definition: An analogy is a connection made between things to show that they are similar.
example: The doctor made an analogy between the human heart and a water pump.
Extra definition
A comparison between one thing and another, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification:
A correspondence or partial similarity:
A thing which is comparable to something else in significant respects:
A process of arguing from similarity in known respects to similarity in other respects:
A process by which new words and inflections are created on the basis of regularities in the form of existing ones.
The resemblance of function between organs that have a different evolutionary origin.
Extra example
Between the taboo of ‘eating the dead’ and that of eating domestic animals, the analogy between relatives and animals is clear.
There is a limited analogy between the relation of theology to religious discourse and the relation of logic to language.
The analogy between outlawing gay marriage and interracial marriage won't withstand scrutiny.
If there is any likeness at all between the machine and its embodied precursor, the closest analogy to that relationship might be between adults and the babies they once were.
Incidentally, while this naturally brings up an analogy to the constitutional right to an abortion, the analogy is complex.
The analogy to Gaiman isn't perfect, of course.
But Germany and Japan make poor analogies with respect to the contemporary Middle East.
There is also Plato's idea of the state as an analogy for the soul.
If the virtue of a function is to perform it well, the analogy of ‘rational activity’ makes clear that there is a plurality of virtues.
If they are going to argue from analogy, then human's design things which are less complicated than themselves.
This is the source of scepticism about other minds: how, given that the argument from analogy does not work, can I claim to be justified in believing that there are any minds other than my own in the universe?
Attributing mental states to other people seems to depend on a shaky argument from analogy only because we are tempted to suppose that such states are directly accessible only to the person whose states they are.
Processes of analogy have created coinages like petrodollar, psycho-warfare, microwave on such models as petrochemical, psychology, microscope.
They are created in accordance with a schema - by analogy, as it were, with existing forms.
Far from being proof of children's linguistic inadequacy, analogy is a demonstration of their mastery of the core rules of English morphology.
Finally, I think that Wright, who has written a good deal about evolution, is missing a basic evolutionary analogy.
In drawing this analogy Darwin goes beyond denying the simultaneous creation of all species and calls into question the idea of classification as a whole.
Indeed, if Darwin's analogy proves anything, it shows the need for intelligent intervention to produce new life forms.
аналогия , сходство analogy between organs — сходство между органами analogy with /to/ smth. — аналогия с чем-л. on the analogy of smth., by /from/ analogy with smth. — по аналогии с чем-л. to bear analogy to smth. — быть сходным с чем-л. /похожим на что-л./ to draw an analogy between smth. and smth. — сравнить что-л. с чем-л., провести аналогию между чем-л. и чем-л. to reason from analogy — рассуждать по аналогии close analogy — близкое сходство superficial analogy — поверхностное сходство by analogy with smth, on the analogy of smth. — по аналогии с чем-л. to draw / make an analogy — провести аналогию There is a close analogy between these two phenomena. — Между этими двумя явлениями есть близкое сходство. analogy with smth — аналогия с чем-л. to draw an analogy between smth and smth — провести аналогию между чем-л. и чем-л. He drew an analogy between the brain and a vast computer. — Он провел аналогию между мозгом и большим компьютером.
редк. лицо , занимающее аналогичную должность в другом ведомстве или в другой стране British Foreign Minister and his French analogy — министр иностранных дел Великобритании и его коллега из Франции
мат. равенство отношений лог. аналогия (форма умозаключения, при которой на основании сходства в каком-л. отношении двух предметов, явлений делается вывод об их сходстве в других отношениях)
род , происхождение ; родословная of French ancestry — родом из Франции to trace one's ancestry — восстанавливать, прослеживать родословную to be of French ancestry — быть родом из Франции Синоним: descent
собир. предки, праотцы, прародители древний род famous by ancestry — родовитый
происхождение или история развития явления, идеи, стиля и т. п.
