неблагоприятный ; вредный ; противоречащий (чьим-л.) интересам, желаниям и т. п. ; неблаготворный under adverse circumstances — при неблагоприятных обстоятельствах it is adverse to their interests — это противоречит их интересам adverse winds — встречные ветры The presidential election of 1860 was adverse to the cause of slavery. — Президентские выборы 1860 года были неблагоприятны для системы рабовладения. It is adverse to their interests. — Это противоречит их интересам. adverse weather conditions — неблагоприятные погодные условия adverse balance — неблагоприятный баланс adverse balance of payments — неблагоприятный платежный баланс adverse balance of trade — неблагоприятный торговый баланс adverse balance of services — неблагоприятный баланс услуг Синонимы: negative, unfavourable , passive
бот. обращенный лежащий (на)против пассивный ; отрицательный (о платежном балансе или его частях в случае, если отток денежных средств из страны превышает приток денежных средств в нее) Синоним: passive, negative, unfavourable
definition: A dependency is a strong need for someone or something.
example: The child still has a dependency on her mother.
Extra definition
A country or province controlled by another:
Extra example
At one time sovereign states could control foreign populated territory as colonial dependencies.
The different circumstances and traditions of the various colonies and dependencies meant that they were developing at different paces and had little in common.
Empires generally expect neighboring states and dependencies to accept their power and accommodate to it.
The bubble could burst if the residents of the high-risk area are being kept in a system of dependency on the ruling party.
Then there is the sinking stock market and the move from guaranteed retirement pay to dependency on the ups and downs of financial casinos.
But does this dependency on the fans change the band/audience dynamic in an entirely positive way?
definition: To dump something means to throw it away or get rid of it.
example: She dumped the garbage into the trash can.
Extra definition
Deposit or dispose of (rubbish, waste, or unwanted material), typically in a careless or hurried way:
Abandon (something) hurriedly in order to make an escape:
Put (something) down heavily or carelessly:
Abandon or desert (someone):
Send (goods unsaleable in the home market) to a foreign market for sale at a low price:
Sell off (assets) rapidly:
Copy (stored data) to a different location, especially so as to protect against loss.
Print out or list the contents of (a store), especially after a system failure.
Extra example
They are being used by many, but a lot more recyclable materials are being dumped or disposed of because of a lack of effort.
It is illegal to dump any waste material at sea and all vessels will have to log and land their waste on returning from sea.
Every time someone dumps their rubbish or unwanted furniture here, we have to sort it out.
They made their escape before dumping the car at Claire Road industrial estate in Kirby.
Nationally, 310,000 cars were dumped and abandoned - up 37 per cent.
They are putting bags into the boots of cars and dumping them, under cover of darkness on the sides of roads, river banks or in derelict or unused areas.
‘Make yourselves comfortable,’ said Raphael as he dumped his bag carelessly on the sofa.
She carelessly dumped her books and pens on the table and, aggravated, slumped into the expensive chair.
She walked over in a rush to her table, and dumped her bag heavily on the floor next to her.
When her boyfriend dumps her, you are secretly delighted.
If my boyfriend dumps me, I'm only picking up a block of tofu if I can throw it at his head.
He'd been really lax since his girlfriend dumped him.
These foreign companies dump into the developing markets what actually is not doing well in their own home markets.
Foreign firms would dump their products on the U.S. market to drive their U.S. competitors out of business.
But Japanese and American manufacturers charge both Korean companies with dumping D-Ram chips on the world market.
Investors dumped the shares in August after it revealed a-close-to $20m revenue miss.
Jittery investors dumped it as a result, sending its shares down 5.6 per cent.
They dumped those shares four years ago after what it calls a pattern of labor problems.
After a set amount of time, if power is not yet restored, the system will dump data from the cache to the attached RAID systems.
It will do this automatically, and its data will be dumped onto a public website where anyone can access it.
Now's your chance to dump some of those really large cached files.
The last parameters mean the filesystem should not be dumped and checked in the second order.
