definition: An attic is a room just below a house’s roof.
example: There were two windows in their attic.
Extra definition
The dialect of Greek used by the ancient Athenians. It was the chief literary form of classical Greek.
Extra example
чердак When there was much noise, he used to betake himself with his books to a small lodging in an attic. — Когда становилось очень шумно, он отправлялся в маленькую комнатушку на чердаке, прихватив свои книги. to have rats in the attic — иметь тараканов в голове
мансарда ; мезонин Синоним: garret, loft
архит. фронтон , аттик шутл. голова , «чердак»; шутл. "чердак" he has rats in the attic — ≅ у него винтиков не хватает
(the attics) pl верхний этаж дома (the attics) верхний чердачный этаж
definition: A chunk is a thick, solid piece of something.
example: When they broke open the rock, they saw it was filled with chunks of gold.
Extra definition
Move with or make a muffled, metallic sound:
Extra example
I wasn't used to the heavy shoes and this became evident when my leg flew out sideways and chunked into a young lady's shin.
The waterwheel distantly chunked and gurgled.
The door chunked behind them.
blow ˈchunks to vomit
ломоть ; большой кусок, кус амер. толстяк ; толстуха , пышка крупная глыба (руды, угля) амер. приземистая лошадь разг. довольно большое количество to lose a sizable chunk of money on the race — потерять /просадить/ на скачках порядочную сумму (денег)
глыба (угля, руды) амер. чурбан , колода амер. коренастая лошадь разг. большое количество I bet a sizable chunk of money on the race. — Я поставил на скачках большую сумму.
блок (текста) лязгать ; грохотать ; урчать ; издавать всхлипывающий звук; издавать глухой всхлипывающий звук oars chunking in water — звук шлепающих по воде весел
метнуть , швырнуть (камень, комок земли и т. п.) кинуть , запустить (чем-л. в кого-л.) Синоним: throw, cast
подбросить топлива (в огонь) Chunk the fire, Charles, and see if you cannot make it burn better. — Подбрось дров в огонь, Чарльз, и постарайся, чтобы он разгорелся.
definition: If something is civic, then it is related to a town or city, especially its government.
example: Most of the important civic buildings are located downtown.
Extra definition
Relating to a city or town, especially its administration; municipal:
Relating to the duties or activities of people in relation to their town, city, or local area:
Extra example
Such concerns pushed civic leaders toward municipal control of those networks.
Perhaps a few people involved in civic administration might feel more important if we became a city but I oppose the idea.
Why has a city of 14 million allowed a civic administration of a few thousand to hold it to ransom?
The aim of the competition is to recognise improvements made by local communities to create civic pride in their area.
There is no older civic duty than public participation in the law.
The least satisfactory aspect concerned the civic virtue of locals.
municipal, city, town, urban, metropolitan;
public, civil, community, local, communal
rare oppidan
гражданский ; общественный civic rights — гражданские права civic virtues — гражданские добродетели civic crown /coronet, garland, wreath/ — ист. гражданская корона, венец из листьев дуба (за спасение соратника) civic oath — ист. гражданская присяга civic consciousness — гражданственность ; гражданская сознательность civic organization — общественная организация Синоним: civil, civilian
гос. упр. городской , муниципальный , официальный (относящийся к городу или городскому управлению) civic problems — городские проблемы the most important civic event — самое важное событие в городе civic leaders of Manchester — городские власти Манчестера civic dignitaries — представители городских властей, местные сановники civic reception — официальный прием (организованный мэром или городским советом)
example: During the space shuttle’s descent, the Earth became larger and larger.
Extra definition
An act of moving downwards, dropping, or falling:
A downward slope:
A moral, social, or psychological decline:
The origin or background of a person in terms of family or nationality:
The transmission of qualities, property, or privileges by inheritance.
A sudden violent attack:
An unexpected visit:
Extra example
He said the incident could have been quite serious, as the night turned cold and heavy rain began to fall during the descent.
The two climbers, then in their 20s, did reach the summit, but after a fall on the descent, Thomas suffered a severe leg injury.
I knew I could get the better of him on the descent even though I fell a number of times.
Sheep grazed the slopes above them; the descent to the shore ended in a farmyard.
