украшать ; быть украшением to adorn a room with flowers — украшать комнату цветами to adorn oneself with fine clothes — наряжаться Синоним: beautify, decorate, embellish, ornament
приукрашивать , привирать he adorned his story with adventures that never happened — он расцветил свой рассказ приключениями, которых никогда не было
служить украшением to adorn the stage — быть украшением сцены
definition: Bliss is a state of complete happiness.
example: Every time he sees his girlfriend, he feels a sense of bliss.
Extra definition
Reach a state of perfect happiness, oblivious of everything else:
Extra example
Just look at the crosseyed blissed out look he gets every time he does it.
There's plenty of delightful songwriting and blissed out guitar rock in this bedroom produced album.
This track though is slightly different, as its not the usual foot-tapping number that they usually write, more of a lovely lazy laid back blissed out gentle tune…
ˌignorance is ˈbliss if you do not know about something, you cannot worry about it
блаженство , счастье complete / pure / sheer / total / utter bliss — высшее счастье, абсолютное блаженство domestic / marital / nuptial / wedded bliss — семейное счастье to enjoy bliss — блаженствовать, пребывать в состоянии блаженства It was bliss to be / being without a telephone. — Каким счастьем было жить без телефона. Синоним: happiness
definition: A butler is the most important male servant in a wealthy house.
example: Whenever he needed something, he rang a bell, and the butler appeared.
Extra definition
The chief manservant of a house.
Extra example
In those days, a grand house would employ at least 16 domestic servants, and perhaps an army of 30-cooks, parlour maids, footmen, hall boys, gardeners, butlers, coachmen.
I miss the people in the White House: the butlers, the house men, and the curator, and you know, the usher that runs the place.
After that I fantasized for hours about living in such a house and having several maids and butlers instead of our one.
дворецкий , старший лакей ист. виночерпий титул высокопоставленного должностного лица при королевском дворе буфетчик (в частном доме) ; старший слуга слуга , лакей официант (обслуживающий прием в частном доме)
горн. целик перекос помеха , ограничение вызывать судорогу, спазм ; спазмы ограничивать , связывать , стеснять (движения, перемещение) ; тормозить (развитие) to be cramped for room /for space/ — жить или работать в тесноте ; ≅ повернуться негде to cramp science by superstition — из-за суеверий мешать развитию науки all these things cramped his progress — все это мешало его успеху Синоним: confine, restrain
тех. скреплять скобой испытывать судороги, спазмы узкий , тесный ; ограниченный трудный для понимания, непонятный ; странный cramp reason — непонятная /странная/ причина cramp hand — неразборчивый почерк
definition: To evoke a memory or emotion means to make it occur.
example: The picture evoked memories of when grandmother was a girl.
Extra definition
Bring or recall (a feeling, memory, or image) to the conscious mind:
Elicit (a response):
Invoke (a spirit or deity):
Extra example
I really need to jog my memory to evoke images of the place.
Words are flashing in my mind, recollections of a time past, evoking specific feelings, recalling certain events, ones I do not wish to recollect.
What's to say there's not a homeless soul on a cold Dublin street who occasionally glances at a digital photo - using the memories evoked by the image to hold onto reality for yet another day.
Stress related factors might also influence interpretations of abuse, and evoke different responses in the victims of abuse.
In subjects with reduced androgen levels, stimuli that normally evoke a stress response are significantly less potent.
Stalking, once established as a social problem, evoked a rapid response from the criminal justice system.
To evoke the Deities, raise the clasped hands to the center of the forehead.
Note that if you do choose to evoke the deity, you will enter a Gnostic trance and you may therefore forget what happened while you were under the trance.
Every year at Beltane the High Priestess evoked the goddess and all prayed to her for prosperous times in the coming harvest.
вызывать (воспоминания, отклики, восхищение и т. п.) ; пробуждать (чувства и т. п.) to evoke sleeping energies — пробудить спящие силы to evoke a smile — вызвать улыбку this evokes a parallel — это напоминает /заставляет вспомнить/ аналогичный случай to evoke response — вызывать ответную реакцию Синоним: call up
вызывать (духов) to evoke the Queen of the Fairies — вызывать королеву фей to evoke the devil — вызывать дьявола Синоним: call forth
юр. истребовать дело из нижестоящего суда в вышестоящий
definition: A farewell is an instance of saying goodbye or a way to say it.
example: She got on the plane after we said our farewells.
