definition: If something is archaic, it is very old or outdated.
example: To be competitive, we must update our archaic equipment.
Extra definition
Very old or old-fashioned:
(Of a word or a style of language) no longer in everyday use but sometimes used to impart an old-fashioned flavour:
Of an early period of art or culture, especially the 7th-6th centuries bc in Greece:
Extra example
The company also plans to pay artists a higher royalty for songs downloaded online, while scrapping archaic methods for calculating Internet sales.
Director of the Scottish Tourist Forum, Ivan Broussine, warned that archaic attitudes were threatening the health of the tourist industry.
In short, the modernization of economic structures leads to a rise, rather than a decline, in archaic attitudes of mind.
They may have translated the archaic terms into scientific-sounding language, but it's the same old vitalism, dressed up as quantum physics.
Because they are short or perceived as popular, certain archaic words survive in newspaper usage: agog, foe, hustings, scribe, slay.
Elevation is lent to his language by archaic and poetic words and an admixture of neologisms, while his extensive use of metaphor more closely resembles poetic than prose usage.
Schaps, however, underestimates the market orientation of Greek agriculture in the later archaic period.
This city was settled by Phoenicians in the archaic period and it challenged the rising Roman Republic in three wars culminating in its own destruction in the second century B.C.E.
Concerning the archaic period, Reed admits that he is engaging in ‘cautious guesswork’.
obsolete, obsolescent, out of date, anachronistic, old-fashioned, outmoded, behind the times, bygone, antiquated, antique, superannuated, antediluvian, past its prime, having seen better days, olde worlde, old-fangled;
ancient, very old, aged, prehistoric, primitive, of yore;
благожелательный , доброжелательный , благосклонный The benevolent warmth of the sun has a great influence on the plants. — Ласковый солнечный свет очень благотворно влияет на растения. Синоним: well-disposed
definition: Brass is a metal that is used to make musical instruments and ornaments.
example: Brass is used to make musical instruments like trumpets.
Extra definition
A yellow alloy of copper and zinc:
A decorative object made of brass:
A round flat brass ornament for the harness of a draught horse.
A memorial, typically a medieval one, consisting of a flat piece of inscribed brass, laid in the floor or set into the wall of a church:
A brass block or die used for stamping a design on a book binding.
Brass wind instruments (including trumpet, horn, and trombone) forming a band or a section of an orchestra:
People in authority or of high military rank:
Extra example
Bronze is made with tin added to copper and brass has zinc in the alloy.
Two of the oldest and most widely used of all alloys, bronze and brass, also contain copper.
Some of the more important metal alloys were gold, brass, bronze and pewter.
The last side plate is an angular brass specimen decorated with an incised standard.
It retains its original brasses, finials, and decorative carving.
The dominant decorative feature is the array of ornate brasses with pierced backplates.
I'm getting to really like horse brasses; not a new liking, but this time round I'm finding that rummaging through boxes of assorted knick-knacks for them has something of the treasure hunt about it.
A handful of rosettes is all the pensioner has left following last Wednesday's raid, where more than 1,000 prizes and certificates were also snatched, along with valuable horse brasses.
If we drive in to collect it now I'll be able to catch the post office, mail these horse brasses off to that nice woman in the States, and send your Mother's Day card off Special Delivery.
His widow's stone bears a memorial brass inscribed with Latin verses but is otherwise unmarked.
Inside fittings again testify to the town's religious life in the Middle Ages, notably the twenty stalls for the members of Chichele College at the east end of the north aisle and an unusual number of medieval monumental brasses.
A ‘pudding-basin’ cut, often seen on memorial brasses, shows hair thick but clear of the ears, probably to assist in cushioning the helmet.
The collection also features a set of scales from the old factory, and an original brass butter stamp
The brass section of an orchestra typically consists of trumpets, horns, trombones, and tubas.
We harmonize like the brass section of a band, and we need discipline to do that type of music.
The Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra is a noteworthy example, its playing characterized by dark woodwinds and brasses that impart a dreamlike, veiled quality suggesting the mellow patina of old silver.
