произвольный , случайный arbitrary choice — случайный выбор ; выбор наудачу arbitrary signs and symbols — полигр. условные знаки и обозначения Their whole scheme of interpretation is purely arbitrary. — Вся их схема объяснения совершенно произвольна. Синоним: accidental, casual
книжн. капризный , непостоянный ; своевольный книжн. деспотичный arbitrary rule — деспотизм, произвол власти arbitrary government — автократия
книжн. деспотический His arbitrary decision led to a confrontation. — Его волюнтаристское решение привело к конфронтации. The conduct of the Archbishop appears to have been arbitrary and harsh. — Поведение архиепископа производило впечатление резкого, даже деспотичного.
дискреционный пол. , упр. самоуправный , основанный на произволе (о политических или управленческих решениях, которые основаны не на логике или правилах, а на личных пристрастиях и желаниях) arbitrary act — самоуправное действие, акт произвола Синоним: discretionary
definition: An autobiography is a true story of a person’s life written by that person.
example: I read an autobiography about my favorite entertainer.
Extra definition
An account of a person’s life written by that person:
Autobiographies considered as a literary genre:
Extra example
Women are also less likely to have had the self-confidence to write diaries and autobiographies.
But, there are far more poorly written biographies and autobiographies by generals than there are good ones.
I was 14 when my English teacher set us the task of writing our autobiographies and, wishing to be as precise as possible, I asked my mother for my birth certificate.
It went right across the board - from literary fiction to celebrity autobiography.
The relation between autobiography and your writing is a complicated one.
I'm of another party, the one that says all autobiography is fiction.
memoirs, life story, account of one's life, personal history;
definition: A convention is behavior that is considered to be common or polite.
example: In the US, a popular convention is to shake hands when you meet someone.
Extra definition
A way in which something is usually done:
Behaviour that is considered acceptable or polite to most members of a society:
An agreement between states covering particular matters, especially one less formal than a treaty:
A large meeting or conference, especially of members of a political party or a particular profession or group:
An assembly of the delegates of a political party to select candidates for office.
A body set up by agreement to deal with a particular issue:
A meeting of Parliament without a summons from the sovereign.
A bid or system of bidding by which the bidder tries to convey specific information about the hand to their partner, as opposed to seeking to win the auction.
Extra example
This person will be expected to learn the software development lifecycle practices, methods, conventions, and standards of the computer industry.
It overturns conventions and is taking on the global market leaders in a big way.
Already in his mid forties by this time, his editorial and advertising photography broke with conventions of fashion imagery in radical ways.
But, and there is the rub, every member of the Cabinet is expected by acceptable social convention to then go out and promote and defend what has been pronounced.
Most people err on the side of social convention, clapping politely as the drums pick up where the guitar left them, waiting for the drums to end to clap again while the stand-up bass does its thing.
She loves his madness and his badness; she loves the way he made her feel that the two of them were united against everyone else, against all the things that convention and society demanded of them.
You have been signing treaties, conventions and protocols for children but have never honoured them with genuine intention and political will.
But this is exactly what most international human rights treaties and conventions, and national laws do.
As a trade Minister involved in all sorts of issues to do with conventions overseas and signing treaties, he has a better understanding than most.
Be aware of ballet recitals, church conferences, conventions and club meetings.
A participant in the drawing up of the constitution as a member of the constitutional convention, he now let loose a barrage of abuse against its opponents.
I remind members of the convention that members should not conduct conversations in the House unless it is necessary, and then only in a way so as not to disturb the proceedings.
Utah nominates candidates for federal office at a state convention of approximately 1,500 delegates per congressional district.
Congressional nominees are selected in party conventions, unless no candidate gets more than 60 percent of the vote there.
With the emergence of organized political parties, the holding of a national party convention to select presidential candidates developed.
This convention dealt with issues of sustainable fishery catches and conservation of both aquatic species and habitats.
