трудный , напряженный arduous task — трудная задача arduous life — тяжкая жизнь arduous paths — трудные пути Синоним: difficult, heavy, hard
энергичный ; неутомимый ; напряженный (о деятельности и т. п.) ; ревностный arduous efforts — неослабные усилия arduous manual labour — изнурительный ручной труд Napoleon made arduous efforts to reconstruct his army. — Наполеон прилагал неослабные усилия для реорганизации своей армии.
крутой , труднодоступный an arduous hill — крутая гора, крутой подъем To forgive is the most arduous pitch human nature can arrive at. — Прощение - самая труднодоступная вершина, которую может достигнуть человек.
тяжелый Such an enterprise would be in the highest degree arduous and hazardous. — Это предприятие может оказаться в высшей степени тяжелым и рискованным. Синоним: difficult, heavy, hard
definition: To attain something means to gain or achieve it, often after a lot of effort.
example: In two more years, I will attain m y high school diploma.
Extra definition
Succeed in achieving (something that one has worked for):
Reach (a specified age, size, or amount):
Extra example
However happiness is not something that can be acquired, attained, achieved or gathered.
The examples of terrorist organisations that have succeeded in attaining their strategic goals are few and far between.
You may judge for yourself the degree to which I've succeeded in attaining that goal.
The late Mrs. Boyle had attained the age of one-hundred years, and enjoyed good health up to the end.
One in ten children die before they attain the age of five years, adds the report.
The reality sinks in when they attain puberty by which time they are told they have no choice.
achieve, accomplish, reach, arrive at, come by, obtain, gain, procure, secure, get, grasp, hook, net, win, earn, acquire, establish, make;
realize, fulfil, succeed in, bring off, bring about, bring to fruition, carry off, carry through, effect
informal hit, clinch, bag, wangle, wrap up, polish off
достигать , добиваться to attain aims — достичь цели to attain freedom — добиться освобождения /свободы/ Sir Lidian had attained his sixteenth year. — Сэр Лидиан достиг шестнадцатилетнего возраста. He has attained to years of discretion. — Он достиг зрелого возраста.
достигать , добираться he attained the opposite shore — он достиг противоположного берега to attain the top of the mountain — добраться до вершины горы sequoia trees attain to a great height — секвойи достигают большой высоты The heroic marshal, however, attained the opposite shore. — Героический маршал, однако, добрался до противоположного берега.
( to ) приобретать , получать , достигать he attained to power — он достиг власти to attain to man's estate — достичь возмужалости How can we attain to such wealth? — Как мы сможем достичь такого богатства? Синоним: reach
достичь какого-л. возраста, дожить he attained the age of ninety — он дожил до девяноста лет
definition: To conceive something means to be able to imagine or believe it.
example: The child could not conceive the actual size of the Earth.
Extra definition
Create (an embryo) by fertilizing an egg:
(Of a woman) become pregnant:
Form or devise (a plan or idea) in the mind:
Form a mental representation of; imagine:
Become affected by (a feeling):
Extra example
If a couple conceives several embryos in vitro, one without the disease-carrying gene can be chosen and implanted in the mother's womb.
It may act as such, by suppressing ovulation, but it also works by making the lining of the womb hostile to the newly conceived embryo.
A naturally conceived fetus in a family with a genetic disorder such as thalassemia has less than a 20 percent chance of being disease free and immunity matched.
Being on the contraceptive pill does not reduce the chances of becoming pregnant later, and most women do conceive from one month to one year or so after discarding contraceptives, she says.
Keep in mind that while women are pregnant, that's approximately 9 months that women cannot conceive and bear another child.
It was also noted that a few women conceived after 5 unsuccessful months of treatment.
MK and AB conceived the idea, devised the protocol, and obtained funding for the study.
It was the masons who originally conceived the idea of a tightly-knit religious-intellectual sect, existing within yet apart from mainstream society.
They offer two brilliantly conceived plans to restore sound money to our economies and our lives.
One may conceive of individual representations while abstracting from those physical repercussions which accompany them or follow them, but do not constitute them.
