту, в игре фараон, когда на карту кладется мелкая монета как символ того, что на нее делается ставка) медный , сделанный из меди copper kettle — медный котел
с медным отливом, медно-красный (о цвете) мин. медистый copper gold — медистое золото copper mineral — минерал, содержащий медь
содержащий медь (как один из составных компонентов)
definition: A disease is an illness that causes specific problems.
example: He had a disease that caused him to lose his hearing.
Extra definition
A disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury:
A particular quality or disposition regarded as adversely affecting a person or group of people:
Extra example
It may soon be used in humans to treat heart disease, diabetes, and other such diseases.
Hearing impairment is when the hearing is affected by a disease, disorder or injury.
The threats of malaria and diarrhoeal diseases will only further increase with the onset of rains.
Are not sin, transgression and iniquity dread diseases that lead to spiritual death?
The blame lies within the disease of greed that has found too comfortable a home in the world of sports.
As the disease of greed and materialism spreads in our minds, so do the physical diseases, as our bodies struggle to eliminate the toxicity from the cocktail of chemicals consumed every day.
definition: To infect someone means to give them an illness.
example: The common cold infects hundreds of millions of people each year.
Extra definition
Affect (a person, organism, etc.) with a disease-causing organism:
Contaminate (air, water, etc.) with harmful organisms:
Affect with a virus:
(Of a negative feeling or idea) take hold of or be communicated to (someone):
Extra example
Children can get ringworm from touching infected animals such as dogs and cats.
Since then, West Nile virus has spread rapidly westward, infecting birds, humans and horses.
Mosquitoes that bite infected animals then bite humans typically transmit the disease.
Somewhat reassured, the group try to settle down to enjoy the rest of their vacation, unaware that the diseased man's body is face down in the reservoir, infecting their water supply…
Oh, and the guy who they burnt handily made it to the local reservoir, thereby infecting the local water supply.
Almost every area of life is a potential terrorist target - with scare stories about the threat of a smallpox outbreak, and bioterrorists infecting food supplies and water reservoirs.
By comparison almost one in ten emails (nine per cent) sent out in July were infected with a computer virus.
They also found many of these airport lounge PCs were infected with computer viruses.
Antivirus software can only protect your computer from viruses trying to infect it via email, CD-Rom, floppy disk, Word documents or other types of computer files.
He is out to remove the spectator from his normal or appropriate perceptual field, and in doing so to infect him with his own personal doubts.
It's a tendency that infects anybody that mistakes the Faith for an ideology (of which, more later).
The house was big, not as big as the one that had just infected her with a bad case of money envy, but still big.
pass infection to, transmit infection to, spread disease to, contaminate;
cause infection in, cause disease in
contaminate, pollute, make impure, taint, foul, dirty, blight, spoil, mar, impair, damage, ruin;
poison, radioactivate
rare vitiate
affect, have an effect on, influence, have an impact on, impact on, touch, take hold of;
excite, inspire, stimulate, animate
заражать (тж. перен.) to infect an open wound — занести инфекцию в открытую рану to be infected with diphtheria — заразиться дифтеритом infected by his merriment — зараженный его весельем his high spirits infected all his companions — его хорошее настроение передалось окружающим He was found to be infected with TB. — У него был обнаружен туберкулез.
заражать , отравлять (воду) , инфицировать (кровь, клетку) Terrorism conducted with biological weapons was predicted by H. G. Wells in 1895, in a story called ''The Stolen Bacillus'', in which an anarchist tries to steal a culture of cholera to infect London's water supply. — Биотерроризм был предсказан Г. Дж. Уэллсом в 1895 году, в рассказе под названием "Украденная бацилла", где анархист пытается украсть штамм холеры, чтобы отравить воду в системе водоснабжения Лондона. He received blood that was infected with the AIDS virus. — Ему перелили кровь, которая была инфицирована вирусом СПИДа. The virus will infect a cell and then it will begin to replicate. — Вирус проникнет в клетку, а затем начнет размножаться. Your computer has been infected with a virus. — Ваш компьютер заражен вирусом. Синоним: contaminate
заражать , внушать The children are infected with a mad desire to swim in the lake in midwinter. — Дети вбили себе в голову блажь поплавать в озере посреди зимы.
definition: To itch means to rub the skin with your fingernails.
example: The rough fabric in his shirt made the back of his neck itch.
