definition: If someone is adept at something, they are very good at doing it.
example: The carpenter is very adept at building houses.
Extra definition
A person who is skilled or proficient at something:
Extra example
Some Hindi-film adepts, including author-screenwriter Suketu Mehta and Internet Movie Database staffer Michel Hafner have offered help.
I will leave that judgment to other kung-fu adepts.
To begin with, they are adepts of conspiracy theory, obsessed with information, disinformation, propaganda and its country cousin, mind control.
сведущий ; искусный he is adept at playing the piano — он прекрасно играет на рояле adept tennis player — опытный теннисист Синоним: expert, versed
знающий ; опытный Синоним: expert, versed
знаток , эксперт , специалист to be an adept in /at/ smth. /at doing smth./ — быть мастером чего-л. he is an adept in chess — он мастерски играет в шахматы I am not an adept at dancing — танцевать я не мастер adept in solving crossword puzzles — мастер по разгадыванию кроссвордов Richard was an adept at getting people to talk confidentially to him. — Ричард был искусен в умении вызывать людей на откровенность.
definition: If land is barren, it has no plants growing on it.
example: People cannot farm in barren lands.
Extra definition
A barren tract or tracts of land:
A group or drove of mules:
Extra example
After exploring gentle mountain slopes, taiga flatland and highland barrens, we suddenly reached the plateau's edge.
They encompass 2,400 square miles of wooded mountains, high-elevation bogs and pine barrens, replete with winding rivers and spectacular waterfalls.
He thought of the bliss the two kids had, him and Unico, as they raced across the barrens plains, past the sign, and darting through the stone forest.
бесплодный , неспособный к деторождению barren woman — бесплодная женщина barren marriage — бездетная семья the dog was barren of pups — собака не приносила щенят barren market — бесплодный рынок
( of ) бедный (чем-л.) ; лишенный (чего-л.) barren of ideas — бедный мыслями barren of imagination — лишенный воображения barren of interest — скучный, совершенно неинтересный she was completely barren of charm — она была совершенно лишена обаяния hearts barren of kindness — сердца, не знающие жалости barren of ideas — лишенный мыслей barren of interest — лишенный интереса Синоним: devoid
пустой , бессодержательный ; скучный barren scheme — пустая /бесплодная/ затея barren praise — пустые похвалы, ничего не стоящие комплименты barren life — бессмысленно прожитая жизнь barren style — сухой /бедный/ язык (лит. произведения) barren efforts — бесплодные /тщетные/ усилия
бесполезный , невыгодный barren scheme — безполезный план Синоним: fruitless
яловый ; бесплодный ; непроизводительный (о скоте) бот. бесплодный ; бессемянный barren trees — деревья, не приносящие плодов
спец. стерильный скучный , равнодушный , бессодержательный , глупый (о человеке) barren spectators — равнодушные зрители his is a barren mind — он человек ограниченный
горн. непродуктивный ; не содержащий полезного ископаемого, пустой (о породе) barren rock — пустая порода barren sand — непродуктивный песок barren well — непродуктивная скважина
свободный (от чего-л.) Синоним: devoid
эк. не приносящий дохода пустырь , пустошь амер. песчаная равнина, покрытая кустарником бесплодная земля , бесплодная равнина
definition: If something is dense, it has a lot of things close together.
example: I easily became lost in the dense forest.
Extra definition
Closely compacted in substance:
Having the constituent parts crowded closely together:
(Of a person) stupid:
(Of a text) hard to understand because of its complexity of ideas:
Extra example
Then it's sent to a bale press, which compresses loose cotton into compact, dense bales.
Rugosa roses make up a dense, compact hedge at the end of the garden without distracting from the sea view.
The long DNA chain is naturally compacted in a dense form in most biological systems.
It was slow work, for the trees were close, and in places dense with the bare vines and stalks of undergrowth.
The very words ‘fruit cake’ suggest a heavy, rich and wintry confection, dense with dried fruits and redolent of brandy.
Then you go back to work and suddenly the day is so dense with activity you feel as if you've done three or four days' worth of mindless tearing around in a few hours.
The American agent looked at Logan as if he were a math teacher trying to explain a simple problem to a dense student.
After thinking about it for a while, the rather dense teacher said, ‘yes’.