At its best, his show celebrates the capacity of our imagination to conceive of, then rationalise, the ridiculous.
It doesn't take a great stretch of the imagination to conceive of who ‘such people’ are.
Writing in the FT John Lloyd reports that the Guardian has conceived the ambition of becoming the newspaper of the contemporary - that is, liberal - establishment.
The landowner instantly conceives a dislike of the dog and demands that she be gotten rid of.
Brand himself is a cold fish and a nervous character, who conceives a murderous hatred for his junior officer.
get pregnant, become pregnant, become impregnated, become inseminated, become fertilized
imagine, envisage, visualize, picture, picture in one's mind's eye, conjure up an image of, think, see, perceive, grasp, appreciate, apprehend
rare envision, ideate
постигать , понимать I can't conceive where he has gone — я не могу понять, куда он ушел I can't conceive why you allowed the child to travel alone — просто непостижимо, как вы могли разрешить ребенку уехать одному I can't conceive how he could let her go. — Не понимаю, как он мог отпустить ее. Синоним: understand
возыметь , почувствовать to conceive a dislike for smb. — невзлюбить кого-л.
задумывать , замышлять to conceive a plan — задумать план who first conceived this idea? — у кого впервые зародилась эта мысль? he has conceived a certain manner of painting — он создал определенную манеру письма scientists first conceived the idea of the atomic bomb in the 1930s — мысль об атомной бомбе впервые возникла у ученых в тридцатые годы Local government is conceived as a single means of sending messages between the elected councillors and the citizens. — Местная администрация задумана как единственный посредник между гражданами и их выборными представителями. Синоним: devise
( of ) книжн. представлять , воображать to conceive of the author as a genius — считать писателя гением in ancient times the world was conceived of as flat — в старину землю представляли плоской I cannot conceive of such cruelty as to take a child away from its mother. — Не представляю, как можно отнять ребенка у матери, это так жестоко. Can you conceive of her doing such a stupid thing? — Ты можешь себе представить, чтобы она сделала такую глупость?
физиол. забеременеть , зачать полагать , думать we conceive it to be expedient — мы полагаем, что это целесообразно I conceive it my duty to admonish you — считаю своим долгом указать вам
вбивать себе в голову испытать ; ощутить дать начало (чему-л.) Синоним: originate
definition: When something or someone is dubious, they are not considered honest.
example: The police thought that the man’s description of the crime was dubious.
Extra definition
Hesitating or doubting:
Not to be relied upon; suspect:
Morally suspect:
Of questionable value:
Extra example
And it is that part that, I think, we are a little dubious about.
‘At first I was a bit dubious about going back to Bradford from Otley, but now I think the move is the best thing that we have ever done,’ he said.
‘People who might be dubious about standing somewhere waiting for a bus may be more encouraged to do so if they know exactly when the bus is due,’ he said.
However, those often rely on dubious assumptions.
Such claims, he contends, rely on slippery language and dubious assumptions.
Instead, a dubious logic pervades, upon which we base entire networks of conclusions and imperatives.
I listed at the beginning the most usual procedures used to provide assistance in conception, but deferred discussion of the two methods that are most morally dubious.
They weren't always on the side of good, and even when they were, they still regularly made morally dubious judgements, but they were always true to their natures.
They are engaged in tax avoidance, which is entirely legal, though you might argue it's morally dubious.
In fact, so entrenched was the belief in many quarters that official statistics were of dubious value to social researchers that the view took root that they were virtually worthless.
And it spends billions each year in social welfare programs that are endlessly duplicative and of dubious value.
