definition: To contradict means to state the opposite of what someone else has.
example: Ken was always fighting with his little sister because she kept contradicting him.
Extra definition
Deny the truth of (a statement) by asserting the opposite:
Assert the opposite of a statement made by (someone):
Be in conflict with:
Extra example
That appeared to contradict a statement by the police yesterday morning which flatly denied having offered any compensation to the family.
However, a healthy body of evidence would appear to contradict my assertion.
Having other writers to talk to and engage with helps; and if this appears to contradict the statement before, that can't be helped.
I like to oppose and contradict people for the fun of it.
I could not disagree with him or contradict him without him taking it as a personal attack.
Even where the facts are there to contradict him, his personal belief is privileged over external evidence.
The teachers and certain people in the administration are extremely closed-minded to any ideas that conflict or contradict their own.
These figures, which document an out-of-control war on drugs in the city, contradict the rhetoric we are hearing from all quarters.
He pointed out, however, that the introduction of minimum buyout prices of grain, as the producers want, is not possible, because it contradicts the market logic.
deny, refute, rebut, dispute, counter;
say the opposite of
formal gainsay
challenge, oppose, argue against, go against, be at variance with
formal gainsay, impugn
conflict with, be at odds with, be at variance with, disagree with, be inconsistent with, clash with, run counter to, give the lie to, belie;
informal fly in the face of, make a nonsense of, shoot full of holes, drive a coach and horses through
противоречить the two reports contradict each other — эти два сообщения противоречат друг другу the results of the experiment contradicted his theory — результаты опыта шли вразрез с его теорией Your actions contradict your words. — Ваши действия противоречат вашим словам.
возражать don't contradict me — не возражай мне! ; не спорь со мной! Синоним: contravene
опровергать ; отрицать to contradict a statement — опровергать заявление These two versions do not formally contradict one another. — Формально эти две версии не опровергают одна другую. Синоним: deny, disprove, refute
двойник she is the counterpart of her twin sister — она похожа на свою сестру-близнеца как две капли воды Синоним: double
копия ; дубликат Синоним: duplicate
аналог ; эквивалент Young people today already leave home sooner than their counterparts a generation ago. — Сегодня молодые люди гораздо раньше перестают жить в родительском доме, чем предыдущее поколение.
коллега , должностное лицо , занимающее аналогичный пост (в другом учреждении, в другой стране и т. п.) ; человек ; находящийся на аналогичной должности или выполняющий сходную работу the British Ambassador and his American counterpart — английский посол и американский посол, английский посол и его американский коллега faculty members and their counterparts in other fields of endeavor — профессорско-преподавательский состав и работники соответствующей квалификации в других областях деятельности The Foreign Minister held talks with his Chinese counterpart. — Министр иностранных дел встретился со своим китайским коллегой. Синоним: opposite number
юр. противная сторона, противник (в процессе) (неотъемлемая) часть уст. дополнение (кого-л. или чего-л.) Синоним: complement Антоним: antithesis, contradiction, contrast, opposite
лишенный , не имеющий (чего-л.) ; свободный (от чего-л.) devoid of pity — безжалостный utterly devoid of pretension — без малейшего притворства devoid of cares — беспечный a place totally devoid of interest — место, не представляющее ни малейшего интереса devoid of inhabitants — незаселенный devoid of malice — не замышляющий зла devoid of fear — бесстрашный devoid of sense — лишенный смысла devoid of substance — лишенный основания Синоним: vacant
get sidetracked, stray from the point, get off the subject
расходиться (о лучах и т. п.) their paths diverged — их пути разошлись to halt at a fork where two roads diverge — остановиться у развилки двух дорог These two lines diverge. — Эти две линии расходятся. We went to school together but then our paths diverged. — Мы вместе учились в школе, но потом наши пути разошлись. Their views diverge. — Их мнения расходятся. Синоним: separate, swerve Антоним: converge
отклоняться (от нормы, стандарта) to diverge from the route — отклоняться от маршрута to diverge from the truth — отклоняться от истины to diverge from the norm — отклоняться от нормы to diverge from the established procedure — нарушать заведенный порядок
отклоняться , отходить to diverge from a straight line — отклониться от прямой линии to diverge from the beaten track — сойти с проторенной дороги to diverge from an opinion — отказаться от (прежнего) мнения to diverge from a promise — нарушить обещание ; отступиться от слова
приобретать отличие различаться ; не совпадать Синоним: differ Антоним: converge
definition: To elude means to avoid being caught by something.