The snow-topped, ice clad giants offer refuge from the daily grind in the form of miles of skiable slopes and long descents.
The showers before and during the race made the very steep descents a real challenge.
The outcome will be a sexual identity free-for-all, and a further descent into a moral vacuum.
The results are a partial empirical accounting of the ideological developments accompanying the descent into civil war.
In the process he drove himself to exhaustion, and began a tragic descent into paranoia and self-destruction.
The term ‘dynasty’ refers to a succession of kings belonging to one line of family descent.
Indeed, common place of origin is often connected with genos, one's origins by common descent and parentage.
Their rulers claimed descent from a common ancestor.
Thus, at common law, an alien can acquire or take real or personal property under a will, and may acquire or take personal property by descent.
An estate is either ancestral or nonancestral; or, as this court says, there are two modes of acquiring title to property, one by descent or inheritance and the other by purchase or by the act or agreement of the parties.
The civil status of slaves in Tennessee, as well as in other states in which slavery existed, was such as to disable them from inheriting or transmitting property by descent.
We hear of ambushes, sudden descents on armies still in marching column, and enemies taken by surprise as a result of sudden forced marches, stealthy changes of position, deceptive signals, and deliberate misinformation.
Any sort of significant expedition meant risking defeat in the field, or a sudden descent on Damietta and loss of the city.
A sudden descent by a Roumanian army into Transylvania on August 30th was hailed as the harbinger of further successes.
A section of patrolmen made a sudden and unexpected descent upon an alleged gambling hell.
going down, coming down;
drop, fall, sinking, subsiding;
dive, pitch, slump
slope, incline, dip, drop, gradient, declivity, declination, slant, downslope, hill
спуск labourious descent — трудный спуск descent of the mountain — спуск с горы to make a descent — спуститься descent from a mountain — спуск с горы descent by steps to the river. — спуск к реке по ступенькам parachute descent — спуск с парашютом Антоним: ascent
снижение (самолета и т. п.) The pilot spotted a large field and began the descent. — Пилот заметил большое поле и начал снижение. to slow (down) descent — замедлять снижение braked descent — снижение в режиме (аэродинамического) торможения cruise descent — снижение на крейсерском режиме emergency descent — аварийное [экстренное] снижение gliding descent — снижение в режиме планирования initial descent — первоначальный этап снижения planned descent — запланированное снижение power-on descent — снижение с работающим двигателем shallow descent — пологое снижение, снижение по пологой траектории (с относительно низкой вертикальной скоростью) spiral descent — снижение по спирали steep descent — крутое снижение, снижение по крутой траектории (с относительно высокой вертикальной скоростью) uncontrolled descent — неуправляемое снижение Антоним: ascent
понижение (местности и т. п.) sudden descent of an octave in the melody — неожиданное понижение мелодии на одну октаву
склон , скат , спуск ; понижение местности sharp descent — крутой спуск /скат/ rocky descent — скалистый спуск precipitous descent to the sea — крутой спуск к морю a gradual descent — пологий склон a steep descent — крутой склон Massive ash-trees roll from the mountains down the descent. — Массивные ясени украшают отроги гор. Синоним: declivity
понижение , падение ; ослабление descent of temperature — понижение /падение/ температуры descent of sound — ослабление звука
происхождение ; родословная ; источник of a Norman descent — норманнского происхождения the descent of man — происхождение человека to boast of a long descent — хвастать древней родословной direct descent — прямое происхождение of an Irish descent / Irish by descent — ирландец по происхождению to trace smb.'s descent — выяснить чье-л. Происхождение I would draw his descent from Hector, or Achilles. — Я бы возводил его род к Гектору или Ахиллу. Синоним: ancestry, lineage, pedigree
поколение , колено this land was theirs during four descents — четыре поколения их рода владели этой землей breach of the succession that continued for three descents — наследование (трона) , прервавшееся на три поколения
обыкн. юр. наследование , передача или переход имущества по наследству; передача по наследству descent of property in the female line — наследование собственности по женской линии to acquire a title by descent — получить титул по наследству
падение ; унижение ; нравственный упадок Her descent into drugs started at 13. — Она начала употреблять наркотики с тринадцати лет.
