definition: If a plant or animal is aquatic, it lives or grows in water.
example: The dolphin is an aquatic mammal.
Extra definition
An aquatic plant or animal, especially one suitable for a pond or aquarium:
Sports played in or on water.
Extra example
Most aquatics grow best when planted in wide, shallow containers that you submerge in the pond.
Pot up aquatics the way you would any plant, adding about a teaspoon of 5-10-5 granular fertilizer to the soil in each pot before planting.
Or use the cauldron as a water garden and grow horsetail, a water lily or other aquatics.
Among the sports the athletes will play are athletics, aquatics, tennis, five-a-side football, volleyball and bocce.
They would also appreciate assistance from anyone with a knowledge of the following sports - aquatics, athletics, cycling, table tennis, basketball, football, unified football and judo.
Twenty-two major sports, including aquatics, cycling, figure skating, golf, martial arts, soccer, track and field, and wrestling will be included.
водный aquatic sports — водный спорт
водяной aquatic plants — бот. гидрофиты, водяные растения
хим. гидратационный водяное растение или животное любитель , водного спорта редк. водохлеб
definition: The biosphere is the earth’s surface and atmosphere where there are living things.
example: Birds, trees, and worms all thrive in the biosphere.
Extra definition
The regions of the surface and atmosphere of the earth or another planet occupied by living organisms.
An artificial structure enclosing a self-contained ecosystem or ecosystems:
Extra example
The totality of living organisms is the biosphere, although this term is also used to denote the environment inhabited by living organisms.
Human activities have dramatically altered the Earth's biosphere and atmosphere during the past few hundred years.
Of course, it was snuffed out because Mars is tectonically dead, so the recycling of chemicals that you get on Earth which keeps things going and supplies the surface biosphere would have actually ceased on Mars a lot earlier.
These brave soldiers will be maintained in self-contained biospheres, like giant lizards from another star, which given the moral status of their behavior, they might as well be.
In Arizona, scientists built an artificial biosphere, called Biosphere 2.
The second were generation ships, which had self-contained biospheres where the crew was not in stasis pods, but alive.
definition: When something is bizarre, it is very strange.
example: My bizarre dreams make no sense to me when I am awake
Extra definition
Very strange or unusual:
Extra example
This is a bizarre situation, especially in comparison with the rules of the sea.
Being pictured as he was might be a bizarre situation but it's par for the course.
Yet it is the bizarre, unexpected moments in life that are the ones we remember.
strange, peculiar, odd, funny, curious, offbeat, outlandish, eccentric, unconventional, unorthodox, queer, unexpected, unfamiliar, abnormal, atypical, unusual, out of the ordinary, out of the way, extraordinary;
неестественный , ненормальный , причудливый , странный , эксцентричный It was bizarre that we ran into each other in such a remote corner of the world. — Странно, что мы совершенно случайно встретились в таком далеком уголке земного шара. Синоним: grotesque, outlandish, way-out, weird, strange, odd, fantastic Антоним: normal, unexceptional
definition: If something is coarse, that means it has a rough texture.
example: The coarse sweater made my skin itch.
Extra definition
Rough or harsh in texture:
Consisting of large grains or particles:
(Of grains or particles) large:
(Of a person’s features) not elegantly formed or proportioned:
(Of food or drink) of inferior quality:
(Of a person or their speech) rude or vulgar:
Relating to the sport of angling for coarse fish:
Extra example
I can see the depths of his chestnut eyes, the coarse texture of his jet black hair, and the shape of his slightly muscular figure.
He was a rather tall boy with a head full of coarse black hair.
Her coarse black hair was pulled into two cute pigtails, and she smiled shyly.
Water used for domestic purposes can be easily recycled by passing it through layers of charcoal and coarse sand.
If your soil is poorly drained, it may be necessary to put a little coarse sand at the base of the hole.
Beneath these lies a floor of coarse granite sand and broken shell.
At a microscopic scale, at the surface of the deposit, coarse particles roll on a deposit of fine particles as a result of particle segregation.
Some biologic links between coarse particles and exacerbation of respiratory problems support these findings.
Grain orientation also plays a large part in determining toughness of alloys containing coarse particles.