The convention was forced to deal with several critical issues within the black community.
The convention received a good deal of coverage at the time, but no lasting impact has been felt.
After James's convenient flight to France, only a minority in the convention parliament so much as expressed scruples about the form in which the transfer of kingship was to take place.
These Conventions that later declared themselves to be Parliaments are therefore generally known by historians as 'Convention Parliaments'.
The Commons request William to take over the administration of the government and to summon a convention.
B.J. Herbison's Playing Pinochle page describes a variation of Single Deck Pinochle, and a detailed set of suggested bidding conventions.
Create an online convention card, or many!
With only 15 words allowed during an auction and just 13 cards in each suit, bridge players have invented dozens of special bids, called conventions, to describe their strength and hand patterns.
conference, meeting, congress, assembly, gathering, summit, council of delegates/representatives, symposium, forum, convocation, synod, conclave, diet, chapter
informal con, get-together
rare colloquium
собрание , съезд teachers' convention — съезд /конференция, симпозиум/ учителей constitutional convention — амер. конституционный конвент (организация, избирающаяся для пересмотра конституции штата) pony convention — амер. мини-съезд convention of businessmen — съезд бизнесменов Синонимы: meeting, assembly , conference
ист. конвент соглашение , договоренность , договор , конвенция international convention — международная конвенция, международное соглашение multilateral convention — многосторонняя конвенция arbitration convention — соглашение об арбитраже Geneva Conventions — Женевские соглашения the conventions for suspending hostilities — соглашение о приостановлении военных действий Hague Convention — Гаагская конвенция Geneva Convention — Женевская конвенция provincial executive elections convention — договоренность о проведении выборов органов исполнительной власти на местах honest elections convention — конвенция о честных выборах Синоним: contract, agreement, covenant
принятое правило; обычай ; традиция ; правила поведения social conventions — нормы общения to be a slave to convention — быть рабом условностей ; слепо выполнять то, что принято convention now permits trousers for women — сейчас никто не возражает против того, что женщины носят брюки it is a matter of convention that men should open doors for ladies — принято, чтобы мужчины открывали дверь дамам /пропускали дам вперед/ Синоним: tradition, custom, usage
соц. обычай , традиция , правило поведения, условность this is a convention in the theatre — это театральная условность
амер. партийный съезд для выдвижения кандидатов на выборные должности, особ. на пост президента созыв (совещания, съезда) делегаты съезда, участники совещания, конференции и т. п. карт. объявление масти или ход с целью показать партнеру свою «руку» (Convention) ист.; = National Convention (Национальный) конвент (во Франции, в 1792-95 гг.) пол. , амер. партийный съезд (для выдвижения кандидата на пост президента США) (модель поведения, включающая в себя действия, которые сформировали привычку; совершаются членами социальной общности в определенной ситуации и совпадают с ожиданиями всех прочих членов социума) Синоним: practice
(по М. Веберу: воздействия социума на поведение индивида через неодобрение поступков, выходящих за рамки нормативного поведения)
definition: If someone is gracious, then they are kind and helpful to those who need it.
example: The operator was gracious enough to help me find his number.
Extra definition
Used to express polite surprise:
Extra example
Well, good gracious me, I was very pleasantly surprised.
Oh good gracious, was Faith in love too?
милостивый ; милосердный my gracious lady — милостивая государыня God was so gracious to / towards us! — Бог был так милостив к нам! gracious living — стиль жизни, отличающийся утонченностью, изысканностью вкусов Синоним: merciful, compassionate, benignant
добрый , вежливый , любезный , обходительный ; великодушный She is gracious to all. — Она любезна со всеми. Она добра ко всем. Синоним: good, kind, graceful, kindly, benevolent, courteous, urbane
рел. милосердный (о боге) Lord, be gracious into his son — господи, пощади его сына
снисходительный ; любезный a gracious smile — снисходительная /милостивая/ улыбка gracious hostess — очаровательная /любезная/ хозяйка to be gracious to smb. — быть любезным с кем-л. ; оказать кому-л. теплый прием, хорошо отнестись к кому-л.