When it comes to sharing your faith, gimmicks are of dubious value.
doubtful, uncertain, unsure, in doubt, hesitant;
undecided, unsettled, unconfirmed, undetermined, indefinite, unresolved, up in the air;
wavering, vacillating, irresolute, in a quandary, in a dilemma, on the horns of a dilemma;
сомнительный ; неясный ; двусмысленный ; вызывающий сомнения; опасения; неопределенный ; неоднозначный dubious advantage — сомнительное преимущество very dubious company — очень подозрительная компания Синоним: vague, ambiguous, indistinct, undetermined, uncertain
колеблющийся , нерешительный , неуверенный , сомневающийся dubious what to do — не знающий, что делать dubious of /about/ smb.'s honesty — сомневающийся в чьей-л. честности I'm dubious of sanctions — санкции кажутся мне сомнительной мерой She raised her eyebrows with a dubious expression. — Она вопросительно подняла брови. Синоним: doubtful, wavering
нерешенный , находящийся под вопросом dubious battle — битва с неясным исходом dubious result — неясный результат
подозрительный , сомнительный ; темный dubious character — подозрительная личность dubious transaction — темное дело dubious company — сомнительное общество
выражающий или отражающий сомнение his face had a dubious expression — на его лице отразилось сомнение ; судя по лицу, он сомневался
definition: An ego is a person’s sense of their own worth.
example: Kelly’s ego made her think that she was some kind of a superhero.
Extra definition
A person’s sense of self-esteem or self-importance:
The part of the mind that mediates between the conscious and the unconscious and is responsible for reality testing and a sense of personal identity.
Compare with id and superego.
(In metaphysics) a conscious thinking subject.
Extra example
If I do get all of that done and sorted out properly my meetings tend to go very well, and that's a big big boost to my ego.
Your natural reactions to circumstances encourage success and the healthy growth of your ego and self-esteem.
It is very flattering and a big boost to the ego to receive compliments from someone like Stacey Jones.
Jung also found that in practice both anima and animus act in dreams and in the imagination as mediators of the unconscious to the ego, so providing a means for inner as well as outer adaptation.
The effects of a shift in identity from the ego to the inner self are dramatic and remarkable.
Letting go of the ego, the persona, the rational mind is a central experience in mystical traditions.
In this being the empirical ego has its origin, and through ethical conduct it returns to its source.
According to Heidegger, a tendency to suicide is the ontological essence of human ego.
This diacritically marked subject experiences splitting of the ego.
definition: Elastic is a rubber that stretches when it is pulled.
example: He attached the elastic bungee to his legs before he jumped off the platform.
Extra definition
Cord, tape, or fabric, woven with strips of rubber, which returns to its original length or shape after being stretched:
Extra example
I know too, that nylon and stretch elastic, cast aside by fishermen, catches around seabirds' legs and either slowly kills or maims them.
After doing some research, I discovered the answer: The dryer was destroying the rubber elastic in the socks and underwear.
White rubber elastic is strong and stable and is commonly used in competitive swim-suits.
эластичный , упругий ; пружинящий ; гибкий rubber is elastic — резина эластична an elastic step — пружинящий шаг elastic bandage — мед. гибкая шина, эластичная повязка elastic stocking — мед. резиновый чулок elastic tissue — анат. эластичная соединительная ткань elastic web — текст. эластичная прорезиненная ткань elastic limit — тех. предел упругости If the demand for beer is elastic, then beer drinkers are responsive to changes in the price of beer. — Если спрос на пиво является эластичным, то потребители пива будут чутко реагировать на изменения цены пива. Синоним: stretchy
гибкий ; приспособляющийся ; быстро оправляющийся (от огорчения, переживаний) an elastic temperament — неунывающий характер elastic rule — правило, которое можно по-разному толковать Синоним: adaptable, flexible, supple
гибкий , растяжимый elastic rules — нестрогие правила elastic resolution — «резиновая» /нечетко сформулированная/ резолюция elastic conscience — «резиновая» совесть, беспринципность elastic clause — амер. «резиновый пункт» конституции США (об обязанностях конгресса) elastic currency — амер. эластичное денежное обращение
резинка , ластик резинка (для вздержки) ; резиновая жилка; прорезиненный шнур; прорезиненная тесьма изделие из эластичного, упругого материала (мяч и т. п.)
definition: To engrave means to cut a design or words into the surface of something.
example: The couple engraved their names onto the old pine tree
Extra definition
Cut or carve (a text or design) on the surface of a hard object:
Cut or carve a text or design on (a hard object):
Cut (a design) as lines on a metal plate for printing:
Be permanently fixed in (one’s memory or mind):
Extra example
Then I began to study the emblem; an amazingly intricate design was delicately engraved on its surface.
