облегчать , смягчать (боль, страдание) to alleviate sorrows — облегчать горе her sympathy alleviated his distress — ее сочувствие умерило его отчаяние to alleviate pains — облегчить боли Синоним: lessen
definition: To differentiate things or people is to show the difference between them.
example: It was hard to differentiate between the identical twins.
Extra definition
Recognize or ascertain what makes (someone or something) different:
Identify differences between (two or more things or people):
Make (someone or something) appear different or distinct:
Make or become different in the process of growth or development:
Transform (a function) into its derivative.
Extra example
This is the first challenge in the process of managing spam: how to get a computer to analyze these strings to recognize and differentiate the welcome from the unwelcome emails.
It is not yet possible for patients to recognise faces, but they can at least differentiate large objects that are moving in their environment.
We will also attempt to determine the line that differentiates the normal from the abnormal, and how to deal with each of these cases as a result of this demarcation.
We experienced some difficulty identifying whale species during the count, especially differentiating between bowhead and gray whales.
However, neither system accurately identifies vehicles needed for wartime missions or differentiates between wartime- and peacetime-use vehicles.
While most of us can easily identify a cactus, it may be harder to differentiate between an agave and an aloe.
Distinct characteristics also differentiate this family of plants.
We distinguish four dimensions that differentiate federal systems.
In summary, the modern international system displays six sharp distinctions that differentiate it from those of the ancient and classical world.
Proecdysial growth of the limb bud consists of rapid growth of the muscle cells that were differentiated during the basal growth period.
By developing suitable tests with embryonic stem cells as they differentiate to germ cells we can investigate the action of these chemicals in the laboratory.
Recent reports suggest that adult stem cells can differentiate into developmentally unrelated cell types.
In his reply Leibniz gave some details of the principles of his differential calculus including the rule for differentiating a function of a function.
We will also think about how functions are built from component parts, and how we differentiate a function by considering these parts individually and how they are combined.
When trying to differentiate a complicated function, the method is to decompose it into simpler components, and work with these separately.
distinguish, discriminate, make a distinction, draw a distinction, see a difference, discern a difference, tell the difference;
make different, distinguish, set apart, single out, separate, segregate, mark off, characterize, individualize, individuate
transform, metamorphose, evolve, convert, change, become different, modify, alter, adapt
отличать , различать ; проводить или устанавливать различие, дифференцировать ; разграничивать ; проводить различие to differentiate prose from /and/ poetry — отличать поэзию от прозы, разграничивать поэзию и прозу to differentiate between the two functions — разграничивать (эти) функции it's wrong to differentiate between pupils — нехорошо по-разному относиться к ученикам I have known some difficulty in differentiating such attacks from those of epilepsy. — По опыту знаю как трудно отличить эти приступы от приступов эпилепсии. Синоним: discriminate, distinguish
отличать , составлять отличительную черту it differentiates drama from tragedy — это и составляет разницу между драмой и трагедией reason differentiates man from other animals — разум отличает человека от (других) животных
дифференцировать , дифференцироваться обыкн. pass делать несхожим; вызывать расхождение languages become differentiated — языки расходятся species become differentiated — виды обособляются
делаться несхожим, расходиться ; обособляться , дифференцироваться languages tend to differentiate — языки обнаруживают тенденцию к дифференциации
definition: To disrupt something or someone is to prevent them from working.
example: The loud crash disrupted the class lecture.
Extra definition
Interrupt (an event, activity, or process) by causing a disturbance or problem:
Drastically alter or destroy the structure of:
Extra example
It only defers its end by disrupting the social event with which it begins.
The contest became a target in 1970 when women protesters disrupted the event.
Arrangements also have to be made for visitors to view it, without disrupting the daily activities of the embassy.
Applying an irritant chemical to the membrane disrupts the ordered structure: the dye is released and the globular proteins undergo conformational changes.
In the shaken solution - which disrupts spatial structure - the ancestral morph persisted solitarily.
A hydronium ion, however, disrupts this structure because it can accommodate a maximum of three hydrogen bonds.
throw into confusion, throw into disorder, throw into disarray, cause confusion/turmoil in, play havoc with, derange, turn upside-down, make a mess of;
разрывать , разрушать the ground was disrupted by an earthquake — землетрясение раскололо землю /оставило на земле глубокие трещины/ to disrupt smb.'s family life — разрушать чью-л. семейную жизнь Синоним: shatter
подрывать , разрушать ; срывать ; разрывать (узы и т. п.) ; нарушать to disrupt a meeting — сорвать собрание to disrupt a trade-union — расколоть профсоюз to disrupt radio communication — нарушать радиосвязь Railroad strikes are disrupting deliveries. — Из-за забастовок на железной дороге доставка невозможна.