Even a relatively dense dad like myself could sense that something was wrong.
Once you've got past the first layer of the menu system, which uses a screen full of icons, the subsequent menus are dense lists of text.
I love the Mahabharata: it's one of the most complex, meaning dense documents ever written.
With 650 pages packed with dense text, this is obviously designed for the Christmas market.
густой ; плотный , компактный ; густо или часто расположенный; сжатый ; частый cloth of dense texture — плотная ткань dense forest — густой лес dense crowd — большая /плотная/ толпа ; плотная толпа a district dense with population — многонаселенный район dense stand /crop/ — с.-х. сомкнутое насаждение ; густой стеблестой ; с.-х. загущенная культура dense population — высокая плотность населения Антоним: sparse
definition: Dignity is the ability to be calm and worthy of respect.
example: When his company went out of business, he faced it with dignity.
Extra definition
The state or quality of being worthy of honour or respect:
A high rank or position:
A composed or serious manner or style:
A sense of pride in oneself; self-respect:
Extra example
It is well understood that honour and dignity are more important than everything.
She has an undefinable quality and she stands for dignity and respect.
This White House came to Office on a platform of restoring honour and dignity to the White House.
He cultivated an image of Olympian detachment by scrupulously protecting the respective ranks and dignities of the grandees.
Dealing with the item, the Mayor completely forgot the dignities of the office he holds as a neutral guardian of the rights of each citizen in his haste to score a personal rebuff.
This is the sort of person who steps up to the plate when offices and dignities are being passed around.
Of course people should be able to deal with each other in a manner of dignity and respect.
He handed her the rose with all the dignity that such a serious occasion demanded before getting rather unsteadily to his feet.
Joanna did herself proud, showing that Polish youth can carry themselves with dignity and decorum all over the world.
An innate sense of pride and dignity sets them apart from the crowd.
But on the other hand, that is what poverty does to us in the global south; it makes you lose your sense of dignity and pride.
Imagine losing a lifetime of memories, your dignity and your sense of pride.
high rank, high standing, high station, status, elevation, eminence, honour, glory, greatness, importance, prominence, prestige
beˌneath your ˈdignity below what you see as your own importance or worth
ˌstand on your ˈdignity to demand to be treated with the respect that you think that you deserve
достоинство , гордость ; чувство собственного достоинства with dignity — с достоинством, гордо to maintain /to preserve/ one's dignity — держать /вести/ себя с достоинством to stand on /upon/ one's dignity — держаться с большим достоинством ; требовать к себе уважения to humiliate smb.'s dignity — унизить чье-л. достоинство it's beneath his dignity — это ниже его достоинства to possess dignity — обладать чувством собственного достоинства to maintain one's dignity — сохранять достоинство to live in dignity — жить с достоинством to die in / with dignity — достойно встретить смерть beneath smb.'s dignity — ниже чьего-л. достоинства I returned to my former position, for it seemed beneath my dignity that they should find me watching them. (R. L. Stevenson, Treasure Island) — Я вернулся на мое прежнее место, так как не мог допустить, чтобы они обнаружили, что я подглядываю за ними.
высокое положение, высокий пост, должность титул ; звание , сан , достоинство dignity of chancellor — титул канцлера to confer the dignity of a peerage — даровать /пожаловать/ звание пэра Синоним: rank, title
величие , величественность the dignity of labour — величие труда dignity of bearing — царственная /величественная/ осанка to have an impressive dignity — иметь внушительный вид
собир. лица высокого звания, знать редк. сановник положение звезды, когда она имеет наибольшую силу (в астрологии) уст. высокопоставленное лицо Синоним: dignitary
definition: To dominate someone or something is to control them.
example: The loud man dominated the conversation.
Extra definition
Have power and influence over:
Be the most important or conspicuous person or thing in:
Have a commanding position over; overlook:
Extra example
A power that dominates Eurasia would control two of the world's three most advanced and economically productive regions.
And humans do not attain lasting joy by power grabbing, dominating others, or heaping up public acclaim.
My preference is for a pluralistic world, not dominated by any single power.
Two separate but important developments dominated newspaper headlines this week.
Today was for the student press, which is rather important in a town dominated by its university.