The first character of the signature is badly engraved and hesitantly formed.
Waiting for Sean in the clubhouse was a beautiful five wood golf club with a hickory shaft with his name engraved on its smooth surface.
On each table was an engraved lead crystal glass.
Our glass was engraved and painted.
Beginning in the sixteenth century, the Venetians engraved some of their glasses using a tool with a diamond tip.
The bank engraves banknote images into metal plates by hand and uses special inks and watermarks to prevent forgery.
In order to move beyond shoemaker Lane's effort and produce globes his neighbors would be proud to own, Wilson had to learn to engrave his maps on copper plates.
He designed and engraved the plates for the first paper money in Massachusetts and established the first mill for rolling copper sheets.
But there is one picture from last week that will forever be engraved on the American memory.
What she said though would be engraved in my mind forever.
Everything I had experienced, everything I had learned that eventful summer would forever be engraved in my mind.
be engraved on/in your ˈheart, ˈmemory, ˈmind, etc. to be something that you will never forget because it affected you so strongly
гравировать ; резать , вырезать (по камню, дереву, металлу) ; высекать to engrave on wood — гравировать на дереве The jeweller will engrave both your names on the inside of the ring. — Ювелир выгравирует оба ваших имени на внутренней стороне кольца. The names of the dead soldiers were engraved on stone. — На камне были высечены имена погибших солдат. Синоним: carve, incise
( on , upon ) запечатлевать the old man's words were engraved on my memory — слова старика врезались мне в память that image is engraved in my mind — этот образ не выходит у меня из головы The incident was engraved in(to) his memory. — Этот эпизод врезался ему в память. That image is engraved on my heart. — Эта картина навсегда запечатлелась в моем сердце. Синоним: embed
полигр. делать клише; делать оттиск с гравюры или с клише
definition: To excavate means to dig on land and remove dirt to look for something.
example: The team wishes to excavate the site in hopes of finding fossils.
Extra definition
Make (a hole or channel) by digging:
Dig out material from (the ground):
Extract (material) from the ground by digging:
Remove earth carefully from (an area) in order to find buried remains:
Reveal or extract (buried remains) while excavating an area:
Extra example
There were no tools found in the churchyard so it is not yet clear how the hole was excavated and officers are not aware of any history of vandalism at St Martin's.
We excavate a hole, put our tent inside it, and start winter camping for a few days.
At least two of them have developed blades that allow you to use a tooth bucket for more than excavating a hole or digging a trench.
That ground was largely excavated down to bed - rock to provide adequate support for the pillars that support this upper deck.
However, earlier this week Bloor put up temporary buildings on the site, started excavating the ground and moved building materials in.
They've excavated the grounds for the new hospital, which should be open in about three years.
Wheel loaders offer the best bet for contractors who need to excavate rock, minerals, and soil or to load and carry materials.
James inefectually tried to excavate a droplet of water from his ear.
They've also had problems with Intergen (the firm that wants to excavate underground gas caverns near Aldbrough).
The team have also been excavating areas of the site that could not be saved from the sea and, in the course of their excavations, came across three burials lying next to the Priory church.
Lynn will receive training so she can excavate sites, remove fossils and artifacts, and carefully map the finds.
In this year an amateur archaeologist carefully excavated the original site of the house and located the chimney foundation (Robbins).
Archaeologists first began excavating the remains of a 1,000-year-old castle located on the site in 1936.
Archaeologists are excavating the remains of an important 17th century iron-smelting furnace that was almost lost forever.