заговор , тайный или преступный сговор; умысел , замысел ; тайный сговор conspiracy of silence — заговор молчания conspiracy to overthrow the government — заговор, имеющий целью свержение правительства criminal conspiracy — преступный заговор a conspiracy to overthrow the government — заговор с целью свержения правительства to hatch / organize a conspiracy — организовать заговор to crush / foil a conspiracy — разоблачить, раскрыть заговор Синоним: plot
группа заговорщиков тайная организация Синоним: cabal, junta
упр. , пол. депутат , делегат , представитель , посланник general deputy — представитель с неограниченными полномочиями special deputy — представитель с ограниченными полномочиями to do smth. by deputy — действовать через своего представителя to act as deputy for smb. — выступать в качестве представителя кого-л. to act by deputy — действовать через представителя While judges of the Supreme Court cannot act by deputy, county court judges and recorders can, in cases of illness or unavoidable absence, appoint deputies. — Хотя судьи Верховного суда не могут действовать через представителей, судьи окружных судов и протоколисты могут в случае болезни или отсутствия по иным уважительным причинам назначать представителей. Синонимы: representative , delegate, proxy, agent
депутат Chamber of Deputies — палата депутатов to appoint /to authorize/ a deputy — назначить депутата Синоним: representative, delegate, proxy, agent
заместитель , помощник , исполняющий обязанности deputy chairman — заместитель председателя deputy governor — заместитель управляющего deputy chief of staff — воен. заместитель начальника штаба deputy commanding officer — воен. заместитель командующего ; мор. заместитель старшего на рейде Deputy Director — заместитель директора deputy сhairman — заместитель председателя deputy judge — помощник судьи deputy chief engineer — заместитель главного инженера Синоним: substitute, stand-in
горн. десятник по безопасности и креплению; штейгер амер.; = deputy sheriff помощник шерифа горн. десятник по безопасности; крепильщик доб. , преим. брит. десятник по безопасности, крепильшик (должностное лицо, отвечающее за безопасность на шахте)
definition: A funnel is an object with a wide top and a narrow bottom for pouring liquids.
example: The worker used a funnel when he poured the oil into the engine.
Extra definition
Guide or channel (something) through or as if through a funnel:
Move or be guided through or as if through a funnel:
Assume the shape of a funnel by widening or narrowing at the end:
Extra example
When calves are fed milk it is funnelled through the oesophageal groove to the true stomach by-passing the rumen.
Even when Congress orders a study, the funding doesn't come directly from the legislature; it is usually funneled through an executive agency - one which might be opposed to the study and hold up the funding.
Funds, clothing, food, etc. are not given directly to the poor, rather they are funneled through the recipient government.
They'll make it physical, use to their benefit the fact that the Gaelic Grounds is a small pitch and attempt to force Kerry to play a tight game funnelled down the middle.
The cavern funnelled down to a gloomy interior with a floor at 16m and seemed ideal for the purpose.
That emphasis has been funneled down to individual papers and newsrooms through a variety of performance requirements, marketing programs and new product strategies.
Indeed, the only disappointment in the hearts of Rovers fans as they funnelled out the gate was that there were not more goals.
As our sleepiness dissipated into the dank pre-dawn air, we funneled out of the darkness into the foreboding cigarette smoke-filled briefing room.
Huge swathes of important streets, like Third Avenue - a main artery on the East Side - would simply be shut down unexpectedly during prime hours, and all cars funneled through a narrow point.
дымоход , труба (паровоза, парохода) ; дымовая труба метал. литник кухонная воронка колпак над очагом метал. усадочная раковина выходить через узкий проход; просачиваться ; выходить наружу Crowds of people like swollen rivers funnelled through station exits. (L. C. Douglas) — Толпы людей, напоминавшие вышедшие из берегов реки, просачивались через выходы из станции.
переливать через воронку to funnel oil into a bottle — нацедить масла в бутылку
( into ) сосредоточить to funnel all one's energies into a job — вложить все свои силы в какое-л. дело the contributions were funnel led into one account — все взносы переводились на один счет
складывать трубочкой (руки, губы) наливать через воронку добавлять , вносить to funnel resources into primary education — делать инвестиции в начальное образование
definition: If something is hereditary, it is a trait passed onto children from their parents.
example: The hereditary disease affected three generations of children.
Extra definition
(Of a title, office, or right) conferred by or based on inheritance:
(Of a person) holding a position by inheritance:
(Of a characteristic or disease) determined by genetic factors and therefore able to be passed on from parents to their offspring or descendants:
Relating to inheritance:
(Of a set) defined such that every element which has a given relation to a member of the set is also a member of the set.
Extra example
The original constitution restricted the right to vote by property but outlawed hereditary titles and added trial by jury in criminal cases.
The passing on of property or titles is also hereditary and through the eldest male child of the family.
Haida Nation president Guujaaw handed the writ to Haida runners in a highly charged formal ceremony, with instructions to take their claim of hereditary title to the B.C. Supreme Court.