разорванный (на части) ; разрушенный , нарушенный disrupt service — тех. перерыв, нарушение в снабжении (газом, электроэнергией) Синоним: disrupting
definition: An equation is a math operation to determine the value of something.
example: I used the Pythagorean theorem to solve the equation.
Extra definition
A statement that the values of two mathematical expressions are equal (indicated by the sign =).
The process of equating one thing with another:
A situation in which several factors must be taken into account:
A symbolic representation of the changes which occur in a chemical reaction, expressed in terms of the formulae of the molecules or other species involved.
Extra example
It also contains continued fractions, quadratic equations, sums of power series and a table of sines.
When I pressed him to write an equation expressing the value for a, he insisted that he would need a symbol for within.
Now express the pattern as a mathematical equation.
As relationships go, I realized this simple equation of life.
I feel that I have developed some sort of equation with them.
And can you tell us, are you concerned about second-guessing on that whole equation?
Another factor in the equation: Used equipment must compete with new equipment in the marketplace.
Once all that is figured out, the most confusing factor in the equation must be pondered: playing time.
When pressure of competition was factored into the equation, the situation changed.
When hydrolysis occurs, we will write a chemical equation to describe it, and new species will be formed in solution.
The chemical equations for some reactions may have a lone reactant or a single product.
I asked as I balanced a chemical equation and answered some questions.
the situation, the problem, the case, the question, the quandary, the predicament
выравнивание , уравнивание ; уравновешивание ; согласованность error equation — спец. уравнивание ошибок ; уравнивание погрешностей side equation — геод. уравнивание сторон equation of condition — физ. уравнение состояния
уравновешенность , правильное соотношение ; согласованность ; соответствие equation of demand and supply — эк. равенство спроса и предложения equation of payments — ком. установление средних сроков платежа
приравнивание , уравнивание ; отождествление personal equation — психол. поправка на личные особенности, на характер She emphatically rejects the automatic equation of anatomical gender with the corresponding sociocultural roles. — Она категорически отвергает автоматическое отождествление биологического пола с соответствующими социокультурными ролями. That wailing was prescribed to send off a daughter suggests a symbolic equation of marriage and death. (G. Cooper, Life-Cycle Rituals in Dongyang County: Time, Affinity, and Exchange in Rural China) — Тот факт, что на проводах дочери полагалось рыдать, наводит на мысль о символическом отождествлении замужества со смертью. Синоним: equalization
уравнение , выравнивание , равенство , правильное соотношение simple equation — уравнение первой степени second-degree /quadratic/ equation — уравнение второй степени, квадратное уравнение to solve an equation — решить уравнение according to an equation — по уравнению to formulate / state an equation — сформулировать уравнение to solve / work an equation — решить уравнение an equation in one unknown — уравнение с одним неизвестным differential equation — мат. дифференциальное уравнение equation of the first order — (equation of the first (second, etc) order) мат. уравнение первого (второго и т.д.) порядка integral equation — мат. интегральное уравнение linear equation — мат. линейное уравнение quadratic equation — мат. квадратное уравнение simple equation — мат. линейное уравнение basic equation of hydrodynamics — основное уравнение гидродинамики compressible boundary layer equation — уравнение пограничного слоя в сжимаемой жидкости compressible flow equation of motion — уравнение движения потока в сжимаемой жидкости fundamental equation of hydrodynamics — основное уравнение гидродинамики viscous equation of motion — уравнение движения вязкой жидкости Bernoulli’s equation — уравнение Бернулли Boussinesk’s equation — уравнение Буссинеска Darcy's equation — уравнение Дарси Ekman equation — уравнение Экмана Grashof's equation — уравнение Грасхофа Laplace equation — уравнение Лапласа Muller equation — уравнение Мюллера (для расчета движения наносов) Reynolds equation — уравнение Рейнольдса White’s equation — уравнение Уайта age equation — уравнение абсолютного возраста balance equation — балансовое уравнение boundary layer equation — уравнение движения жидкости в пограничном слое conservation equation — уравнение неразрывности continuity equation — уравнение неразрывности erosion equation — уравнение эрозии, уравнение Экснера gradient equation — градиентное уравнение ground-water equation — уравнение баланса грунтовых вод hodograph equation — уравнение годографа hydrodynamical differential equation — гидродинамическое дифференциальное уравнение hydrodynamical equation — гидродинамическое уравнение hydrologic equation — уравнение водного баланса hydrostatic equation — гидростатическое уравнение hyperbolic flow equation — уравнение гиперболического потока incompressible energy equation — уравнение энергии для несжимаемой жидкости regression equation — уравнение регрессии storage equation — уравнение неразрывности water balance equation — уравнение водного баланса von Krogh equation — уравнение ван Крога (описывающее взаимосвязь между активностью комплемента и степенью лизиса сенсибилизированных эритроцитов)
спец. уравнение equation of time — астр. уравнение времени (разность между средним и истинным солнечным временем)
хим. уравнение , формула реакции равновесие , баланс равенство поправка на личные особенности
example: The pilot erred in his estimate of the time it would take to make the trip.