Archaeologists excavated the remains of 23 men, women and infants from the tombs.
unearth, dig up, bring out of the ground, bring to the surface, uncover, reveal;
disinter, exhume
rare unbury
копать , рыть ; выкапывать , откапывать to excavate a cellar — выкопать погреб to excavate a tunnel — прорыть туннель to excavate a tooth — высверлить полость в зубе
тех. вынимать грунт ; производить земляные работы археол. раскапывать , производить раскопки, делать раскоп they have been excavating in that country for three years — они ведут раскопки в этой стране уже три года
выкапывать , откапывать ; раскапывать ; вырывать , отрывать (из земли) to excavate a buried treasure — отрыть /найти/ клад
место действия a healthful locale — здоровая местность the locale of the crime — место преступления the locale and period of the play — место и время действия пьесы Синоним: place, scene
definition: When something is outright, it is open and direct.
example: Everyone knew that the boy’s story was an outright lie.
Extra definition
Open and direct:
Clear and undisputed:
Extra example
These ranged from open derision to outright firings, and even attempts to rescind earned degrees.
An outright refusal would, of course, have ignited claims of prejudice and condemnation by the the liberal press, ever on the lookout for a stick to beat established institutions.
But outright refusal often gets people labelled as freaks or loonies, and correspondingly discredits the challenges they deliver in the eyes of those they address them to.
Between outright war and total appeasement there are various degrees of pressure that can be applied.
I, and many others, must say that enough is enough, and nothing short of a total outright ban would be acceptable
These views can be hard to tell apart: the distinction between radical transformation and outright abolition is not clear-cut.
It is a sign of the times for the struggling County Champions that their sole ambition over four days against Somerset was to emerge with a draw rather than a defeat but nothing short of outright victory was what was really required.
But even though he said the Tories had their best chance for 24 years to regain control, he stopped short of forecasting outright victory for his party.
But the USA took outright victory because of a higher number of second places, 14-6.
открыто , прямо , недвусмысленно to laugh outright — открыто смеяться to tell a person outright what one thinks of him — сказать человеку прямо /в глаза/, что о нем думаешь
немедленно , тотчас , сразу he was killed outright — он был сразу убит we paid for our car outright — мы тут же заплатили за приобретенный автомобиль (не в рассрочку) she fainted outright — она тут же лишилась чувств Cigarette advertising should be banned outright. — Рекламу сигарет следует немедленно запретить. Синоним: at once
полностью ; совершенно ; до конца to speak one's opinion outright — высказать свое мнение раз и навсегда to refuse outright — полностью отказаться (от чего-л.) Синоним: completely, entirely, altogether
откровенный , открытый ; прямой , недвусмысленный hearty, outright manner — открытая сердечная манера обращения an outright refusal — прямой /незавуалированный/ отказ outright supporter — открытый сторонник outright hostility — открытая враждебность outright condemnation — открытое осуждение Синоним: definite, unequivocal
совершенный , полный ; недвусмысленный outright rogue — отъявленный мошенник the outright gift — настоящий подарок an outright loss — полная потеря to give an outright denial — категорически отрицать что-л. on the voting for secretary, he was the outright winner — при выборах секретаря он получил подавляющее большинство голосов it's outright wickedness! — это настоящее преступление! an outright scoundrel — отъявленный негодяй outright refusal — категорический отказ They demand the outright and immediate abolition of the tax on children's clothes. — Они требуют полной и незамедлительной отмены налога на детскую одежду.
редк. направленный , целеустремленный фин. , бирж. аутрайт (простая срочная валютная сделка, предусматривающая платежи по форвардному курсу в сроки, строго определенные сторонами сделки) Синоним: outright forward
(валютный курс при срочных валютных сделках с учетом премии или дисконта; если валюта по срочной сделке котируется дороже по сравнению со сделкой с немедленной поставкой, валютный курс увеличивается на размер премии, в противоположном случае он уменьшается на размер дисконта)
definition: The periphery of an area, place, or thing is the edge of it.
example: A beautiful floral pattern is on the periphery of the stationery.
Extra definition
The outer limits or edge of an area or object:
A marginal or secondary position in, or aspect of, a group, subject, or sphere of activity:
Extra example
One morning, a village on the periphery of a city wakes up to find itself bifurcated by the construction of a National Highway.