Extra definition
Mark the departure or retirement of (someone) with a ceremony or party.
Extra example
I farewelled my Scandinavian companions, and departed on a Kodiak boat with the Americans Judy, Hank and Cody.
We drove past it again on Saturday when we farewelled little Harry, David's grandson, and Sally, flying home to Sydney and Colin, after a two week interlude in the Alice.
Like the facts surrounding the crash, they are hauntingly familiar to Hastings teenagers who farewelled four mates weeks earlier, only 2km away.
прощание to bid one's farewell, to take farewell of, to make one's farewells — прощаться fond farewell — сердечное прощание sad farewell — грустное прощание to bid / make one's farewells — прощаться Синоним: parting, leave-taking, valedictory
прощальный прием гостей (перед отъездом и т. п.) ; «отвальная» (тж. farewell party) прощай! farewell to the holidays! — прощайте, праздники!
до свидания! , добрый путь! Farewell to school! — Прощай, школа!
definition: Filth is a large amount of dirt or dirty things that disgust you.
example: There was tons of filth and trash on the shore of the river.
Extra definition
Disgusting dirt:
Obscene and offensive language or printed material:
Corrupt behaviour; decadence.
Used as a term of abuse for a person or people one greatly despises:
The police.
Extra example
The familiar stench of filth, dirt, blood, and sweat filled his nose.
Litter, rubbish, filth and grime - eyesores like these are a common sight in Bolton.
A moment later a piece of mud falling from his hair into his face prompted him to just lean forward and dunk his head under the water, a dark cloud of filth polluting the water around him.
It contains a few rude bits which helped to get the book censored in 1922 for ‘unmitigated filth and obscenity’.
I'm glad to have about eight seconds here to express my complete disgust at the degree to which filth and sleaze and vulgarity and every kind of offensive language is now dominant in our language.
Since the first one appeared in 1964, there's been a debate about whether it's filth, smut, porn, tasteful erotica or high art.
However, observations of the High Street late at night indicate the noise, filth and anti-social behaviour increase exponentially with the hour.
Got back on Sunday evening and chucked a full on 5 year old temper tantrum at having to be back in this noisy, filth ridden corrupt town!
Still, the purification rituals of the city involve a suspicion running through all economic classes that vile filth corrupts that which they are not.
Somehow, I managed to get to my feet, I was filthy now, only now could he call me, filth, and get a way with it.
Now he strode wearily and dispassionately through the enemy filth, cutting down those that stood in his path and ignoring all others.
Didn't your mother ever teach you not to gossip about others, you disgusting piece of filth?
Are rudimentary disguises sufficient to fool the filth?
They obviously figured she looked crazed too, why else would she jump back like she'd just been burnt when she spotted the filth.
How does she know that only 7 per cent go to the filth?
definition: A flaw is a mistake in something that causes it to be less effective or correct.
example: We dis covered a major flaw in the metal chain.
Extra definition
A squall of wind; a short storm.
Extra example
High cirrus clouds form white streaks across its surface and a number of dark storms act as flaws and focus for the eye.
трещина , щель , порок (в металле, фарфоре и т. п.) , брак (в приобретенном изделии) изъян , недостаток , дефект , порок ; слабое место this is a flaw in his character — это его недостаток a story without a flaw — безупречный рассказ ; рассказ - верх совершенства fatal flaw — роковая ошибка Синоним: blemish, defect, failing, fault, foible, imperfection, shortcoming, stain, loss Антоним: merit, perfection
юр. упущение , ошибка (в документе и т. п.) сильный порыв ветра; шквал пороки, трещины (в металле) фаут (древесины) шотл. ложь , выдумка мористая кромка берегового льда порыв ветра; вспышка ненастья уст. прилив , вспышка (о чувствах) вызывать трещину; портить Синоним: crack
трескаться ; портиться Синоним: crack
юр. делать недействительным , лишать законной силы повредить , испортить Синоним: mar
example: That joke makes me grin every time I hear it.
