definition: To delete something means to remove or erase written material.
example: Several lines had been deleted from her speech.
Extra definition
A command or key on a computer which erases text:
Extra example
I accidentally hit the tiny delete key instead of backspace.
Because a CD-ROM is static, there will never be a delete or update.
Great, but won't people have to have phones which can accept delete commands?
вычеркивать , стирать , вымарывать ; вырезать ; исключать ; элиминировать (о написанном или напечатанном) ; уничтожать. to delete a word — вычеркнуть слово his name was deleted from the list — его фамилию вычеркнули /изъяли/ из списка to delete a name from the list — вычеркивать имя или фамилию из списка Синоним: eliminate, erase, blot out, cut out
спец. стирать , удалять , уничтожать to delete files from the directory — удалять файлы из директории
уничтожать , ликвидировать ; истреблять ; не оставлять следов Синоним: expunge, wipe out
definition: If someone is earnest, then they are honest.
example: The child was very earnest when she told her mother how she broke the dish.
Extra definition
A thing intended or regarded as a sign or promise of what is to come:
Extra example
It is but a trifle that Sauron fancies, and an earnest of your good will.
It was a touching tribute never since accorded to any other author, and an earnest of the esteem in which he was held.
серьезность , нешуточность in earnest, in good /dead/ earnest — всерьез, очень серьезно I am perfectly in earnest — я говорю совершенно серьезно, я не шучу if you work in earnest, you will succeed — если вы будете серьезно /упорно, по-настоящему/ работать, вы добьетесь успеха
задаток take this as an earnest — примите это как задаток
залог ; предвкушение ; предвестник ; знак earnest of fresh achievements — залог новых достижений the sun was rising over the peak giving an earnest of a hot day — над вершиной вставало солнце, предвещая жаркий день Синоним: foretaste, instalment, pledge
серьезный , важный , нешуточный to pay earnest heed — обратить (самое) серьезное внимание children earnest at their play — дети, увлеченные игрой an earnest request for help — настоятельная просьба о помощи he's so earnest about it — он так серьезно к этому относится
горячий , ревностный earnest worker — усердный /старательный/ работник ; человек, упорно работающий (над чем-л.) earnest pupil — прилежный ученик an earnest student of philosophy — человек, углубленно изучающий философию he is earnest for success — он ревностно добивается успеха
definition: If something is ethnic, then it is related to a group with a similar culture.
example: Many sections of the city are home to different ethnic comm unities.
Extra definition
A member of an ethnic minority.
Extra example
Although they were immigrants, their cultural differences and the darker skin color of some marked them as racially distinct, especially in relation to European ethnics.
It introduces new approaches to the interaction between America and its ethnics.
Even street gangs of the time reflected the trend to embrace ethnics and banish blacks.
этнический the changing ethnic composition of the city — меняющийся этнический состав жителей города ethnic group — этническая группа ethnic neighbourhood — этнический район (где проживает коренное население данной местности)
национальный , культурный (относящийся к какой-л. этнической общности) ethnic origin — национальное происхождение ethnic minority — национальное меньшинство
представитель (какой-л.) этнической группы представитель национальной группы, обыкн. национального меньшинства (особ. придерживающийся обычаев своей группы и говорящий на своем языке) пренебр. туземец представитель этнической группы; представитель национального меньшинства
definition: To exclude someone means to not accept them into a group.
example: Carol was excluded from the contest because her friend was a judge.
Extra definition
Deny (someone) access to a place, group, or privilege:
Keep (something) out of a place:
Expel (a pupil) from school.
Remove from consideration:
Prevent the occurrence of:
Extra example
You are excluded from the United Kingdom at the personal direction of the Secretary of State.
Frankly, we find it hard to accept that either of the reasons put forward by your clients amounts to the real reason why Mr Wilson was excluded from the Folkestone Police Station.
As already mentioned, he was excluded from Whitton High School by letter from the Head Teacher.