Extra definition
Be the site of or cause an itch:
(Of a person) experience an itch:
Feel a restless or strong desire to do something:
Extra example
They itch just like mosquito bites but without the big slow mosquito to squish.
The bite itched like the world, but I resisted the urge to scratch it.
Her head was itching like crazy and her hair felt lank and greasy.
Drinking more tea afterwards I realised I was itching all over, that's what happens when you crawl around in fibre glass insulated lofts.
Suddenly I became aware of the fact I was itching all over.
My teacher explained what it was all about and then left the room so I could show the doctor examples of where I'm itching.
But Royer was a bit restless and was itching to ratchet things up a notch.
It was as if it was beckoning me outside and I itched to join it.
It has strong European flavours and is itching to be taken seriously.
tingle, be irritated, be itchy, sting, prickle, tickle
long, yearn, pine, ache, burn, hanker for/after, hunger, thirst, lust, pant, hope, be eager, be desperate, be consumed with desire, be unable to wait, would give one's eye teeth, wish, have a fancy;
crave, need, lust after, dream of, set one's heart on, be bent on, eat one's heart out over, covet;
want, desire, fancy, set one's sights on
the seven-year ˈitch the desire for new sexual experience that is thought to be felt after seven years of marriage
чесаться , зудеть ; свербеть ; испытывать зуд fingers itch to give smb. a thrashing — руки чешутся поколотить кого-л. to scratch smb. where he/she itches — уступить чьим-л. слабостям
вызывать зуд испытывать зуд, непреодолимое желание he itched to know our secret — разг. ему не терпелось узнать наш секрет my fingers itch to give him a thrashing — у меня руки чешутся поколотить его
досаждать , раздражать испытывать непреодолимое желание (к чему-л.; сделать что-л.) Those two boys are itching for a fight, they've been on the edge of a quarrel all day. — Этим ребятам очень хочется подраться, они весь день друг с другом ругаются. Синоним: yearn
зуд to relieve itch — утолить зуд
(the itch) чесотка to have /to suffer from/ the itch — испытывать зуд ; болеть чесоткой dhobi itch — чесотка прачек (контактный дерматит на моющие средства)
непреодолимое желание, жажда (чего-л.) ; стремление (к чему-л.) ; страсть , вожделение ; сильное an itch for money — жажда денег an itch of originality — стремление быть оригинальным an itch to explore — исследовательский зуд itch for money / gain — жажда денег, наживы itch to go away — нетерпеливое желание уйти Синоним: wish, lust, prurience
definition: Literature is books, plays, and poetry.
example: Early American literature covers the poetry and stories from 1500 to 1800.
Extra definition
Written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit:
Books and writings published on a particular subject:
Leaflets and other printed matter used to advertise products or give advice:
Extra example
These deaths are real deaths, and they pile up in ways that define our histories and literatures and social sciences.
The seminar's topic was Renaissance utopian literatures, focusing on More's Utopia.
Many scholars consider this novel a modern classic in US literatures.
There is almost no published literature on the subject, and we are largely guided by our own opinions, experience, and - in some cases - prejudice.
And contrary to some assertions, they have published peer-reviewed literature on the subject.
It is certainly true that the published literature on the subject is well surveyed.
For more straightforward cash rewards, consumers will have to read the small print of product literature to ensure they have the card that best suits their spending needs.
They will be visiting problem areas to hand out literature and advice to people on how best to secure their vehicles, and offering support to victims.
The campaign included rebranding the company and producing new corporate literature, advertising and media, website and promotional items.
written works, writings, (creative) writing, literary texts, compositions, letters, belles-lettres;
printed works, published works;
humanities, arts, liberal arts
publications, published writings, texts, reports, studies, relevant works
литературная деятельность, профессия to be engaged in literature — заниматься литературным трудом ; быть литератором to devote oneself to literature — посвятить себя литературе, заняться литературой literature was represented at the conference by young poets — литература была представлена на конференции молодыми поэтами
литература ; совокупность книг по данному предмету; печатный материал to teach literature — преподавать литературу, быть учителем /преподавателем/ литературы contemporary / modernliterature — современная литература extensive / voluminous literature — большое количество литературы, обширная литература (по какому-л. вопросу) a body of literature — объем, количество литературных произведений belletristic literature — художественная литература classical literature — классическая литература professional literature — профессиональная литература
литература , особ. художественная литература English literature of the XIX century — английская (художественная) литература XIX века
литература , печатные труды (в какой-л. области) philological literature — филологическая литература travel literature — путешествия, литература путешествий grey literature — «серая» /внеиздательская/ литература white literature — «белая» /издательская/ литература
разг. литература , печатные материалы (листовки, брошюры, буклеты и т. п.) музыкальная литература редк. общая образованность, особ. культура речи уст. образованность
example: Stonehenge is believed to have been built about 5 millenniums ago.