внезапное нападение , особ. с моря; десант descent upon the enemy — нападение на противника to make a descent upon smb. — обрушиться на кого-л. daring descent of the English forces upon Cadiz — смелый десант английских войск в Кадисе
разг. облава the police made a descent upon the nightclub — полиция устроила налет на ночной клуб ; полиция устроила облаву в ночном клубе
косм. посадка лог. переход от общего к частному юр. переход собственности (также, реже, дворянского титула) во владение наследника при отсутствии завещания наследственность Descent determines the specific character of the growth. — Наследственность определяет особенности роста.
переход к частностям, подробностям (в речи, изложении) филос. вывод частной пропозиции из общей склонение к горизонту опускание
definition: A din is loud, unpleasant, and extended noise.
example: The din of the rusty machinery made the factory a horrible place to work.
Extra definition
Any of a series of technical standards originating in Germany and used internationally, especially to designate electrical connections, film speeds, and paper sizes:
Extra example
шуметь , грохотать , греметь ; оглушать шумом I had my ears dinned by hooters — я почти оглох от гудков автомобилей ; автомобильные гудки оглушили меня
зудеть , надоедать ; назойливо повторять; вдалбливать to din smth. into smb.'s ears /head/ — прожужжать кому-л. все уши ; вдалбливать что-л. кому-л. His wife kept continually dinning in his ears about his idleness. — Его жена прожужжала ему все уши, что он лентяй. The head man had been dinning his instructions into him. — Начальник вдалбливал ему в голову свои указания. Синоним: beat in, drill, drive in, drum, grind in, hammer, knock in, pump in, rub in
гудеть , звенеть ; звенеть в ушах to din in one's ears — звенеть в ушах Steep water-falls, for ever musical, keep dinning on. — Высокие водопады, музыкальные как всегда, все шумят. Синоним: resound
назойливый шум; грохот ; шум ; гул ; нестихающий звон the din of a city — шум большого города to make /to kick up/ a din — подымать шум, шуметь heard against the din of engines — слышный (даже) в грохоте моторов the din of constant conversation kept him awake — непрестанный громкий разговор не давал ему уснуть I have a perpetual din in my head and hear nothing aright. — У меня все время гудит в голове, ничего не могу расслышать как надо. Синоним: racket
definition: A fuss is excited or annoyed behavior that is not useful in any way.
example: The child made an aw ful fuss because she didn’t want to go to bed.
Extra definition
Show unnecessary or excessive concern about something:
Busy oneself restlessly:
Disturb or bother (someone):
Treat (someone) with excessive attention or affection:
Extra example
He's a real pain because he's always fussing annoyingly about books and cars and his appearance, but my friends think he's cool.
My Aunt pointed out to me that we always fuss over Dad, but Mum's health isn't great, and it suffers along with my Dad's when something is wrong with him.
It's just that, because she's always been there; fussing and cleaning and polishing, I don't even think about what happens to those mud-stains.
They fussed around, re-arranging the altar boys and plumping the bishops' cushions.
They fussed around, making sure we were comfortable, as we set to work on the red leather-bound menu.
I screamed and tried to fight, crying in frustration while doctors frantically fussed around me, shouting noises that echoed through my head.
It does not fuss me one way or tother, but if they are truly confidential I will want them uplifted and removed.
On his way back to the house he stopped by the barn to fuss the mother cat and introduce himself to the kittens.
Everyone on the show adores him and men and women were queuing up to fuss him.
Freya crouched down and fussed her, not minding her face being licked enthusiastically.