put down, lay down, set down, deposit, place, put, unload;
drop, let fall, throw down, fling down
informal stick, park, plonk, shove, pop
abandon, desert, leave, leave in the lurch, leave high and dry, turn one's back on, jilt, break up with, finish with, cast aside, throw over
informal walk out on, run out on, rat on, drop, ditch, chuck, give someone the elbow, give someone the old heave-ho, leave someone holding the baby
British informal give someone the push, give someone the big E
drop/dump something in somebody’s ˈlap to make something the responsibility of another person
груда хлама; куча мусора; общ. мусорная куча отвал , террикон (груда земли, руды и т. п., образовавшаяся при проведении горных и т. п. работ) to be (down) in the dumps разг. — хандрить
амер. сл. притон , «малина» глухой удар, глухой звук от падения тяжелого предмета косм. сброс данных (при пролете спутника в зоне радиовидимости) глухой стук (от падения тяжелого предмета) Синоним: thud
информ. дамп (вывод на экран, в файл или распечатка содержимого экрана, области памяти или файла) груб. дефекация to take a dump — испражняться
вид болта или гвоздя, используемый при строительстве корабля короткие толстые кегли; игра в такие кегли невысокий человек плотного телосложения бирж. очень быстрое закрытие позиций по ценным бумагам комп. выгрузка [сброс] данных (из памяти компьютера) амер. временный [полевой] склад депрессия ; меланхолия ; плохое настроение сваливать (в кучу) ; выбрасывать ; сливать to dump the refuse — сваливать мусор (на свалке) a pile of logs dumped in the wrong place — куча бревен, сваленная не там, где надо I dumped the coffee down the drain. — Я вылил кофе в унитаз. to dump toxic waste — сливать токсичные отходы
выбрасывать , вываливать ; выгружать to dump the contents of a lorry — разгрузить грузовик to dump coal — выгрузить уголь
опрокидывать ; разгружать , опорожнять (вагонетку и т. п.) ; общ. выгружать эк. наводнять рынок дешевыми товарами; устраивать демпинг to dump goods on a foreign market — выбросить на внешний рынок товары по демпинговым ценам
сл. убивать ; угробить , укокошить , убрать they can turn him loose or dump him depending on how they feel — они могут отпустить его или прикончить, в зависимости от настроения
разг. избавляться (от кого-л.) , бросать (кого-л.) He'd dumped the car a mile away. — Он бросил машину за милю отсюда. The RSPCA is attempting to trace the owners of three starving dogs which were dumped in the street. — Королевское общество защиты животных от жестокого обращения пытается найти владельцев трех умирающих от голода собак, брошенных на улице.
австрал. туго набивать тюки с шерстью (тж. dump down) ронять с глухим шумом шлепаться ; падать с глухим шумом ( on ) амер. сл. перебивать вопросами, выкриками (оратора) класть , ставить (небрежно, с шумом) He dumped a bag of groceries on the table. — Он плюхнул сумку с продуктами на стол.
выбрасывать за борт (при аварии) They lightened the ship by dumping the corn in the sea. — Они облегчили судно, выбросив за борт зерно. Синоним: jettison
сбрасывать , хоронить (отходы) Most of our refuse does not decompose: plastic containers, bottles and tins dumped in the ground remain forever. — Большая часть произведенного нами мусора не разлагается: пластмассовые емкости, бутылки и консервные банки, закопанные в землю, лежат там вечно. She'll be dumped in a common grave. — Ее похоронят в общей могиле. He had been killed and his body dumped in a pond. — Его убили, а тело бросили в пруд.
разг. бросать , уходить , прекращать близкие отношения Her boyfriend dumped her. — Ее парень бросил ее.
разг. упразднять , отменять to dump the poll tax — отменить подушный налог
разг. преим. амер. исключать , увольнять , выгонять He has been dumped from the ticket. — Его исключили из списка кандидатов.
разг. оставлять на попечении (кого-л.) to dump the kids with grandma — оставлять детей с бабушкой
разг. (dump smth. on smb.) перекладывать (ответственность, вину, тяжелую работу и т. п. на кого-л.) I have enough troubles of my own - don't dump yours on me. — У меня своих забот хватает - нечего меня загружать вашими.
разг. (dump on smb.) валить вину (на кого-л.) ; ругать (кого-л.) ; критиковать (кого-л.) Government Ministers dump on civil servants when things go wrong. — Когда что-то не получается, члены правительства валят все на государственных служащих. Some parents I think are pretty inclined to dump on teachers in ways that always seem to me fairly unfair. — Некоторые родители склонны критиковать учителей, но мне кажется, что в большинстве случаев эта критика совершенно безосновательна.
разг. сбивать с ног ; бить информ. выводить содержимое памяти на печать или экран , делать дамп аварийно сливать (напр. топливо) ронять с шумом межд. эк. , торг. заниматься демпингом, продавать по демпинговым ценам, демпинговать (продавать товар по цене ниже среднерыночной или себестоимости, особенно при экспорте) to dump goods on the US market — продавать товары на американском рынке по демпинговым ценам
перекладывать свои заботы (на кого-л.) , загружать , взваливать What else can life dump on me? — Что еще может жизнь взвалить на меня?
разг. перебивать (говорящего вопросами или выкриками) сленг убить
definition: If something is eternal, then it lasts forever.
example: She said that her love for him was eternal.
Extra definition
Lasting or existing forever; without end:
(Of truths, values, or questions) valid for all time; essentially unchanging:
Seeming to last or persist forever, especially on account of being tedious or annoying:
Used to emphasize expressions of admiration, gratitude, etc.