Sometimes the head of a hereditary family of poets inaugurated the new chief of their locality by handing him a ‘rod of kingship’ - proclaiming his title aloud before the assembled people.
From the perspective of later developments, the Enlightened Despotism of the eighteenth century seems like a last-ditch attempt to match the personal rule of hereditary princes to the needs of the modern state.
The people were governed by hereditary princes called Sao-Phas who ruled in as many as forty different principalities.
They extend their speculations, even forecasting that, by genetic manipulation, they will be able to cure hereditary diseases and defects and, possibly, make a race having superior bodies and intellects.
At low radiation doses, the principal concern is the risk of radiation-induced cancer in exposed individuals and hereditary disease in their descendants.
The identification of specific genes associated with hereditary cancer risk has enabled direct diagnosis of hereditary cancer syndromes through genetic analysis.
In principle, hereditary succession is rejected by the juristic tradition.
But acclamation did not rule out the possibility of hereditary or even dynastic successions.
The position was now ‘very different from 1999’ and the time had come to get rid of the hereditary principle, he replied.
One of the chief stumbling blocks in such a task is the fact that the notion of derivative is a hereditary property for analytic functions while this is clearly not the case for solutions of general second order elliptic equations.
genetic, genetical, congenital, inborn, inherent, inherited, inbred, innate, in the family, in the blood, in the genes
definition: A hymn is a religious song that often praises a god.
example: The book was filled with hymns that the worshippers sang.
Extra definition
Praise (something):
Sing hymns:
Extra example
Already enamoured of the small Canadian town, he began to hymn its praises in verse which he read to public gatherings.
For example, they did not often gather together with harps and rebecks to celebrate their national glories, or to hymn their national heroes.
He hymns the progress of the year just past and the minty weight of new policies waiting for examination.
There were Victorian songs of stilted enthusiasm for the innocence and clear sunny skies of the new country, hymned in the English art song idiom.
All set for the kindling of the sacred fire, we hymn you, O Lord, with our verses, invoking your powerful grace.
sing from the same ˈhymn/ˈsong sheet to show that you are in agreement with each other by saying the same things in public
церковный гимн, псалом solemn hymn — торжественный гимн to chant / sing a hymn — петь гимн In a makeshift chapel, American marines in combat dress sang Christmas hymns, and a minister delivered a prayer. — В импровизированной часовне американские морские пехотинцы, одетые в полевую форму, спели рождественские гимны, а священник прочитал молитву.
хвалебная песня, прославление , гимн The menu is a hymn to carbohydrates and fat. — Это меню - гимн углеводам и жирам.
гимн , хвалебная песнь the Homeric Hymns — гомеровские гимны The oldest version of the tale, told in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter, informs us Persephone must remain with Hades for a third of the year. — Древнейшая версия этой легенды, рассказанная в гомеровском гимне к Деметре, сообщает нам, что Персефона должна была проводить с владыкой подземного царства Аидом одну треть года.
definition: To invert something means to turn it upside down.
example: He inverted the bicycle to make repairs on the wheels.
Extra definition
Short for invertebrate.
Extra example
перевертывать ; переворачивать ; опрокидывать ; ставить вверх дном, вверх ногами хим. инвертировать ; обращать выворачивать to invert the soil — взрыхлять почву
переставлять , менять порядок , положение или соотношение на обратные to invert the order of words in a sentence — изменить порядок слов в предложении to invert the relation of cause and effect — изменить соотношение причины и следствия на обратное
выворачивать наизнанку подвергаться инверсии архит. обратный свод ; обратная арка психол. человек с половыми извращениями; гомосексуалист продукт , результат инверсии
definition: Prey is the animals that are hunted and eaten by another creature.
example: The lion ran as fast as he could to catch his prey.
Extra definition
Hunt and kill for food:
Take advantage of or harm:
Cause constant distress to:
Extra example
As much as I am appalled at what cats do to defenceless animals, I could never be cruel to them, even when they invade my garden to prey on the birds that drop in for food and water.
Lacewings are beneficial insects which prey on bugs that damage food crops.
Considered pests that prey on pets and livestock, the eagles have been hunted down by residents.
Ruthless thieves are preying on the elderly outside charity and discount shops in Swindon.
Cruel doorstep cheats who prey on elderly people claim the number one spot on a damning ‘top five’ list of the worst swindlers, conmen and thieves.