His facial features were coarse, his hands were spade-like, and his feet were large.
The male figures here, as before, are represented as coarse, even brutal in feature.
From the servants I had heard that she was very coarse looking and rude.
The food was meager, coarse bread and a single cup of water along with a small bowl of some kind of stew, long gone cold.
A Chinese hostess will usually say to her guests she has nothing to offer them but some coarse food and plain tea.
The Romans considered the leek a superior vegetable, unlike onions and garlic which were despised as coarse foods for the poor.
You are never coarse or vulgar, and people who display such traits offend you.
A crude culture makes a coarse people, and private refinement cannot long survive public excess.
He sees a woman much like himself, a coarse merchant's daughter who guffaws loudly at a dirty joke.
The Internet has made a huge difference to acquiring information on many subjects, including angling, and the coarse anglers over here have their own club and national sites on the Net.
Many more anglers are now going out fly fishing for the coarse and sea fish species.
You can also increase your catch numbers by copying our coarse fishing colleagues and employing swim feeders.
грубый coarse clothes — грубая одежда coarse thread — суровые нитки ; грубая, суровая нитка coarse features — грубые черты лица coarse breaking — спец. первичное дробление coarse tuning — радио грубая настройка coarse work — геол. рекогносцировочная разведка The same coarse garment served them for summer and winter. — Одна и та же грубая одежда служила им и зимой, и летом.
крупный , крупнозернистый coarse sand — крупный песок coarse oatmeal — овсяная крупа крупного помола coarse grain — серые зерновые хлеба ; кормовые или фуражные зерновые Антоним: fine
вульгарный , непристойный , неприличный coarse language — непристойный /вульгарный/ язык coarse joke — неприличный анекдот don't be coarse! — нельзя ли без похабщины! Синоним: rough, unrefined, rude, uncivil, vulgar
definition: A companion is a person that someone spends a lot of time with.
example: I always walk to school with my companion Frank.
Extra definition
A covering over the hatchway leading to a ship’s companionway.
A raised frame with windows on the quarterdeck of a ship to allow light into the decks below.
short for companionway.
Extra example
The room was illumined from the light in the companion, and the dim lantern hung from the deck beam.
The three made their way in the dim light to the companion.
He made his way down the companion to the gundeck, Pamela in his arms.
More feet scampered up the companion as his crew belowdecks realized something was happening.
товарищ faithful companion — верный товарищ companions in misfortune — товарищи по несчастью companion of one's youth — товарищ юношеских лет companion in crime — редк. соучастник преступления she has been my faithful companion of 50 years — она была мне верной спутницей жизни в течение пятидесяти лет companion in misfortune — товарищ по несчастью Синоним: friend, mate, fellow
уст. компаньон , партнер Синоним: partner
собеседник poor companion — неинтересный собеседник not much of a companion — необщительный /некомпанейский/ человек boon companion — веселый собутыльник, весельчак A customs officer is a poor companion. — Какая скука беседовать с таможенником!
спутник , случайный сосед, попутчик my companion in the railway-carriage — мой спутник по вагону capitalism is a natural companion of a political democracy — капитализм является естественным спутником политической демократии
(Companion) кавалер (ордена низшей степени) Companion of Honour — кавалер ордена Кавалеров почета Companion of Literature — «Сподвижники литературы» (присваивается выдающимся литераторам) Companion of Literature — "Сподвижник литературы" (приз, вручаемый британским Королевским обществом литературы выдающимся писателям и поэтам; учрежден в 1961 г.)
астр. спутник звезды или галактики компаньон , компаньонка a lady's companion — компаньонка дамы
парная вещь here's the glove for my left hand but where's its companion? — вот перчатка на левую руку, а где же правая? I lost the companion to this ear-ring — я потеряла одну серьгу
(Companion) «Спутник» (в названиях справочников) The Gardener's Companion — «Спутник садовода »
приживальщик предмет , составляющий пару, дополняющий другой; нечто , идущее в комплекте companion set — набор инструментов для разжигания камина pipe smoker's companion — набор для курения трубки Синоним: accessory
мор. деревянный козырек над лестницей, ведущей к каютам и в трюм путеводитель (название книги, которая содержит обзор какой-л. области знания) A Companion to Business Ethics — "Путеводитель по этике бизнеса"
быть компаньоном, спутником; сопровождать разг. дружить уст. быть собеседником провожать ; быть спутником, сопровождающим I think it would be a guilt not to companion you. — Мне думается, будет просто преступлением не проводить тебя.