After an outcry from the military brass and heavy attacks in the media, he reversed himself two days later.
The New York Times reports that, for decades, the military brass has assured the locals that underground storage of these weapons was perfectly safe.
A little long winded, but the speech was punctuated with a lot of applause, which suggested that a lot of the military brass in attendance support him.
The old pro there kind of takes a liking to the kid, gives him a brass.
(as) bold as ˈbrass without showing any respect, shame or fear
if you say that it is brass monkeys or brass monkey weather , you mean that it is very cold weather
ˌbrass ˈneck/ˈnerve a combination of confidence and lack of respect
the ˌbrass ˈring the opportunity to be successful; success that you have worked hard to get
(get down to) brass ˈtacks (to start to consider) the basic facts or practical details of something
where there’s ˌmuck there’s ˈbrass used to say that a business activity that is unpleasant or dirty can bring in a lot of money
латунь , желтая медь red brass — красная латунь, томпак red brass — томпак (сплав меди с цинком, с содержанием последнего не более 10 %)
разг. деньги ; медяки, мелкие деньги , мелочь разг. смелость , наглость , бесстыдство , уверенность в себе he had the brass to go to the party uninvited — он набрался наглости пойти на вечеринку без приглашения I don't know how she has the brass to do it. — Даже не знаю, как ей хватило смелости сделать это.
= brass hat амер.; воен.; жарг. начальство ; высший военный чин, старший офицер; упр., разг. "шишки"; руководящая верхушка (должностные лица, крупные военные и гражданские чины; от медных украшений на мундирах и фуражках) army brass — командующий армией The Pentagon top brass hates the idea of getting embroiled in Kosovo peacekeeping. — Пентагоновское начальство совершенно не радует идея ввязываться в миротворческую операцию в Косово. ; Высокопоставленных начальников в Пентагоне совершенно не радует идея ввязываться в миротворческую операцию в Косово.
(the brass, the brasses) собир. медные духовые инструменты медная (мемориальная) доска преим. pl что-л. сделанное из меди; медная посуда, медные украшения и т. п. твердость ; живучесть нечувствительность сл. см. brass hat top brass — руководящая верхушка police brass — полицейское начальство TV network brass — заправилы телевидения
воен. разг. стреляные гильзы pl геол. пирит в угле pl тех. вкладыши (подшипника) муз. = brass instrument медный духовой музыкальный инструмент муз. духовая секция (оркестра, джазового ансамбля) мемориальная доска табличка (с фамилией должностного лица на его кабинете) низость ; хамство = brass hat амер.; разг. "шишка" , заправила , "большой человек" (в какой-л. организации или деле) The "high brass" of American business was also well represented at the meeting. — Шишки американского бизнеса также присутствовали на собрании.