worry, fret, be agitated, be worried, take pains, make a big thing out of;
make a mountain out of a molehill
informal get worked up, be in a flap, flap, be in a tizzy, be in a stew, make a meal of, make a (big) thing of
bustle, dash, rush, scurry, charge, fly;
tear around, buzz around, run round in circles
pester, disturb, harass;
irritate, annoy, vex, bother, nag
informal hassle
make a fuss of/over somebody to pay a lot of attention to somebody, usually to show how much you like them
not be fussed (about something) to not mind about something; to not have feelings about something
волноваться по пустякам, суетиться (тж. fuss about) ; волноваться из-за пустяков she is always fussing — она вечно суетится stop fussing about: the train will arrive on time — перестань нервничать: поезд придет по расписанию She must be very nervous, she fusses about all the time. — Она, должно быть, очень нервная, она все время о чем-нибудь волнуется. Синоним: worry
( over , with ) чрезмерно заботиться (о ком-л.) , носиться (с кем-л.) ; = fuss over излишне опекать don't fuss over the children so much — нельзя так трястись над детьми the old lady fusses over her dog as if it were a child — старушка носится со своей собакой, как с ребенком she fusses with her hair — она вечно возится со своими волосами
амер. ссориться , объясняться приставать с пустяками, надоедать ; беспокоить don't fuss me — не приставай ко мне, не действуй мне на нервы she does fuss the children about so! — она постоянно дергает детей!
амер. сл. ухаживать за девушкой обыкн. pass обращать внимание not to be fussed about smth. — не придавать значения чему-л., относиться равнодушно would you like tea or coffee? — I'm not fussed - вам чая или кофе? - Мне все равно
жаловаться (на что-л.) Синоним: complain
нервное, возбужденное состояние to get into a fuss about smth. — разволноваться /разнервничаться/ по какому-л. поводу in a state of fuss — в состоянии волнения /возбуждения/ I am a fuss, and I don't deny it. — Я очень сильно взволнован и не отрицаю этого.
суета , суматоха ; волнение по пустякам; беспокойство из-за пустяков; неразбериха to make a fuss — поднимать шум, суетиться, волноваться to make a fuss of smb. — суетливо опекать кого-л. don't make so much fuss of the children! — не носись ты так со своими детьми! to make a fuss of smth. — поднимать шум вокруг чего-л. ; привлекать к чему-л. внимание to kick up a fuss — поднять суматоху ; поднимать суматоху, шум, скандал ; шуметь, бузить what a fuss about nothing! — сколько шуму из ничего! I don't know what all the fuss is about! — Я не знаю, из-за чего вся эта суета! All that fuss over a few pounds? — И весь этот шум из-за нескольких фунтов? Синоним: sputter, commotion
суетливый , суматошный человек; человек , волнующийся по пустякам возражение , протест , несогласие Синоним: objection, protest
ссора , спор Синоним: row, quarrel
ажиотаж , шумиха (намеренно созданная вокруг кого-либо) He made a big fuss over his favorite niece. — Он создал большой ажиотаж вокруг своей обожаемой племянницы.
definition: If food is gourmet, then it is nicer and more expensive than regular food.
example: In order to get a gourmet meal, you have to eat at an expensive restaurant.
Extra definition
A connoisseur of good food; a person with a discerning palate.
Of a kind or standard suitable for a gourmet:
Extra example
Now gourmets can treat their palates to real Turkish food.
From September 1 to October 31, a German Food Festival offers gourmets the opportunity to enjoy typical German cuisine in a festive atmosphere reminiscent of the region.
The three-day food fiesta provided the gourmets the opportunity to savour cuisines from various corners of the country and abroad.
But take the train from Dublin to Cork and you can enjoy gourmet meals and a trolley service etc.
Today wild rice with its nutty flavour and chewy texture is considered a delicacy, often served as part of gourmet meals.
Our cook Rona somehow conjures up gourmet meals from a galley no bigger than a telephone box.
definition: If something happens hence, then it happens as a result of something.
example: John forgot the key. Hence, we couldn’t open the door.
Extra definition
As a consequence; for this reason:
From now (used after a period of time):
From here:
Extra example
Most houses are built on the highest sites, hence the reason some frogs end up in gardens and even indoors if they get a chance.
Target dates of the original plan were over-ambitious, hence the reason for a review of the targets.
Undernutrition is hence not only a consequence of poverty but also a cause.
It is this practice that he spends all his time doing now, but there were others he spent a lot of time doing in New York many years hence.
Mercifully, when McConnell strolls into Scotstoun a week hence, she will be accorded her due recognition.
They spared him a little before he went from hence and was seen no more.
And then they went from hence, and were seen no more.