составлять компанию; находиться рядом His statue still companions the winged lion on the opposing pillar of the piazzetta. (J. Ruskin, The Stones of Venice, 1853) — Все так же его статуя смотрит на крылатого льва, сидящего на колонне на другой стороне площади. Синоним: accompany
бывать в гостях, быть знакомым, общаться ; сосуществовать Many wondered that Mr. G permitted his daughter to companion so much with such a girl. (A. M. Hall, Whiteboy, 1845) — Многие удивлялись, что г-н Г. позволял своей дочери так много общаться с такой девушкой. It needs a long time before the heart can companion only with memories. (G. Gissing, A Life's Morning, 1888) — Нужно время, чтобы сердце научилось жить одними лишь воспоминаниями.
составляющий пару или комплект companion vase — парная ваза a companion piece to this ornament — вторая часть этого украшения some companion volumes to this set are missing — в этом собрании сочинений недостает нескольких томов
сопутствующий , сопровождающий (о явлении и т. п.) companion problem — сопутствующая проблема companion crop — с.-х. совместная культура, уплотненная культура
definition: To digest means to swallow food and pass it through the body.
example: Allow some time for food to be digested before going swimming.
Extra definition
A compilation or summary of material or information:
A periodical consisting of condensed versions of pieces of writing or news published elsewhere.
A methodical summary of a body of laws.
The compendium of Roman law compiled in the reign of Justinian.
A substance or mixture obtained by digestion:
Extra example
A digest of the information is provided on separate pages, along with the profession of the head of the family, and the residential telephone number.
Few people will read them in full, so for most people their main sources of information are executive summaries, digests, and press reports.
This digest offers some collected wisdom regarding considerations and strategies for selecting and retaining teacher mentors.
In 1991 in the Directory of Electronic Journals and Newsletters, there were about 30 electronic journals and over 60 newsletters and digests published over the Internet.
It's a morning digest of California political news, with a bit of attitude thrown in.
The news digest has a section in it called ‘Boring But Important’.
Your Honours will see the second-last paragraph of what I might conveniently refer to as the digest.
The wealth of charts, chronologies, and digests of laws and regulations (including more than a page of initials and what they stand for) will be useful to activists and interested citizens.
The largest ever digest of Irish High Court and Supreme Court judgements will be launched by the Chief Justice this week.
After incubating the cells for one hour with soluble or lysate digests; calcium, iron, or zinc standards; or pure buffer, the researchers lysed the cells and measured mineral levels using atomic absorption spectroscopy.
Phosphate in the digests and in culture solutions was measured spectrophotometrically using the molybdate and malachite green method described earlier.
Lung digests were obtained as previously described.
переваривать (пищу) The cattle cannot digest tobacco. — Жвачные животные не переваривают табак.
перевариваться , усваиваться (о пище) to digest well — хорошо усваиваться
способствовать перевариванию пищи усваивать ; воспринимать ; овладевать to digest the lesson — усвоить урок to digest what one reads — переварить прочитанное to digest the facts — осмыслить факты, овладеть материалом Синоним: absorb
терпеть , переносить ; мириться (с чем-л.) to digest an insult — проглотить оскорбление this is more than I can digest — этого я не потерплю I don't digest this man. — Я его на дух не выношу. This opinion, I say, I can hardly digest. — Едва ли соглашусь с этим мнением. I cannot digest the loss of his works. — Никак не могу смириться с тем, что его труды утрачены. Синоним: brook, endure, swallow, stomach
приводить в систему ; классифицировать ; систематизировать ; приводить в порядок Every government is bound to digest the whole law into a code. — Каждое правительство обязано объединить все законы в кодекс. Синоним: classify
вываривать , выпаривать ; настаивать вывариваться , выпариваться ; настаиваться Digest the bark in alcohol, evaporate the alcoholic solution to dryness. — Сделайте спиртовую настойку коры, а затем выпарьте спиртовой раствор. Let them stand to digest twelve or fourteen days. — Оставьте их настаиваться на двенадцать-четырнадцать дней.