Extra definition
Be mistaken or incorrect; make a mistake:
Sin; do wrong:
Extra example
He has done a good job as far as trying to protect us, but we think he erred in these areas, and we feel we can do better, because our strengths are what they are.
The army denied the curfew was lifted, but said an initial inquiry ‘indicates that the force erred in its action’.
I may have erred in posting anything here about this sad dispute.
Traffic officers as a matter of routine, get ‘oiled’ by erring motorists for turning a blind eye to defective, unroadworthy or overloaded vehicles, sometimes with fatal consequences.
A hotline number has been made available to report corruption and erring officials will be suspended on the spot.
Some other police forces have run schemes where residents have been given the opportunity to speak to erring drivers and point out how their speed or manner of driving could put members of the community at risk.
make a mistake, be wrong, be in error, be mistaken, mistake, make a blunder, blunder, be incorrect, be inaccurate, misjudge, miscalculate, get things/something/it wrong, bark up the wrong tree, get the wrong end of the stick, be wide of the mark
informal slip up, screw up, blow it, foul up, goof, boob, fluff something, make a hash of something, put one's foot in it, make a boo-boo, make a bloomer, drop a brick
vulgar slang fuck something up, bugger something up
misbehave, do wrong, go wrong, behave badly, misconduct oneself, be bad, be naughty, get up to mischief, get up to no good, act up, act badly, give someone trouble, cause someone trouble;
sin, go astray, transgress, trespass, fall from grace, lapse, degenerate;
clown about/around, fool about/around, act the clown, act the fool, act the goat, act foolishly, forget oneself
err on the side of something to show too much of a good quality
заблуждаться , ошибаться ; допускать ошибку to err is human — человеку свойственно ошибаться to err in one's judgement of circumstances — неправильно оценить обстоятельства /обстановку/ to err on /upon/ the side of smth. — ошибаться в какую-л. сторону it is best to err on the safer side — ≅ всегда лучше перестраховаться he does not err on the side of modesty — его нельзя упрекнуть в излишней скромности To err is human. — Человеку свойственно ошибаться. Синоним: blunder
грешить , совершать прегрешение; совершать грех to err out of ignorance — согрешить по неведению Синоним: sin
сбиваться с пути; отступать , отклоняться (от цели, курса) to err from the straight path — сбиться с правильного пути Nobody must err from law. — Никто не должен отступать от закона. The arrows didn't err from their aim. — Стрелы не давали промаха.
definition: When something is erroneous, it is incorrect or only partly correct.
example: The child held the erroneous belief that time machines were real.
Extra definition
Wrong; incorrect:
Extra example
Incorrect, difficult or erroneous readings must have been created over time by scribal error.
Even if the award was somewhat low it could not in any way be said to be wholly erroneous or wrong in principle, he submits.
There is nothing stated which is erroneous or wrong and there is no allegation that there is.
wrong, incorrect, mistaken, in error, inaccurate, not accurate, inexact, not exact, imprecise, invalid, untrue, false, fallacious, wide of the mark, off target;
misleading, illogical, unsound, specious, unfounded, without foundation, faulty, flawed, spurious
informal off beam, bogus, phoney, out, way out, full of holes, dicey, iffy
definition: If people or things are frantic, they behave in a wild way because they are frightened
example: The cat became frantic when I tried to give it a bath.