Fathers, from hence trust not your daughters' minds by what you see them act.
in consequence, consequently, as a consequence, for this reason, therefore, thus, so, accordingly, as a result, because of that, that being so, that being the case, on that account;
Latin ergo
… days, weeks, etc. ˈhence a number of days, etc. from now
книжн. с этих пор , с этого времени, впредь a week hence — через неделю ; неделю спустя Синоним: henceforth
следовательно ; в результате he has neither ear nor voice hence he cannot sing — у него нет ни голоса, ни слуха, поэтому он не может петь hence we infer — поэтому мы считаем hence it appears that ... — отсюда следует, что ... Синоним: consequently, therefore
отсюда , прочь hence! — прочь! hence with him! — уберите его отсюда hence with it! — унесите это! Синоним: away
отсюда (о происхождении) поэтому Синоним: consequently, therefore
внутренний , прямой (вытекающий непосредственно из рассматриваемого объекта или его свойств) intrinsic pressure — внутреннее давление intrinsic muscle — мышца, у которой обе точки прикрепления расположены на конечности
подлинный , истинный , действительный the intrinsic meaning — подлинное /истинное/ значение intrinsic character — врожденный характер intrinsic value — эк. внутренняя стоимость (товара) ; действительная стоимость
важный , значительный , существенный intrinsic part of the plan — существенная часть плана
definition: A kettle is a large metal pot used for boiling liquids or cooking food.
example: The soup was being cooked in a large kettle.
Extra definition
(Of the police) confine (a group of demonstrators or protesters) to a small area, as a method of crowd control during a demonstration:
Extra example
The demonstration was to begin at noon but even before all the protesters had gathered the police suddenly swooped in and kettled them.
I hoped to make it a lot more difficult for the police to kettle children but I am at least pleased that the judges have clarified that the welfare of young people should be made a priority.
Witnesses say a section of the crowd were ushered from Parliament Square on to Westminster Bridge before being kettled for around three hours until they were released.
a different kettle of fish a completely different situation or person from the one previously mentioned
the pot calling the kettle ˈblack used to say that you should not criticize somebody for a fault that you have yourself
чайник (для кипячения воды) the kettle boils — чайник кипит to put a kettle up to boil — поставить кипятить чайник The kettle is boiling. — Чайник кипит. a fine kettle of fish — беспорядок, суматоха
котелок ; котел ; бак kettle kettle — судок для варки рыбы целиком
definition: A ministry is a government department.
example: The Ministry of Trade is responsible for taxing imports and exports.
Extra definition
(In certain countries) a government department headed by a minister:
The work or vocation of a minister of religion:
The period of tenure of a minister of religion:
The spiritual work or service of a Christian or a group of Christians, especially evangelism:
(In certain countries) a period of government under one Prime Minister:
The action of ministering to someone:
Extra example
Since arriving in China on Monday, Nowak has met with vice minister-level officials from the ministries of Foreign Affairs, Justice and Public Security.
During Zhu's term, the Chinese government abolished 61 separate ministries and departments and laid off more than 1.15 million officials.
Also coming out of the summit was a plan to reorganize government ministries, affecting 15 ministries and 156 associated departments.
The story is that as Hays struggled over his choice of vocation, the ministry or politics, the church and politics fought over him.
We also discussed why Marian decided to train for the ministry, and her training so far.
Does a decline in the social status of the ministry as a profession weaken recruitment?
In the decades that followed his death, out of the circle of 12 that had accompanied him during his three years of ministry, 10 would die a martyr's death.
Periodically in my ministry, we have done worship planning with groups of lay people.
It was there that he lived during the time of the ministry and crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Selian is a health-care ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania.
He views this as a lay ministry of evangelism as Christian and Turks intermingle within the conflicts of war.
Care Net is a U.S.-based evangelical Christian ministry that was featured in a W5 / CTV documentary last year.
After the death of Canning and the failure of the Goderich ministry, Wellington became prime minister in January 1828.
In his first ministry from 1868 to 1874, Gladstone implemented many government reforms.
Governments in the faction period were usually short-lived; a ministry which lasted 12 months had done well.
But he also asked for help from the same people in the square to pray for him, to give him enough strength to continue in this ministry.
Finally, he upheld patriarchy while delegating ministry and discipline even to women and children.