Extra definition
A broad smile:
Extra example
I sit here with a silly grin on my face, feeling like I'm the first mother in the world to watch a child grow up.
He flashed the attendant behind the counter a dimpled grin and she smiled back warmly.
They smiled innocently up at the men, who looked down at them with silly grins, as if they had never seen a woman before.
smile, broad smile, smirk
grin and ˈbear it to accept pain, disappointment or a difficult situation without complaining
smile/grin/beam from ear to ˈear to be smiling, etc. a lot because you are very pleased about something
ухмыляться , широко улыбаться ; скалить зубы; осклабиться to grin with delight — ухмыляться /осклабиться/ от удовольствия /от радости/ to grin from ear to ear, to grin broadly — улыбаться во весь рот to grin at smb. — улыбнуться кому-л. you'll grin on the other side of your face if I tackle you — я отобью у тебя охоту улыбаться to grin and bear it — скрывать под улыбкой свои переживания She grinned approbation. — Она одобрительно улыбнулась.
выражать улыбкой to grin approbation /approval/ — улыбкой выражать одобрение
оскалиться to grin like a dog — оскалиться как собака
амер. жив. просвечивать , проглядывать the undercoat is grinning through in places — местами проглядывает /видна/ грунтовка
оскал зубов, усмешка to break into /to give/ a (broad) grin — (широко) улыбнуться ; осклабиться there was a foolish grin on his face — на его лице была глупая ухмылка with the (broad) grin — ухмыляясь во весь рот broad grin — глупая ухмылка (во весь рот) contagious grin — заразительный смех foolish grin — глупый смех infectious grin — заразительный смех sardonic grin — сардоническая усмешка silly grin — глупый смех Синоним: smile
definition: Housekeeping is the maintenance of a house or an establishment like a hotel.
example: Housekeeping is not much fun, but it has to be done.
Extra definition
The management of household affairs:
Money set aside or given for running a household:
Operations such as maintenance or record-keeping which facilitate productive work in an organization.
The regulation of metabolic functions that are common to all cells:
Extra example
‘For the last two years I have not had to bother about cooking and housekeeping, the main worries of a housewife,’ says Mrs. Kamath.
And, the Marina turned a great leveller as hotel employees cutting across echelons - from general manager to housekeeping staffer - joined hands to give the beach a face-lift.
For her, hospital management was simply good housekeeping.
Lot of people would say to me oh, I'm saving up my little extra housekeeping money just to come and spend here because there is no sales tax.
Rather insultingly he left housekeeping money for me and my sister - with the strict instruction that I wasn't allowed anywhere near it.
Plastic bars will come down to split the house in two, with those in the rich part given £400 housekeeping money and access to better living conditions.
Risks may stem from design, manufacture, maintenance, storage, housekeeping, or a lack of user competence.
Hydraulic systems will make or break a modern logging operation, and as the experts tell us, much of it depends on your maintenance regime and housekeeping.
Control channels are responsible for housekeeping tasks such as telling the mobile when a call is coming in and which frequency to use.
Many cancers result from the acquisition of mutations in a family of genes called oncogenes, which normally serve important housekeeping functions for our cells.
One simple criterion for a developmental mutation is embryonic lethality, but this also catches mutations in genes involved in housekeeping functions.
So far in this review we have described epigenetic housekeeping functions and their involvement in genome stability.
household management, domestic work, domestic duties, homemaking, the running of the home;
home economics, domestic science
rare housecraft, housewifery
домашнее хозяйство ; домоводство light housekeeping — амер. несложное /холостяцкое/ хозяйство (завтрак, глаженье и т. п.) ; небольшое хозяйство ; несложное (холостяцкое) домашнее хозяйство housekeeping money — деньги на хозяйство ; деньги, выделяемые на ведение домашнего хозяйства to do the housekeeping — вести хозяйство to set up housekeeping — заняться хозяйством to be good at housekeeping — быть хорошей хозяйкой to do housekeeping — вести хозяйство Синоним: domestic labour
административно-хозяйственная работа housekeeping detail — воен. административно-хозяйственная команда housekeeping unit — воен. административно-хозяйственная часть /-ое подразделение/
информ. организационные операции, служебные операции, вспомогательные операции; действия по обслуживанию компьютерной системы уст. гостеприимство , открытый дом ведение домашнего хозяйства Синоним: domestic labour
содержание ; эксплуатация поддержание чистоты и порядка упр. организация производства и управления предприятием
definition: A mound of something is a large pile of it.
example: There was a mound of clothes on the messy teenager’s floor.