= brass hat разг. военщина тех. подшипник ; салинг-блок покрывать латунью, медью разг. нагло вести себя (обыкн. to brass it) разг. выплачивать сполна, расплачиваться Синоним: pay up
латунный , медный ; сделанный из меди или латуни brass plate — медная дощечка (на двери) ; мемориальная доска
капитализм эк. , соц. (экономическая система, основанная на частной собственности, свободе предпринимательства и рыночной координации действий экономических агентов) маркс. (исторически обусловленная преходящая общественно-экономическая формация, основанная на использовании наемного труда и частной собственности на средства производства; предполагает присвоение собственниками средств производства части результатов труда рабочих (эксплуатацию); введение в употребление термина capitalism часто приписывают К. Марксу, но в своих работах Маркс его не использовал, хотя и употреблял термины capital и capitalist; слово capitalism вошло в активный оборот после книги В. Зомбарта "Современный капитализм")
reliance on, need for, seeking support from, leaning on, clinging to;
trust in, faith in, confidence in, belief in
addiction, dependency, over-reliance, reliance;
craving, compulsion, fixation, obsession;
зависимость ; обусловленность linear dependence — линейная зависимость dependence on parents — зависимость от родителей total dependence — полная зависимость great / heavy dependence — сильная зависимость growing / increasing dependence — растущая / увеличивающаяся зависимость growing dependence on foreign aid — растущая зависимость от иностранной помощи Markovian dependence — марковская зависимость character dependence — (взаимо) зависимость знаков (текста) inter-bit dependence — межбитовая (межразрядная) зависимость (в блоке сообщения) intersymbol dependence — межсимволная зависимость
доверие , уверенность (в ком-л., чем-л.) to place /to put/ dependence in /on/ smb. — питать доверие к кому-л. to place /to put/ dependence on /upon/ smb.'s word — верить чьему-л. слову I can have no dependence on his word. — Я не верю ни одному его слову. Синоним: confidence, trust, reliance
юр. нахождение на рассмотрении (суда, парламента) ; ожидание решения редк. опора ; источник существования he was her sole dependence — он был ее единственной опорой
зависимость , подчиненное положение colonial dependence — колониальная зависимость dependence on [upon] foreign oil — зависимость от иностранной нефти Синоним: dependency
несамостоятельность , зависимость , подчиненность to live in dependence on smb. — жить в зависимости от кого-л. ; зависеть от кого-л. ; быть /жить/ на чьем-л. иждивении ; жить на чьих-л. хлебах ; быть [жить] на чьем-л. иждивении [на чьих-л. хлебах]
книжн. см. dependency испытывание влияния, воздействия (с чьей-л. стороны) привыкание , попадание в зависимость drug dependence — пристрастие к наркотикам, наркотическая зависимость alcohol dependence — алкогольная зависимость, алкоголизм nicotine dependence — никотиновая зависимость Синоним: addiction
definition: To diminish means to reduce or get smaller.
example: As the economy got worse, my savings diminished.
Extra definition
Make or become less:
Cause to seem less impressive or valuable:
Extra example
The propensity for people enriched by capital gains to borrow and spend is gradually diminishing.
The agrarian sector of the economy is gradually diminishing as the service sector assumes prominence.
The itching usually diminishes gradually and eventually stops after complete wound healing.
This lack of comprehensiveness in no way diminishes the valuable contribution made by this fine book.
At Lynn the right of any member of the community to attend at least the more important assemblies was not diminished by the constitutional compromise of 1420.
The wardens complained that the plan has effectively smeared them and diminished their status.
decrease, decline, reduce, lessen, shrink, contract, grow smaller, fall off, drop off, slacken off;
fall, drop, sink, slump, plummet, plunge
informal hit the floor, go through the floor, go downhill
informal bad-mouth, pull to pieces, pull apart, sling mud at, do a hatchet job on
уменьшать , убавлять , сокращать ; ослаблять to diminish pressure — уменьшать давление to diminish suspicions — рассеивать подозрения to diminish smb.'s anxiety — уменьшить беспокойство кого-л.
уменьшаться , убавляться , сокращаться ; слабеть to diminish in bulk — сокращаться в объеме
амер. умалять , преуменьшать (значение чего-л.) to diminish the importance of smth. — преуменьшать важность чего-л. ; приводить к переоценке важности чего-л. to diminish the importance of smb.'s work — преуменьшать значение чьей-л. работы Синоним: belittle, degrade, disparage, humiliate
унижать (достоинство) муз. уменьшать (интервал) на полтона убывать муз. делать тише, постепенно уменьшать звук; сыграть диминуэндо стр. сходить на конус, сводить на конус Синоним: taper
example: The drawback of having a car is that it is very expensive to maintain.
Extra definition
A feature that renders something less acceptable; a disadvantage or problem:
An amount of excise or import duty remitted on goods exported:
Extra example
The main drawback of a global fitting strategy is the time needed to reach convergence.
The main difficulties and drawbacks to these methods are the quality of the obtained parts.
Both have good color rendering, but have drawbacks when they're used outdoors.
On the trade front, subsidies and duty drawbacks on inputs for exported goods were frequently used to promote exports.