Used to refer to an everlasting or universal spirit, as represented by God:
Extra example
Then the soul is sent either to heaven to enjoy the fruits of a decent life or condemned to eternal hell and damnation forever.
And what are the words to this spell that confers eternal youth and an infinite capacity for self-renewal?
The idea of an omniscient, eternal, and infinite being, for example, could not be like anything the senses encountered.
The loss of objectivity leads us to question the existence of eternal or perennial truths.
We can sometimes forget in the modern era that some eternal truths remain unchanged; rugby is a game for hard men and hard-nosed men.
History was endlessly revised to make the present look like a confirmation of eternal, unchanging truths.
Or are Americans simply this world's eternal optimists?
I'm an eternal cautious optimist though, and I can't be what I'm not.
This is something you see very rarely in football and you would have to be the most eternal optimist to think 3-0 down was a platform for victory.
I can't afford to pay anything, but you'll have my eternal gratitude and maybe I could knit you something.
I'm afraid that there wouldn't be anything in it for you other than maybe a few beers and my eternal gratitude, but I'm hoping someone will take pity on me.
Parents accept this is not the fault of the doctors or nurses, who inspire loyalty and eternal gratitude for the excellent treatment children receive.
According to Irenaeus he claimed to have appeared in Samaria as the Father, in Judea as the Son, and among the heathen as the Holy Ghost, a manifestation of the Eternal.
There is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal, Supporter of all.
The Eternal which resides in the atman should be known.
вечный ; вечно существующий; бесконечный (во времени) ; непреходящий life eternal — возвыш. жизнь вечная, бессмертие eternal punishment — вечные муки (ада) eternal God — предвечный бог matter is eternal — материя вечна from time eternal — испокон веку /веков/ Eternal City — Вечный город, Рим Синоним: perpetual
неизменный , непреложный (о принципах и т. п.) ; не допускающий перемен; вечный eternal truths /verities/ — вечные истины eternal principles — непреложные принципы, непоколебимые основы It was the eternal law of man which ruined him. — Его погубил неизменный закон человеческой природы. eternal truths — вечные истины Синоним: immutable, unalterable
эмоц.-усил. вечный , нескончаемый , беспрерывный , постоянный their eternal chatter — их беспрестанная /нескончаемая/ болтовня sipping her eternal tea — за своим нескончаемым чаепитием
definition: To fluctuate means to rise and fall in number or amount.
example: Prices for gasoline have been fluctuating all month.
Extra definition
Rise and fall irregularly in number or amount:
Extra example
It also shows a person's ability to govern and fluctuate between rising and falling.
They stare into an infinite chasm that opens up in the face of using a limited amount of notes that fluctuate from serene moments to bawling noise storms.
This means that the absolute amount of re-synthesized sucrose fluctuates considerably with fruit age, by as much as a factor of 3.
vary, differ, shift, change, alter, waver, swing, oscillate, alternate, rise and fall, go up and down, see-saw, yo-yo, be unstable, be unsteady
колебаться ; быть неустойчивым, нерешительным; меняться ; колыхаться the cost of sugar fluctuates — цены на сахар колеблются to fluctuate between fear and hope — переходить от страха к надежде His mood fluctuates with the weather. — Его настроение меняется вместе с погодой. The price fluctuates between £150 and £200. — Цена колеблется между 150 и 200 фунтами. fluctuating demand — колеблющийся спрос The currency is allowed to fluctuate within the 6% band. — Валютный курс может колебаться в пределах 6%. Синоним: vibrate
definition: Inclusion is the act of including someone or something in a group.
example: Her inclusion into the photo club was well received.
Extra definition
The action or state of including or of being included within a group or structure:
A person or thing that is included within a whole:
A body or particle of distinct composition embedded in a rock or other material.
Extra example
This is not so much an offer of inclusion as an insistence upon it.
That this is a party which wishes to base itself upon compassion and inclusion is beyond doubt.
A number of pieces out of the union of the resultant lists will then be selected for inclusion in the book.
What seems to give any flavor more appeal these days is the abundance of inclusions contained within the mix.
Any suggestions for inclusions gratefully received.
Hands-free phones, phreaking - hacking into phone systems for free calls - and fuzzy logic are all new inclusions.
The composition of these minerals is known from a handful of outcrops containing inclusions of mantle material.
Magmatic inclusions in silicic and intermediate volcanic rocks.
At the cores of the aegirine spherulites there typically are inclusions of cubic crystals of villiaumite to 3 cm on edge.
incorporation, addition, insertion, introduction;
involvement, taking in, encompassing
включение , присоединение (процесс или состояние) She is being considered for inclusion in the England team. — Рассматривается вопрос о включении ее в сборную Англии. When comparing rates, make sure that the comparisons are “apples to apples” as much as possible, since each insurance company will have its own “standard” inclusions and exclusions in their insurance policies. — При сравнении ставок, убедитесь, что, насколько это возможно, сравниваете "яблоки с яблоками", так как у каждой страховой компании окажутся свои собственные "стандартные" включения и исключения из покрытия по их страховым полисам.