Extra definition
A period of a thousand years, especially when calculated from the traditional date of the birth of Christ:
The prophesied thousand-year reign of Christ at the end of the age (Rev. 20:1-5):
A utopian period of justice, peace, and prosperity:
An anniversary of a thousand years:
The point at which one period of a thousand years ends and another begins:
Extra example
On the other hand, it is also rather weak on the later centuries of the first millennium of the Christian era.
Some of her archaeologist husband's finds can be seen in the museum, which is a must if you want to grasp the sophistication of Syrian art and civilisation of the two millenniums before Christ.
What does an Oriental seer, born in the middle of the first millennium before Christ among historical circumstances and a culture so different from our own, have to offer such very modern thinkers?
They viewed the Civil War as the beginning of the ‘wars and rumors of wars’ that were prophesied would proceed the millennium.
It takes its name from the early Christians' anticipation of Christ's Second Coming, to be followed by a millennium, or thousand-year reign of peace and tranquillity.
But we discover that the commission given in Matthew 28: 18-20 was for their ministry in the millennium.
No narrow patriotism of race, country or religion will stand in the way of the millennium of universal peace.
Does the millennium begin with the year ending in zero or in one?
With the millennium approaching, his aim was to persuade the human population of the entire planet that, for 24 hours, they should stop killing each other.
As we approach the millennium it seems an appropriate time for OLOC to take stock, to reflect and review where we want to go and how.
definition: A myth is a traditional story that explains a culture’s history and beliefs.
example: In Greece, there was a myth about a woman who had snakes for hair.
Extra definition
A traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events:
A widely held but false belief or idea:
A fictitious or imaginary person or thing:
An exaggerated or idealized conception of a person or thing:
Extra example
Classic Norse myth is rife with stories concerning Loki's attempts to subvert Odin's authority, and Odin's retaliatory actions.
In later Greek myth Hecate is presented as the daughter of Hera and Zeus.
I think the timocratic structure of divinity in early Greek myth might be quite a good thing to apply to the tale of Eris, the apple and the Trojan War.
One of the most widely believed myths in America today is the belief that corporations are an inherent part of capitalism.
Allow me to dispel a few popular myths about US taxes.
He said the average customers were men who gambled at weekends, dispelling the popular myth that housewives were behind the rise in the popularity of poker.
His secret masters of the world may be a myth, but imagining they exist can make for an enjoyable reading experience.
It should not surprise anyone if it turns out that Jean Houston's autobiography is a piece of fiction, a heroic myth spun by her imagination out of the fabric of her desires.
Idealized, regressive myths of a better, more magical time and place are a poor platform for making art.
There are myths and distorted concepts out there that may not be true.
Racial conflicts are being encouraged with vastly exaggerated figures and myths.
folk tale, story, folk story, legend, tale, fable, saga, allegory, parable, tradition, lore, folklore
technical mythos, mythus
misconception, fallacy, mistaken belief, false notion, misbelief, old wives' tale, fairy story, fairy tale, fiction, fantasy, delusion, figment of the imagination;
миф ; вымысел to debunk / dispel / explode a myth — развеять миф to create a myth — создать, породить миф We exploded the myth that their army was invincible. — Мы развеяли миф о непобедимости их армии. ancient myths — античные мифы Most societies have their own creation myths. — Большинство обществ имеют свои мифы.
несуществующее, выдуманное лицо; несуществующая вещь выдуманный персонаж cоц. миф (распространенное неверное представление о том или ином объекте) (система знаков и символов, которой обладает предмет или явление)
definition: To promote someone means to raise them to a higher position or rank.
example: After two years in the company, she was promoted to a manager.