Second, duty drawbacks on imported raw materials for exported manufactures - a policy that had been well established in the country since the days of William and Mary - were increased.
At the same time, the market expectation is that there is not likely to be any big relief on taxes and duty drawbacks.
disadvantage, snag, downside, stumbling block, catch, hitch, pitfall, fly in the ointment;
недостаток , изъян , отрицательная сторона the drawbacks of your paper — недостатки вашей статьи You see, what with all these advantages, there are drawbacks. — Вы понимаете, что, несмотря на все эти преимущества, имеются также и недостатки. The chief drawback of advertising is that it shows us thousands of ways to spend money but few ways to earn it. — Основной недостаток рекламы в том, что она показывает нам тысячи способов потратить деньги, но очень мало способов заработать их. Синоним: disadvantage
препятствие ; помеха , преграда , препона to succeed in spite of drawbacks — добиться своей цели несмотря на препятствия there are drawbacks to her coming — некоторые обстоятельства мешают ей прийти Синонимы: obstacle, hindrance , check, bar, deterrent
definition: A fad is something that is popular for a short time.
example: The hula hoop was a fad for a few years, but it soon lost its popularity.
Extra definition
Flavin adenine dinucleotide, a coenzyme derived from riboflavin and important in various metabolic reactions.
Extra example
причуда , пунктик this is a passing fad — это преходящее /кратковременное/ увлечение to be full of fads — иметь массу причуд crossword puzzles were the fad of the year — в этом году все помешались на кроссвордах it is a fad with him — у него такой пунктик, это его пунктик the latest / newest fad — последняя причуда to be full of fads and fancies — иметь массу причуд и фантазий Синоним: vogue
definition: To impose means to interrupt or force your ideas on other people.
example: He imposes on his wife every morning by expecting her to make breakfast.
Extra definition
Force (an unwelcome decision or ruling) on someone:
Put (a restriction) in place:
Require (a duty, charge, or penalty) to be undertaken or paid:
Exert firm control over:
Take advantage of someone by demanding their attention or commitment:
Arrange (pages of type) so as to be in the correct order after printing and folding.
Extra example
Kass does not suggest that a society anything like that depicted by Huxley will be imposed on us by force.
Numerous forces have been imposed on physicians to make them change their practice behaviours.
They cry out for ‘a ‘system’ of some kind, where order could be imposed on nature's unruly endlessness.’
She said the present system had come about mainly due to the restrictions imposed by international institutions.
In the meantime, if the bill is delayed, local authorities, including Merton, could introduce individual bylaws to impose restrictions in their areas.
Financial institutions are expected to impose some restrictions on this for administrative purposes.
Under the original order, unanimity among the judges was not required, even to impose the death penalty.
He was given a conditional discharge for six months for obstructing the police officer and no separate penalty was imposed for the other charges.
However, consumer groups argue that banks should not impose such exorbitant penalty charges as they do not reflect the costs incurred when customers exceed borrowing limits.
One rule, one and only one firm rule must impose itself on Europe after this tragedy.
Nevertheless, she doesn't lose control of the music, nor does she impose herself on it in search of effects.
This is the Church imposing itself on the education system.
After all, you had already imposed yourself on them (as it seldom was a her) and to start a conversation where none was offered seemed an unwelcome intrusion.
How do you deal with people who impose themselves on you?