геол. включение посторонних тел, инклюзия (нечто, включаемое в состав какой-л. группы объектов) прибавка , добавление (величина, добавляемая при расчетах к другой величине) For purposes of determining an applicant’s annual gross household income, there are certain income inclusions (e .g., income from certain assets) and there are certain income exclusions (e .g., payments received for the care of foster children) that are taken into account. — Для целей определения валового годового дохода семьи заявителя выделяется ряд принимаемых в учет добавлений к доходу (напр. доход от некоторых активов) и исключений из дохода (напр. платежи, полученные на содержание воспитанников).
definition: If something is intermediate, then it is in the middle of two levels, places, or times.
example: He selected the intermediate ski hill to begin his afternoon of skiing.
Extra definition
Act as intermediary; mediate:
Extra example
Presidents need the media to communicate with the public, and have been inventive in devising techniques and strategies to reduce the impact of the media intermediating between president and public.
But there are individuals intermediating with the corporation to form the identity.
Koehler explained that Hong Kong is a logical choice for the sub-office because the territory's markets play ‘a key role in intermediating the flow of capital in the region.’
промежуточное звено посредник (о человеке) to act as an intermediate between buyers and sellers — выступать в роли посредника между покупателя и продавцами A broker firm intermediates between buyers and sellers. — Брокерская фирма выступает в роли посредника между покупателями и продавцами. Синоним: mediator
биол. промежуточный вид, промежуточная форма хим. промежуточное соединение, интермедиат полупродукт эк. промежуточный продукт , полуфабрикат splicing intermediate — промежуточный продукт сплайсинга, сплайсинг-интермедиат
среднегабаритный автомобиль сводник Синоним: go-between
средний автомобиль (больше малолитражного) хим. , эк. полупродукт промежуточный , переходный at an intermediate stage — на промежуточной стадии /ступени/ intermediate colours — переходные цвета intermediate-range missile — воен. ракета промежуточной дальности intermediate agent — спец. промежуточная среда ; спец. вспомогательное средство intermediate host — бот., зоол. промежуточный хозяин (паразита) intermediate product — промежуточный продукт intermediate gear — тех. промежуточное зубчатое колесо ; тех. контрпривод Intermediate examination — промежуточный экзамен (в некоторых университетах) Синонимы: interim, intervening , intermediary, auxiliary, subsidiary
средний , занимающий промежуточное положение, находящийся между вспомогательный Синоним: auxiliary, subsidiary
прерывающийся , прерывистый ; периодический ; прекращающийся, останавливающийся (на некоторое время) intermittent light — мигающий свет ; проблесковый огонь (маяка) intermittent duty — временная обязанность intermittent publication — периодическое издание intermittent noise — шум, то затихающий, то нарастающий intermittent current — эл. прерывистый ток
definition: A mentor is a person with experience or knowledge who advises someone.
example: The students each chose a mentor to help them with the experiment.
Extra definition
Advise or train (someone, especially a younger colleague):
Extra example
It says a new generation of leaders need to be mentored and trained, while collaborative work between groups could become a condition of funding.
After the team goes through the initial training, they are continually being trained and mentored by peers and lead staff.
The older man had mentored the younger so expertly that Powell had become surplus to Charlton's requirements.
наставник , руководитель , воспитатель , ментор ; куратор (сотрудник предприятия или учебного заведения, который обучает и консультирует новых работников, студентов и т. п.) he is her friend and mentor as well as her boss — он не только ее начальник, но и друг и наставник Gaginis enjoys her work with Sen. Conrad, who is her friend and mentor as well as her boss — Гаджинис очень нравиться работать с сенатором Конрадом, который не только ее начальник, но и друг и наставник. Синоним: tutor, preceptor
definition: Photosynthesis is the process in which plants change sunlight and air.
example: The chemical in plants that makes them green is used in photosynthesis.
Extra definition
The process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize nutrients from carbon dioxide and water. Photosynthesis in plants generally involves the green pigment chlorophyll and generates oxygen as a by-product.
Extra example
Stomata are involved in two of the most important plant processes, photosynthesis and transpiration.
To avoid the production of oxygen via photosynthesis, plants were kept in the dark.
It is created, as we have seen, during photosynthesis, when organisms strip oxygen from water molecules.
definition: Pollen is the tiny yellow powder made in the flowers of plants.
example: During the spring, the pollen in the air makes some people become sick.