It translates not only to those short gains but, more notably, to his knack of dominating the most important games.
Edinburgh Castle, the most famous castle in Scotland, overlooks the city and dominates its skyline.
Anybody who knows Auckland will know that the city skyline is dominated by the Sky Tower.
Designed by Brunelleschi and built without the use of scaffolding, the impressive dome atop the cathedral dominates the city's skyline.
control, influence, exercise control over, be in control of, command, be in command of, be in charge of, rule, govern, direct, be the boss of, preside over, have ascendancy over, have mastery over, master, have the upper hand over, subjugate, hegemonize;
domineer, tyrannize, oppress, bully, intimidate, have the whip hand over, push around/about, boss (about/around), ride roughshod over, trample on, have under one's thumb
informal head up, call the shots, call the tune, be in the driver's seat, be in the saddle, be at the helm, rule the roost, lay down the law, walk all over
overlook, command, tower above, tower over, stand over, project over, jut over, hang over, loom over, dwarf, overtop, overshadow, overhang;
bestride, span, straddle, extend across
господствовать , властвовать ; доминировать ; занимать господствующее положение to dominate (over) people — подчинять людей своей воле to dominate an object — воен. удерживать объект ; держать объект под огнем adolescent gangs dominated the streets of New York — улицы Нью-Йорка были во власти банд подростков to dominate the world — занимать господствующее положение в мире to dominate the market — доминировать на рынке to dominate the parliament — иметь большинство мест в парламенте to dominate the news — быть главной темой в новостях to dominate the first half of the match — доминировать в первой половине матча Bike racing had been dominated by France. — В велогонках доминировала Франция. Microsoft dominates the software market. — Майкрософт доминирует на рынке программного обеспечения. Powerful nations usually dominate over small weak countries. — Сильные государства обычно доминируют над слабыми странами. Синоним: rule, control
доминировать , преобладать ; влиять , иметь преобладающее влияние; возвышаться (над чем-л.) the party dominates the country's parliament — (эта) партия имеет большинство мест в парламенте (страны)
сдерживать , укрощать to dominate one's emotions — владеть своими чувствами to dominate one's passion — сдерживать свою страсть
занимать , всецело поглощать; оказывать преобладающее влияние to dominate smb.'s mind — овладеть чьим-л. вниманием /чьими-л. мыслями/
возвышаться , господствовать to dominate (over) the landscape — господствовать над местностью the fortress dominates the town — крепость господствует над городом It's one of the biggest buildings in this area, and it really dominates this whole place. — Это самое большое здание здесь, и, на самом деле, оно прямо-таки господствует над всеми остальными.
владеть he is entirely dominated by ambition — он целиком во власти своих амбиций
управлять , контролировать to dominate the events — управлять событиями, контролировать ход событий to dominate the conversation — контролировать ход беседы He dominated the audience. — Он контролировал аудиторию. Синоним: rule, control
превышать занимать всецело, поглощать т. игр превосходить (о стратегии)
definition: If something is edible, you can eat it.
example: We learn about edible plants when we go camping.
Extra definition
Items of food:
Extra example
It was the signal for us to assemble in his bailiwick, where we would find a waiting cornucopia of edibles: apples, oranges, candy, dried fruits, nuts, cookies, soft drinks.
Heinz makes ketchup, pizza crust, baby cereal and other edibles in such countries as Poland, Venezuela, Botswana, Thailand, and most of all, China and India.
Generous and hospitable to a fault, he does not forget to bring in all kinds of edibles, from fruits to biscuits and cereals.
съедобный , годный в пищу edible roots — столовые корнеплоды
неприятельский , вражеский ; принадлежащий противнику hostile army — армия противника hostile camp — вражеский стан hostile ground — вражеская территория hostile sides — враждующие стороны hostile disposition — воен. расположение противника hostile operation — действия противника Синоним: enemy
враждебный ; неприязненный , недружелюбный ; враждебно относящийся (к чему-л.) hostile act — враждебный акт hostile looks — недружелюбные взгляды hostile crowd — враждебно настроенная толпа hostile reception — ледяной прием hostile feelings — неприязненные чувства hostile opinions — резко отрицательное отношение ; резкая критика to be hostile to smth. — враждебно /отрицательно/ относиться к чему-л. ; принимать в штыки что-л. to make a hostile demonstration against smb. — освистать кого-л. ; встретить кого-л. в штыки openly hostile — открыто враждебный to be hostile to / towards smb. — быть враждебно настроенным по отношению к кому-л. Синоним: bellicose, belligerent, unfriendly Антоним: cordial, friendly, tolerant, warm
враг , противник амер. ист. индеец из племени, враждебно относящегося к белым
definition: Your intake of food is the amount of food you take into your body.
example: The doctor said I needed to increase my intake of fruits and vegetables.