изобильный , характеризующийся достатком gracious living — благословенное житье ; ≅ дом - полная чаша
definition: To improve something means to make it better.
example: He studied hard to improve his test scores from the previous year.
Extra definition
Make or become better:
Develop or increase in mental capacity by education or experience:
Achieve or produce something better than:
Extra example
What should be done is use the money from the resulting fines to improve road safety conditions in these areas.
For a short time his condition seemed to be improving but later on in the week he contracted pneumonia and one of his lungs collapsed.
Book cover design has improved drastically since the middle of the last decade.
Curtin remained committed towards improving himself and the lives of the underprivileged in Australian society.
It doesn't matter how brainy you are or how much education you've had - you can still improve and expand your mind.
If they succeed, they will at least have improved on the standing they achieved in this competition two years ago.
A lot of work has been done and what the country needs is to improve on what has been achieved.
I find little to dispute in much of what he writes about strengthening the NHS and fighting child poverty and improving on the best of what the government has achieved.
make better, better, ameliorate, upgrade, refine, enhance, boost, build on, help, raise, revamp, brush up, polish up, perk up, tweak
informal give a facelift to
rare meliorate
surpass, better, do better than, outdo, exceed, beat, top, trump, cap, outstrip, overshadow, go one better than
улучшать ; совершенствовать ; поправлять , налаживать to improve the standard of living of smb. — повысить чей-л. жизненный уровень, улучшить чьи-л. условия жизни to improve one's handwriting — улучшать свой почерк to improve the faculties of the mind — развивать умственные способности He improved his German. — Он сделал успехи в немецком языке. to improve the occasion / opportunity / shining hour — использовать удобный случай
улучшаться ; совершенствоваться ; поправляться , налаживаться the situation has improved — положение улучшилось his spelling has improved — он стал делать меньше ошибок, он стал грамотнее писать to improve in health — поправиться, окрепнуть ; поправляться his health is improving — он поправляется to improve in looks — лучше выглядеть ; стать интереснее to improve in strength — окрепнуть, стать крепче things are improving — дела налаживаются to improve rapidly / gradually / markedly / unquestionably — улучшаться быстро / постепенно / заметно / бесспорно
разумно использовать; воспользоваться to improve one's hours of idleness — использовать свободное время to improve the occasion /the opportunity/ — воспользоваться случаем
улучшать земли; проводить мелиорацию to improve virgin land — обрабатывать /поднимать/ целину
повышаться в цене (благодаря застройке, проведению водопровода и т. п. - о землях) эк. подниматься , повышаться (о спросе, ценах)
definition: To insulate something means to protect it from heat, cold, or noise.
example: People can conserve energy by insulating their houses.
Extra definition
Protect (something) by interposing material that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound:
Prevent the passage of electricity to or from (something) by covering it in non-conducting material:
Protect (someone or something) from unpleasant influences or experiences:
Make (land) into an island:
Extra example
With hot water heating systems, the diameter of the piping remains constant, the slope is irrelevant, and all lines are insulated to prevent heat loss.
Two rival theories are based on the roles of feathers in insulating the body against heat loss and in providing an aerodynamic surface for flight.
The blankets are specially insulated to keep heat in.
A second insulator layer electrically insulates the wires from the electroconductor layer and the semiconductor substrate.
Chemicals covered by the agreement include PCBs, which are used to insulate electric transformers and as additives in plastics and paint, and pesticides such as DDT.
Two flat steel bands run through the spine of the lamp, which insulate power feeds and prevent the lamp from buckling.
For some it was a profound shock to realise that we are not insulated from the pain and death that accompany life at every point and in every person.
You are insulated from the stock market because the company guarantees you will get a proportion of your income when you retire.