справочник , компендиум ; список , каталог сборник (часто в названиях) Синоним: summary
краткое изложение ; резюме ; компендиум a digest of the week's news — сводка событий за неделю
юр. систематический сборник или свод законов , решений суда и т. п. (the Digest) ист. дигесты, пандекты императора Юстиниана биохим. гидролизат (продукт ферментативного расщепления субстрата) дайджест, обзор прессы, другой периодической литературы реферативный журнал (the Digest) Юстиниановы дигесты, пандекты (тексты римского права, собранные и систематизированные при императоре Юстиниане) Синоним: pandect
definition: The duration of an event is the time during which it happens.
example: The girls watched television for the duration of the evening.
Extra definition
The time during which something continues:
Extra example
While lengths and durations change, there is a particular mathematical combination of them that does not.
The session may be defined in a number of ways, possibly in terms of a time duration or a number of uses.
To obtain the total of the eight reign durations, the scribe would have used the tallying method.
full length, length of time, time, time span, time scale, period, term, span, spell, stretch, fullness, length, extent, continuation, continuance, perpetuation, prolongation
for the duration until the end of a particular situation
длина , длительность , продолжительность duration of human life — продолжительность человеческой жизни duration of a telephone call in minutes — продолжительность телефонного разговора в минутах duration of response, response duration — время выдачи ответа (информационно-поисковой системой) of short duration — непродолжительный ; недолговечный ; недолговечный, непродолжительный for the duration of the war — на протяжении войны long duration — долгое время moderate duration — небольшая продолжительность discharge duration — продолжительность расходов precipitation duration — продолжительность осадков rise duration — продолжительность подъема (воды) stage duration — продолжительность стояния уровней duration of culture — продолжительность культуры duration of growth — продолжительность роста Синоним: continuance, endurance
отрезок времени , срок: время; время duration of starting — тех. пусковое время Синоним: span, time
продолжение службы to sign up for the duration — подписать контракт на продолжение службы на время войны ; остаться на сверхсрочную (службу)
срок действия (договора) продолжение , продление (напр., военной службы) фин. дюрация (Маколея), средневзвешенный срок до погашения (показатель неустойчивости цены облигации, разработанный Ф. Маколеем в 1938 г.; средневзвешенное наличных денежных потоков по облигации до погашения; веса в формуле — текущая стоимость будущих денежных потоков как процент от полной цены облигации; напр., дюрация облигации с нулевым купоном равна ее сроку до погашения, т. к. все выплаты будут в конце срока; чем выше дюрация, тем больше неустойчивость; в практической жизни дюрацию определяют как приблизительный процент изменения цены облигации на каждые 100 пунктов изменения доходности; напр., дюрация 5 означает, что цена облигации изменится примерно на 5% при изменении доходности на 100 базисных пунктов) Синоним: Macaulay duration, average weighted maturity
definition: Ecology is the study of the environment and living things.
example: We study ecology to learn how to help improve the Earth.
Extra definition
The branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings.
The political movement concerned with protection of the environment.
Extra example
Masters and doctoral programs feature ecosystem ecology courses in restoration.
It always interested me why that happened, and why it happened at the same time that the science of ecology was born.
The emphasis is on horticultural aspects of reproductive biology and pollination ecology.
The women's and ecology movements are therefore one.
He has long been widely cited by many different branches of the radical ecology movement.
экология , охрана окружающей среды human ecology — экология человека
экология , природа (отдельной экосистемы) Marble quarrying operations have disrupted the fragile ecology of the park. — Добыча мрамора нарушила хрупкое природное равновесие на территории заповедника.
полит. охрана окружающей среды биол. (наука об отношениях растительных и животных организмов и образуемых ими сообществ между собой и окружающей средой) мет. (в общественных науках: подход к анализу экономической, политической или социальной жизни людей, при котором используются концепции экологии)
подвиг feat of arms — ратный /боевой/ подвиг brave / heroic feat — геройский поступок brilliant / notable / noteworthy / outstanding / remarkable feat — выдающийся поступок no mean / no small feat — нелегкое дело to accomplish / perform a feat — совершить подвиг feat of arms — ратный подвиг, боевой подвиг Синоним: exploit, deed
мастерство , ловкость , искусство the acrobat's performance was a regular feat — выступление акробата было настоящим искусством brilliant feat of engineering — блестящее достижение в машиностроении
definition: If something is infinite, it has no limit or end.
example: Many scientists believe that the universe is infinite.