Gardaí believe he was one of the leaders of a group of Traveller families who prey on elderly people living alone in remote, rural parts of the west of Ireland.
As he grew up he refused to allow the horrific accident to prey on his mind and despite his disability he was able to do well at primary and elementary school.
When I'm between jobs, the issue of money tends to prey on my mind.
After the couple's return from the holiday isle, one thing continued to prey on their mind.
hunt, catch, seize;
eat, devour, feed on, live on, live off
exploit, victimize, molest, pick on, intimidate, harass, hound, take advantage of;
trick, swindle, cheat, hoodwink, fleece;
attack, terrorize;
oppress, weigh on, weigh heavily on, lie heavy on, burden, be a burden on/to, hang over, gnaw at;
trouble, worry, beset, disturb, depress, distress, haunt, nag, torment, plague, obsess, take over, take control of
prey on somebody’s ˈmind to make somebody think and worry about it all the time
охотиться , ловить cats prey upon mice — кошки ловят мышей The lions in this area prey on deer and other wild animals. — В этом районе львы охотятся на оленей и других диких животных. Синоним: catch
грабить the village was preyed upon — деревня была разграблена Bands of robbers living in the hills would prey on any traveller. — Банды грабителей в этих холмах нападают на всех путников. Синоним: pillage, plunder
вымогать , жить на чужой счет; паразитировать на (ком-л.) he lives by preying on his relations — он сидит на шее у своих родственников He lives by preying on his relations. — Он живет за счет своих родственников.
обманывать to prey upon the credulous — обманывать доверчивых людей
терзать , мучить , угнетать remorse preyed upon his mind — его мучили угрызения совести
жертва prey to fear — жертва страха to be a prey to smth. — быть жертвой чего-л. she is a prey to anxiety — ее терзает /мучает, одолевает/ беспокойство prey to passion — жертва страсти to be / become / fall prey to smth. — стать жертвой чего-л.
добыча , предмет охоты, ловли прям. и перен. bird of prey — хищная птица beast of prey — хищное животное, хищник Empty houses are prey to squatters. — Пустующие дома могут стать добычей сквоттеров. Homeless young people are easy prey for drug-dealers. — Бездомные молодые люди - легкая добыча для торговцев наркотиками.
definition: A procession is a group of people who walk or drive in a line during a public event.
example: The procession all celebrated when they reached the end.
Extra definition
A number of people or vehicles moving forward in an orderly fashion, especially as part of a ceremony:
The action of moving forward in an orderly way:
A relentless succession of people or things:
The emanation of the Holy Spirit.
Extra example
A car bomber drove his vehicle into a funeral procession, a funeral procession for one of the local prominent tribal leaders there.
When the most famous composer of the age died, about thirty thousand mourners were present at the funeral procession on March 26, 1827.
Catholic countries like Spain make the most of the holy season (semana santa) with torchlit processions and extravagant religious ceremonies.
On the 10th day, the ruler, in silk and priceless gems, wended his way in procession through the crowded streets on the gorgeously caparisoned elephant.
On September 18, all the idols would be taken in procession and immersed in River Cauvery.
The idol was, and is, annually dragged forth in procession on a monstrous car, and as masses of excited pilgrims crowded round to drag or accompany it, accidents occurred.
They streamed away like a procession of stars on the dark waters.
Above them streamed a procession of ghosts, one of whom had trailed a foot through Draco's shoulder on the way past, as many as twenty or twenty-five of them.
That was all Carlin had to do before picking the ball out of the net with seven minutes remaining as the game deteriorated into a series of hopeful and hopeless long balls and a procession of errant passes.
On the filioque controversy, Bulgakov demonstrates that the East did not have a formal theology for the procession of the Holy Spirit.
At this point Pope Hadrian I defended the doctrine of procession through the Son against Charlemagne.
From the formality of the opening procession to the intimacy of Communion, God wants to fill our hearts and minds with his truth, his love, and his power.
definition: A prophet is a person chosen by a god to give the god’s message to people.
example: Harold believed that he was one of the prophets of his god.
Extra definition
A person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God:
(Among Muslims) Muhammad.
A person who advocates or speaks in a visionary way about a new cause or theory:
A person who predicts what will happen in the future:
(In Christian use) the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and the twelve minor prophets.
(In Jewish use) one of the three canonical divisions of the Hebrew Bible, distinguished from the Law and the Hagiographa, and comprising the books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Isaiah, and the twelve minor prophets.