Extra definition
An amount of food, air, or another substance taken into the body:
An act of taking something into the body:
The people taken into an organization at a particular time:
An act of taking people into an organization:
A place or structure through which something is taken in, e.g. water into a channel or pipe from a river, fuel or air into an engine, etc.
The action of taking something in:
Land reclaimed from a moor or common.
Extra example
All patients were told to cut their food intake by 600 calories daily.
The important thing is to tailor the food intake to the amount of physical activity one undertakes.
Change the quality and amount of your food intake.
She touched him gently there, delighting when his entire body trembled, followed by his sharp intake of breath.
Zeler had a sharp intake of breath, and his body shook violently, a moment later he was calm.
‘I think there would be a sharp intake of breath from teachers if that happened,’ he said.
Over the summer, the newspaper produced an annual guide to pubs, bars, restaurants and the like for the benefit of that autumn's new student intake, and I was jointly editing it.
Negative images have had a damaging knock-on effect, especially on student intake at the university, according to the report.
Value added measures are intended to allow comparisons between schools with different student intakes.
There are two intakes of around 90 students every year.
Now its reputation is so high there are more than 1,200 applications for September's intake of about 680 students.
I was there when 25 new bikes arrived for the new class intake and I saw the excitement.
Following the hand rails along the starboard side of the wreck we came to the ladder and davits for the gang plank before turning to cross the deck and past the numerous engine room air intakes.
The storm got sand in the engine intakes and eroded the fuel relays.
The BMW M6 has deeper front valance with air intakes for the engine and brakes, more contoured sills and rear valance that includes a diffuser to increase aerodynamic efficiency.
Supplies have tightened in Britain over the past week and at Irish factories intake has slipped around 13,000 head per week lower than the same time last year.
New Zealand's 150,000-bag intake is a drop in the percolator of the 104 million bags consumed globally each year.
While US meat intake is rather evenly distributed among beef, pork and poultry, in China pork totally dominates.
втягивание , всасывание an intake of breath — вдох
поглощение , потребление food intake — рацион питания the annual intake — годовое потребление direct intake of aquifer — непосредственное поглощение водоносным слоем
набор , пополнение , призыв ; число принятых в учебное заведение, зачисленных на военную службу, принятых на работу или в члены какой-л. организации и т. п. тех. впуск intake stroke — ход /такт/ всасывания
приемное, впускное или всасывающее устройство; заборное отверстие (насоса) ; впускное отверстие или устройство метал. литник горн. вентиляционная выработка шотл. ложь , обман What was the lottery but an intake? — Ну что же такое была эта лотерея, как не обман?
обманщик входной канал тех. израсходованная энергия; потребляемая мощность гидр. водозабор ; головное сооружение канала water intake — водозабор
резкое сужение (в трубке) диал. осушенный участок; отгороженный участок сужение прием (общее число лиц, принятых в учебное заведение, на военную службу, в штат сотрудников) рекрут , новобранец , абитуриент , сотрудник (принятый в результате планового набора) диал. разработанный участок земли (среди пустоши и болот) Синоним: enclosure
заборное устройство (для забора воздуха с большим расходом) , воздухозаборник multiple shock air intake — многоскачковый воздухозаборник variable lip air intake — воздухозаборник с регулируемой передней кромкой air intake — воздухозаборник annular air intake — кольцевой воздухозаборник belly intake — воздухозаборник в нижней части фюзеляжа bifurcated air intake — воздухозаборник, раздвоенный на выходе (для двух двигателей) bow intake — носовой воздухозаборник controllable intake — регулируемый воздухозаборник controlled-starting intake — воздухозаборник с пусковым регулированием (во время запуска двигателя) external-compression intake — воздухозаборник внешнего сжатия потока fixed-geometry air intake — нерегулируемый воздухозаборник fixed-lip air intake — воздухозаборник с фиксированной передней кромкой flushed intake — утопленный заподлицо воздухозаборник mixed-compression intake — воздухозаборник смешанного сжатия потока nose air intake — носовой воздухозаборник subsonic intake — дозвуковой воздухозаборник supersonic intake — сверхзвуковой воздухозаборник two-dimensional air intake — двухмерный воздухозаборник two-shock air intake — двухскачковый воздухозаборник variable-geometry intake — регулируемый воздухозаборник
definition: If someone does something likewise, they do the same thing as someone else.