Extra definition
A space or quantity that is infinite:
Extra example
At the same time, there was an exhilarating account of the infinite in Georg Cantor's set theory.
He discusses the infinite, distinguishing between the potentially infinite and the actual infinite.
It is more complicated than the other axioms, and involves the infinite in a fundamental way.
You can see this brush of the infinite on the faces of anyone's who's mourning, even on the face of one who considers himself an agnostic, or an atheist.
Nothing finite, nothing bound up in this world, can compare to the infinite.
For Hooker, the joy of human encounter with the world lies in that the created order issues forth a call of the infinite.
эмоц.-усил. несметный , неисчислимый ; бесчисленный infinite number — несметное число infinite tasks — бесконечные задания Синоним: innumerable
грам. неличный тех. сверхчувствительный infinite microphone /transmitter, bug/ — сверхчувствительный телефонный аппарат (напр., для подслушивания)
огромный , очень большой Синоним: immense, vast
неограниченный (the infinite) бесконечность , бесконечное пространство или время ; безграничность ; бесконечное пространство ; бесконечное время the Infinite — бог
разг. большое количество , масса , множество Синоним: multitude
definition: The nucleus is the central part of an atom or cell.
example: The nucleus is made up of many tiny particles.
Extra definition
The central and most important part of an object, movement, or group, forming the basis for its activity and growth:
The positively charged central core of an atom, consisting of protons and neutrons and containing nearly all its mass.
A dense organelle present in most eukaryotic cells, typically a single rounded structure bounded by a double membrane, containing the genetic material.
A discrete mass of grey matter in the central nervous system.
The solid part of a comet’s head.
Extra example
If this proposal is accepted, the government together with the St Lucian organizations could have an extension of the mission in Brooklyn and an important nucleus for the St Lucian community.
The nucleus of the global movement against injustice will not - cannot, should not - be found in the centers of global privilege.
And at the moment there is not even the nucleus of a movement to achieve that.
The harmless radio waves excite protons that form the nuclei of hydrogen atoms in the body.
Electrons produce a small magnetic field as they spin and orbit the nucleus of an atom.
Electrons are found in clouds that surround the nucleus of an atom.
Dense granules surrounding the nucleus are probably cytoplasmic organelles.
The cells had round or oval vesicular nuclei with multiple prominent nucleoli.
The cells were characterized by large vesicular nuclei with single large nucleoli.
Axons travel from the neurons located in nuclei within the brain stem via the cranial nerves without synaptic interruption to the motor end plates on the striated muscle.
These effects are produced by fibres projecting from the hypothalamus to parasympathetic nuclei in the brain stem, and to sympathetic centres in the spinal cord.
The trochlear nerve nuclei are located ventral to the mesencephalic aqueduct.
Sometimes, the stresses are strong enough to break off chunks of the comet's nucleus.
The spacecraft will orbit the comet's nucleus.
The spacecraft's point of view now captures the shadowed side of the comet's nucleus.
core, centre, central part, most important part, heart, nub, hub, middle, midpoint, eye, kernel, focus, focal point, pivot, crux
literary navel
rare omphalos
ядро , центр ; ячейка nucleus of an organization — ядро организации the nucleus of a community — центр, вокруг которого объединяется населенный пункт nucleus of a story — суть рассказа nucleus of a comet — астр. ядро кометы Retired employees make up the nucleus of the club. — Удалившиеся от дел служащие составляют ядро клуба. When a monastery was planted, it soon became the nucleus around which the inhabitants of the neighbourhood clustered. — Вскоре после того, как монастырь был основан, он стал центром, вокруг которого группировались жители ближайших окрестностей. Синоним: core, seed, nub, heart, kernel, center, pith
косточка (плода) ; ядро (ореха) физ. ядро (атома) the nucleus of the comet — ядро кометы The photograph shows both nuclei of the nebula to be stellar. — На фотографии видно, что оба ядра туманности являются звездоподобными.