Extra definition
Support or actively encourage (a cause, venture, etc.); further the progress of:
Give publicity to (a product, organization, or venture) so as to increase sales or public awareness:
Attempt to ensure the passing of (a private Act of Parliament):
Raise (someone) to a higher position or rank:
Transfer (a sports team) to a higher division of a league:
Exchange (a pawn) for a more powerful piece of the same colour, typically a queen, when it reaches the opponent’s end of the board.
Enable (a relatively low card) to win a trick by playing off the higher ones first:
(Of an additive) act as a promoter of (a catalyst).
Extra example
I wish Croydon Council would actively encourage and promote the development of roof gardens in the borough.
I was employed as a shift supervisor and was expected to have my crew work with unsafe equipment and this was actively encouraged and promoted by the site manager and foreman.
Tang said the government is actively promoting competition by allowing more oil companies to become established in Hong Kong and encouraging the opening of more petrol stations.
The mortgage company has launched a large advertising campaign to promote the product, First Start Mortgage.
E-Business City has been created exclusively for retailers to promote their web-based products and services.
A special ‘Wall of Values’ at the front of the store promotes products on sale each week.
This is a private bill, promoted by the New Zealand Guardian Trust Co. Ltd for Parliament's consideration.
He has won the chance to promote a Private Members Bill in the Commons and he has chosen the issue of telecommunication masts and dangers to health.
He promoted the Act of Six Articles in 1539, and worked for Cromwell's fall the following year.
Don't be sad, he was promoted to the position of President and Chief Executive Officer on March 1, 1975.
By 1969 he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant General.
He was promoted to his current position in 1998.
The Under-18 team went on to be crowned champions and the club's Wharfedale League team was promoted to the Second Division.
Which football league club has been promoted and relegated the most times?
Would they just join at the end of the season, adding to the teams who had just been promoted from Division One?
Player ‘B’ then shows that he can checkmate with the bishop against an unskilled player if the pawn is promoted to an opposite color bishop.
Finally when a player promotes a pawn, they swap it for one of the pieces that their partner's opponent is waiting to place on their board.
The rules allow such a pawn to be promoted to a queen, an advantage that is known to be decisive, ensuring an inevitable win for the second player to move.
In these types the numerals all rank in the same direction, but in the trump suit the normally lowest card is still promoted to second highest.
During the 1930s, catalysts were introduced to promote chemical reactions during cracking.
Intriguingly, a different pattern of gene expression is seen when elongation in the presence of oxygen is promoted by ethylene or carbon dioxide.
Abundant carbon and nitrogen stimulate flow in the glycolytic direction to promote amino acid synthesis.
advocate, recommend, urge, support, back, endorse, champion, speak for, proselytize, sponsor, espouse, push for, work for
advertise, publicize, give publicity to, beat/bang the drum for, popularize, sell, market, merchandise
informal push, plug, give a plug to, hype, hype up, give a puff to, puff, puff up, boost, flog
North American informal ballyhoo, flack, huckster
advance, upgrade, give promotion to, give a higher position to, elevate, move up, raise, improve the position/status of, aggrandize
informal kick upstairs
archaic prefer
продвигать ; повышать в чине или звании to be promoted over the head of other persons — продвинуться по службе, обойдя других he was promoted captain /to the rank of captain, to be a captain/ — ему присвоили звание капитана
способствовать , содействовать , поддерживать , поощрять to promote trade — содействовать развитию торговли, поощрять развитие торговли to promote a scheme — содействовать продвижению плана ; (всячески) поддерживать план to promote international understanding — содействовать взаимопониманию между народами to promote general welfare — способствовать обеспечению общего благосостояния to promote corrosion — способствовать коррозии Regular exercise promotes all-round good health. — Регулярные физические упражнения содействуют хорошему состоянию здоровья в целом. Sugary foods promote breast cancer. — Сладкая пища способствует возникновению рака груди.
возбуждать ; стимулировать ; активизировать to promote disorder — возбуждать беспорядки to promote sales — стимулировать сбыт to promote economic growth — стимулировать экономический рост Синоним: encourage
переводить в следующий класс (ученика) All the children have been promoted to the next class. — Всех детей перевели в следующий класс.
учреждать to promote an enterprise — учредить предприятие to promote a company — учреждать компанию
рекламировать ; содействовать продаже какого-л. товара шахм. продвигать пешку мед. способствовать , провоцировать ; активировать ; стимулировать ; ускорять повышать (в должности, чине, звании) He was promoted from Captain to Commodore. — Его повысили в чине от капитана до коммодора. If I am not promoted within the next two years I am going to change jobs. — Если меня не повысят в течение двух ближайших лет, я поменяю работу.