Extra definition
A ball representing the earth, used as part of royal regalia, e.g. on top of a crown, typically of gold and surmounted by a cross.
Extra example
The importance of this conclusion to Brook was that it seemed to supply evidence that there had been a mound and cross above the arches of the crown before the present ones, which he felt sure were of French workmanship and dated from the 1540 reconstruction of the crown.
The diamond mound is topped by a diamond ‘cross pattee’ with a sapphire in the center of the cross.
насыпь ; холм могильный холм ; курган ; (тж. burial mound) холм , возвышенность ; образовавшийся из кухонных отбросов и утвари древнего человека большое количество , куча , груда I've still got a mound of letters to answer — мне еще надо ответить на кучу писем
definition: When a body part is numb, it does not have any feeling.
example: After holding my hand under the icy water, my fingers went numb.
Extra definition
Deprive of feeling or responsiveness:
Cause (a sensation) to be felt less intensely; deaden:
Extra example
This is drunk warm out of small earthenware cups or chilled depending on the season, and in my experience the hot stuff numbs your senses like hemlock.
And so she bravely walked down 2nd Avenue, fighting the elements, the cold wind numbing her soft little fingers.
Are their senses numbed by visual culture, we wonder, or are they simply getting the programmes they deserve?
The effect of the brew was to stupefy the convict to the point of pseudo-coma and to numb his physical sensations.
I'm sure circumcised men are probably far better lovers due to the fact that their sensations are numbed.
Insiders worry that the troubled star may turn his back on his recovery and hit the drugs to numb his pain over the end of the two-month relationship.
онемелый , оцепенелый , неподвижный to grow numb — оцепенеть ; numb from the scene confronting me - оцепенев от представившейся мне сцены ; затечь, занеметь (о ногах) Синоним: torpid, dazed, insensible, deadened, paralyzed, stupefied Антоним: aware, lively
окоченелый , окоченевший (от холода) fingers numb with cold — пальцы, не сгибающиеся от холода
разг. беспомощный , неспособный numb hand — неопытный человек ; неуклюжий человек
вызывать онемение или окоченение to chafe numbed feet — растирать окоченевшие ноги
заставить оцепенеть; ошеломить numbed with grief — ошеломленный горем numbed with terror — оцепеневший от ужаса
безрассудный , опрометчивый ; беспечный , беззаботный ; необдуманный reckless step — безрассудный шаг, опрометчивый поступок reckless gambler — отчаянный игрок reckless spender — мот, человек, бросающийся /сорящий/ деньгами ; сорящий деньгами направо и налево reckless person — беспечный человек reckless fucker — разг. сумасшедший козел, жеребец (о человеке) ; неразборчивый в половых связях человек It was reckless of them to go out alone at night. — Они поступили опрометчиво, отправившись гулять ночью одни. Синоним: thoughtless, imprudent, foolhardy, rash, careless Антоним: calculating, careful, cautious, chary
безразличный (к чему-л.) ; пренебрегающий (чем-л.) reckless of danger — равнодушный к опасности ; пренебрегающий опасностью reckless of hostility — не обращающий внимания на враждебное отношение reckless of consequences — не считающийся с последствиями ; не думающий о последствиях reckless of her parents' will — не учитывающая желаний своих родителей reckless of utility — безразличные к выгоде Синоним: heedless, careless
definition: Slate is a dark grey rock that can easily be split into layers.
example: The roof of the church was made of slate.