example: If Joe is staying away from school to go swimming, I want to do likewise.
Extra definition
In the same way; also:
Used to introduce a point similar or related to one just made:
In a like manner; similarly:
Extra example
Both of them believe that everyone should have a dream and likewise, everyone should work towards making it happen.
He heard a soft grunt, looked over and saw Bolke sitting down beside him, likewise using a tree to lean against.
Furthermore, our kids likewise seem to be bonding a little too closely with the television set.
Club sides have to keep introducing young players from time to time and likewise, the national team also has to blood new talent.
Then the foxes, introduced in an attempt to eradicate the likewise imported rabbit menace, completed the devastation.
By lunchtime, she could introduce herself in Polish, and the children could do likewise in German.
Sophia sighed at his manners, but took some and did likewise, though with dignity.
As each name was called a member of the family brought a lighted candle to the altar and when this was completed members of the congregation did likewise.
York scored again two minutes after the restart as former Ram Scott Rhodes skipped in, and half-back partner Brough did likewise with ease.
also, in addition, too, as well, by the same token, to boot;
besides, moreover, furthermore, further, into the bargain
the same, similarly, correspondingly, in the same way, in like manner, in similar fashion
подобно , так же , таким же образом watch him and do likewise — смотри, как делает он, и делай так же Go and do likewise. — Иди и сделай так же.
также , ( и ) более того pleased to meet you. — Likewise - очень приятно (познакомиться). - И мне тоже Синоним: moreover
definition: Malnutrition is the condition of not getting enough nutrients.
example: After eating only a meager amount of food, she suffered from malnutrition.
Extra definition
Lack of proper nutrition, caused by not having enough to eat, not eating enough of the right things, or being unable to use the food that one does eat:
Extra example
Food shortages and malnutrition had their biggest impact on Afghan girl children.
There is a higher incidence of malnutrition and ill health in the war torn areas.
Many, however, are found to be suffering instead from other illness, or from exhaustion or malnutrition.
definition: If something is obscure, it is not well-known.
example: The old man travels the world in search of obscure books.
Extra definition
Keep from being seen; conceal:
Make unclear and difficult to understand:
Keep from being known:
Extra example
Thick, grey, rain-laden clouds obscure the warm morning sun, casting a certain dreariness upon the land of Myrmar below.
The sun was obscured by high, grey cloud, its disc appearing at once flat and lifeless.
The sun had been long since covered by the mass of clouds that obscured the grey sky when the new recruitment returned upon a chestnut mare with a large backpack upon his shoulders.
The network news means to correct this tendency, but unclear language obscures the truth, no matter in whose interest one employs it.
In this context, it's a terrible shame that Strange Gardens, even though based on a true incident, only serves to obscure those difficult matters all over again.
We understand that anti-Semitism obscures the reality of what it is to be a Jew, and has enabled atrocities great and small to be committed upon the Jewish people.
But Kulbert can write, too, a fact obscured by his first skill.
By implying that Claire uncovered some dark family secret, Maurice also obscures the real scandal - that, because of a lack of places in children's homes, a number of orphaned kids were institutionalised for life.
Exploring a subject that has involved controversies and sensitivities, their research revealed an important story that was obscured for 50 years.