Extra definition
A fine powdery substance, typically yellow, consisting of microscopic grains discharged from the male part of a flower or from a male cone. Each grain contains a male gamete that can fertilize the female ovule, to which pollen is transported by the wind, insects, or other animals.
Extra example
The stigmas were then pollinated with pollen from a flower whose anther had dehisced that day.
These bees visited flowers in search of pollen, adopting a supine posture as they entered the corolla tube.
The egg cell is fertilized by pollen from the male sex organs, the stamens.
пыльца allergy to pollen — аллергия на пыльцу plant pollen — пыльца растений rye grass pollen — пыльца райграса многолетнего пастбищного (английского) timothy grass pollen — пыльца тимофеевки
definition: To regain something means to get it back.
example: The battery regained its power after being recharged.
Extra definition
Obtain possession or use of (something, typically a quality or ability) again after losing it:
Reach (a place, position, or thing) again; get back to:
Extra example
Wilson has regained the ability to laugh at himself and Mr Young said his recent progress had been tremendous.
Then we must work hard later in life to regain the abilities we had as children.
The House of Commons itself would regain much of the power lost over the last three years.
Her main target is to regain the world No 1 spot she held for three weeks in the autumn.
The lost corner of the west had regained its central position and Europe had reclaimed its east.
Thus the viol consort has to some extent regained its place as the chamber ensemble par excellence.
recover, get back, win back, recoup, retrieve, reclaim, repossess, have something returned, be reunited with, rescue, salvage;
take back, retake, recapture, reconquer
return to, get back to, find one's way back to, reach again, reattain, rejoin
получить обратно; вновь приобрести или обрести ; восстановить to regain consciousness — очнуться, прийти в себя to regain one's feet /one's footing/ — встать /снова подняться/ на ноги to regain one's freedom — вернуть /вновь обрести/ свободу to regain one's health — поправиться, снова стать здоровым the town was regaining its normal appearance — город снова приобретал свой обычный вид
( from ) отвоевать (что-л.) the island was regained from the French in the eighteenth century — остров был отвоеван у Франции в восемнадцатом веке
снова достичь (чего-л.) to regain contact — воен. восстановить соприкосновение
догнать (кого-л.) ; вновь присоединиться (к кому-л.) he regained his company — он догнал своих
обретать снова; восстанавливать to regain one's health — поправиться to regain one's footing — снова встать на ноги I began by degrees to regain confidence. — Постепенно я начал восстанавливать уверенность в себе. Синоним: recover
возвращаться (куда-л.) ; вновь добираться (до какого-л. места) Синоним: get back, rejoin
воен. снова завладевать, отвоевывать восстановление ; возвращение (утраченного) a regain of position — восстановление положения Take into consideration general expenses, discount, regain, and waste. — Примите во внимание общие расходы, скидку, возвращенную сумму и потери. Синоним: recovery
возвращенная сумма expenses and regain — расходы и возвращенные суммы
definition: To reverse means to change to the opposite direction.
example: They reversed their direction after seeing the sign.
Extra definition
A complete change of direction or action:
Reverse gear on a motor vehicle; the position of a gear lever or selector corresponding to this:
A play in which a player reverses the direction of attack by passing the ball to a teammate moving in the opposite direction:
The opposite to that previously stated:
An adverse change of fortune; a setback or defeat:
The opposite side or face to the observer:
A left-hand page of an open book, or the back of a loose document.
The side of a coin or medal bearing the value or secondary design.
The design or inscription on the reverse of a coin or medal.
Extra example
It's a switchback of mood-swings and reverses.
Mr Brian Farrell said last year's increase was a reverse of the downward trend in road deaths achieved in both 2002 and 2003.
A reverse of the pendulum could prove as catastrophic as the 1930s, with the rise of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.
Certainly, if you were to buy a 6-series, I recommend you select reverse when leaving friends' houses so they don't see its backside.
The manual box is pretty nifty, but heavy to select reverse, and the overdrive sixth and high fifth gears mean it depends on left wrist exercise.
The powertrain is tied directly to the differential, and forward or reverse are selected via a switch on the dash.
The team tries to throw the ball to him deep, but offensive coordinator Jack Reilly also likes to get Ismail the ball on reverses, hitches and screen passes so he can use his speed.
In the second quarter, he ran a reverse 10 yards to the goal line that set up a one-yard TD pass on the next play.
The team will give Johnson the ball on reverses, and it will use him at flanker and split end and in the slot.
Comparing the latest results with the previous quarter the reverse is true: sales are down, but income is up.
If Freelove's body language in singles seemed despondent, he was quite the reverse in the doubles.
‘I can't really imagine life without Formula One,’ mused Schumacher this weekend, and perhaps the reverse is also true.
Both sides began the campaign with high hopes, with the Villagers in particular suffering a terrible reverse in fortunes having just missed out on promotion when finishing third last year.