физиол. ядро центральной нервной системы мин. центр кристаллизации nucleus of crystal — зародыш кристалла
физ. атомное ядро ядро кристаллизации небольшой рой пчел, включающий матку (берут в качестве основы новой колонии) лингв. слог, несущий главное ударение (в отдельно взятом слове) лингв. ядро (сочетания или предложения) The subject and the predicate together form the nucleus of the sentence. (J. Lyons) — Субъект и предикат образуют ядро предложения.
биол. паразит ползучее растение фон. паразитический звук pl радио помехи; паразитные колебания нахлебник ; приживальщик Синоним: hanger-on, leech, sponger, toady Антоним: host
пол. , сов. тунеядец (человек, не имеющий работы несмотря на гарантированное Конституцией права на труд; подлежал преследованию в уголовном порядке) паразитировать фон. произносить паразитический звук
definition: When something is prominent, it is important and well known.
example: Queen Victoria was a prominent person in history.
Extra definition
A stout drab-coloured moth with tufts on the forewings which stick up while at rest, the caterpillars of which typically have fleshy growths on the back.
Extra example
выступающий , торчащий prominent teeth — выступающие вперед зубы prominent chin — выдающийся подбородок prominent cheekbones — высокие скулы the most prominent peak in a range — самая высокая вершина горного хребта
заметный , бросающийся в глаза, видный prominent building — заметное /бросающееся в глаза/ здание prominent features in the landscape — характерные черты пейзажа to hold prominent position — занимать видное положение /видный пост/ Синоним: conspicuous
выдающийся , знаменитый , известный a town's prominent men — известные /видные, заметные/ люди в городе our prominent singers — наши известные /выдающиеся/ певцы Синоним: outstanding, leading
definition: If something is reproductive, it has to do with a living thing producing young.
example: The reproductive system of a plant is simple.
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Relating to or effecting reproduction:
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And now he's leading the struggle, armed with an acoustic guitar and a variety of euphemisms for the female reproductive system.
Whereas the male body carried the burden of explaining the greater part of normative human anatomy, the pregnant female body served to illustrate the reproductive system and human generation.
This dietary effect on reproductive hormone metabolism may be especially influential to the peripubertal heifer, such as those used in this study.
generative, procreative, propagative;
sexual, genital, sex
rare progenitive, procreant, conceptive
репродуктивный , воспроизводительный reproductive power — воспроизводительная /репродуктивная/ способность или сила
биол. половой reproductive organs — органы размножения
definition: When a place is temperate, it never gets too hot or cold.
example: In Peru, the weather is temperate and rarely gets too hot or cold.
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Relating to or denoting a region or climate characterized by mild temperatures:
Showing moderation or self-restraint:
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The temperate climate has mild to warm summers and cool winters.
Belarus has a temperate continental climate, with a mild and humid winter, a warm summer, and a wet autumn.
The climate is temperate and is more mild and humid along the western marine coast.
Ever since that day, she had been extremely temperate in her consumption of alcohol.
As a result, British masculinity was constructed as a controlled, temperate ideal type.
A man of a singularly disinterested and modest disposition, he was temperate in speech and act, but zealous for the social and political reforms which were the aims of the radicals in his day.
воздержанный , умеренный temperate in eating — умеренный в еде he is a temperate drinker — он пьет в меру
непьющий ; воздерживающийся от спиртных напитков сдержанный ; без излишеств; выдержанный temperate language — скупой язык temperate enthusiasm — умеренный энтузиазм to give a temperate reply — ответить сдержанно /без эмоций/ to speak in a temperate manner — говорить без эмоций /сдержанно/
умеренный (о климате) temperate zone — умеренный пояс temperate country — страна с умеренным климатом
муз. темперированный спец. отрегулированный уст. ограниченный , неабсолютный, конституционный (о власти) воздержанный , сдержанный , умеренный temperate supper — скромный ужин temperate number — небольшое количество temperate conduct — скромное поведение Синоним: moderate, frugal
definition: Tolerance is the ability to accept something painful or unpleasant.
example: Boxers have a high tolerance for pain.