But in general, church ministry is ministry to people who need help desperately - not to people who work.
government department, department, bureau, agency, office
holy orders, the priesthood, the cloth, the church
period of office, term (of office), administration, incumbency
teaching, preaching, evangelism
министерство Air Ministry — Министерство авиации Foreign Ministry, Ministry of Foreign /External/ Affairs — Министерство иностранных дел the Ministry of Justice — министерство юстиции the Agriculture Ministry — министерство сельского хозяйства the Ministry of Health — министерство здравоохранения Синонимы: department , government department, office
= Ministry кабинет министров , правительство to form a ministry — сформировать /образовать/ кабинет /правительство/ Their existence as a Ministry was only a question of days. — Их пребывание в должности министров было вопросом лишь нескольких дней. Синоним: cabinet
срок пребывания у власти кабинета или министра during Pitt's ministry — во время правления Питта, в то время, как Питт был премьер-министром Синоним: office
духовенство ; пастырство to enter the ministry — принять духовный сан So what prompted him to enter the ministry? — Что же его побудило принять духовный сан? Синоним: clergy, priesthood
= ministration функции священника; отправление обязанностей священника His ministry is among the poor. — Его миссия - помогать бедным.
example: Driving in the snowstorm was an ordeal she’d never forget.
Extra definition
A very unpleasant and prolonged experience:
An ancient test of guilt or innocence by subjection of the accused to severe pain, survival of which was taken as divine proof of innocence:
Extra example
No one experienced the ordeal of those first few years more acutely than his first wife, Linda.
As a consequence he forced the families through the ordeal of the trial.
As if the ordeal of a trial were not bad enough, he and Dolores must now face an arguably worse fate.
Those presented might then be put to the ordeal to ascertain their guilt or innocence.
If he still maintained his innocence, he was able to decide between two ordeals: water or iron.
As a result, ordeals were replaced by trials by juries.
painful/unpleasant experience, trial, tribulation, test, nightmare, trauma, baptism of fire, hell, hell on earth, misery, trouble, difficulty, torture, torment, agony
ист. суд Божий, ордалии (различные испытания, с помощью которых в Средние века устанавливали вину или невиновность подсудимого) trial by ordeal — испытание судом божьим ordeal bark — кора ядовитого дерева, употреблявшаяся при испытании судом божьим ordeal by fire — испытание огнем ordeal by water — испытание водой
тяжелое испытание ordeal by battle — испытание в бою ordeal of adieu — возвыш. испытание разлукой to pass through a terrible ordeal — пройти сквозь тяжелое испытание speaking in public was an ordeal for him — публично выступать было для него испытанием
суровое испытание terrible / trying ordeal — ужасное испытание to undergo an ordeal — подвергнуться суровому испытанию Despite undergoing a terrifying ordeal, she was able to give the police a detailed description of her attackers. — Несмотря на перенесенное потрясение, она смогла дать полиции подробное описание преступников, напавших на нее. Синоним: trial
искренний , прямой (о человеке) to be outspoken in one's remarks — честно и откровенно высказывать свое мнение he is an outspoken man — он прямой человек Синоним: candid, frank, open, plain-spoken, sincere Антоним: insincere, misleading, subtle
definition: To overwork someone means to make them tired with too much work.
example: After working for three weeks with only one day of rest, Judy was overworked.
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Excessive work:
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Men suffering from overwork, tiredness and stress are less likely ‘to share family meals, to read, play and help children with homework, and to be involved in recreational activities or to do the shopping’.
Independent research indicates that they live in extreme poverty and suffer stress and exhaustion from overwork and forced overtime.
All the muscles in her tiny body seemed to hurt; whether from overwork or fatigue she couldn't decipher.
заставлять работать слишком много, переутомлять ; загружать работой (заставлять слишком много работать) to overwork a horse — загонять лошадь
тж. refl слишком много работать; переутомляться he did not overwork himself — он не перетрудился Don't overwork yourself on that new job. — Не переутомляйся на новой работе.