That was the message from coach Richard Agar after York City Knights fell to their third defeat in a row on Sunday, the first time they have suffered a triple reverse since April last year.
There was not an awful lot wrong with the performance and while getting beat is never welcomed you can normally suffer a reverse more easily if you known you've played well.
The mats will show happy, smiling faces of young people on one side, but the reverse will reveal the scars, both mental and physical, that accidents can cause.
A completed entry form, available from the Arts Officer in eligible counties, must be attached to the reverse of a 10 x 8 photograph.
Characteristic multicellular, branched hairs were observed on the reverse of the tepals and upon the pedicellate ovary of all species.
Include your name and address on the reverse of the poem page.
The clauses in the problem appear to be quite legible, but they are on the reverse of the document and there is no notice such as ‘See over for conditions’ on its face.
The reverse of the leaflet encourages prospective vegetarians with ‘hard, scientific information’.
There were eight different denominations, with Metcalfe's design of an animal on the reverse of each coin.
The reverse of the friendship medals, much like today's nickels, had a portrait of Thomas Jefferson.
The reverse of each coin has an individual design representing the country from which the coin originates.
The obverse is the same as on the smaller coins, but the reverse is different.
The obverse of the medal shows the portrait of King Louis XIV and the reverse shows the Thai ambassadors showing their respect during the audience with the King.
The reverse of the Afghanistan Medal is based on a portion of a snow-capped mountain range with a multi-rayed sun rising behind the mountains.
ill luck, bad luck, distress, tribulation, woe, hard times
other side, reverse side, back, rear, underside, wrong side, flip side, B-side, verso
go/put something into reˈverse to start to happen or to make something happen in the opposite way
in reˈverse in the opposite order or way
обратное , противоположное (чему-л.) ; противоположность quite /very much/ the reverse — нечто противоположное /обратное/ the reverse of what we expected — противоположное тому, что мы ожидали we are the reverse of being friends — мы не только не друзья, а совсем наоборот but in 1997 we had the reverse situation — но в 1997 г. мы оказались в противоположной ситуации reverse motion — движение в обратную сторону a life annuity is essentially the reverse of an insurance policy — по существу, пожизненный аннуитет является противоположностью страхового полиса US law on this matter is virtually the reverse of British law — подход американского права к этому вопросу, по существу, противоположен подходу британского права Синоним: opposite, contrary
обратная сторона (медали, монеты) ; реверс reverse of a coin — решка
версо, оборотная сторона листа (книги, рукописи) on the reverse of the cover — на обороте обложки Синоним: back Антоним: obverse
поражение , провал losing the Senate vote was a serious reverse for the President — проигрыш сенатского голосования стал серьезным провалом для президента
неудача , превратность the reverses of fortune — превратности судьбы to suffer /to meet with/ a reverse — потерпеть неудачу to have /to experience/ reverses — понести денежные потери serious reverse — серьезная неудача tactical reverse — тактический провал financial reverses — финансовые просчеты to meet with / suffer / sustain a reverse — терпеть неудачу to suffer a reverse — терпеть неудачу
тех. реверс ; оборотная сторона (медали, монеты и т. п.) ; механизм реверса; общ. решка перемена (к худшему) воен. тыл reverse fire — огонь с тыла
противоположная сторона (горы и т. п.) поворот в противоположную сторону (в танце) реверсирование эл. переполюсование , перемена полярности задний или обратный ход прям. и перен. задняя передача карт. реверси (игра) перевертывать , вывертывать ; переставлять ; опрокидывать ; переворачивать ; ставить с ног на голову to reverse arms — воен. брать оружие в положение прикладом вверх
давать обратный ход (двигателю) , реверсировать ; создавать отрицательную [обратную] тягу юр. аннулировать , отменять , ликвидировать (особенно о решениях, юридических документах) to reverse a sentence — отменить приговор to reverse the decision of a lower court — аннулировать решение низшей судебной инстанции Синоним: revoke, abrogate, undo
поворачивать(ся) (в противоположном направлении), разворачивать(ся) изменять , менять ; изменять на прямо противоположное to reverse the order — поставить в обратном порядке Positions are reversed. — Позиции переменились. to reverse a policy — круто изменить политику
менять (на противоположный); полностью изменять to reverse the normal order — изменить нормальный /обычный/ порядок на обратный ; поменять местами their positions are reversed — они поменялись ролями
обращать to reverse the procedure — спец. обратить процедуру
поворачивать обратно давать задний ход to reverse one's car into the garage — задним ходом поставить автомобиль в гараж
вращаться в противоположном направлении танцевать , особ. вальсировать , кружась в левую сторону эл. переполюсовывать, менять полярность тех. давать задний или обратный ход брать обратный курс исправлять обратный ; противоположный ; перевернутый the reverse side — обратная сторона in reverse order — в обратном порядке by the reverse method — прямо противоположным способом Синоним: opposite, contrary
воен. тыльный reverse battery — батарея, ведущая огонь с тыла reverse fire — тыльный огонь
example: A beautiful swarm of butterflies filled the summer sky.