example: The rabbit eluded the wolf by hiding in a bush.
Extra definition
Escape from or avoid (a danger, enemy, or pursuer), typically in a skilful or cunning way:
Avoid compliance with (a law or penalty):
(Of an achievement or something desired) fail to be attained by (someone):
(Of an idea or fact) fail to be understood or remembered by (someone):
Extra example
These were the exact feelings of Joseph Smith who quickly eluded his pursuers.
The quarry twisted, turned and doubled back at speed in an attempt to elude its pursuer.
It is Meredith who unwittingly brings Tom Ripley crashing to earth when it seems that he has eluded danger and gotten away without punishment for his dark deeds.
Obviously the first conception can breed bureaucrats who are adept at figuring out ways to elude the law (it also explains Italian drivers).
It is said that a greater achievement eluded him.
He then tackled the Caledonians, victory narrowly eluding him in the sixth season but being won at a great battle late in the seventh, mons Graupius, probably September 83.
Somehow popular success has eluded him, but his recent live performance CD Courier should have brought him prominently into the spotlight.
This fact sometimes eludes the people writing about it.
Some of the more technical details eluded him, but he understood most of what his companions were saying.
However, one important fact has eluded you: If you take this job, how much will you be paid?
evade, avoid, get away from, dodge, flee, escape (from), run (away) from;
lose, duck, shake off, give the slip to, slip away from, throw off the scent
informal slip through someone's fingers, slip through the net
избегать , уклоняться ; ускользать to elude the grasp — не даваться в руки to elude argument — уклоняться от спора to elude a treaty — уклоняться от соблюдения договора to elude payment — увильнуть от уплаты, не заплатить to elude pursuit — ускользнуть от преследования to elude the vigilance — обмануть бдительность to elude definition — не поддаваться определению the meaning eludes me — не могу вспомнить значения, значение ускользает от меня
спорт. проф. «обвести» противника избежать , спастись (от опасности) ; избавиться , отделаться to elude the wound — избежать ранения to elude the bad omen — спастись от дурного предзнаменования
definition: An embryo is a hum an or animal that is still growing inside its mother.
example: Some doctors say that what a m other eats has a big effect on her embryo.
Extra definition
An unborn or unhatched offspring in the process of development.
An unborn human, especially in the first eight weeks from conception, after implantation but before all the organs are developed.
Compare with fetus.
The part of a seed which develops into a plant, consisting (in the mature embryo of a higher plant) of a plumule, a radicle, and one or two cotyledons.
A thing at a rudimentary stage that shows potential for development:
Extra example
No one has yet converted a single blastomere from an eight-cell embryo into a stem cell line.
The most common mutant phenotype was an embryo with a polar body near one end and the development of one or two spindles in the middle.
Double fertilization of egg cell and central cell initiates development of the diploid embryo and the triploid endosperm, respectively.
They worry that people will be tested against their will and that clinicians will even test embryos and fetuses.
If you've got concerns about abortion, morally or ethically or whatever, if the embryo has implanted in the uterus, emergency contraception won't work.
The zygote divides again and again as it grows in the female's uterus, maturing over the course of the pregnancy into an embryo, a fetus, and finally a newborn baby.
During the autocatalytic cycle of growth and reproduction of higher plants, the embryo in the seed grows, under suitable conditions, to form a plant with leaves and roots.
The embryo matures and the seed accumulates storage products, acquires desiccation tolerance, and loses water.