They allow considerable flexibility for any bright ideas we might get along the way, and we are insulated from many of the hassles encountered in traveling.
The city was insulated by heavy seasonal overspill.
тех. изолировать (от электричества, тепла, звука и т. п.) Government efforts to insulate the economy from the ravages of recession have failed. — Попытки правительства оградить экономику от последствий рецессии потерпели неудачу. They have often, in the most unfair manner, insulated passages from the context, so as seriously to affect the meaning. — Они часто самым отвратительным образом вырывали фразы из контекста, в значительной степени искажая их истинное значение. It is neither possible nor desirable to insulate young children from the dangers of adventurous play. — Невозможно полностью оградить маленького ребенка от опасности получить травму во время игр. Да это и нежелательно - пусть набьет шишек.
отделять , обособлять , изолировать , ограждать they insulated him from /against/ troubles — они ограждали его от неприятностей to insulate electrical wiring — изолировать электрическую проводку electrical insulating tape — электрическая изоляционная лента
защищать (от потери энергии) Seals have layers of fat which insulate their bodies against cold. — Слои жира на теле тюленя защищают его от холода.
уст. окружать со всех сторон водой, превращать в остров изолированный , отделенный ; разобщенный
definition: To intrigue means to cause an interest in something or someone.
example: Her mysterious past intrigued her new friend.
Extra definition
The secret planning of something illicit or detrimental:
A secret love affair.
A mysterious or fascinating quality:
Extra example
It's a tale of intrigue, dark secrets, and double crosses.
A tale of murder, bribery, betrayal and intrigue follows as the plot gathers pace and Solomon races to towards the finish line.
I hated this room, the atmosphere of backstabbing intrigue and devious plots and politics that hung overhead like a forthcoming tempest.
If you're one of the beautiful elite, summer is a fizzy whirl of suitors and intrigues and liaisons.
But while this is a satisfying central plot, the story is just as much about the accident-prone romances and intrigues of the rest of this likeable family.
With a rich history, including periods as a Greek and Roman colony, as well as the internal intrigues of ruling kings and their concubines, Istanbul nowadays is a colorful, eclectic melting pot of cultures.
Ideally, that hobby is something you have chosen for its soothing qualities, its intrigue or its social opportunities.
A number of large Avens and Boulder Chambers add further intrigue to a fascinating area, which could almost qualify as a complete cave system in its own right.
In fact, few vegetables offer as much intrigue as the mysterious mushroom.
secret love affair, affair, affair of the heart, liaison, amour, amorous entanglement, romantic entanglement, fling, flirtation, dalliance;
adultery, infidelity, unfaithfulness
informal fooling around, playing around, playing away, hanky-panky
интриговать , вести интриги; заниматься происками, махинациями; строить козни ; организовывать тайные заговоры; обманывать ; надувать (кого-л.) to intrigue with smb. against smb. — строить козни совместно с кем-л. против кого-л. The men were imprisoned for intriguing against the government. — За антиправительственный заговор их посадили в тюрьму.
заинтриговывать , заинтересовывать , увлекать his remark intrigued me — его замечание заинтриговало меня
редк. озадачивать ; сбивать с толку, вводить в заблуждение иметь тайную любовную связь (с кем-л.) иметь интрижку (о любовных похождениях) впутывать , втягивать , вмешивать Синоним: entangle
увлечь , заинтересовать , заинтриговать The natives were intrigued with the colour of our skin. — Местные жители очень заинтересовались цветом нашей кожи. He was intrigued by the tale. — Сказка его захватила.
интрига ; происки , махинации, козни ; тайные происки a passion for intrigue — страсть к интриганству to carry on / engage in (an) intrigue — интриговать high intrigue — большая интрига web of intrigue — хитросплетения интриги Синоним: conspiracy, machination, plot, scheme
definition: Longevity is the ability to live for a long time.
example: Sea turtles have an amazing longevity.