Extra definition
Cover (something, especially a roof) with slates:
Criticize severely:
Schedule; plan:
Nominate (someone) as a candidate for an office or post:
Identify (a take in a film) using a slate:
Extra example
The roof will be slated and the front elevations will mostly be of natural stone, and each house has a large back garden.
The entire centre of the yard was covered and slated with a large open-ended platform at either end.
The contractor shall inspect all surfaces prepared for slating.
Although I admit to being one of those who'll slate a referee at a match, I also understand the enormous task they face once the whistle is blown.
They both slated the referee, who, they claimed, was wrong to allow a goal scored by Dublin.
Last December it was slated in a highly critical report released by the powerful Commons Treasury Select Committee.
The plan is slated to take effect for 2007 models.
At press time, renovation work was slated to start on Nov.18, but McDonough expected some permitting delays.
He said more Jacksonville stores are slated for renovations, but could not confirm which ones.…
I am slated to open an office in a prestigious location with a co-worker coming up in September.
The Nominations Committee has slated candidates for the position of Chair-elect and Secretary.
The criticism the Municipal Reform Club received from Republican circles for not endorsing Thomas and for slating a candidate to oppose Bash seemed to increase Thomas' confidence.
They discuss how to proceed, conduct run-throughs, slate shots, film the filming; and as they do so, you get to know these young people.
When one camera is slated, someone puts their hand over the lens of the other camera to block the view of the other camera's slate.
Slate every shot, even if you are going direct into the camera.
informal pan, knock, tear/pull/take to pieces, take/pull apart, crucify, hammer, slam, do a hatchet job on, bash, give something a battering, roast, skewer, maul, throw brickbats at
British informal rubbish, slag off, monster
a clean ˈsheet/ˈslate a record of your work or behaviour that does not show any mistakes or bad things that you have done
wipe the slate ˈclean to agree to forget about past mistakes or arguments and start again with a relationship
геол. аспидный сланец , шиферный сланец slate clay — сланцеватая глина
стр. шифер , шиферная плитка грифельная доска a clean slate — образн. безупречная репутация ; ≅ чист как стеклышко ; образн. полный порядок (в делах) to start with a clean slate — начинать все сначала, начинать новую жизнь to clean /to wipe off/ the slate — полностью рассчитаться ; покончить с прошлым
список , реестр амер. список кандидатов (на выборах и т. п.) программа (состязаний и т. п.) синевато-серый цвет, аспидный цвет; синевато-серый разгромная рецензия; разнос шиферная плита разгромная критика крыть шифером to slate a roof — крыть крышу шифером
амер. назначать , намечать , планировать the premiere was slated for January — премьера была намечена на январь he is slated to leave Japan on January 10 — его отъезд из Японии назначен на 10 января The conference was slated for summer. — Совещание было назначено на лето.
устроить разнос , раскритиковать to slate an author — раскритиковать автора
амер. заносить в список кандидатов he is slated for governor — он внесен в список кандидатов на пост губернатора
намечать , выдвигать для рассмотрения и т. п. he is slated for promotion — он намечен на выдвижение
мед. проф. «приговорить к смерти», признать безнадежным (больного) he is slated — он безнадежен
задать головомойку, дать нагоняй to slate a pupil — распекать ученика
definition: A stool is a seat with legs but no support for a person’s arms and back.
example: I don’t find stools very comfortable to s it on.
Extra definition
(Of a plant) throw up shoots from the root.
Cut back (a plant) to or near ground level in order to induce new growth.
Extra example
After another display next winter, they should be stooled - cut right back to within 150 mm of the base.
fall between two ˈstools to fail to be or to get either of two choices, both of which would have been acceptable
табурет , табуретка office stool — высокий табурет piano stool — вращающийся табурет для рояля stool of repentance — ист. позорный стул в шотландских церквах ; ист. публичное унижение to fall between two stools брит. — сесть между двух стульев
скамеечка Синоним: footstool
стульчак , судно ; сидение унитаза Синоним: lavatory seat
тумбочка для ночного горшка мед. стул , действие кишечника to go to stool — испражняться
растение , с которого взяты черенки или отводки амер. подоконник барный стул кресло , пост , положение испражняться пускать побеги (тж. stool out, stool forth) амер. приманивать (птицу) идти на приманку (о птице) амер. сл. быть осведомителем, доносчиком, «стучать» = stool pigeon
definition: A testament to something shows that it exists or is true.
example: The beautiful performance was a testament to the singer’s natural talents.