Extra definition
Distraught with fear, anxiety, or other emotion:
Conducted in a hurried, excited, and disorganized way:
Extra example
Many customers eagerly signed up because their pets had been made frantic with fear by the noise of fireworks.
This time, however, he failed to return and his mother is frantic with worry about his safety.
I have been speaking to his dad and he and his wife are just frantic with worry, they can't sleep or eat.
In the latter stages they attempted a frantic counter-attack but the ball play was feeble.
She was quickly discovered after a frantic search, bleeding and shocked.
The men noticed the boy was missing and after a frantic search they discovered his body in the river.
panic-stricken, panic-struck, panicky, beside oneself, at one's wits' end, berserk, distraught, overwrought, worked up, agitated, distressed;
frenzied, wild, frenetic, fraught, fevered, feverish, hysterical, mad, crazed, out of control, uncontrolled, unhinged, out of one's mind, maniacal, demented, desperate
informal in a state, in a tizzy/tizz, wound up, het up, in a flap, in a cold sweat, tearing one's hair out
безумный , неистовый , яростный to be frantic with grief — обезуметь от горя frantic appeal for help — отчаянная мольба о помощи to drive smb. frantic by worrying him with endless questions — довести кого-л. до бешенства бесконечными вопросами He was frantic with pain. — Он обезумел от боли. Синоним: delirious, frenetic, frenzied, furious, hectic, violent Антоним: imperturbable, tranquil
эмоц.-усил. страшный , ужасный ; возмутительный frantic muddle — возмутительный беспорядок a frantic toothache — жуткая зубная боль in a frantic hurry — в страшной спешке
мор. корпус (корабля) ; остов , каркас hull down — с корпусом, скрытым за горизонтом hull up — с корпусом, который виден (на горизонте) hull down — невидимый, скрытый за горизонтом прям. и перен. hull out — видимый над горизонтом airship hull — корпус дирижабля Синоним: frame, skeleton
ав. фюзеляж , корпус (самолета) воен. корпус (танка) hull(-)down position — полузакрытая позиция танка
чашечка (малины, земляники и т. п.) pl одежды, одеяние лодка (гидросамолета) чашелистики (клубники) сердцевина яблока поплавок (гидросамолета) воздушное судно bare hull — воздушное судно без экипажа
шелушить , лущить ; очищать от скорлупы , снимать кожуру, чистить ; обрушивать (зерно) ; очищать от шелухи to hull beans — лущить бобы to hull peas — лущить горох Синоним: shuck
попасть снарядом в корпус корабля; пробить снарядом корпус корабля дрейфовать (без парусов, с выключенными машинами и т. п.) ударять из пушки по корпусу корабля The Spaniards say that the hulling of the vessel was accidental. — Испанцы утверждают, что удар снаряда по корпусу корабля был случайным.
definition: When an action is inadvertent, it is done without realizing what you are doing.
example: She made an inadvertent error when she knocked over the nail polish.
Extra definition
Not resulting from or achieved through deliberate planning:
Extra example
As a result of centuries of both deliberate and inadvertent plant breeding, the varieties used today have little resemblance with their wild ancestors.
I made a mental note to leave more space between seedlings next time, although the effect I'd achieved by inadvertent crowding was lovely.
Members of the defensive team need to be aware of an inadvertent or accidental tag of home plate by the catcher in such situations.
definition: To improvise something is to do it with whatever is available or without planning.
example: There was no meat for the pizza, so we improvised with what was in the fridge.
Extra definition
Create and perform (music, drama, or verse) spontaneously or without preparation:
Produce or make (something) from whatever is available:
Extra example
At many of these events, advanced students spontaneously improvise solos or duets based on a theme given by audience members.
Clark says audiences are more open to improvised music than people think.
Sometimes improvised music seems like a selfish display of skills.
Their son, who is five, is able to improvise a whole range of superheroes from whatever is lying around the house.
Overtaken by the darkness, he had thrown his force into some of the houses and improvised a sort of fort.