Extra definition
Long life:
Long existence or service:
Extra example
Why do we furiously invent new technologies to give us the illusion of stability and longevity?
She's seen many changes to society in her life, and thinks her longevity is due to her faith in God.
In a marketing sense this extra longevity means the rules have changed.
His longevity of service to the bank will serve him well in his new role.
He did not have the longevity of career that many boxing writers view necessary.
Girls Aloud, however, are demonstrating a longevity almost unheard of in their genre.
долгая жизнь, долголетие ; долговечность ; долгожительство a study of longevity — изучение долгожителей The phenomenon of longevity will become even more pronounced in the 21st century and all countries will experience some change in their age structure. — Феномен долгожительства в 21 веке станет еще более выраженным, и все страны столкнутся с изменением возрастной структуры населения. Синоним: durability
эк. тр. выслуга лет , стаж работы (общая продолжительность службы данного лица) longevity pay — воен. надбавка к денежному содержанию за выслугу лет Синоним: term of service, length of service
демогр. продолжительность жизни (данного лица) increase of longevity — увеличение продолжительности жизни average longevity of women — средняя продолжительность жизни женщин The average longevity of women was found to be 45 and in most of the villages only one or two women had crossed the age of 60. — Выяснилось, что средняя продолжительность жизни женщин составляет 45 лет, и в большинстве деревень только одна-две женщины преодолели 60-летний рубеж.
definition: To misplace something means to lose it.
example: I misplaced my wallet, and I didn’t find it until a week later.
Extra definition
Put (an object) in the wrong place and so lose it temporarily:
Position incorrectly:
Extra example
Is there anyone reading this who hasn't been guilty at some point of misplacing their keys, losing track of the time or forgetting someone's name?
Instead I've somehow lost or misplaced the information.
All too often, photographs, documents and stories are misplaced or lost and the memories of families or cultures are left with gaping holes.
The Albanians didn't do a lot of attacking and Rio spent most of the time defending closer to the half way line than the box and I don't think he misplaced a pass all game.
As the game wore on and Arsenal continued to misplace passes, the crowd's frustration grew.
While Kennedy was a nervy presence alongside Stanislav Varga, misplacing the odd pass across the back, and twice committing errors that could have been punished by McSwegan, Pearson was more impressive.
lose, mislay, put in the wrong place, lose track of, miss, drop, forget, be unable to find, be unable to lay one's hands on, forget the whereabouts of, forget where one has put something
положить , поставить не на место I have misplaced the letter — я куда-то дел это письмо I've misplaced my glasses again — я снова куда-то засунул свои очки to misplace a comma — неправильно поставить запятую Синоним: mislay
поставить в неподходящее место, сказать в неподходящее время и т. п. in this room that modern chair looks misplaced — в этой комнате такое современное кресло не на месте my scepticism was misplaced — мой скептицизм был неуместен
испытывать несоответствующие объекту чувства to misplace one's confidence /trust/ — довериться человеку, не заслуживающему доверия to misplace one's affections — полюбить недостойного человека
потерять , затерять (вследствие того, что что-то не было своевременно положено на место) Синоним: lose
уделять внимание или дарить любовь, расположение недостойному человеку His trust had been misplaced. — Он оказал доверие недостойному человеку. / Он оказал доверие человеку, который не мог его оправдать.
mischievous, full of mischief, playful, impish, roguish, puckish, rascally, prankish, tricksy
непослушный , капризный , шаловливый ; озорной naughty child — шалун, озорник you were naughty today — ты сегодня плохо себя вел Girls, you're being very naughty. — Девочки, вы очень плохо себя ведете. Синоним: mischievous, disobedient, unruly
эвф. рискованный , сомнительный naughty hints — щекотливые намеки naughty stories — пикантные анекдоты Naughty Nineties — беспутные девяностые годы (1890-1900) Naughty Nineties, the 1890s in England, when the puritanical Victorian code of behaviour and conduct gave way in certain wealthy and fashionable circles to growing laxity in sexual morals, a growing cult of hedonism, and a more light-hearted approach to life. — Беспутные девяностые, 1890-е годы в Англии, когда пуританский викторианский кодекс поведения сменился в высших слоях общества растущей свободой сексуальной морали, растущим пристрастием к гедонизму и более легкомысленным отношением к жизни.