рекл. продвигать , раскручивать , создавать рекламу (товару или организации с тем, чтобы увеличить продажи или способствовать известности) сл. красть , воровать ; раздобывать упр. выдвигать
definition: To relate to something means to have a connection with it.
example: A company’s plan usually relates to how much profit it can make.
Extra definition
Make or show a connection between:
Be causally connected:
Be connected by blood or marriage:
Have reference to; concern:
Feel sympathy for or identify with:
Give an account of; narrate:
Extra example
The third strand of poverty research relates individual and structural factors.
In one sense modern medicine concurs in this association, by directly relating hyperventilation to a disturbed psychological state.
The trick is maintaining the connection between singer and listener, relating the songs' private pain to an audience's.
As time passes, it becomes difficult to eliminate the possibility that, even though the discomfort was not related to a blockage in the past it might currently be related.
Specifically, whereas it was obviously essential for entry information to be related to individuals, information about employment trends need not be so related.
The study of how family structure affects youth outcomes is complicated by the fact that family structure may be correlated with poor outcomes for youth, but not be causally related.
Other performers, not related by blood or marriage, had symbiotic or coincidental careers that linked them in the audience's mind.
They were the husbands and sons of Sarah's neighbors, and in many cases were related by blood or marriage.
Aboriginal social organization is based on a set of obligations between individuals who are related by blood or marriage.
Kelly said there were a number of issues relating to the development that concerned her.
This, she said, would raise a number of issues relating to the trust's concerns.
There are no issues that give concern relating to any of Jean's previous employment.
There's nothing in the story that a child can actually relate to and identify with.
I think the maturity the show needs is beginning to be developed as we begin to empathise and relate to the characters more.
Jamal avoids the ghetto rap cool dude attitude and Brown relates to that, comfortable in low-key.
The report relates D.'s account to Dr Friedman of his personal history and gives his account of details of sexual abuse of him.
Attestations of his uncanny powers as well as arguments that question them are found in a report of a narrative related by a man named Bartley Coen.
It is set in 1950's Chicago, and the story is related by narrator Wils Ravan as he recalls being nineteen on the North Shore, and his summer job as a copy boy for a downtown paper.
bring together, find/establish a connection between, find/establish a relationship between, find/establish a link between, find/establish an association between, find/establish a correspondence between
apply to, be relevant to, have relevance to, concern, refer to, have reference to, belong to, pertain to, be pertinent to, have to do with, bear on, have a bearing on, appertain to, affect, involve, cover, touch
archaic regard
have a rapport with, get on (well) with, respond to, sympathize with, feel sympathy with, feel for, identify with, empathize with, connect with, understand, speak the same language as, be in tune with, be on the same wavelength as
informal hit it off with
tell, recount, narrate, give an account of, describe;
рассказывать , вести повествование to relate a story — рассказать историю he related his adventures to us — он рассказал нам о своих приключениях The children enjoyed relating their imaginary adventures to the visitors. — Дети обожали рассказывать про свои вымышленные приключения гостям. Синоним: recount, narrate, tell
( to ) устанавливать личный контакт (с кем-л.) she finds it difficult to relate to her fellow-students — она трудно сходится с сокурсниками A good teacher is one who can relate to the students, not one who has a lot of information. — Хорош не тот учитель, кто много знает, а который может установить контакт со студентами.
реагировать , особ. положительно I can't relate to this kind of music — такая музыка мне ничего не говорит I can't relate to loud modern music. — Я не признаю современную громкую музыку.