They migrate throughout the enclosed space, forming an invisible barrier on metal surfaces which excludes the moisture and oxygen which are responsible for corrosion.
It is important to note that normal resting oxygenation does not exclude exertional or nocturnal oxygen desaturation.
‘It excludes oxygen, so the propellant is breathed in instead,’ he said.
In this particular case the council contacted the school and is satisfied that the school acted appropriately in excluding the pupil.
The Scottish Executive, however, attracted the bulk of criticism for increasing stress on teachers by pushing ahead with a policy of reducing the number of pupils being excluded from school.
A total of 56 pupils were excluded from schools between March 2002 and April 2003.
If affordable housing is to be made available in this community, no options should be excluded without careful consideration.
On the flip side, an auditor is punished, in a sense, for being diligent by excluding himself from consideration for certain good jobs.
Once those 15 were excluded, only two possibilities were left in parliament.
We cannot exclude further occurrences of outbreaks in poultry and other birds in other areas of the European Union.
That clause excludes liability for loss and nuisance caused by environmental pollution except when it arises from a sudden event which is unintentional and unforeseen.
Active tuberculosis must be excluded before beginning preventive therapy.
keep out, deny access to, shut out, debar, disbar, bar, ban, prohibit, put an embargo on, embargo;
reject, blackball, ostracize, banish;
cut out, freeze out;
не допускать ; не впускать; исключать to exclude from a club — не принимать в члены клуба ; исключать из клуба to exclude from certain privileges — не предоставлять некоторых привилегий to exclude the light — не допускать проникновения света to exclude mistakes — исключить возможность ошибок to exclude a new war — сделать невозможным возникновение новой войны, исключить возможность новой войны words excluded from polite conversation — слова, недопустимые в разговоре культурных людей to exclude smb. from a house — отказать кому-л. от дома The patent permits the inventor to exclude others from making, using, or selling the invention for a period of up to twenty years from the date of patent application filing. — Патент позволяет изобретателю не допустить всех остальных к изготовлению, использованию или продаже его изобретения в течение периода до 20 лет с даты подачи заявки.
изымать ; исключать , снимать to exclude from consideration — снять с рассмотрения to exclude all reference to ... — изъять всякое упоминание о ...
юр. не допускать to exclude evidence — не принимать в качестве доказательства, не приобщать к делу
редк. изгнать to exclude from a country — изгнать из страны
книжн. уничтожать to exclude the causes of war — устранить причины войн to exclude the power of the foe — разбить вражескую силу
лишать возможности (лишать какое-л. лицо возможности осуществления каких-л. действий, получив исключительные права) to exclude competitors from using the patent — лишать конкурентов возможности использования патента
definition: If someone is fluent in a language, then they are able to speak it very well.
example: She was so fluent in German that you’d have thought she was from Germany.
Extra definition
Able to express oneself easily and articulately:
Able to speak or write a particular foreign language easily and accurately:
(Of a foreign language) spoken accurately and with facility:
Smoothly graceful and effortless:
Able to flow freely; fluid:
Extra example
Darnell talked for two minutes and said a lot less than a fluent speaker could have communicated in three sentences…
By that definition, only a handful of fluent speakers remains.
It points out that fluent speakers have fallen from 250,000 over 80 years ago to under 30,000 today.
I'm nearly 26, I have a first class honours degree, I'm fluent in a foreign language, and I can't even get a job that pays peanuts in a provincial theatre.
He, however, confesses that he is not very fluent in the foreign languages since he does not get too much of a chance to converse in those languages.
As a result, there's a fairly good chance that the child will, if not be entirely fluent in another language, be able to understand and speak a few words of a foreign language.
Franklin Roosevelt spoke fluent French and German and worked to create the United Nations, but no one doubted that his allegiance was to America above all.
They speak fluent French, passable German, and have notions of Spanish.
The restaurant manager spoke fluent English and German and all the staff were very attentive without being intrusive.
He left ECM in 1985, so this compilation covers the first decade of his career: the melodies are fresh; the solos are fluent and graceful.