уст. порочный , греховный , испорченный , безнравственный naughty world — грешный мир naughty figs — смоквы весьма худые the water is naughty — вода нехороша Синоним: wicked
шотл. дурной , гадкий (о взрослых) it is very naughty of you — как это нехорошо с вашей стороны
definition: A norm is a way of behaving that is considered normal in a particular society.
example: Wearing a heavy coat all summer is not considered a norm in the desert.
Extra definition
Adjust (something) to conform to a norm.
Extra example
Recommendations for early identification testing often include the use of commercially available, nationally normed measures of reading and phonological awareness.
Second, teachers have experience with many children, so their responses are implicitly normed.
Though the test was normed for 7 year old students, these young students seemed to have trouble with the gradations of the scoring system.
норма , правило ; критерий social norms — правила поведения в обществе ; критерии общения departure from the norm — отклонение от нормы generally recognized norms of international law — общепризнанные нормы международного права literary norm — литературная норма The current middle-class norm of two children per family. — В настоящее время для семьи среднего класса норма два ребенка. terrorists who violate the norms of civilized society — террористы, нарушающие нормы цивилизованного общества Синоним: standard
тех. норма , образец , стандарт to establish / set a norm — устанавливать, определять норму above the norm — выше нормы below the norm — ниже нормы Joyce's style of writing was a striking departure from the literary norm. — Стиль Джойса разительно отличался от литературных стандартов. Синоним: standard
норма выработки to fulfil one's norm — выполнить свою норму
мат. норма Синоним: standard
нормативный состав (минерала и т. п.) соц. , мн. (социальная) норма (общепринятое и обязательное для членов того или иного сообщества правило поведения, предписывающее или запрещающее что-л., а также общепринятый порядок осуществления чего-л.)
definition: Philanthropy is the act of helping others, without wanting anything in return.
example: The wealthy business owner is well known for his acts of philanthropy.
Extra definition
The desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes:
A philanthropic institution; a charity:
Extra example
The greater generosity of Conservatives reflects the value they place on individual philanthropy above publicly-funded welfare services.
Another implication of prioritising private philanthropy over state welfare is to suggest that if you're rich, you * should * help those on the other end of the scale.
He has betrayed those who, out of genuine philanthropy, donated money to his campaigns.
Local philanthropies, chiefly the Pew Charitable Trusts, the Lenfest Foundation and the Annenberg Foundation, pledged to help raise $150 million to guarantee the Barnes's future.
Flexner became secretary of the new Rockefeller Foundation's General Education Board, which heavily funded Johns Hopkins and a few other medical schools and led other philanthropies to follow suit.
In May 2000, the Pew Charitable Trusts, one of the nation's largest philanthropies, launched the Pew Oceans Commission, co-chaired by New Jersey Gov.
definition: To probe into something means to ask questions to discover facts about it.
example: The bank probed into his financial history to see if he qualified for a loan.
Extra definition
Explore or examine (something), especially with the hands or an instrument:
Enquire into someone or something closely:
Extra example
Endoscopically, the surgeon examines the graft, probes it, and confirms that no further notchplasty is required.
Through optical spectroscopy, researchers can probe the trapped particle's size, shape, refractive index and chemical composition.
The surgeon will then view and probe the joint, looking directly through the scope or at pictures it sends to a video monitor.
The three men, who have not been named, were arrested and bailed as part of a police probe into proxy voting at last year's local elections.
A nursing home is at the centre of a police and social services probe into the death of a former resident.