отделывать ; украшать to overwork with ornaments — украшать орнаментом
возбуждать , разжигать ; взволновать преувеличивать ; переигрывать загружать работой, заставлять много работать покрывать волновать эк. тр. работать сверхурочно перегрузка , перенапряжение ; переутомление to suffer from overwork — страдать переутомлением he has broken down through overwork — он заболел от переутомления ; его здоровье не выдержало такого перенапряжения a body made weak through undernourishment and overwork — организм, ослабленный недоеданием и переутомлением ; тело, ослабленное недоеданием и чрезмерной работой to become ill from overwork — заболеть от переутомления на работе
дополнительная или сверхурочная работа сверхурочная работа чрезмерное количество работы эк. тр. = overtime
definition: If something is particular, then it is a single, important part of a group of things.
example: The dress shop didn’t have the particular dress she was looking for.
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A detail:
Detailed information about someone or something:
An individual item, as contrasted with a universal quality:
Extra example
He said he must have his men smart in every particular.
It was Gyric; it was him in every particular; but it was as if Gyric were whole again.
That is not to say that users must agree with the editor in every particular.
If the relevant interest is defined, as I at the moment think it should be, in terms of receiving information about the particulars of the court case, then the issue of relevance is irrelevant.
Don't worry about it, Matty'll inform you on the particulars of your assignment tomorrow night.
The particulars and information so furnished shall, if the entry of the relevant ship be accepted, be deemed to form the basis of the contract of insurance between the Member or applicant and the Club.
In Chapter 19, I examine various accounts of the first of these distinctions and raise the question of whether we really need to include both universals and particulars in our ontology.
Philosophers who agree with a conception of events as particulars typically distinguish different sorts of such particulars.
A third implication of a place-based philosophy has to do with the connection between universal qualities and their particulars.
detail, item, point, fine point, specific, specification, element, aspect, respect, regard, particularity, fact, feature, circumstance, thing
особый , особенный ; специфический ; редкий a particular case — особый случай take this particular pencil — возьмите именно этот карандаш in this particular case — в данном случае why did you choose this particular subject? — почему вы выбрали именно этот предмет? at this particular time — именно в это время to do smth. in a particular way — делать что-нибудь особым образом what particular book it was he did not know — какая это была книга, он не знал We live in an age wherein vice is very general, and virtue very particular. (R. Steele) — Мы живем в тот век, когда зло стало обыденностью, а добродетель чем-то редким, особенным.
исключительный , особый ; заслуживающий особого внимания the particular advantages of smth. — особые преимущества чего-л. a particular friend of mine — один мой хороший знакомый /друг/ it is of no particular importance — это не имеет особого значения he took particular trouble to return the book in time — он постарался вернуть книгу вовремя for no particular reason — без особой причины to have a particular dislike for smb. — испытывать особую неприязнь к кому-л. to have nothing particular to do — не иметь какого-л. определенного дела ; быть свободным to take particular care over doing smth. — особенно тщательно делать что-л. in a particular condition — беременная, в интересном положении Синоним: marked, special
индивидуальный , частный , отдельный ; одиночный one's particular interests — чьи-л. частные интересы my own particular sentiment — мое сугубо личное ощущение /индивидуальное восприятие/ each particular item — каждый отдельный пункт our particular wrongs — наши личные обиды I cannot fasten this statement to any particular person — я не могу приписать это утверждение какому-л. определенному лицу particular facts — разрозненные факты Синоним: individual, single, separate
подробный , детальный , обстоятельный a full and particular account — полный и детальный отчет he is thus particular in relating every incident — он особенно обстоятельно рассказывает каждый случай Синоним: detailed, minute, circumstantial
( about , over ) разборчивый , привередливый to be particular about one's food — быть привередливым /разборчивым/ в еде I am not particular about it — мне все равно don't be too particular — не будьте так требовательны /разборчивы/ he is too particular about money matters — он слишком щепетилен в денежных делах He was rather particular what he ate and drank. — Он очень привередливо относился к тому, что он ел и пил. Синоним: fastidious
тщательный , аккуратный to be particular in one's speech — тщательно подбирать выражения ; следить за своей речью to be particular about one's dress — тщательно одеваться ; следить за своим костюмом
юр. ограниченный particular estate — ограниченное право собственности (на недвижимость)
уст. частный ; личный Синоним: private
обстоятельный , точный , скрупулезный (о рассказчике) I am thus particular in the relation of every incident. — Я в такой же степени внимателен по отношению к любому происшествию. Синоним: precise, exact, scrupulous
частность ; деталь , подробность , тонкость minute particulars — мельчайшие детали minor particulars — несущественные подробности /детали/ alike in every particular — похожи во всех отношениях to be superior in every particular — превосходить во всех отношениях to execute smb.'s order in every particular — точно выполнить чей-л. приказ to go /to get/ into particulars — вдаваться в подробности Синоним: detail, minuteness, item, point, circumstance
pl подробный отчет to give (all the) particulars of — давать /представлять/ подробный отчет persons interested may obtain full particulars from ... — заинтересованные лица могут получить полную информацию от ...