On the periphery of the print, I can see the living room décor as it used to be.
On the periphery of my hearing, I caught a high pitched keening sound - the sonic pulse.
On the positive side it has assisted in moving issues about ageing from the periphery to the centre of political debate.
In order to arrive at new prisms of analysis, we need to further de-center the West itself and look at what once were considered peripheries as centers in their own right, with their own capacity for creating history.
In sum, the prefect was the indispensable link between the centre and the periphery.
периферия , окружность The core expropriated much of the capital surplus generated by the periphery through unequal trade relations. — Значительную часть прибавочного капитала, создаваемого периферией, присваивает себе центр с помощью неэквивалентного обмена.
контур окраина , задворки , периферия a factory built on the periphery of the town — завод, построенный на окраине города
внешняя граница поверхности или области пространства периметр (внешняя граница поверхности или области пространства) соц. , эк. тр. периферия (в стратификационном делении рынка труда: ниша, которую заполняют занятые по краткосрочным договорам и без договоров, работающие неполное время и без каких-л. гарантий сохранения места работы в периоды экономического кризиса)
definition: Plaster is a smooth paste that gets hard when it dries.
example: He used plaster to f ill in the cracks in the old walls.
Extra definition
Cover (a wall, ceiling, or other structure) with plaster:
Coat or cover something with (a substance), especially to an extent considered excessive:
Make (hair) lie flat by applying a liquid to it:
Display widely and conspicuously:
Apply a plaster cast or medical plaster to (a part of the body).
Bomb or shell (a target) heavily:
Extra example
My walls and ceiling were plastered and at some point covered with wallpaper.
Over time, plaster walls and ceilings may develop stress-cracks.
The brick walls were plastered over with lime of which some traces can be seen.
Sainsburys really got behind Comic Relief, plastering their stores in red noses.
Commercial Alert is appealing to journalists not to use the corporate names in sports articles - he says plastering ads in stories blurs the line between editorial and advertising.
Both sexes are plastered with band logos on bags, T-shirts, patches - Slipknot, Korn, The Deftones.
The rain had plastered his hair flat onto his forehead and turned his pony tail into a slick pointy tip.
Water plastered my hair to my red, sweaty face and I ended up looking more like a drenched beach ball than anything else.
The rain water plastered her loose hair to her forehead.
It flies from every third building, it is emblazoned on shop displays, plastered on the bumpers of cars, and scrawled on anti-war banners.
His company had plastered posters and media stories around the area telling everyone that track repair work would mean no trains that day and advertising replacement buses.
You have to wonder why he should want his life story plastered all over the daily papers.
Staff at Bath's Royal United Hospital are unwilling to plaster her leg because it would require giving her an anaesthetic, which could be dangerous with her heart problems.
My husband took her to the camp doctor who plastered her arm.
The support-by-fire elements plaster the T-80's area with machine gun fire and main gun rounds.
The enemy plastered the troops in this position, particularly from the air, where he was unmolested, and followed the bombardment by a further attack on our position.
flatten (down), smooth down, slick down, sleek down
(тж. plaster over, plaster up) стр. штукатурить to plaster (over /up/) a wall — оштукатурить стену The holes in the wall had been plastered over / up so that they didn't show. — Дыры в стене были заштукатурены, так что их не было видно.
заделывать ; замазывать to plaster (up) a crack — замазать /заделать/ трещину to plaster over the cracks — разг. скрывать недостатки ; разг. сглаживать противоречия to plaster a quarrel — (кое-как) помириться Why could he not plaster the chinks? — Почему он не мог замазать (заделать) щели?
мазать , намазывать ; покрывать слоем (чего-л.) to plaster one's face with powder — сильно напудриться to plaster down one's hair — напомадить и пригладить волосы hair plastered up with pomatum — густо напомаженные волосы a tongue thickly plastered with white fur — язык, покрытый сильным белым налетом, сильно обложенный язык The boy was plastering butter on his bread. — Мальчик мазал масло на хлеб.