They argued that the police probe into the suicide of the suspect, a former diving expert and wrestler without any criminal record, was not convincing.
investigate, conduct an investigation into, enquire/enquire into, look into, study, conduct an enquiry/enquiry into, examine, scrutinize, go into, carry out an inquest into, research, analyse, dissect, search into, delve into, dig into;
sound, plumb
мед. зонд cell probe — клеточный зонд cell surface probe — зонд к клеточной поверхности, мембранный зонд (напр. антитела к поверхностным рецепторам) coding probe — кодирующий зонд (кДНК к кодирующей области) gene segment probe — зонд (кДНК) к сегменту гена gene specific probe — геноспецифический зонд (кДНК к определенному гену) low-copy-number intergenic probe — низкокопийный зонд к межгенной области (неамплифицированная кДНК к некодирующим последовательностям генома) nick-translated probe — «ник»-транслированный зонд (кДНК с застроенной брешью) noncoding probe — некодирующий зонд (кДНК к некодирующей области генома) oligonucleotide probe — олигонуклеотидный зонд phenotypic probe — фенотипирующий зонд (антитела к клеточным антигенам) renatured probe — ренатурированный зонд (кДНК после отжига) sequence-specific probe — сайт-специфический зонд (кДНК с известной нуклеотидной последовательностью)
спец. зонд , щуп ; пробник ; датчик ; насадок flow measuring probe — насадок для измерения расхода жидкости в потоке static probe — датчик статического давления stream pressure probe — датчик давления в потоке
автоматическая научно-исследовательская станция; космическая ракета ; исследовательская ракета space probe — косм. космический зонд ; автоматический космический исследовательский аппарат
зондирование геол. пробное бурение испытание амер. расследование to conduct a probe — вести расследование exhaustive / thorough probe — всестороннее, полное расследование Синоним: inquiry
образец , проба косм. стыковочное устройство запуск космического зонда, автоматического космического исследовательского аппарата и т. п. энт. хоботок (насекомого) ав. заправочная штанга ; приемник топлива (для заправки самолета в воздухе) косм. космическая исследовательская ракета контактная измерительная головка мед. зондировать спец. зондировать ; прощупывать ; опробовать ; делать испытание; проводить испытание Probing into my bad tooth with my tongue, I could feel the enlarged hole. — Я потрогал свой больной зуб языком и почувствовал, что дыра увеличилась. Синоним: pierce
расследовать ; исследовать to probe deep into the matter — тщательно рассмотреть дело ; вникнуть в дело to probe smb.'s intentions — выведать чьи-л. намерения to probe the evidence — (тщательно) рассмотреть /проанализировать/ свидетельские показания The mystery of the missing woman has been probed into by police, but without result. — Полиция пыталась раскрыть тайну исчезновения женщины, но не преуспела в этом.
definition: A recipient of something is the person who receives it.
example: I was the recipient of four phone calls today.
Extra definition
Receiving or capable of receiving something:
Extra example
This would be widely denounced as a form of neo-colonialism in both donor and recipient countries.
Finally, a telegraphic or telex message is not recorded, except by the sending and recipient banks.
The agreement placed a greater emphasis on dialogue between the EU and recipient states.
адресат , получатель worthy recipient — почетный получатель the distribution of aid among recipients — распределение помощи среди ее получателей recipients of economic aid — получатели экономической помощи Синоним: addressee
definition: To thrive means to do well and be successful, healthy, or strong.
example: He may be an old man, but he continues to thrive.
Extra definition
(Of a child, animal, or plant) grow or develop well or vigorously:
Prosper; flourish:
Extra example
They differ from land forests because of the soil types and the fact that the plant life and trees thrive in salt water.
It is an easy plant to grow, thriving in most well-drained soils and sun or light shade.
This has now grown to 19 acres where a plant population of 20,000 species thrives.
Those who thrive on glib pronouncements about the role of renewables should carry out the occasional reality check.