So Bob improvised his meals based off whatever he could find being cooked on the line, or stored in the icebox.
extemporize, ad lib, speak impromptu, make it up as one goes along, think on one's feet, take it as it comes
informal speak off the cuff, speak off the top of one's head, play it by ear, busk it, wing it
contrive, devise, throw together, cobble together, concoct, rig, jury-rig, put together
British informal knock up
informal whip up, fix up, rustle up
импровизировать to improvise on the organ — импровизировать на органе to improvise on — импровизировать, создавать вариации на тему чего-л. Синоним: extemporize, ad-lib
наскоро , без подготовки сделать или устроить что-л. to improvise a tent out of blankets — смастерить палатку из одеял
делать , придумывать , организовывать (что-л.) экспромтом , без подготовки мастерить из подручных материалов
definition: The latitude of a place is its distance from the equator.
example: The device was able to tell the traveler his exact latitude.
Extra definition
The angular distance of a place north or south of the earth’s equator, or of the equator of a celestial object, usually expressed in degrees and minutes:
Regions, especially with reference to their temperature and distance from the equator:
Scope for freedom of action or thought:
The range of exposures for which an emulsion or printing paper will give acceptable contrast:
Extra example
The polar ice caps will expand to reach around 45 degrees latitude north and south.
The approximate center of the island group is eight degrees north latitude and 169 east longitude.
We forget that Bethlehem is located in a desert, at a latitude of 31.68 degrees north, an elevation of 2,250 feet.
Here in the temperate northern latitudes trees have adapted over eons of regular annual seasons.
Six nations, all at least partly situated in temperate latitudes, can expect the least warming.
Broad environmental conditions, particularly average temperatures, differ less among populations in equatorial regions than at higher latitudes.
And I thought it would be great to have a character like that, who was like them, who had their freedom and latitude.
This implies that the job has been designed to require a wide range of qualifications and to offer considerable leeway or latitude in deciding what to do and how to do it.
Contracting parties are given considerable latitude, consistent with the doctrine of freedom of contract.
That lack of exposure latitude in film is the second reason many photographs don't turn out the way we remember the scene.
I keep using a 35 mm, as the exposure latitude is so much better than with my digital compact.
The actual exposures are close enough for just about any camera these days with the latitude in the films being so wide, so the other differences now will come down to user friendliness.
parallel, grid line
freedom, scope, leeway, elbow room, breathing space, space, room, flexibility, liberty, independence, play, slack, free rein, free play, licence, self-determination, room to manoeuvre, scope for initiative, freedom of action, freedom from restriction, a free hand, margin, leisure, unrestrictedness, indulgence, laxity
informal wriggle room, wiggle room
French carte blanche
геогр., астр. широта 30u00B0 of latitude north of the equator — 30u00B0 северной широты in the latitude of 40 degree S. — на 40 градусе южной широты at a latitude of ten degrees north — на 10 градусе северной широты high latitudes — высокие широты low latitudes — тропические широты ; низкие широты astronomical latitude — астрономическая широта geographic latitude — географическая широта geomagnetic latitude — геомагнитная широта grid latitude — условная широта horse latitudes — широты штилевого пояса initial position latitude — широта места вылета magnetic latitude — магнитная широта spherical latitude — ортодромическая широта
фото широта ; широтная характеристика (фотоматериала) latitude of exposure — широта экспозиции
широта взглядов , суждений; свобода (религиозная и т. п.) терпимость latitude in religion — свобода вероисповедания ; веротерпимость
обширность latitude of knowledge — обширность познаний wide latitude — широкие полномочия, свобода действий (представителя и т. п.)
свобода ; самостоятельность (о поведении, действиях, образе мыслей) We are allowed quite a bit of latitude in selecting our subjects. — У нас есть некоторая свобода в выборе учебных предметов. We give him latitude when choosing a career. — Мы предоставляем ему свободу в выборе карьеры. latitude of thought — свобода, широта взглядов Синоним: freedom, liberty
definition: A multitude of things or people is a very large number of them.
example: A multitude of people were waiting at the airport.
Extra definition
A large number of people or things:
The mass of ordinary people without power or influence:
The state of being numerous:
Extra example
Today the seas teem with multitudes of creatures comprising hundred of thousands of species.
To even imply that is to insult the mind-set and values of those faceless multitudes who flock to the cinema halls every other day and make or mar the fortunes of many a film.
The centre piece is the Victoria Falls in Livingstone which has so far played host to multitudes of tourists visiting the city.
It is no longer feasible to convince the multitudes to expect little from their leaders, now that they have learned of international standards of governance.
The danger of these regimes is also in inflicting on multitudes the state of mass fear and, consequently, the state of psychological abnormality.