марать , замазывать , пачкать , грязнить to get plastered — прост. испачкаться, измазаться he was plastered over with mud — он был весь в грязи, он был весь забрызган /измазан/ грязью Your boots are plastered with mud. — У тебя все ботинки в грязи. Синоним: bedaub, besmear
наклеивать , оклеивать walls plastered with advertisements — стены, обклеенные объявлениями a trunk plastered with labels — кофр с многочисленными наклейками The whole city was plastered with advertisements for the show. — Весь город был оклеен афишами этого шоу.
= plaster with praise грубо льстить, подмазываться he plastered them with praise to be similarly be plastered in turn — он грубо льстил им, чтобы в ответ услышать лесть
застывать , затвердевать , как гипс the soil plastered like stone — земля стала твердой как камень lime plastered — глина затвердела Синоним: cake
накладывать пластырь облегчать , успокаивать боль шутл. компенсировать a candy plastered the bitter medicine — конфетка подсластила горькое лекарство
( грубо , аляповато) разукрашивать she was plastered with diamonds — она была увешена бриллиантами
канад. разг. заложить имущество (особ. дом) с.-х. гипсовать почву амер. сл. жестоко избивать, наказывать разрушать , опустошать промазывать (обычно глиной) формировать из гипса (трафарет) мед. накладывать гипс (или) пластырь to plaster the broken arm — наложить гипс на сломанную руку
смягчать , облегчать боль She gave the man five shillings to plaster the blow. — Она дала человеку пять шиллингов, чтобы хоть как-то смягчить удар. Синоним: alleviate, soothe
делать плоским ; прилизывать The rain had plastered her hair to her forehead. — От дождя ее волосы прилипли ко лбу.
амер.; разг. избивать , разделывать (противника; соперника в спорте) стр. штукатурка (для внутренних работ) ; замазка ; шпаклевка wall plaster — стенная штукатурка dentist's plaster — мед. зубной цемент to apply / daub plaster to a wall — штукатурить стену crumbling / falling plaster — отваливающаяся, осыпающаяся штукатурка plaster comes off / falls off (a wall) — штукатурка отваливается, осыпается (со стены)
то , что облегчает боль, страдания; "лекарство от душевных ран"; что смягчает переживания a plaster for all sores — панацея, средство от всех бед
амер. сл. масло амер. сл. банкнота , бумажка в один доллар канад. разг. закладная to put a plaster on a house — заложить дом
амер. сл. шпик , хвост амер. сл. повестка ордер на арест = plaster of Paris gypsum plaster — алебастр to put a leg in plaster — положить ногу в гипс, наложить гипс на ногу
сгребать ; выгребать , нагребать ; бросать совком, лопат(к)ой; бросать лопатой to shovel (up, in) coal — убирать /сгребать/ уголь to shovel away snow — убирать снег shovel in — загребать деньги
грести , сгребать , загребать to shovel up money — грести деньги лопатой to shovel down food — уплетать, уминать еду to shovel cake into one's mouth — уплетать пирожное All you have to do is sit in your office shovelling in the profits. — Все, что тебе нужно делать, это сидеть в офисе и грести прибыль лопатой.
копать , рыть ; вскапывать to shovel the ground — рыть /копать/ землю to shovel a path through the snow — прокопать /расчистить/ тропинку в снегу Синоним: excavate, scoop, dig up
переворачивать (лопатой); перелопачивать волочить ноги ; идти вразвалку Синоним: shuffle
работать совком, лопат(к)ой, черпаком разг.; = shovel down / up уплетать , уминать (еду) шаркать (ногами) Синоним: shuffle
совок , лопатка , черпак shovel for coal — совок для угля entrenching shovel — воен. малая саперная лопата baker's shovel — пекарская лопатка Синоним: spade, scoop
тех. экскаватор , механическая лопата crawler power shovel — экскаватор на гусеничном ходу steam shovel — паровой экскаватор
definition: If something is terrestrial, it relates to Earth.
example: There are billions of terrestrial life forms.