Extra example
Modern scholars who deal with Israel's ancient political religion and the prophets who proclaimed its transformation are burdened with a scholarly spurious familiarity.
Since then, Almighty God sent several prophets and revelations, the last in this chain being Prophet Muhammad and the Qur'an.
Buddha and Jesus, Krishna and Mahavir, Guru Nanak and prophets of other religions teach one thing only: Selflessness!
In many ways his importance is overstated, especially in the field of theory, and his place in the development of an independent air force is best viewed as a prophet or advocate rather than as a system builder.
With his vision of an interconnected world, he was one of the earliest prophets of communications technology and globalisation as a way of reducing the marginalisation of much of the poor world.
Those modern-day prophets, the health and nutrition experts, reckon that getting five portions of fruit and vegetables under your belt should be as easy as pie.
This is what the prophets of doom have been waiting for.
There are still those who refuse to believe the prophets of doom.
World crude oil prices have not risen with ‘free market’ supply and demand, confounding all the prophets of doom or boom.
Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms all climax in Christ.
Mike was so excited by the opportunity to witness to a son of Israel that he was unaware of how loudly he was speaking - until he noticed that other passengers were listening to him expound Moses and the Prophets.
Jesus' death and resurrection are grounded in Moses and Elijah, the Law and the Prophets, as part of God's plan of salvation.
Surrounding these two key prayers are clusters from the classics of Jewish literature: the Torah, the Prophets, the Psalms, and the Talmud.
It is these differences which distinguish Torah from the Prophets.
That includes the books of the Prophets and Writings as well.
seer, soothsayer, forecaster of the future, fortune teller, clairvoyant, prognosticator, prophesier, diviner;
oracle, augur, sibyl;
Scottish spaewife, spaeman
a person who predicts that things will go very badly
предсказатель рел. пророк the Prophet — Магомет ; Джозеф Смит (основатель секты мормонов) the Prophets — книги пророков Ветхого завета Синоним: soothsayer, foreteller, predictor
предзнаменование , признак prophet of a storm — предвестник бури Синоним: omen, portent
проповедник (идей, принципов и т. п.) сл. «жучок» (на скачках) знак ; примета Синоним: omen, portent
(the Prophets) библ. Пророки (одна из трех частей еврейского Ветхого Завета; включает книги пророков Исайи, Иеремии, Иезекииля и др.) см. тж. Hagiographa , law Major Prophets — библ. большие пророки (большие пророческие писания Ветхого Завета: книги пророков Исайи, Иеремии, Иезекииля) Minor Prophets — библ. малые пророки (малые пророческие писания Ветхого Завета: книги пророков Даниила, Осии, Иоиля, Амоса и др.)
definition: Seasoning is a mix of salt, herbs, and spices that improves the taste of food.
example: This steak tastes bland. Maybe I’ll add some seasoning to it.
Extra definition
Salt, herbs, or spices added to food to enhance the flavour:
The process of adjusting the moisture content of wood to make it more suitable for use as timber:
Extra example
It contained many seasonings, low salt food items, and lists the store where they can be found.
Another way to increase appetite is to add flavor to wholesome foods using spices, sauces and seasonings.
Try different sauces, marinades, seasonings and other ingredients.
Many quality-conscious wine-makers will pay a premium for wood dried in the open air, however, and an increasing number of them actually select and buy their own wood in advance of seasoning.
The technology involves the seasoning of wood with chemicals.
flavouring, salt and pepper, herbs, spices, condiments, dressing, relish
definition: A tyranny is a cruel and unfair government in which one person has power.
example: His tyranny was impossible to live under.
Extra definition
Cruel and oppressive government or rule:
A state under cruel and oppressive government.
Cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control:
(Especially in ancient Greece) rule by one who has absolute power without legal right.
Extra example
He wanted to free Europe from tyranny, oppression and despotism.
Freedom fighters must have some way of overthrowing tyranny, oppression, or imperialism.
The Second World War has long been presented to the American people as a ‘Good War,’ a war for democracy against fascism and tyranny.
I want our governments to swiftly enable countries that have been tyrannies to become democracies, and to act in collapsed states to prevent genocide.
The first was the identification of socialism with the Stalinist tyrannies in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.
A central problem of socialist politics is to prevent the workers (including socialist entrepreneurs) from creating tyrannies of producers.
In order to be able to do this, we needed to be free from all kinds of arbitrary power, including majoritarian tyranny.