His piano playing is smooth, fluent and inventive and the band, when given room to breathe, turn in some fine playing.
The elf smiled, concentrating for a moment, then glanced up, tracing one hand across invisible arcane symbols in graceful, fluent motions.
плавный , гладкий , беглый fluent speech — быстрая /беглая/ речь to speak fluent French — бегло /свободно/ говорить по-французски to speak fluent English — свободно говорить по-английски She was fluent in French when she was five. — В пять лет она бегло говорила по-французски. fluent speaker — умелый, прекрасный оратор
текучий , жидкий свободно говорящий he is fluent in three languages — он свободно говорит на трех языках
definition: If something is imperial, then it is of, or related to an empire.
example: These old imperial coins were once used in the Roman Empire.
Extra definition
A small pointed beard growing below the lower lip (associated with Napoleon III of France).
Extra example
The poet wore a luxuriant black moustache and imperial, and a slouched hat which shaded the forehead.
имперский , относящийся к империи imperial city — столица империи (особ. о Риме)
(часто Imperial) ист. относящийся к Британской империи, имперский imperial preferences — эк. имперские преференции
императорский imperial crown — императорская корона imperial robes — императорские одежды His Imperial Majesty — его императорское величество the Imperial Palace in Tokyo — императорский дворец в Токио They executed Russia's imperial family in 1918. — Императорская семья в России была казнена в 1918 году.
суверенный ; верховный Синоним: sovereign, supreme, high
высшего качества или большого размера imperial tea — чай высшего качества imperial drink — разг. великолепный напиток, нектар
установленный , стандартный (об английских мерах) imperial weights and measures — единицы веса и измерения, принятые в Великобритании imperial gallon — английский галлон imperial pint — английская пинта
высший Синоним: sovereign, supreme, high
величавый Синоним: majestic, august, grand
ист. имперский , статутный ; не метрический (о системе мер в Великобритании) см. тж. metric эспаньолка (бородка) ист. империал , второй этаж с сиденьями для пассажиров (в дилижансах, омнибусах и т. п.) ист. империал , старинная русская золотая монета формат бумаги (23 Ҳ 31 д.) верх кареты для поклажи предмет высшего качества или большого размера (в торговле) член императорской семьи империал (карточная игра)
definition: If something is inclusive, then it is open to all groups and people in society.
example: A more inclusive event would have allowed children to attend.
Extra definition
Including all the services or items normally expected or required:
Containing (a specified element) as part of a whole:
Including the limits specified:
Not excluding any section of society or any party involved in something:
(Of language) deliberately avoiding usages that could be seen as excluding a particular social group, for example avoiding the use of masculine pronouns to cover both men and women.
Extra example
Although the cost of such an exclusive safari might seem prohibitive, it is worth pointing out that everything - from wine, beer and spirits to the daily laundry service - is inclusive.
Costing €555 all inclusive it is expected that there will be great demand for seats, so it would be advisable to make reservations as soon as possible.
There is a great demand for ‘mini movers,’ those companies that offer the same inclusive services for very small relocations.
Both prices are inclusive of a meal plus five team prizes along with individual, front nine and back nine prizes.
The announcement would not be affected by any management buy-out, because the recent jobs announcement was inclusive of the decision.
Prices range from £205 to £395 per room per night, inclusive of continental breakfast and VAT.
The offer is available until mid-December and is limited from Sundays to Thursdays inclusive.
They say it is an attempt to recognise some of their past failings and move towards a more inclusive party, which recognises some of the diversity in society.
The Green Party's fundamental values lead us to promote an inclusive society.
But instead of it being inclusive, they excluded her, and I think that we, as women, those who have been brought up in Christianity, have been trying to work through that for 2,000 years.
Coming from the United Trades and Labour Council, we'd been through the battles of using non-sexist and inclusive language.
For example, the publication guidelines of the American Psychological Association stress the use of nonsexist, inclusive language.