Extra definition
An inhabitant of the earth.
Extra example
That is certainly plausible enough, but is he really the man to lecture us terrestrials on the distinction between ‘science’ and ‘fantasy’?
The Rose Center is a crystal cube, a machine in a garden, a welcoming space station for both terrestrials and aliens (that's anyone from outside Manhattan).
Now it had become a reality in a queer way, but what a letdown it was, dreaming of the celestial and getting the terrestrial.
земной terrestrial ball /sphere/ — земной шар terrestrial globe — земной шар ; глобус terrestrial magnetism — земной магнетизм
живущий на или в земле; сухопутный ; наземный ; живущий на земле или в земле terrestrial animals — сухопутные /наземные/ животные terrestrial plants — наземные растения terrestrial life — геобиоз, живое население почвы Синоним: land
похожий на Землю, подобный Земле (о таких планетах солнечной системы, как Марс, Венера, Меркурий) происходящий на земле или на суше terrestrial and naval battles — битвы на суше и на море terrestrial forces — воен. наземные войска
континентальный terrestrial parts of the world /of the globe/ — суша
происходящий на земле, на суше обитатель земли , человек pl наземные или сухопутные животные редк. земля землянин , житель Земли (terrestrials) наземные животные
definition: When something or someone is vicious, they are violent and cruel.
example: The vicious dog tried to bite the small child.
Extra definition
Deliberately cruel or violent:
(Of an animal) wild and dangerous to people:
Serious or dangerous:
(Of language or a line of reasoning) imperfect; defective.
Extra example
This was a cowardly, savage and vicious attack on a man who was utterly helpless.
It was a brutal, vicious and pitiless attack in which you showed your victim no mercy.
The tabloids violated my family's privacy in a manner that I felt was vicious and indecent.
It seems I am now safely in my home, far from the menacing arms of the vicious beast which drove me from the wild!
Bloodstained snow, heavy cloaks, blackened eyes, Indian rites, puritanical fire and brimstone and the ominous howl of vicious wolf beasts.
I would like to warn cat owners about a vicious dog in the Long Ditton area.
The race officer used great imagination, setting several angles across the lake, but conditions were difficult with vicious squalls and considerable wind shifts.
A person can be successfully evil only if he or she can embody a peculiarly nasty blend of vicious evil and laudable good.
As aggressive as enemy soldiers in the ‘Great War’, the flu proved a vicious killer.
What had made me smile was his vicious and vile bigotry.
As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.
Satan, who represents Evil, the utterly vicious, is yet not a monster because he also fits absolutely into a certain moral universe, a certain symbolic order.
порочный ; развратный vicious practices — разврат vicious life — порочная жизнь vicious person — развратник, распутник ; испорченный человек vicious companions — дурная компания to form vicious habits — приобрести дурные привычки Plato attempts to identify vicious pleasures with some form of error. — Платон пытается отождествить порочные удовольствия с определенной формой заблуждения. Синоним: depraved, immoral, bad
норовистый (о лошади) порочный ; плохой , дурной vicious style (of writing) — плохой (литературный) стиль vicious taste — дурной /испорченный/ вкус ; безвкусица vicious system of financing — порочная система финансирования His mode of writing was vicious. — Его литературный стиль был плохим. Young people often acquire the vicious habit of reading with the book held close to the eyes. — Молодые люди часто приобретают дурную привычку читать книги, близко поднося их к глазам.
дефектный ; ошибочный , неправильный vicious reasoning — неправильное /нелогичное/ рассуждение ; отсутствие логики vicious argument — несостоятельный аргумент vicious union — мед. неправильное сращение It was vicious of him to make such an accusation. — Он совершил ошибку, выдвинув такое обвинение.
развращающий, вредный vicious book — книга, развращающая умы the experience had a vicious effect on her — пережитое подействовало на нее разлагающе, пережитое развратило ее
❝beware of vicious dogs❞ - «осторожно, злые собаки!» (надпись)