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The ability or willingness to tolerate the existence of opinions or behaviour that one dislikes or disagrees with:
The capacity to endure continued subjection to something such as a drug or environmental conditions without adverse reaction:
Diminution in the body’s response to a drug after continued use:
An allowable amount of variation of a specified quantity, especially in the dimensions of a machine or part:
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Both were advocates of religious tolerance and antagonists of untouchability.
But there is a third position, beyond religious fundamentalism and liberal tolerance.
London's character, its liberality, religious tolerance and diversity, is the very thing that makes it vulnerable.
The study of modern ecology and environmental tolerances of plant communities and plant species enables ecologists and biogeographers to determine how far climate can influence geographical distribution.
The difference among species may be caused by different tolerances for harsh conditions.
For him, understanding the individualistic environmental tolerances and characteristics of species in nature was a fundamental part of any botanical inquiry.
The fact that our body can develop a tolerance to alcohol complicates how we judge alcohol's affect on our bodies.
Take a five-day break from capsules or liquid every one to two weeks to prevent your body from developing a tolerance to the herb.
You can't build up a tolerance to any asthma or allergy medications.
I would inspect each individual unit to ensure it was within the allowable dimensional tolerances, using a tape measure, and the surface finish by visual inspection.
Designed for earthmoving with tight tolerances, it can provide accuracy within 6 mm.
Harder than wrought iron, but with less carbon than true steel, mild steel was made in industrial-sized batches, and although it was easier to machine with close tolerances, it was harder for blacksmiths to forge and weld.
forbearance, toleration, sufferance, liberality, open-mindedness, lack of prejudice, lack of bias, broad-mindedness, liberalism;
definition: To undergo an action means to have it happen to you.
example: The cancer patient undergoes treatments twice a week.
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Experience or be subjected to (something, typically something unpleasant or arduous):
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Stella undergoes a traumatic experience and must deal with the aftermath.
He probably typifies the early skeptic who then undergoes a conversion experience.
Four months later he underwent the life-saving surgery at Wythenshawe Hospital.
go through, experience, engage in, undertake, live through, face, encounter, submit to, be subjected to, come in for, receive, sustain, endure, brave, bear, tolerate, stand, withstand, put up with, weather, support, brook, suffer, cope with;
Scottish thole
British informal wear
испытывать , переносить they underwent much suffering — они много страдали to undergo the punishment — подвергнуться наказанию
подвергаться to undergo an operation — подвергнуться операции he underwent a great change — он очень изменился to undergo a medical examination — пройти медосмотр Every year thousands undergo this operation. — Каждый год тысячам людей делается эта операция. His views underwent a very thorough change in course of time. — Его взгляды сильно изменились с течением времени.
definition: When someone is vulnerable, they are weak and without protection.
example: He felt very vulnerable when he was stranded in the desert.
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Exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally:
(Of a person) in need of special care, support, or protection because of age, disability, or risk of abuse or neglect:
(Of a partnership) liable to higher penalties, either by convention or through having won one game towards a rubber:
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There is an issue as to the extent to which he remains vulnerable to drug abuse and self harm.
The economy is vulnerable to a rise in the euro exchange rate or in interest rates.
The inmates say the new prisons leave them isolated and vulnerable to abuse by guards.
Social services provides round the clock support to vulnerable people of all ages, from babies to the very old.
In early 1996, he was hailed as the man who could save New York's most vulnerable children.
It's not only unpleasant events, but also some happy ones, that can be stressful to a vulnerable child.
A side which has already won one game towards the current rubber is said to be vulnerable.
in danger, in peril, in jeopardy, at risk, endangered, unsafe, unprotected, ill-protected, unguarded;
open to attack, attackable, assailable, exposed, wide open;
undefended, unshielded, unfortified, unarmed, without arms, without weapons, defenceless, easily hurt/wounded/damaged, powerless, helpless
уязвимый ; ранимый vulnerable spot — уязвимое /слабое/ место vulnerable range — воен. дальность действительного огня vulnerable to air attacks — не защищенный от нападения с воздуха Синоним: defenceless, untenable, exposed Антоним: fortified, impenetrable, impregnable, invincible, unassailable