The new inclusive language and nongendered understanding of God, for example, are rooted in the dissent of feminists from traditional Catholic norms.
all-in, all-inclusive, with everything included, comprehensive, in toto;
overall, full, all-round, across the board, umbrella, blanket, catch-all, all-encompassing, all-embracing, without exception
including, incorporating, taking in, counting, taking account of;
comprising, covering, embracing
включающий , охватывающий , содержащий inclusive payment /price, terms/ — цена, включающая все услуги (в гостинице и т. п.) more inclusive measures — более широкие меры All prices are inclusive of VAT. — Цены указаны с учетом НДС. inclusive terms — цена, в которую включены все услуги (в гостинице)
в грам. знач. нареч. включительно from Monday to Saturday inclusive — с понедельника по субботу включительно from the 23rd of May to the 30th of September inclusive — с 23-го мая по 30-ое сентября включительно
(from … to … inclusive) брит.; амер. through инклюзивный, без дискриминации (gender-)inclusive language — (гендерно-)инклюзивный язык (совокупность языковых единиц без сексистских коннотаций, например, слова общего рода person, officer, attendant) см. тж. police officer , flight attendant , chairperson Антоним: exclusive
definition: A legislature is the section of a government that makes laws.
example: The senator had served ten years in the national legislature.
Extra definition
The legislative body of a country or state:
Extra example
It is expected that the draft law will be voted on by the legislature at the end of April.
The bill passed by the legislature was narrowly tailored to apply only to the one case.
It is the job of Congress and state legislatures to pass laws of general applicability.
законодательная власть ; законодательные учреждения to convene a legislature — создавать законодательное учреждение to disband / dismiss / dissolve a legislature — распускать законодательное учреждение bicameral legislature — двухпалатная законодательная власть, двухпалатное законодательное собрание unicameral legislature — однопалатное законодательное собрание
законодательный орган state legislature — законодательное собрание штата (в США)
амер. законодательный орган штата гос. упр. , юр. законодательная ветвь власти, законодательные органы (совокупность государственных органов и должностных лиц, ответственных перед обществом за принятие законов) Синоним: legislative power, legislative authority, legislative department, legislative government
гос. упр. орган законодательной власти Синоним: legislative authority
гос. упр. , амер. законодательное собрание штата (однопалатный законодательный орган в штатах Айдахо, Алабама, Аляска, Аризона, Вайоминг, Вашингтон, Висконсин, Гавайи, Западная Вирджиния, Калифорния, Канзас, Луизиана, Миннесота, Миссисипи, Мичиган, Монтана, Мэн, Небраска; а также нижняя палата законодательного органа в штатах Невада, Нью-Джерси, Нью-Йорк, Нью-Мексико, Оклахома, Техас, Флорида, Южная Дакота, Юта; в большинстве штатов законодательное собрание собирается на сессии один раз в два года, а для подготовки законодательных предложений в период между сессиями создается законодательный совет, в состав которого могут входить от пяти членов до полного состава законодательного собрания) Синоним: state legislature
лингвистический , языковедческий linguistic methods — лингвистические методы linguistic atlas — лингвистический атлас ; карта распространения диалектов linguistic geography — географическое распределение диалектов /говоров/ linguistic stock — праязык
definition: If someone is monolingual, then they speak only one language.
example: In today’s global economy, being monolingual limits your opportunities.
Extra definition
A person who speaks only one language.
Extra example
In all multilingual communities speakers switch among languages or varieties as monolinguals switch among styles.
On the one hand, the country was encouraging the study of foreign languages for English monolinguals, at great cost and with great inefficiency.
Such a mindset sees everything in terms of monolingualism as the norm, even though there are more bilinguals and multilinguals in the world than monolinguals.
definition: Nationality is an identity based on the nation from which you come.
example: His nationality is German, but he speaks French, Spanish, and Korean.
Extra definition
The status of belonging to a particular nation:
Distinctive national or ethnic character:
An ethnic group forming a part of one or more political nations:
Extra example
They can be obtained to show that administrative orders and notices are invalid, or exempt from taxation, or for confirming matters of marital status and nationality.