informal saddle someone with, land someone with, lumber someone with
levy, charge, exact, apply, enforce;
set, establish, fix, put, lay, institute, introduce;
decree, ordain, enact, promulgate, bring into effect, bring to bear
force oneself, foist oneself, thrust oneself;
intrude, break in, obtrude, interlope, trespass, impinge, butt in, barge in;
control, gain control of, take charge of
take advantage of, abuse, exploit, take liberties with, misuse, ill-treat, treat unfairly, manipulate;
bother, trouble, disturb, inconvenience, put out, put to trouble, take for granted;
be a burden on, prey on
( on , upon ) облагать (налогом, пошлиной и т. п.) ; налагать ; возлагать to impose a tax on wine — ввести налог на вино to impose a fine on smb. — наложить штраф на кого-л. to impose limitations on smth. — налагать ограничения на что-л. to impose a duty on smb. — возложить обязанность на кого-л. to impose silence upon smb. — заставить кого-л. замолчать to impose new restrictions — налагать новые ограничения A special tax is imposed on very high incomes. — Очень высокие доходы облагаются специальным налогом. imposed settlement — диктат to impose a tax on bicycles — облагать налогом владельцев велосипедов to impose a tax on the privilege of using electricity — облагать налогом право использования электричества to impose a tax on the income of Navajo Indians — облагать налогом доход индейцев навахо Синоним: tax
( on , upon ) навязывать to impose one's views on smb. — навязывать кому-л. свои взгляды to impose oneself where not invited — навязываться без приглашения to impose inferior goods on smb. — навязывать кому-л. некачественные товары to impose conditions on smb. — навязывать условия кому-л.
возлагать (руки при благословении) ; рукополагать полигр. спускать (полосу) заключать (печатную форму) ( on , upon ) обманывать to impose upon a simpleton — обмануть простака to impose on smb.'s good nature — воспользоваться чьим-л. добродушием to be easily imposed upon — легко поддаваться обману his disguise would impose upon even his closest friends — даже ближайшие друзья не узнали бы его в этом наряде
( on , upon ) редк. производить сильное впечатление to impose upon one's hearers — производить сильное впечатление на слушателей
класть , помещать , фиксировать в определенном положении Синоним: place, set
(impose on) навязываться (кому-л.) I will only stay till Saturday as I have no wish to impose on you. — Я останусь только до субботы, я не хочу тебе навязываться.
(impose (up)on) всучить , подсунуть The shop-owner imposed upon them fake antiques. — Хозяин магазина всучил им поддельный антиквариат.
definition: Managerial describes something related to a manager or management.
example: Nancy has a managerial position at the bank.
Extra definition
Relating to management or managers:
Extra example
She said her new role would be a more managerial and administrative one.
He has demonstrable managerial skills as Halifax CEO, where he really calls the shots.
Does that speak volumes about the opposition, or is it a testimony to his own managerial skills?
относящийся к управлению ; административный ; управленческий ; директорский managerial system — система управления high managerial competence — умелое руководство managerial people — администрация managerial task — управленческая задача development of managerial decisions — разработка управленческих решений
организаторский ; организационный managerial qualities — организаторские способности managerial skills — организаторские способности
менеджерский (относящийся к деятельности менеджеров)
definition: If something is obsolete, it is not used anymore because something better exists.
example: Since computers became inexpensive, typewriters have become obsolete.
Extra definition
Cause (a product or idea) to become obsolete by replacing it with something new:
Extra example
So Dalton declared: ‘the focus is to show not only the progression of the technology but also that customers who have invested in it aren't obsoleting their product.’
It's difficult not to be really impressed with a product that is so improved over its predecessors it obsoletes them.
So what is this magic surveillance technology that confused him and obsoleted the court?
устарелый , вышедший из употребления ; малоупотребительный obsolete word — вышедшее из употребления слово obsolete customs — отжившие обычаи obsolete equipment — устарелое оборудование to become obsolete — выйти из употребления Синоним: outdated, old-fashioned
устарелый , немодный , старомодный , отживший ; прекративший существование obsolete theory — устаревшая теория obsolete custom — отжившая традиция Obsolete fashions are very laughable. — Старомодные фасоны выглядят очень смешно. Синоним: outdated, old-fashioned
вышедший из употребления , устаревший obsolete term — устаревший термин obsolete technology — устаревшая технология Синоним: outdated, old-fashioned
стершийся, полустершийся; незаметный , неясный obsolete memory of a childhood — стершиеся воспоминания детства
снятый с эксплуатации; не соответствующий требованиям (напр. норм летной годности) перестать употреблять we are about to obsolete the wheel — скоро мы откажемся от использования колеса
авторитет , престиж prestige school — престижный колледж prestige club — престижный клуб great / high prestige — высокий авторитет, престиж high prestige job — высокопрестижная работа little / low prestige — непрестижность, малый вес, малое значение of prestige — престижно of little prestige — не очень престижно to enjoy / have prestige — иметь вес, авторитет to damage smb.'s prestige — подорвать чей-л. авторитет, чью-л. репутацию ; повредить чьем-л. престижу, подорвать чей-л. авторитет [чью-л. репутацию] to gain prestige — завоевать авторитет
definition: A proportion is an amount that shows the link between the parts and the whole.