темный , слабо освещенный, тусклый ; мрачный obscure corner — темный угол misty and obscure day — туманный и пасмурный день Синоним: dark, gloomy, dim, dismal
неопределенный , неотчетливый , неясный , смутный obscure sound — неясный звук obscure shape — смутные очертания to have an obscure view of smth. — неясно представлять себе что-л. The fog is so dense, you can only make out the obscure shape of trees. — Туман настолько густой, что можно различить лишь смутные очертания деревьев. Синоним: indistinct, vague, faint
непонятный , невразумительный ; неразборчивый ; неясный obscure meaning — скрытое значение /смысл/ obscure explanation — невразумительное объяснение obscure motivations — непонятные /неясные/ мотивы the part he played in the matter remains obscure — его роль в этом деле остается неясной I found her lecture very obscure. — Ее лекция показалась мне очень непонятной. Синоним: abstruse, unintelligible, incomprehensible, recondite Антоним: clear, explicit, plain, transparent
незаметный , малоизвестный ; ничем не прославившийся; скромный obscure job — незаметная должность an obscure book of a forgotten author — малоизвестная книга забытого писателя he settled in an obscure country village — он поселился в глухой деревушке many deeds of bravery remain obscure — многие подвиги остаются неизвестными this obscure family of ours — наша простая /ничем не известная/ семья an obscure German poet — малоизвестный немецкий поэт Синоним: unknown, little known
смутный , неосознанный obscure feelings — смутные чувства the obscure beginnings of a great movement — первые признаки зарождающегося великого движения
матовый , без блеска , темноватый obscure brown — приглушенный коричневый цвет
неизвестный Details of this period of Shakespeare's life remain obscure. — Подробности этого периода в жизни Шекспира остаются неизвестны. Синоним: unknown, little known
глухой , уединенный , удаленный an obscure country village — глухая деревушка Синоним: remote, secluded, retired
лингв. слабый , редуцированный (о гласных) затемнять , затенять windows obscured by curtains — окна, затемненные занавесками the moon was obscured by clouds — тучи закрыли луну The moon was now quite obscured. — Луна полностью скрылась (за облаками). The view was obscured by fog. — Видимость была затруднена из-за тумана. Синоним: darken, dim
делать неясным, запутывать ; непонятным to obscure the meaning of the word — сделать неясным значение слова his testimony obscured the issue — его показание запутало дело his reasoning was obscured by emotion — его мысли путались от переживаний Recent successes obscure the fact that the company is still in trouble. — В свете последних успехов компании становится непонятным, почему она до сих пор испытывает трудности.
затмевать , превосходить his fame was obscured by that of his great son — слава его великого сына затмила его собственную His fame was obscured by the fame of his wife. — Слава его жены затмила его собственную. Синоним: overshadow, outshine
загораживать (вид) ; мешать (обзору) to obscure the light — загораживать свет Two new skyscrapers had sprung up, obscuring the view from her window. — Рядом с ее домом выросли два новых небоскреба и закрыли вид из ее окна. Синоним: conceal
лингв. редуцировать (гласный) воен. задымлять затемнять утаивать , скрывать Managers deliberately obscured the real situation from federal investigators. — Руководители намеренно скрывали истинное положение дел от федеральных следователей. Синоним: disguise
темнота , ночь ; мрак неясность , смутность очертаний
definition: To oppress someone means to rule over them in a cruel and unfair way.
example: Free speech had been oppressed in his country.
Extra definition
Keep (someone) in subjection and hardship, especially by the unjust exercise of authority:
Cause distress or anxiety to:
another term for debruise.
Extra example
So when I rail against the corporate capitalist system that oppresses workers, I'm speaking from my own experience.
It argues that the modern world fosters institutions and ideas that exploit and oppress people and degrade and destroy the environment.
He has oppressed our people and caused great hardship for too long.
I've gotten over being oppressed by it though and will carry on.
On the way, London's ancient, massive buildings, black statues and dirt surround me, oppress and burden me.