The former will prohibit any discrimination based on gender, contracted workers' status, nationality, disability and old-school ties.
They belong to everyone without distinction as to sex, marital status, race or nationality.
It should be obvious that the diverse ethnic groups and nationalities that call themselves Muslims are not of one mind.
This is a country which is composed of all sorts of sects, religion, nationalities and ethnic minorities.
It has made colleagues of staff from different nationalities, cultures, ethnic backgrounds and religions.
национальность ; национальная принадлежность employment regardless of nationality — прием на работу независимо от национальной принадлежности
гражданство , подданство to acquire foreign nationality — принять иностранное гражданство The normal way in which nationality is acquired is through birth. — Естественный путь приобретения гражданства - это факт рождения в данной стране. Синоним: citizenship
нация , народ ; национальность people of all nationalities live in New York — в Нью-Йорке живут представители всех национальностей many nationalities that comprise Ethiopia — много народностей, населяющих Эфиопию The crew are of different nationalities and have no common language. — В команде люди разных национальностей, и у них нет общего языка. Синоним: nation, people, race
принадлежность какому-л. государству (судна и т. п.) a plane of unknown nationality — неопознанный самолет
национальный характер, национальные черты Ancient British nationality received into itself a Roman nationality. — Древний британский национальный характер вобрал в себя романские черты.
патриот ardent / fervent patriot — горячий, пламенный патриот sincere patriot — искренний патриот Patriot Day — День патриотов (11 сентября 2001, когда в результате террористических актов был разрушен Всемирный торговый центр в Нью-Йорке и совершено нападение на Пентагон) Синоним: enthusiast, supporter
definition: To prosecute someone means to take legal action against them.
example: They were prosecuted for fishing in the river without a permit.
Extra definition
Institute or conduct legal proceedings against (a person or organization):
Institute legal proceedings in respect of (a claim or offence):
Continue with (a course of action) with a view to its completion:
Carry on (a trade or pursuit):
Extra example
If these things had happened solely in the private sector, the members of the cartel would have been prosecuted under the Trade Practices Act.
In theory drivers could also be prosecuted for carrying passengers who are not wearing a seatbelt, meaning that in a normal car more than three back-seat passengers would be an offence.
Not one worker or trade union has been prosecuted.
This is a case of an omission or omissions by the appellants as the respondent's solicitors: the failure to prosecute his claim with due diligence which led to his counterclaim being struck out.
The Judge hearing any such application will be in a better position than I am to take stock of the Claimant and her prospects of actually prosecuting this claim before the court.
The Law Reform Commission recommended that the offences be prosecuted summarily.
And the administration says, this is the reason it continues to prosecute the war and continues to try to pour more resources into intelligence.
Certainly, there was a recognition that we'd need to rebuild stuff that we broke in the course of prosecuting the war.
Or does he believe that a bold enough feint will allow him to continue to prosecute this war with his original plan?
take to court, bring/institute legal proceedings against, bring an action against, take legal action against, accuse, cite, summons, sue, try, bring to trial, put on trial, put in the dock, bring a charge against, bring a criminal charge against, charge, prefer charges against, bring a suit against, indict, arraign;
North American impeach
informal have the law on, do
pursue, carry on, conduct, direct, engage in, work at, proceed with, continue, continue with, keep on with, go ahead with;
fight, wage
книжн. вести (что-л.) ; продолжать (что-л.) to prosecute one's studies — продолжать занятия to prosecute trade — вести торговлю I do not further prosecute this subject. — Я не намерен далее заниматься этой темой. The government insists that it needs the powers granted under proposed legislation to prosecute the war on terrorism. — Правительство настаивает на том, что нуждается в полномочиях, предоставляемых внесенными на рассмотрение законопроектами, для того, чтобы вести войну с терроризмом. They were going to prosecute the war to the end and to victory. — Они намеревались довести войну до победного конца. Синоним: continue, follow up, carry on
юр. преследовать в судебном или уголовном порядке reckless drivers will be prosecuted — безответственные водители /лихачи/ будут привлекаться к (судебной) ответственности He was prosecuted for fraud. — Его преследовали за мошенничество.