Extra definition
(Of flying insects) move in or form a swarm:
(Of honeybees, ants, or termites) issue from the nest in large numbers in order to mate and found new colonies:
Move somewhere in large numbers:
Be crowded or overrun with (moving people or things):
Extra example
A tethered cow is occasionally discovered, smothered in ants, asphyxiated and bleeding internally from where the insects swarmed in through its ears, mouth and nose.
‘Insects swarm from the filter beds into foliage close by,’ Appleton said.
Yap felt the insects swarming over him, biting and stinging, scraping and clawing, and he realized he had just run out of options.
But for many in the South, the annual emergence of fertile, winged termites swarming furiously to scatter and search for mates isn't one of them.
Honeybees swarm, using hollows in trees which would otherwise be home to native birds or animals.
During their tests, honeybees swarmed areas where explosive residue was present.
In what seemed like an unprecedented invasion, the ladybugs, or lady beetles, as they are also known, appeared everywhere, swarming around buildings and trees.
With views obscured by buildings, people swarmed on to the roads and headed towards open areas, such as Lendal Bridge and Museum Gardens, blocking the path of motorists and buses.
Police and federal agents swarmed in on that building today as part of a joint anti-terror operation.
The Radisson hotel is swarming with medical crews, police officers.
The whole area is swarming with police, as is the subway station.
But then Vauxhall started swarming with police and before you could work out what was going on, the roads were being closed off.
be crowded with, be thronged with, be overrun with, be full of, abound in, be teeming with, be bristling with, bristle with, be alive with, be crawling with, be infested with, overflow with, brim with, be prolific in, be abundant in
informal be thick with, be lousy with
толпиться people swarmed into the cinema — люди толпой повалили /хлынули/ в кино ants swarmed the house — муравьи заполонили дом to swarm over the position воен. — массированно прорвать позицию The autograph seekers swarmed around the actor. — Вокруг актера толпились поклонники, жаждущие получить его автограф. to swarm into an auditorium разг. — толпиться у входа в аудиторию, ломиться в аудиторию Синоним: crowd, throng
( with ) кишеть the house is swarming /is swarmed/ with insects — дом кишит насекомыми the beach is swarming with bathers — пляж кишит купающимися The streets were swarming with hotel guests trying to escape the flames. — Улицы были запружены постояльцами отеля, пытавшимися спастись от огня. Синоним: teem
роиться (о пчелах) взбираться , карабкаться (тж. swarm up) to swarm up a pole — вскарабкаться на столб
лезть At a signal, the sailors swarmed up (the ropes). — По команде матросы начали лезть вверх по канатам.
definition: To tickle someone is to touch them in a way that causes laughter.
example: The mother tickled the little boy’s foot, and he scream ed with laughter.
Extra definition
An act of tickling someone:
A sensation like that of being lightly touched or prodded:
Extra example
He seemed glad of the company after a long, dark winter and was soon swimming through my legs and even accepting a tickle under the chin.
She felt his soft kiss and the tickle of his long hair on her cheek.
He'd make humorous, taunting faces or just out-do her hits with an unserious blow or a tickle.
The point barely touched her skin; she only felt a small tickle.
It's a barely noticeable sensation, just a whisper of a tickle.
I can't remember if Holly tucked both arms under and anyway, what if he wanted to itch a tickle on his nose?