example: Only a small proportion of the people in this town actually work here.
Extra definition
Adjust or regulate (something) so that it has a particular or suitable relationship to something else:
Extra example
The results of these and previous studies have enabled the authors to establish a system of proportioning the asphalt mixture, which is suitable for application in the various climate areas of China.
It's a system they've worked out proportioning points based on pedigree and performance.
To me it smatters of human beings proportioning human qualities of emotion and behaviour to an animal.
ˌkeep something in proˈportion to react to something in a sensible way and not think it is worse or more serious than it really is
out of (all) proˈportion (to something) larger, more serious, etc. in relation to something than is necessary or appropriate
пропорция , количественное (со)отношение; пропорциональность ; соразмерность in proportion to — соразмерно с his arms were long in proportion to the rest of his body — его руки были непропорционально длинны по сравнению с туловищем payment in proportion to work done — оплата труда соответственно выполненной работе imports were in proportion to exports — импорт соответствовал /равнялся/ экспорту the demand is out of (all) proportion to the supply — спрос значительно превышает предложение The proportion of women to men at my college was about five women to one man. — Когда я учился в колледже, у нас на одного парня приходилось пять девушек.
правильное соотношение , соразмерность , пропорциональность ; гармония to have an eye for proportion — обладать чувством пропорции /верным глазомером/ both domes are in admirable proportion — оба купола гармонично дополняют друг друга Weight increases in proportion to height. — Вес увеличивается пропорционально росту. Her head is ridiculously big in proportion to her body. — Ее голова кажется непропорционально большой по отношению к телу. out of proportion to — несоразмерно, несоизмеримо
pl размер , размеры a ship of majestic proportions — пароход внушительных размеров rock of gigantic proportions — гора огромных размеров Синоним: dimension, size
часть , доля a large proportion of the earth's surface — большая часть земной поверхности to pay one's proportion of the expenses — уплатить свою долю расходов you have not done your proportion of the work — вы не сделали своей части работы The sea which covers so large a proportion of the earth's surface. — Мировой океан, который покрывает такую значительную часть поверхности земного шара.
мат. пропорция , тройное правило in direct proportion to — прямо пропорционально
относительное содержание , количество или число proportion of an ingredient in a mixture — содержание компонента в смеси
значимость ; важность you must try to see these mishaps in proportion — вам надо попытаться взглянуть на эти неудачи в свете их действительной важности /как бы со стороны/
объем ; величина Синоним: dimension, size
отношение ; соотношение соразмерять to proportion one's expenditures to one's income — соразмерить расходы с доходом to proportion the penalty to the nature of the crime — назначить наказание, соответствующее характеру преступления
дозировать (смесь, составные части) ; делить ; распределять ; подбирать состав смеси распределять , разделять что-л. пропорционально тех. задавать , определять размеры (машины и т. п.) устанавливать размеры to proportion a stair — задавать размеры лестницы ; проектировать лестницу
definition: If something is radical, it is very new or different.
example: The president is planning to make some radical changes to the law.
Extra definition
A person who advocates thorough or complete political or social reform; a member of a political party or part of a party pursuing such aims.
A group of atoms behaving as a unit in a number of compounds.
See also free radical.
The root or base form of a word.
Any of the basic set of approximately 214 Chinese characters constituting semantically or functionally significant elements in the composition of other characters and used as a means of classifying characters in dictionaries.