And those faceless multitudes, often unlettered, usually uneducated, have been able to guess it right.
a lot, a great/large number, a great/large quantity, host, horde, mass, mountain, droves, swarm, army, legion, sea, abundance, profusion;
cover/hide a multitude of sins to hide the real situation or facts when these are not good or pleasant
множество , большое число; масса in multitude — во множестве, в большом количестве
толпа Синоним: throng
(the multitude) массы , простонародье to appeal to the multitude — нравиться (широким) массам ; обращаться к (широким) массам Синоним: hoi polloi, mass
informal pain, pain in the neck, pain in the backside, headache, hassle, bind, drag, aggravation, menace
досада , неприятность what a nuisance! — какая досада! it's a nuisance for /to/ me to have to do it — мне очень не хочется этим заниматься nuisance raid — воен. беспокоящий налет nuisance tax — налог, раздражающий налогоплательщиков и приносящий ничтожный доход nuisance value — спец. индекс вредности to cause / create a nuisance — доставлять неприятности confounded / damned / perpetual nuisance — вечные неприятности It was a nuisance to move during the semester. — Переезд во время учебного семестра был очень некстати. It's a nuisance that there's no hot water. — Какая неприятность, что нет горячей воды! Синоним: vexation, annoyance, injury, hurt, harm
помеха , неудобство ; досаждающий предмет flies and mosquitoes are a nuisance — мухи и москиты всем досаждают /мучают людей/ long skirts are a nuisance — длинные юбки - настоящее мучение /просто мука/ public nuisance — нарушение общественного порядка Синоним: inconvenience, discomfort
досада , неприятность 1) все, что мешает использованию своей собственности; 2) ущерб, который возникает в результате незаконного или неправильного использования своей собственности вопреки интересах других лиц; 3) нарушение общественного порядка. commit no nuisance! — соблюдайте порядок /чистоту/! ; не сорить! ; не останавливаться! to constitute a nuisance — представлять собой нарушение общественного порядка /покоя граждан/ (о шуме, дыме, отходах производства) to remove a nuisance — устранить /убрать/ что-л., нарушающее покой /порядок/ (громкость радио, зловонную помойку и т. п.)
нудный человек nuisance of a man — нудный /неприятный/ человек to make a nuisance of oneself, to make oneself a nuisance (to) — досаждать ; надоедать, докучать (кому-л.) he is a perfect nuisance — он всем надоел до смерти go away, Jack, you are a nuisance! — уходи, Джек, ты мне мешаешь! what a nuisance that child is! — какой несносный ребенок!, какое мучение с этим ребенком!
психол. негативный раздражитель надоедливый человек ; зануда She was an intolerable little nuisance. — Она была невыносимой маленькой занудой.
невыносимое состояние, положение вещей the political nuisances of the day — политические трудности настоящего времени
неизменность , постоянство , прочность , стабильность , устойчивость permanence of feelings — постоянство чувств permanence of a treaty — нерушимость договора permanence of a book — непреходящая ценность книги Синоним: invariability, immutability
definition: To revolve around something is to keep it as the main feature or focus.
example: My life revolves around sports.
Extra definition
Move in a circle on a central axis:
Move in a circular orbit around:
Treat as the most important element:
Consider (something) repeatedly and from different angles:
Extra example
Imagine a fly walking across a man's head as the man strolls down the aisle of a speeding train as the earth revolves on its axis and circles round the sun in a rapidly expanding universe.
Its body revolves in a complete circle while its wheels stay put.
The crowd is dancing to an Israeli classic, revolving in a giant circle, arms around each other's shoulders.
Thousands of galaxies revolve about its center, moving in every possible orbit like bees circling a beehive.
The world is seen as a giant clod around which the heavens revolve about a polar axis.
A third type of double stars involves a pair of stars revolving about their common center of mass in an orbit whose plane passes through or very near the Earth.
An important element of the case revolves around which party initially contacted the other.
It would have all the commercial elements with a storyline revolving around college students.
The bulk of my professional practise has revolved around assessing and treating traumatized individuals.
For all of which reasons, I didn't sleep particularly well last night, and found my mind revolving the problem of the island.
I revolved these circumstances in my mind, and determined thenceforth to apply myself more particularly to those branches of natural philosophy which relate to physiology.