Extra definition
A person’s will, especially the part relating to personal property:
Something that serves as a sign or evidence of a specified fact, event, or quality:
(In biblical use) a covenant or dispensation.
A division of the Bible.
See also Old Testament, New Testament.
A copy of the New Testament:
Extra example
Although in principle, testaments and codicils need not differ in making bequests to different groups of legatees, in fact we observe such differences.
The popular booklet on ‘Wills, Testaments and Estates in Namibia’ is to be translated into eight vernacular languages to educate all Namibians on principles of law pertaining to testaments and wills.
In her last will and testament she left her assets equally to her husband and her children, being one quarter share each.
This 1972 short serves as a worthy testament to Larkin's endless imagination and mastery of movement and composition.
This production of Big Love is a testament to the quality of SFU's theatre program.
As well as thanking the Royal Hospital for Nigel's excellent care, Sue also wants the marathon to serve as a testament to the courage of her friends.
The testament / covenant was based on pistis, the trust fund that God established with Abraham.
Deuteronomy is cast as the last testament of Moses to the people, prior to his death and the entry of the people into the Land under Joshua.
In one sense this is a novelty - to write a work on biblical theology which in fact treats of both Testaments from a Old Testament perspective.
The question is posed regardless of whether a theology of the Old Testament is explicitly concerned with the relation between the two Testaments.
In the light of all this, the question of how, precisely, the church ought to understand the relation between the two Testaments clearly belongs among those contemporary theological issues that stand in urgent need of rearticulation.
Retelling stories from both the Old and New Testaments, The Brick Testament uses Lego to do the Lord's work.
Each of the Testaments has its own separate paging; the reference here is to the New Testament paging.
We might fill India with Bibles and Testaments, and religious books of all kinds, and school-books, at one third of the existing price.
testimony, witness, evidence, proof, attestation;
demonstration, indication, exemplification;
monument, tribute
юр. завещание , распоряжение на случай смерти (обыкн. last will and testament) Синоним: will
завет the Old Testament — Ветхий завет the New Testament — Новый завет, евангелие The New Testament — Новый Завет
проявление ; свидетельство many a testament of his friendship — много свидетельств его дружбы Синоним: proof, evidence, testimony
изложение убеждений и принципов; кредо to lay down one's personal testament — изложить свое кредо Синоним: creed, credo
definition: Timber is wood that is used for building houses and making furniture.
example: Trees in this area are grown specifically to be used for timber.
Extra definition
Wood prepared for use in building and carpentry:
Trees grown for use in building or carpentry:
A wooden beam or board used in building a house or ship.
Used to warn that a tree is about to fall after being cut:
Personal qualities or character:
Extra example
The rainforest is being cleared legally and illegally for timber, for pulp wood to make paper, and to make way for oil palm plantations.
An abundance of coppice woods, known as spring woods, were required to provide charcoal, tan bark, fuel wood and timber.
They cleared some of the natural broadleaf woodland to make way for sheep pastures; they also coppiced or managed other parts of the woodland for timber and firewood.
Today, top grade oak timber is increasingly hard to find, with borer-perforated trees more suitable for paper or pulpwood.
That's because until seedlings reach green-up, regulations keep adjacent cut blocks of marketable timber off limits to loggers.
The cooperative has formed forest protection teams that have helped in the confiscation of illegally cut timber.
The low, irregular ceiling is crisscrossed with beams made from ships' timbers and a log fire crackles merrily in the hearth.
The house or building is reinforced with timbers supporting the floors inside.
Cedar, fir, and pine were the preferred ship timbers of the ancient Mediterranean.
A woman just will not be accepted as presidential timber in the current macho-male-dominated political environment.