A quantity forming or expressed as the root of another.
A radical sign.
Extra example
The party has not tried to disguise its new deregulatory approach, which is causing unease among party radicals and old-style social democrats.
I try to be a radical in political and social ways, but I'm a terrible conservative when it comes to technology.
Rohm was not really a social or political radical.
Examples of compounds or groups that accept anions include the nitrate and hydroxide radicals.
Marcel Nicolet resolved some of this discrepancy by showing how reactive molecular fragments called radicals convert ozone molecules back into O 2.
Subsequent oxidation-reduction reactions can also produce superoxide anions, hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radicals.
The word can refer to a geminate verb, i.e., a triliteral verb where the second and third radicals are the same - also called mediae geminatae.
By learning the function of radicals of Chinese characters, students can learn new characters by groups and strings.
Finally, the Lexical Decision test is a measure of children's right-left spatial reversals of Chinese radicals.
There are about 200 radicals representing basic subjects.
In 1845 Wantzel, continuing his researches into equations, gave a new proof of the impossibility of solving all algebraic equations by radicals.
From its true emergence, algebra can be seen as a theory of equations solved by means of radicals, and of algebraic calculations on related expressions.
When the exponent is a prime number, I say that its radical cannot be divisible by any other prime except those that are greater by one than a multiple of double the exponent.
лингв. корневой , связанный с корнем radical vowel — корневой гласный radical languages — изолирующие /корневые, корнеизолирующие/ языки
радикальный ; коренной ; принципиальный ; кардинальный ; фундамендальный (связанный с серьезными изменениями) radical axis — радикальная ось (двух окружностей) radical change — радикальное изменение the rise of the radical left in Scotland — развитие радикального левого движения в Шотландии from radical left to extreme right — от радикально левых до крайне правых
полит. радикальный , левый radical views — радикальные убеждения
коренной , основной radical principle — основной принцип radical error — коренная ошибка
полный , радикальный radical surgery — радикальная операция
природный , первоначальный , извечный radical defects of character — врожденные недостатки человека
мат. относящийся к корню radical sign — знак корня
бот. корневой (Radical) относящийся к партии радикалов, радикальный корень (чего-л.) ; начало , основной принцип; основа (основ) Синоним: basis, principle
definition: To refute something means to prove that it is false or incorrect.
example: The bank manager has refuted the claims that he lied to his customers.
Extra definition
Prove (a statement or theory) to be wrong or false; disprove:
Prove that (someone) is wrong:
Deny or contradict (a statement or accusation):
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This process of using observation and experiment to refute false theories does not rely on induction in any way.
In these papers, where he was largely concerned with general philosophical problems of time and space, he adopted a quixotic standpoint in his attempt to refute the theory as being logically untenable.
Dembski's latest attempt to refute Darwinian theory is by arguing that in a closed system, information can only decrease.
It's almost as if Bush was daring people to refute him, knowing full well that it was such an illogical claim that it would make people uncomfortable to call him on it.
We set out over the past year to refute those people who said we couldn't do more than one thing at a time.
Literature refutes both people who think gender should be abolished and people who have overly-narrow views of womanhood or manhood.
The students' protest was refuted by IPB spokesman Agus Lelana, who said the institute would support the administration's effort to ease congestion in the area.
The Cosla group, however, refutes any accusations of unfair play, claiming that McConnell and the rest of the group are simply showing ‘foresight’ in setting out local government's views.