stroke, pet, light prod, chuck
archaic titillation
be tickled ˈpink to be very pleased or amused
tickle somebody’s ˈfancy to please or amuse somebody
slap and ˈtickle enthusiastic kissing and cuddling between lovers
щекотать ; раздражать to tickle smb. with a straw — (по)щекотать кого-л. соломинкой don't tickle me — не щекочи меня my nose tickles — у меня щекочет в носу
забавлять ; развлекать , веселить ; доставлять удовольствие the story tickled me — этот рассказ позабавил меня to tickle smb. to death — уморить кого-л. со смеху
легко касаться (чего-л.) to tickle the strings of a guitar — пощипывать струны гитары to tickle the fire — шевелить костер to tickle the guitar — пощипывать струны гитары
ловить (форель) руками (особый прием ловли) чесаться ; вызывать раздражение доставлять удовольствие ; угождать to tickle one's palate — быть приятным на вкус to tickle one's ears — услаждать слух to tickle the ear — льстить (кому-л.) , задабривать (кого-л.) to tickle smb.'s palm — дать кому-л. взятку, подмазать кого-л. to tickle smb. to death — угодить кому-л. как нельзя лучше to tickle smb. with a satirical poem — пощекотать кому-л. нервы сатирическим стихотворением you tickle her fancy — вы волнуете ее воображение it tickled me to hear the news — мне было приятно выслушать эти новости it tickled his vanity — это льстило ему /его тщеславию/ the idea of danger tickled his nerves — мысль об опасности щекотала ему нервы he was highly tickled at the idea — эта мысль пришлась ему по душе /очень ему понравилась/ the idea tickled his heart — сердце его сладко трепетало при этой мысли
( out of , into ) побудить к какому-л. действию щекоткой he tickled the pup out of the corner — он щекотал щенка, пока тот не вышел из угла to tickle smb. into the grave — защекотать кого-л. до смерти
крим.; жарг. грабить , воровать to tickle the peter — брать кассу
(tickle into) довести щекоткой до какого-л. состояния (tickle up) подхлестывать , возбуждать ненадежный , капризный неустойчивый , непрочный , шаткий ; легко приводимый в движение трудный , щекотливый тонкий , чувствительный щепетильный ; привередливый , разборчивый пугливый (о животных) щекотание ; щекочущее прикосновение he had a tickle in the throat — у него першило в горле to give smb. a tickle — пощекотать кого-л.
приятное ощущение the dinner was a tickle of the palate — обед был такой, что пальчики оближешь The dinner was a tickle of the palate. — Обед был такой, что пальчики оближешь.
спорт. легкое прикосновение битой к мячу, «щекотание» (в крикете) щекотка разг. удачная операция, сделка
definition: If something is vibrant, then it is bright and full of color.
example: Their new shirts were a vibrant shade of red.
Extra definition
Full of energy and life:
(Of colour) bright and striking:
(Of sound) strong or resonating:
Quivering; pulsating:
Extra example
New York City throbbed with a vibrant energy, just as it always did.
The vibrant, cosmopolitan city and surrounding area of San Francisco leaves visitors spoilt for choice.
It was magical, everything was so vibrant and colorful, full of life and energy.
The painting of the Church was completed on Monday last, it certainly looks very striking with its new vibrant colours.
Bright and vibrant colours, made popular in children's bedrooms, are seeping into the rest of the house.
The sun crawls above the curvature of the land bringing bright and vibrant colours, seen like they were intended to be.
Basically, they had laid down their stage act on tape, so no wonder the sound is so vibrant and alive.
Sound is also vibrant and active, making use of multiple channels for character voices and some ambient noise.
It is a surprisingly strong mix, sounding rich and vibrant throughout.
His concerts remained vibrant, pulsating showstoppers, rock as it was meant to be.
Her green eyes were tired, no longer vibrant with life and passion.
With the performance of the worship, its spiritual potency is activated and it becomes vibrant with divine energy.
spirited, lively, full of life, full of spirit, high-spirited, energetic, sprightly, vigorous, vital, full of vim and vigour, animated, sparkling, coruscating, effervescent, vivacious, dynamic, flamboyant, electrifying, dazzling, stimulating, exciting, dashing, passionate, fiery, determined
informal peppy, zippy, full of beans, feisty, spunky, have-a-go, ballsy
трепещущий ; дрожащий vibrant with emotion — трепещущий от волнения vibrant with eagerness — дрожащий от нетерпения vibrant with fear — дрожащий от страха
вибрирующий ; резонирующий (о звуке) живой , полный жизни, сил, энергии vibrant personality — человек, полный энергии vibrant feelings — живые чувства vibrant streets — оживленные /шумные/ улицы vibrant with health — пышущий здоровьем
дрожащий (о голосе) фон. звонкий энергичный звонкий ( звук )
definition: Texture is the quality of something that can be known by its touch.
example: The texture of her skin was very soft and smooth.
Extra definition
Give (a surface) a rough or raised texture:
Extra example
Repeatedly press the leather stamp over the clay until the entire surface is textured.
The first of the final finish coats was textured to provide a nonslip walking surface.
Kitchen paper towels applied to the surface result in a barely visible, textured grid.
строение ткани; степень плотности ткани a shirt of (a) fine texture — рубаха из тонкой ткани of rough texture — груботканый
склад , строение ; качество texture of verse — поэтическая ткань, ткань стиха a mind of fine texture — тонкий ум cellular texture — клеточное строение
строение , структура , текстура texture of a plant — строение растения texture of wood — текстура древесины Синоним: structure
жив. воспроизведение текстуры, структуры; структуры изображаемого предмета (в живописи) иск. фактура , ткань ; своеобразие (языка автора, художественного произведения, стиха и т. п.) the whole texture of the fable — вся фактура басни
структура (ткани) ribbed texture — рубчатая структура ткани Синоним: structure
характер анат.; биол. ткань придавать структуру складывать , формировать