Animal spirits could be low, broken, oppressed, dejected, petulant, harassed or even ruffled beyond description.
persecute, abuse, maltreat, ill-treat, treat harshly, be brutal to, be cruel to, tyrannize, crush, repress, suppress, subjugate, hegemonize, subdue, subject, enslave;
scourge, exploit, hold down, keep down, grind down, rule with a rod of iron, rule with an iron hand, trample on, trample underfoot, bring someone to their knees, ride roughshod over
informal walk all over
depress, make gloomy/despondent, weigh down, lie heavy on, weigh heavily on, cast down, dampen someone's spirits, hang over, prey on, burden, crush, dispirit, dishearten, discourage, sadden, make desolate, get down, bring down, trouble, afflict
archaic deject
подавлять , притеснять , угнетать to oppress the weak — притеснять слабых to oppress the people — угнетать народ Синоним: depress, wrong, keep down
действовать угнетающе; удручать to feel oppressed with /by/ the heat — томиться от жары to be oppressed with /by/ grief — быть удрученным горем a sense of trouble ahead oppressed my spirits — чувство, что у меня могут быть неприятности, угнетало меня
наваливаться (о сне, усталости) Синоним: overpower, weigh down
definition: To peel fruits and vegetables is to remove their skin.
example: We peeled the apple before eating it.
Extra definition
Send (another player’s ball) through a hoop:
Extra example
keep your ˈeyes peeled/skinned (for somebody/something) to look carefully for somebody/something
лупиться , шелушиться , сходить (о коже) he got sunburnt and his face peeled — он обгорел, и у него стала лупиться кожа на лице The wall-paper is peeling. — Обои отстают. His face is peeling. — Его лицо шелушится. The paint is peeling away already. — Краска уже отваливается. He has a terrible disease in which the skin on the hands peels away. — Он был болен страшной болезнью, от которой кожа на руках шелушится.
снимать кожицу, корку, кожуру; чистить фрукты, овощи to peel an orange — очищать апельсин to peel potatoes — чистить картошку
(тж. peel off) слезать , сходить , облезать the paint is peeling — краска сходит the wall-paper is peeling (off) — обои отстают
разг. раздеваться , сбрасывать с себя (платье и т. п. ; тж. peel off) she peeled off her dress — она стащила /скинула/ платье he began to peel — он стал раздеваться
( from ) разг. отделяться (от толпы, группы людей и т. п.) = peel away, = peel off снимать корку, кожицу, шелуху; очищать (фрукты, овощи) As you peel away the onion skin, you find another skin underneath. — Когда снимаешь кожуру с луковицы, под ней еще одна.
definition: A prescription is permission from a doctor to get medicine.
example: The doctor gave me a prescription for my medication.
Extra definition
An instruction written by a medical practitioner that authorizes a patient to be issued with a medicine or treatment:
The action of prescribing a medicine or treatment:
A medicine or remedy that is prescribed:
A recommendation that is authoritatively put forward:
The establishment of a claim founded on the basis of a long or indefinite period of uninterrupted use or of long-standing custom.
Extra example
In brief, the general practitioner writes a prescription which the patient takes to the pharmacist.
The authors conclude that at least 7 percent of prescriptions written for pediatric patients in the emergency department are not filled.
Then I go to attend to my patients and write prescriptions and directions for their ailments.
Exercise and dietary therapy precedes prescription of medication by physicians.
These results may have consequences for more targeted prescription of ocular antibiotics.
Doctors will usually be less able than exercise teachers to advise on the individualised prescription of particular exercises or activities.
Angus waited outside whilst I went in and bought Gerald's medicine, a continuing prescription routinely picked up once a month.
But with prescriptions like antibiotics, the medication must be finished for it to be effective.
At the chemist picking up my prescription, I saw two young guys standing in line.
Your institution may have recommendations or prescriptions about the form this should take.
Put that way, those recommendations sound like a prescription for improvement of ecology in general, not just studies of urbanization effects.
However, the letter demonstrates that recommendations and prescriptions for society often reflect individual biases and belief systems.
In order to acquire a right to an easement or right-of-way by prescription, a party must show a clear period of continuous use for a period of twenty years.
But their immediate impact on the political structure, at a time when the power of prescription and force of custom were over-riding, is difficult to assess.