(relate to) относиться , иметь отношение , затрагивать he notices nothing but what relates to himself — он обращает внимание лишь на то, что касается непосредственно его He notices nothing but what relates to himself. — Он замечает лишь то, что его затрагивает.
pass быть связанным the recent price increase is not related to alterations in the tax structure — недавнее повышение цен не связано с изменением структуры налогообложения
состоять в родстве Queen Victoria was related to many other monarchs — королева Виктория состояла в родстве со многими другими монархами
( to , with ) устанавливать связь или отношение to relate theory and practice — связать теорию с практикой it is difficult to relate these phenomena to /with/ each other — трудно установить связь между этими двумя явлениями I find it hard to relate these events with his story — ≅ эти события плохо согласуются с тем, что он говорит
(relate to) устанавливать связь , определять соотношение; соотносить It is difficult to relate these phenomena to / with each other. — Очень трудно соотнести эти два феномена. Синоним: connect
состоять в отношениях, испытывать чувства (по отношению к кому-л.) член отношения
get reˈligion to suddenly start believing in a religion
религия established / organized / state religion — государственная религия externals of religion — религиозная обрядность, внешние проявления религиозности under the guise of religion — под покровом религии to tolerate all religions — быть веротерпимым fundamentalist religion — фундаменталистская религия monotheistic religion — монотеистическая религия polytheistic religion — политеистическая религия Антоним: atheism, desecration, impiety
монашество to lead the life of religion — вести монашеский образ жизни to enter into religion — постричься в монахи
культ , святыня to make (a) religion of smth. — сделать из чего-л. культ ; молиться на что-л. she makes a religion keeping her house clean and tidy — чистота и порядок в доме - это у нее культ
религия , религиозное учение Buddhist religion — буддизм
example: He calculated the numbers to see what the sum of his bills would be.
Extra definition
Find the sum of (two or more amounts):
Extra example
The amount of total non-structural carbohydrates was calculated by summing the amount of starch and soluble sugar.
Functional group abundance was calculated by summing the abundances of all species in a particular group on a sample date.
He found the length of an arc of the cycloid using an exhaustion proof based on dissections to reduce the problem to summing segments of chords of a circle which are in geometric progression.
be greater/more than the ˌsum of its ˈparts to be better or more effective as a group than you would think just by looking at the individual members of the group
in ˈsum used to introduce a short statement of the main points of a discussion, speech, etc.
сумма , количество ; величина , итог , совокупность a sum of money — сумма денег to pay a great sum for smth. — заплатить за что-л. большую сумму денег the sum of all my wishes — все мои желания вместе взятые to mount up to the sum of £3 — достичь суммы в три фунта ; равняться в итоге трем фунтам sum total — общая сумма to raise a sum (of money) — достать сумму денег considerable / large / substantial / tidy sum — значительная сумма денег, кругленькая сумма flat sums — равные суммы sum and substance — самая суть in sum — книжн. итак, подводя итог вышесказанному; в общем, в целом cryptographic check sum — контрольная криптографическая сумма ; контрольнаа сумма для проверки криптографической системы modulo 2 sum — сумма по модулю 2 (по mod2) weighted sum — взвешенная сумма Синоним: amount, quantity, total
разг. арифметическая задача ; арифметический пример to do sums — решать задачи или примеры
pl школ. арифметика to be good at sums — быть сильным в арифметике
книжн. конечная цель ; высшая точка the sum of human bliss — вершина человеческого блаженства to increase the sum of human knowledge — пополнять сокровищницу человеческих знаний
суть , существо , сущность Синоним: essence, main point
узбекский сум (денежная единица) эк. сум , сом (национальная валюта Узбекистана; 1 сум равен 100 тиынам; международный стандартный код — UZS) складывать , подводить итог (часто sum up ) These ten books sum up this year's production. — Эти десять книг подводят итог издательской деятельности в этом году.
= sum up суммировать , резюмировать , обобщать ( to ) равняться , составлять (сумму) to sum to £3 — равняться трем фунтам
решать арифметические задачи = sum up собирать In that last blow his strength must have been summed. — В этом последнем ударе, должно быть, сосредоточилась вся его сила.
definition: A teller is a person who works with a bank’s customers.
example: The teller at the bank helped Kelly put money into a savings account.
Extra definition
A person employed to deal with customers' transactions in a bank.
A cashpoint machine:
(In the UK) each of the four officers of the Exchequer responsible for the receipt and payment of moneys.
A person who tells something:
A person appointed to count votes, especially in a parliament.
Extra example
But the only jobs they were hiring women for in the bank were tellers and secretaries.
Inside the bank building, five robbers dressed in black cloaks and Halloween masks upheld a reign of terror over the helpless customers and bank tellers trapped inside.
The cuts will affect few workers who deal directly with customers, such as tellers, he said.
To my understanding, he is one of those Scholars who know about Banking and about ATM (Automatic tellers machines).