юр. выступать в качестве обвинителя вести ; проводить ; выполнять ; заниматься (чем-л.) to prosecute an inquiry — проводить расследование he will continue to prosecute his practice of the law — он будет продолжать заниматься юридической практикой
предъявить иск; возбудить дело to prosecute a claim — возбудить иск to prosecute a company — возбудить иск против компании
вести дело , процесс юр. предъявлять иск преследовать , гнаться (за кем-л.) Синоним: pursue, chase
definition: Solidarity is a union formed from common responsibilities or interests.
example: All the citizens came together in a show of solidarity to create change.
Extra definition
Unity or agreement of feeling or action, especially among individuals with a common interest; mutual support within a group:
An independent trade union movement in Poland which developed into a mass campaign for political change and inspired popular opposition to Communist regimes across eastern Europe. Formed in 1980 under the leadership of Lech Wałęsa, it was banned in 1981 following the imposition of martial law. Legalized again in 1989, it won a majority in the elections of that year.
Extra example
Many people reflect upon the 1960s as a decade of solidarity among the common people.
They have set up a strike committee and are sending out speakers to win solidarity among other workers.
It also makes it far easier for workers on strike to actively seek support and solidarity.
unanimity, unity, like-mindedness, agreement, accord, harmony, consensus, concord, concurrence, singleness of purpose, community of interest, mutual support, cooperation, cohesion, team spirit, camaraderie, esprit de corps
солидарность , сплоченность , единение ; товарищество ; единство national solidarity — национальное единение /единство/ solidarity of nations — солидарность народов they have solidarity in each other — их связывают узы товарищества to express / show solidarity — проявлять солидарность to feel solidarity — испытывать чувство солидарности Синоним: unity, cohesion
такт , тактичность to have great tact — быть очень тактичным to demonstrate /to show/ a remarkable tact in (doing) smth. — продемонстрировать замечательный такт в чем-л. he's lacking in tact — он бестактен, ему не хватает тактичности he had much tact with children — он умел ладить с детьми considerable / great / subtle tact — большое чувство такта to have tact — обладать чувством такта to display / exercise / show tact — проявить такт по отношению к кому-л. / чему-л. Does she have the tact to conduct the negotiations? — Обладает ли она достаточным чувством такта, чтобы вести переговоры?
definition: To undermine someone means to betray or weaken their efforts or authority.
example: The documents helped to undermine the workers’ trust in their bosses’ honesty.
Extra definition
Erode the base or foundation of (a rock formation):
Dig or excavate beneath (a building or fortification) so as to make it collapse:
Lessen the effectiveness, power, or ability of, especially gradually or insidiously:
Extra example
The lighthouse stands on a plinth of rock undermined by caves, perhaps once used by smugglers.
Within days, the French advanced into the city outskirts and undermined numerous buildings.
The Romans also developed tunnelling for military purposes, either by breaking through behind enemy defences or by undermining fortifications to cause their collapse.
The disaster was caused by the total collapse of his house in the Rue d' Anjou, undermined by the excavations carried out by the bank next door for its strong room.
What they don't understand is that being boring limits their power and undermines their effectiveness.
And yet, the way he handled the events that followed gradually undermined his position.
They might have to share power and that is dangerous because it would undermine their position of power.
informal foul up, botch, put the kibosh on, drag through the mud
подкапывать , делать подкоп to undermine a wall — делать подкоп под стеной
подмывать , размывать (берег) the sea is undermining the cliffs — море подмывает скалы
разрушать взрывом, подрывать to undermine smb.'s authority — подрывать чей-л. авторитет to undermine morale among soldiers — подрывать боевой дух солдат
подрывать , расшатывать разрушать , подтачивать prolonged overwork had undermined his health — постоянная перегрузка работой подорвала /подточила/ его здоровье