His monopoly, they say, was threatening to kill off any semblance of competition in a discipline that used to thrive on it.
But literary journals and magazines have their own set of readers and thrive on them.
flourish, prosper, grow vigorously, develop well, burgeon, bloom, blossom, do well, advance, make strides, succeed;
shoot up;
boom, profit, expand, go well, grow rich
благоденствовать , преуспевать , процветать the country is thriving — страна процветает he throve on trade on — разбогател на торговле he thrives on other people's misfortunes — он наживается на несчастьях других людей He throve on trade. — Он разбогател на торговле. The armament firms thrive on war; the glaziers gain by broken windows. — Фирмы, продающие оружие, процветают благодаря войне; стекольщики наживаются на выбитых стеклах. Синоним: prosper
цвести , разрастаться ; буйно ; пышно расти children thrive in fresh air — дети расцветают на свежем воздухе cattle thrive in rich pastures — стада тучнеют на хороших пастбищах I throve on a diet of oatmeal, mutton and strong tea. — Я прямо-таки расцвел, питаясь овсянкой, бараниной и крепким чаем. My children thrived on this product. — Мои дети стали крепче от этого продукта. He's the sort of person who thrives on hard work. — Он из той породы людей, которые просто обожают много работать. Thought thrives on conflict. — В споре рождается истина.
definition: When something is ultimate, it is the final result or aim of a long series of events.
example: By trying hard in school, I will reach my ultimate goal of becoming a doctor.
Extra definition
The best achievable or imaginable of its kind:
A final or fundamental fact or principle.
short for Ultimate Frisbee.
Extra example
She was, of course, overjoyed that the film she had worked on was achieving the ultimate in mainstream international recognition.
With all that physical toiling in the fresh air one could be forgiven for imagining farming was the ultimate in healthy occupations.
One is the ultimate fantasy, the other the ultimate in human achievement.
He derived his propositional view of reality and his ‘pluralism without ultimates ' from classical sources and his own extended critical reflections on Alexander, Hegel, and Marx, particularly the latter.
But that doesn't diminish its status as an ultimate in technology.
Indian philosophy accepts only intuition as the method through which the ultimate can be known.
Janin's brother and father have both played Ultimate for the University of Oregon.
Kids are running around playing ultimate.
I also coordinate regular pickup games of ultimate.
utmost, optimum, last word, very limit, height, epitome, peak, pinnacle, acme, apex, apogee, zenith, culmination, perfection, nonpareil, extreme, extremity;
French crème de la crème, dernier cri, beau idéal;
Latin ne plus ultra
последний , конечный ; завершающий , окончательный ultimate result — окончательный результат The ultimate goal of all our investigations and observations. — Конечная цель всех наших исследований и наблюдений. ultimate resolution — окончательное решение Синоним: definitive, final
предельный , крайний , конечный ; максимальный ultimate end /purpose/ — конечная цель ultimate user — конечный пользователь their ultimate destination was Paris — конечным пунктом их поездки был Париж the ultimate success of a book — ≅ книга, которая в конце концов стала пользоваться успехом ultimate parvenu — беспардонный выскочка ultimate load — предельная нагрузка ultimate output — максимальная мощность Синоним: maximum
первичный , первоначальный , исходный , основной ultimate truth — элементарная истина ultimate analysis — хим. элементарный анализ the ultimate cause — первопричина ultimate principles — основные принципы The ultimate law of moral agents must be the will of God. — Основным законом морали должна быть божественная воля. ultimate particle — %% физ. элементарная частица; мельчайшая частица Синоним: basic
самый отдаленный the ultimate ends of the earth — самые отдаленные части света
лингв. падающий на последний слог слова (об ударении) окончательный результат; предел the ultimate of his desire — предел его желаний an absurdity carried to its ultimate — абсурд, доведенный до предела
основной принцип завершать ( in ) завершаться (чем-л.) ; иметь результатом