When you go to the automatic teller machine today, chances are you'll be getting cash out, not putting money in.
The man, aged in his fifties, was shot in his car by bandits who tried to rob him after a visit to an automatic teller machine.
From 1780 to 1834 he held the lucrative sinecure of teller of the Exchequer.
The Teller of the Exchequer acted as the state cashier.
It has already been noticed that his Lordship held the lucrative office of Teller of the Exchequer for sixty years.
The teller demonstrated, lying on the ground with hands up and eyes wide for the benefit of Bonnie and her mother.
And, while a lie has been told, the teller is not yet a liar.
But Echo was a chatterbox and teller of tales, and many of her stories were lies about the other nymphs and the gods and goddesses.
The tellers count all the votes any candidate has received.
Nominations were finalised for the election of a new committee and we were pleased to welcome Mary who came to officiate also two ladies from Perry Street who acted as tellers and counted all the votes.
Then, three tellers are chosen from among the cardinals, as well as three to bring the ballots of the sick, and three to review the results of the election.
cashier, bank clerk, clerk
narrator, raconteur, raconteuse;
Australian informal magsman
рассказчик , повествователь brilliant teller of stories — прекрасный рассказчик a brilliant story teller — прекрасный рассказчик
парл. счетчик голосов teller vote — голос в анонимном голосовании
кассир (в банке) relief teller — кассир по пособиям foreign exchange teller — кассир по обмену валют teller of checks — кассир по чекам bank teller — кассир банка teller at commerce bank — кассир в коммерческом банке teller of Exchequer — кассир Казначейства teller for a municipal organization — кассир (в) муниципальной организации teller in banking organization — кассир (в) банковской организации male teller — кассир мужского пола senior teller — старший кассир temporary teller — временный кассир part-time teller — кассир, работающий неполный рабочий день
спорт. проф. точный удар Синоним: telling blow
удачное замечание; удар , попавший в цель, в точку; попадание в точку полит. агитатор , доверенное лицо = bank teller служащий в банке; банковский кассир automated teller machine, automatic teller machine, automatic teller, ATM — банкомат
definition: If someone is trustworthy, they are honest and truthful.
example: Mary is one of the most trustworthy people I’ve ever met.
Extra definition
Able to be relied on as honest or truthful:
Extra example
A caring neighbour both honest and trustworthy, he loved the affairs of the day.
You prefer to describe yourself as dependable, honest, practical and trustworthy.
Trust is in truth unlikely to be restored for so long as politicians try and prove that one side is more honest and trustworthy than the other.
reliable, dependable, honest, full of integrity, worthy of trust, honourable, upright, principled, true, truthful, as good as one's word, ethical, virtuous, incorruptible, unimpeachable, above suspicion;
самые последние, свежие новости , известия ; сводка последних новостей (в средствах массовой информации) последний , уточненный вариант (доклада и т. п.) новейшая информация информ. исправленная, новая версия update version — новая версия (основного) файла
модернизировать ; осовременивать , доводить до современного уровня, приводить в соответствие с требованиями современности; усовершенствовать ; приводить в соответствие с современными стандартами to update a book — пересмотреть и дополнить книгу новыми данными Синоним: modernize, bring up to date
обновлять , дополнять (сведения, информацию) ; дорабатывать The new edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect the events in the previous decade. — Новое издание было полностью переработано и дополнено с учетом событий, произошедших за последние десять лет. An updated version is planned for the near future. — В ближайшем будущем планируется выпуск обновленной версии.
обновляться Most antivirus software updates automatically when you connect to the web. — Антивирусное ПО в большинстве случаев обновляется автоматически, когда вы выходите в интернет.
definition: A vein is a tube in the body that carries blood toward the heart.
example: The blue veins in my hand are just under my skin.
Extra definition
Any of the tubes forming part of the blood circulation system of the body, carrying mainly oxygen-depleted blood towards the heart.
Compare with artery.
(In general use) a blood vessel:
(In plants) a slender rib running through a leaf or bract, typically dividing or branching, and containing a vascular bundle.
(In insects) a hardened branching rib that forms part of the supporting framework of a wing, consisting of an extension of the tracheal system; a nervure.
A fracture in rock containing a deposit of minerals or ore and typically having an extensive course underground:
A streak or stripe of a different colour in wood, marble, cheese, etc.