Its symphonic narrative revolves six characters through six ages of man - from the 19th century to distant millennia - then brings them full circle as each one completes their interrupted history.
go round, turn round, rotate, spin, whirl, pirouette, wheel
be concerned with, be preoccupied with, be absorbed in, focus on, concentrate on, centre around, hang on, rely on, rest on, pivot on
think about, give thought to, consider, reflect on, mull over, contemplate, study, meditate on, muse on, think over, think on, deliberate about/on, cogitate about/on, dwell on, brood on/over, agonize over, worry about, ruminate about/on/over, chew over, puzzle over, speculate about, weigh up, review, turn over
archaic pore on
вращать ; вызывать вращение вращаться ; вертеться , поворачиваться to revolve round the sun — обращаться вокруг солнца to revolve round /about/ its axis — вращаться вокруг своей оси The earth revolves around the Sun. — Земля вращается вокруг Солнца.
( around , about ) вертеться вокруг чего-л.; перен. тж. являться средоточием чего-л. this is the point about which discussion now revolves — спор сейчас ведется вокруг этого вопроса student life revolves around the library — библиотека является центром студенческой жизни The action of the play revolves around the struggle between two women. — Центр сюжета - борьба двух женщин. His life revolves around football. — Вся его жизнь занята футболом. The conversation revolved around the forthcoming election. — Разговор вращался вокруг предстоящих выборов.
размышлять ; обдумывать to revolve a problem (in the mind) — всесторонне обдумывать вопрос to revolve a situation in the mind — серьезно обдумывать ситуацию
возвращаться , периодически сменять; идти по кругу the seasons revolve — времена года сменяют друг друга
вертеть , поворачивать вращающаяся сцена поворот круга (сцены)
definition: To soothe means to calm someone who is angry or upset.
example: The m other soothed her crying baby by rocking him in her arms.
Extra definition
Gently calm (a person or their feelings):
Reduce pain or discomfort in (a part of the body):
Relieve or ease (pain):
Extra example
Sir Irwin held him down gently, soothing him with soft words and petting him.
Somehow, the music soothed her, and calmed her down.
I need something warm to calm my nerves, soothe my agitation.
With summer here, SPA is especially needed after being out in the sun, to soothe the body and skin.
All race events will start and finish at Mary Fitzgerald Square in Newtown, where various artists will soothe tired bodies with cool rhythms.
Water, especially in a cleansing bath before a ritual, always soothes my body and soul.
There might have been withheld from the Saviour those strong religious consolations, those clear views of the justice and goodness of God, which would have blunted his pains and soothed his agonies.
It's involved in glucosamine synthesis for speedier joint repair, and it soothes aches, pains and inflammation.
Taking to the waters to soothe aches and pains has been a hallmark of the resort for more than a century.
definition: When something is volatile, it is likely to change suddenly and unexpectedly.
example: The volatile volcano might explode at any moment.
Extra definition
A volatile substance.
Extra example
Methyl acetate had the highest mean peak height of the selected volatiles, followed by acetic acid and then acetaldehyde.
Although the RAS gave off higher concentrations of volatiles than those measured in the nosespace analysis, the ratios of flavour compounds were similar.
Several chemical techniques will detect explosives or their volatiles even at the trace levels found in and above the soil where they are buried.
живой , веселый ; беспечный недолговечный , преходящий критический , взрывоопасный volatile problems — взрывоопасные проблемы
легко возбудимый (о подозрениях и т. п.) неуловимый вчт. не сохраняющий информацию при выключении электропитания volatile memory — энергозависимая память
летящий неустойчивый , переменчивый , колеблющийся. летающее существо pl крылатые; птицы, бабочки и т. п. летучее вещество
definition: If someone is stranded, they are prevented from leaving a place.
example: When the plane left, my sister and I were stranded in China.
Extra definition
(Of thread, rope, or similar) arranged in single thin lengths twisted together:
Extra example
The native double stranded DNA molecule is known to be a poor immunogen whose immunogenic form has not yet been identified.
Double stranded breaks in DNA if not repaired, can result in death.
The disclosed method of making a shape-stranded rope includes twisting large wires into strands by twining them in at least one layer about a core with a sheathing of a soft deformable material.
сидящий на мели выброшенный на берег stranded goods — грузы /предметы/, выброшенные на берег The only thing then to be done is to lie quietly where you are, like a stranded whale. — И тогда остается затихнуть и не двигаться, где вы оказались, как кит, выброшенный на берег.
без средств , в затруднительном положении to leave smb. stranded — оставить кого-л. в затруднительном положении /без средств/ to be stranded — оказаться на мели /без денег/