In our conflict with terror and tyranny, we have an unmatched advantage, a power that cannot be resisted, and that is the appeal of freedom to all mankind.
Chekhov's childhood was overshadowed by his father's tyranny and religious fanaticism.
Ancient Athens emerged from tyranny for about 100 years and then self-destructed and the Roman republic was never more than an oligarchy until it too became an empire.
Was this association with tyranny and treachery the cause of Socrates' trial and conviction?
It is more than three hundred years since the Glorious Revolution was to have freed us from the tyranny of an absolute monarchy ruling by divine right.
деспотизм , деспотия , тирания , тиранство cruel / merciless / ruthless tyranny — жестокая, безжалостная тирания to impose tyranny on smb. — обращаться деспотически с кем-л. to overthrow a tyranny — сбросить, свергнуть тиранию Синоним: despotism
тиранство , жестокость the tyranny of fashion — деспотизм моды to escape father's tyranny — бежать от тирании отца to rebel against smb.'s tyrannies — восстать против чьих-л. жестокостей Синоним: cruelty, brutality
definition: A tyrant is someone who treats people in a cruel, harsh, and unfair way.
example: Our boss is a tyrant. He makes us work long hours for little pay.
Extra definition
A cruel and oppressive ruler:
A person exercising power or control in a cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary way:
(Especially in ancient Greece) a ruler who seized absolute power without legal right.
A tyrant flycatcher.
Extra example
Liberating the oppressed and deposing tyrants are moral choices; appeasing dictators and fomenting hatred of those who would overcome them are immoral choices
Using large puppets on stilts, the performers depicted two tyrants oppressing several people.
Every tyrant and every oppressor deserve the full wrath of justice.
Imitation appears to be a hallmark of tyrants in their exercise of power, so the absence of solidarity among Africa's journalists and Africa's peoples has created a dangerous vacuum.
Beneath a perfunctory veil of fiction, Keneally shows us a real-life tyrant exercising a power so absolute and unfeeling that it appears amoral, rather than immoral.
In this age of ‘Political Correctness’, his Newspeak is a warning to us all about what can happen when tyrants gain control of semantics, history and media.
For a time he was also the brother-in-law of the Athenian tyrant, Peisistratus, who seized power three times before finally establishing a stable and apparently benevolent dictatorship.
The question that divided them is still a live one: Does a tyrant, who seizes power by force, who is obeyed from fear, have a right to rule?
By appointing queens, the mercantile oligarchs were attempting to capture the legitimacy the tyrant's power had generated, but to limit the use of that power.
With 429 or so tyrannids, there are more species of Tyrant Flycatchers than in any other family of birds in the world, yet the Eastern Kingbird has earned the title of tyrant of tyrants.
An example from his later work - though an unsettling one - is The tender sadness of tyrants as they dance, for shakuhachi and bass flute.
They, together with tyrants, also tend to be below general average educational achievements, while authoritarians and democrats exhibit the best performance in school.
definition: Vinegar is a strong liquid made from sour wine that is used in cooking.
example: Be careful because too much vinegar will ruin the recipe.
Extra definition
A sour-tasting liquid containing acetic acid, obtained by fermenting dilute alcoholic liquids, typically wine, cider, or beer, and used as a condiment or for pickling.
Sourness or peevishness of behaviour, character, or speech:
Extra example
In southern Europe wine vinegar is the norm, for example, while in northern Europe malt, cider, and distilled vinegars predominate, and in the Far East rice vinegar is most usual.
It also gives its name to tarragon vinegar, one of the best-known flavoured vinegars.
When fully incorporated, add the capers, parsley, the vinegars and the water.
Lady Catherine de Bourgh would turn a saint's milk of human kindness to vinegar.
Ill confess: the sharp vinegar of bad temper surged up inside me.
Then next day the boy, who was very strongly recommended by the carpet seller's vinegar tongued wife; arrived with his friend
уксус double vinegar — уксусная эссенция (тж. vinegar essence) vinegar mingled with gall — библ. оцет с желчью ; библ. «горькая чаша» apple vinegar — яблочный уксус cider vinegar — яблочный уксус wine vinegar — винный уксус
желчный характер кислое настроение ядовитое замечание в грам. знач. прил. уксусный недовольный vinegar countenance — кислая физиономия
неприятный характер нелюбезный ответ плохое настроение разг. энергия , воодушевление Синоним: vigour, vim