Waterford Against Racism vehemently refutes the outrageous accusations made by Minister of Justice, John O'Donoghue in the past week.
disprove, prove wrong/false, show/prove to be wrong/false, rebut, confute, give the lie to, demolish, explode, debunk, drive a coach and horses through, discredit, invalidate
informal shoot full of holes, shoot down (in flames), blow sky-high
rare controvert, negative
deny, reject, repudiate, rebut, declare to be untrue;
formal gainsay
опровергать , доказывать несостоятельность; доказывать ложность; несостоятельность to refute a statement — опровергать утверждение to refute completely — полностью опровергать Синоним: contradict
яркое театральное представление, спектакль , бьющий на эффект, феерия и т. п. тлв. театрализованный концерт с участием звезд эффектное зрелище (о параде, празднестве и т. п.) bridal spectacular — пышная свадьба
впечатляющий театральный спектакль рекл. световой рекламный щит (щит наружной рекламы с внутренней подсветкой и спецэффектами) СМИ грандиозное телешоу * ; блокбастер * ; грандиозное театральное представление * (крупное телешоу, кинофильм или театральная постановка, обычно с очень большим числом участников, дорогими костюмами, множеством спецэффектов, высокими затратами на постановку и высокими сборами от показа и продажи рекламного времени) эффектный , захватывающий spectacular dive from a cliff — впечатляющий прыжок в воду с утеса Синоним: imposing, impressive
театральный spectacular display — театральное представление a spectacular splendour — театральное великолепие a spectacular display — театральный спектакль
definition: To weave means to make cloth using horizontal and vertical threads.
example: We saw a woman weave a blanket on our vacation to South America.
Extra definition
Twist and turn from side to side while moving somewhere in order to avoid obstructions:
Take evasive action in an aircraft, typically by moving it from side to side.
(Of a horse) repeatedly swing the head and forepart of the body from side to side (considered to be a vice).
Extra example
During this he drove through red traffic lights, forced other vehicles to brake to avoid collisions, weaved in and out of traffic, and reached 85 mph.
Cars swerved this way and that to avoid them as they weaved in and around the traffic.
Horns blare as cars weave to avoid horse-drawn carts.
We just put the nose down and went weaving and skidding in a dive, passing over the breakwater of Cherbourg at about 400 feet.
Radar controls fired their guns, and if we didn't turn constantly, weaving about, we'd be shot down within a minute or less.
If you miss him coming in, you can shoot him as he recovers from his attack if you keep weaving.
Special grilles can be put over the stable door to restrict the movement of the head and neck when the horse is standing with his head over the stable door, but some horses weave inside the stable.
When a horse weaves he is basically walking in place, swaying his front and neck from side to side repetitively.
Of course she used to pace up and down the paddocks when she was turned out, too, but she didn't weave in the field.
thread (one's way), wind (one's way), work (one's way), dodge, move in and out, swerve, zigzag, criss-cross
to perform or behave in a way that is attractive or interesting, or that makes somebody behave in a particular way
v (wove, редк. weaved ; woven, редк. wove) ткать плести ; сплетать ; вплетать to weave a basket — плести корзину to weave threads together — сплетать нитки to weave ribbons into /through/ one's hair — вплетать ленты в волосы to weave a web — плести паутину to weave a nest — вить гнездо to weave some humor into a plot — добавить в сюжет немного юмора to weave a cocoon — плести кокон She wove a basket for us. — Она сплела нам корзину. She wove the story around a specific theme. — Ее рассказ крутился вокруг одной темы. She wants to weave a scarf from this wool. — Она хочет связать шарф из этой шерсти. Синоним: braid, plait, knit
сплетаться , переплетаться ; сливаться , соединяться качаться ; покачиваться , раскачиваться разг. выдумывать , сочинять to weave a story round a person — сочинить целую историю о каком-л. человеке to weave a plot — плести сети заговора to weave a plan — разработать план
извиваться (о дороге и т. п.) продвигаться , меняя направление; петлять to weave one's way through a crowd — пробираться сквозь толпу
плести узор (в танце) воен. жарг. уклоняться , ловчить махать , размахивать ; сигнализировать (флагом и т. п.) сливать , соединять , сплетать Science weaves phenomena into unity. — Наука объединяет явления в одно целое.
узор текст. переплетение нитей в ткани twill weave — саржевое переплетение Fabrics with a close weave are ideal for painting. — Ткани с плотным переплетением - самый лучший материал для раскраски.
( in , into ) вводить , включать , привносить he weaved his own ideas into the official statements — он включал собственные идеи в официальные заявления