разг. близкий друг , любимец They are my old particulars. — Это мои старые друзья.
разг. характерная особенность; нечто излюбленное a glass of one's particular — стаканчик любимого вина
definition: To snore means to make a loud noise each time a sleeping person breathes.
example: It was impossible to get to sleep because my husband snored.
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Make a snorting or grunting sound while asleep:
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It may be due to something straightforward such as snoring at night, but it's worth having a chat about it with your doc.
Apart from the sound of two people munching and two cats snoring, quiet settled on the old ranch house.
So, snoring often occurs only during the hay fever season or with a cold or sinus infection.
храпеть ; похрапывать to snore oneself awake — проснуться от собственного храпа
прохрапеть, проспать (какое-то время ; обыкн. snore away, snore out) to snore the day away — проспать весь день to snore out the morning — проспать до полудня
спать , храпеть Синоним: snort
шотл.; амер. завывать , гудеть (о ветре и т. п.) храпение храп intermittent snore — прерывистый храп
definition: A superintendent is a person who runs a certain department or building.
example: The superintendent decided to close the schools because of the weather.
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A person who manages or superintends an organization or activity:
(In the UK) a police officer ranking above chief inspector:
(In the US) a high-ranking official, especially the chief of a police department.
The caretaker of a building.
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The colour of the hard hat at this yard distinguishes between workers and seniority with the shop floor manual workers wearing red hats and foremen, superintendents and management wearing white hats.
The firm's field employees, including superintendents, project managers, carpenters, and laborers, are scattered on jobsites.
This program, which involves the participation of golf course superintendents as industry advisors, is the focus of this article.
One of the men arrested was a former superintendent of Hampshire.
These permit a Garda chief superintendent to make a case to the High Court for an order to freeze, and where appropriate dispose of, the proceeds of crime.
The Home Office did concede one point - proposals over the warrant issue originally said a warrant would be OK if simply approved by a police superintendent or equivalent.
Better communication, says the senior superintendent of police, can warn authorities of any impending danger, so they can evacuate thousands under threat.
The man is a police superintendent who will shortly begin aiding the police in their search for the girl's killer.
Any movie featuring a rat leaping from a toilet to attack, or a sloppy building superintendent delivering a soliloquy on animal rights to his menagerie of pets, ranks up there with one of the campy creature classics of all time.
Whittling countless hours away at the telephone, he spews forth acrimonious threats at the building's neglectful superintendent.
The Guildhall itself will run as normally as possible during the inquiry, according to the building superintendent.
глава , директор , начальник , руководитель , управляющий контролер ; надзиратель суперинтендент (полиции; старший полицейский чин ; тж. police superintendent) комендант жилого дома; управляющий домом амер. школьный инспектор старший полицейский офицер (следующий чин после инспектора) амер. машинист поезда управляющий ; руководящий надзирающий ; контролирующий
definition: To dissatisfy someone means to fail to please them.
example: He was dissatisfied with his meal.
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Fail to satisfy (someone):
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Apart from immersing myself in music via my portable minidisc player, in almost all other areas technology is boring me, sometimes actively dissatisfying me.
We don't want to dissatisfy the people who have put their trust in us,’ he said.
Or would she be punished for dissatisfying him?
displease, fail to satisfy, give cause for complaint, not be good enough;
не удовлетворять; вызывать недовольство, неудовольствие Many people are dissatisfied at / with not finding suitable jobs. — Многие люди не удовлетворены тем, что не могут найти подходящую работу. Синоним: displease