A source of a specified quality:
A distinctive quality, style, or tendency:
Extra example
This puts the full weight of your uterus on your back and on the major vein that carries blood between your lower body and heart.
The veins around the anus drain into larger veins that carry the blood through the liver and up to the heart.
Such a clot will move to the heart along the main vein of the body, the inferior vena cava.
In the preparation, how hard was it to figure out which blood vessels, which veins, belong to which of the twins?
The General's veins started to pulse faster, and more violently.
The tumor that you see here is my own blood vessels, my own veins, all swollen and tangled, engorged, and mixed together that bulge out like this.
Expression was also detected in vascular tissues, leaf veins, siliques, and in pollen sacs.
Nutrients are transported from the roots to the leaves inside the veins in the xylem.
Most plants have leaves with veins that fork outward from a central midrib.
The periodical cicada has protruding red eyes and orange legs; adults have clear wings with orange veins.
At an age of about 10 weeks we took a blood sample of 10 l from the brachial vein in the wing.
The fore and hind wings were similar, with the R vein was bent back at the base in the fore-wings, less so in the hind wings.
Quartz is the dominant mineral in veins in siliceous rocks, calcite in limestones, and gypsum in gypsiferous sediments.
The order of deposition for the main vein minerals typically is dolomite, barite, and quartz.
Quartz and sphalerite occur in vugs and veins in the chert nodules.
Blue cheese is a white cheese with blue veins and a sometimes crumbly interior.
The floor was a stunning green marble with veins of vivid gold, dotted with massive pillars of white marble that supported a soaring dome ceiling.
Irregular veins of white streaked across the forms, adding an almost eerie flare to the smooth stone.
Unfortunately I didn't watch it, so that's a rich vein of source material for this blog down the drain.
Well, I think he tapped into a vein of discontent among the American people.
It's been argued by aficionados that within Leonard Cohen's melancholic work is a thick vein of comedy.
In a similar vein, transparent quality testing and other compare-with-reality tests can help keep opinions grounded.
In a similar vein one can't help thinking most people would be better off forgetting about lifestyles and getting a life.
The ads display black and white photos of the party's Legco candidates taken from a video portraying its members in a similar vein to the fictional presidential cabinet in the TV series.
ход (мысли) ; канал , источник (информации) склонность , жилка a vein of humour, a humorous vein — юмористическая жилка a vein of cruelty — (некоторая) склонность к жестокости he is a man of an imaginative vein — он человек с воображением Синоним: inclination, disposition
(the vein; часто for ) настроение , расположение ; творческий подъем; душевное состояние I am not in the vein for it — у меня нет настроения для этого, я не расположен к этому he writes poetry when he is in the vein — он пишет стихи, когда у него появляется настроение in a certain vein — в определенном русле gloomy vein — мрачное настроение happy vein — хорошее настроение, хорошее расположение духа humorous / merry vein — шутливое настроение melancholy vein — меланхоличное настроение serious vein — серьезный настрой in the same vein — в том же духе, в том же роде to be in the vein for smth. — быть в настроении делать что-л. Let's continue our discussion in a lighter vein. — Не продолжить ли нам нашу беседу в более непринужденной манере? Синоним: mood, spirit
тон , стиль to speak in a serious vein — говорить в серьезном тоне /серьезно/ other remarks in the same vein — другие замечания в таком же духе /в том же роде/ The answer was in the orthodox solemn vein. — Ответ был дан в традиционном торжественном стиле.
бот. жилка (листа) зоол. прожилка (на крылышке насекомого) pl узор (древесины) тонкая щель, расщелина (в льдине и т. п.) геол. жила разг. жила способность , талант фин. биржевые настроения; тенденция (на бирже) жилка , прожилка (в мраморе) щель (в льдине) расположенность Синоним: inclination, disposition
( over , through ) поэт. покрывать что-л. сетью чего-л.; распространяться (где-л.) спец. наводить узор; отделывать , красить под мрамор, дуб и т. п.
spit ˈvenom/ˈblood to show that you are very angry; to speak in an angry way
яд (обыкн. животного происхождения) to neutralize venom — обезвреживать действие яда, вводить противоядие
злоба , яд she vented all her venom on us — она излила на нас всю свою злобу to spew / spout venom at smb. — выплеснуть злобу на кого-л. The venom of a spiteful satire — яд злобной сатиры Синоним: poison