лесоматериал ; пиломатериал ; древесина stock of timber — запасы лесоматериалов the timber of the oak — древесина дуба timber industry — лесная промышленность timber mill — лесопильный завод, лесопилка made of /from/ timber — деревянный, сделанный из дерева to cut timber — изготовлять пиломатериал
лес (в аспекте промышленного использования) standing timber — лес на корню building timber — строевой лес a forest of grand timber — прекрасный строевой лес to fell timber — заготовлять /валить/ лес to mark timber for felling — наметить лес к повалу /на порубку/ Canada is rich in timber — Канада богата (строевым) лесом to put an area under timber — засадить участок лесом, пустить участок под лес
мор. тимберс ; шпангоут горн. крепежный лес , крепь телосложение , (анатомическая) конституция a man of this timber — человек такого телосложения a man of small timber — тщедушный человек
личное качество, достоинство there are few men of his timber — таких, как он, мало he's real ministerial timber — он готовый министр, из таких людей выходят министры presidential timber — амер. человек, имеющий шансы стать президентом ; человек с задатками президента
охот. проф. изгородь double timber — двойная изгородь
лесистый участок, район half of his land is covered with timber — половина его земли покрыта лесом, половину его земли составляют лесные угодья
юр. лес , растущий на земельном участке (обыкн. дуб, ясень, вяз) разг. колодки уст. ладья , лодка , корабль спорт. проф. воротца (в крикете) тюк меха (сорок шкурок горностая, куницы, соболя и т. п.) лесоматериалы; строевой лес амер.; разг. отличительное качество, черта характера обшивать деревом; укреплять балками the door was heavily timbered with oak — дверь была обшита толстыми дубовыми досками
давать строевой лес горн. крепить уст. строить из дерева плотничать , столярничать снабжать лесоматериалами древесный ; деревянный timber cup — деревянный кубок a rude timber coffin — простой тесовый гроб
definition: A valve is a device attached to a pipe that controls the flow of liquid or air.
example: The mechanic removed the dirt to clear the engine valve.
Extra definition
A device for controlling the passage of fluid through a pipe or duct, especially an automatic device allowing movement in one direction only:
short for thermionic valve.
A cylindrical mechanism in a brass instrument which, when depressed or turned, admits air into different sections of tubing and so extends the range of available notes.
A membranous fold in a hollow organ or tubular structure, such as a blood vessel or the digestive tract, which maintains the flow of the contents in one direction by closing in response to any pressure from reverse flow:
Each of the halves of the hinged shell of a bivalve mollusc or brachiopod, or of the parts of the compound shell of a barnacle.
Each of the halves or sections into which a dry fruit (especially a pod or capsule) dehisces.
Extra example
The system is regulated by a height control valve which allows fluid to move between spheres to keep the car level.
Its speed can be influenced by the waste-gate valve, which is controlled by the pressure-driven converter.
Multifunctional tools, such as graders, require an electrical outlet and switches on the loader to control hydraulic diverter valves.
You could even build a functional, if somewhat cumbersome, guitar amplifier with a hydraulic system replacing transistors or valves.
Equipped with transistors instead of valves, it could be operated for 80 hours on four hearing aid batteries, costing 2s 6d each.
Silicon chips transformed the then slowly evolving world of electrical circuits and valves to the vibrant and fast developing world of electronics.
The later introduction of valves extended the versatility of brass instruments to cover the full chromatic scale.
For trumpeters the left hand acts merely as a clamp holding the instrument whilst the three valves are operated by fingers of the right hand.
The soloists played on natural horns, instruments that have no valves and are not as powerful as their modern descendants.
When crocodiles are completely submerged, the ears and nostrils are closed by valves, and the eyes covered by membranes.
During pregnancy, hormones relax the muscles in your digestive tract, including the valve in the esophagus.
If the heart valves can't open and close correctly, blood can't flow smoothly.
The brachiopods from the limestone unit are mostly preserved as shells, most with valves conjoined.
The two shell valves would have been rigidly fixed in place, and the dorsal margin could not have been more than a poorly elastic structure, if that.
Note that each shell valve is symmetrical about the midline, but the two shell valves are often unequal in size.
Fruits were harvested just prior to dehiscence of the capsule valves.
Dehiscence of the anther valves begins at the distal end.
The fruit is a small oblong capsule with two valves containing many small seeds.