Lastly, the defence of prescription does not apply to public nuisance because no one can acquire the right to commit a crime.
recommendation, suggestion, advice, recipe, formula, direction
предписывание предписание ; распоряжение ; рекомендация ; установка ; директива ; указание prescriptions for economic recovery — рекомендации по подъему экономики to follow doctor's prescription — следовать рекомендации врача Синоним: order, injunction
мед. рецепт to write /to make out/ a prescription for smth. — выписать рецепт на лекарство от чего-л. available only on (a doctor's) prescription — только по рецепту (врача)
прописанное лекарство to make up /to dispense, амер. to fill/ a prescription — готовить лекарство согласно рецепту he cannot afford to purchase his prescription — у него нет денег на покупку прописанного ему лекарства
юр. право давности (погасительной или приобретательной) acquisitive /positive/ prescription — приобретение права по давности negative prescription — утеря права по давности positive prescription — приобретение права по давности
неписаный закон прописанная лечебная процедура юр. приобретение по давности (приобретение права собственности на какой-л. актив в силу того, что это актив в течение определенного периода времени находился в распоряжении данного лица, при условии, что данное лицо считается добросовестным приобретателем актива) юр. утрата по давности * (утрата права требования на какой-л. актив по истечении определенного периода времени)
definition: A respirator is a machine that helps weak or sick people breathe.
example: The man needed a respirator to breathe.
Extra definition
An apparatus worn over the mouth and nose or the entire face to prevent the inhalation of dust, smoke, or other noxious substances:
An apparatus used to induce artificial respiration.
Extra example
Wear a sanding respirator to prevent inhalation while breaking dried plaster or when mixing.
At the time, he advocated the use of personal respirators instead of dust control in mines.
Renew your determination to go to your sister's house someday and get back that dust and particle respirator you left there last month while working on a project.
Their immune systems are underdeveloped, their skin is thin and easily penetrated by bacteria, and they are born with problems that require invasive procedures such as catheters and respirators to keep them alive.
Nursing home services are mostly for people who need more medical care than other long term care options can offer, such as wound care, rehabilitative therapy and help with respirators or ventilators.
An artificial respirator was on standby nearby, as well as other emergency resuscitation devices linked by many wires and tubes.
definition: To strive is to struggle to achieve something.
example: People who strive to succeed often do.
Extra definition
Make great efforts to achieve or obtain something:
Struggle or fight vigorously:
Extra example
Some people are perfectionists, constantly striving for excellence.
Remember that your greatest ethical responsibility is to constantly strive for excellence in everything you do.
Kirk and company are always striving to improve themselves, yet they revel in humanity's inefficiencies and imperfections.
I couldn't believe I was off the boat - the thing sailors strive against at all times.
God said to Moses, do not strive against me, or you will die; by faith only can this tribe be saved.
I also believe the public intellectual has a position in the community that has to be fought for, striven for.
try, try hard, attempt, endeavour, aim, aspire, venture, undertake, seek, make an effort, make every effort, spare no effort, exert oneself, do one's best, do all one can, do one's utmost, give one's all, labour, work, toil, strain, struggle, apply oneself;
have a go at
informal bend/fall/lean over backwards, go all out, give it one's best shot, give it a whirl, have a crack at, have a stab at, pull out all the stops
стараться , прилагать усилия to strive to do smth. — стараться /силиться/ сделать что-л. to strive to win — стараться выиграть /победить/ he is striving hard to succeed — он прилагает все усилия, чтобы добиться успеха she strove to keep her self-control — она старалась сохранить самообладание to strive for /after/ smth. — стремиться добиться чего-л. mistakes are inevitable, but strive for accuracy — ошибки неизбежны, но стремитесь к точности to strive after effect — стремиться произвести впечатление ; гнаться за эффектом what are you striving after? — на что направлены ваши усилия?
бороться to strive against /with/ smth. — бороться против чего-л. to strive for smth. — бороться за что-л. to strive against oppression — бороться против угнетения to strive for victory — бороться за победу strive against the stream — бороться с течением to strive for peace — бороться за мир to strive against fate — бороться с судьбой The minister begged the worshippers to strive against evil. — Проповедник призвал верующих бороться со злом. Синоним: struggle
состязаться , соперничать ; спорить , вступать в конфликт to strive (with one another) for smth. — бороться (друг с другом) за что-л. he strove with his fellow-students for a prize — он боролся с соучениками за приз Синоним: compete, contend
редк. с трудом пробираться to strive through the surge — пробиваться к берегу сквозь волны
пытаться стремиться , прилагать усилия to strive for victory — стремиться к победе to strive for success — стремиться к успеху to strive after / towards happiness — стремиться к счастью Синоним: try, exert