Another type of apomictic development has been reported to occur in the gymnosperm Cupressus dupreziana, where embryos develop from unreduced pollen grains.
He goes as long-awaited plans to create a new hub for Swindon are still at the embryo stage.
The design is still at its embryo stage, as it should be for an idea competition.
зародыш , нечто неразвившееся, находящееся в зачаточном состоянии; зачаточное состояние embryo scheme — набросок плана in embryo — в зачаточном состоянии ; the plan is still in embryo - план пока еще детально не разработан ; имеющий задатки (стать кем-л.) ; a dancer in embryo - подающая надежды юная танцовщица The project itself was but an embryo. — Сам же проект находился в зачаточном состоянии.
definition: To fend off something means to push it away and avoid it.
example: Dave spent all night fending off bugs instead of sleeping.
Extra definition
Look after and provide for oneself, without any help from others:
Defend oneself from a blow, attack, or attacker:
Extra example
In the wild, if a female with a young one gets killed, other females may take care of the young one till it is old enough to fend for itself.
If you're old enough to date him, then you're old enough to fend for yourself.
All my chum wants is simple life insurance to cover him and his wife until he retires at age 65, or until his daughter is old enough to fend for herself financially.
Jamie went in for the win, but Ward fended him off quite well.
He attempted to attack Rhys, but she fended him off.
We fended them off but they started smashing bottles as they left.
take care of oneself, look after oneself, provide for oneself, shift for oneself, manage by oneself, get by alone, get by without help, cope alone, cope unaided, stand on one's own two feet, hold one's own, make it on one's own
informal paddle one's own canoe
ward off, head off, stave off, hold off, keep off, repel, repulse, resist, forestall, pre-empt, fight off, defend oneself against, guard against, discourage, prevent, stop, put a stop to, block, intercept, halt, arrest, check, curb, hold back, baulk, foil, thwart, keep at bay, keep at arm's length;
parry, turn aside, divert, deflect, avert;
skirt round, dodge, duck, escape, evade
отражать , отгонять ; парировать to fend off a blow — парировать удар to fend off the inevitable disclosure — постараться избежать неминуемого разоблачения to fend off difficult questions — отмахиваться от трудных вопросов to fend smb. off from doing smth. — не дать кому-л. возможности /помешать кому-л./ сделать что-л. Can you fend off the other boat with your pole? — Оттолкни вон ту лодку багром. He helped the little boy to fend away angry dog. — Он помог мальчику отогнать злую собаку. to fend for oneself — самому заботиться о себе
не подпускать; отгонять (тж. fend away) ( for ) преим. шотл. заботиться (обыкн. о себе); добывать пропитание to fend for oneself and one's children — кормить себя и семью I had to fend for myself since I was fourteen — мне пришлось жить своим трудом с четырнадцати лет
арх., поэт. защищать не допускать , предотвращать This soup will help you to fend off hunger for a time. — Этот суп поможет тебе на некоторое время утолить голод. It is our duty to fend off a thief from obtaining his gains. — Наш долг не дать возможности вору добиться успеха.
the product of someone's imagination, a figment of someone's imagination
вымышленный , выдуманный ; воображаемый ; нереальный ; придуманный fictitious being — сказочное /фантастическое/ существо fictitious characters — вымышленные (действующие) лица /персонажи/ fictitious narrative — вымысел, выдумка fictitious name — вымышленное имя Синоним: imaginary, invented, unreal
поддельный , фальшивый , фиктивный fictitious marriage — фиктивный брак Two treaties were drawn up, one was real, the other fictitious. — Были сделаны две копии соглашения: одна обладала юридической силой, другая считалась поддельной. Синоним: counterfeit, sham
ложный ; притворный fictitious tears — притворные слезы fictitious fame — дутая слава her account of the accident was totally fictitious — ее версия несчастного случая была сплошной выдумкой
взятый из романа his favourite fictitious heroes and heroines — его любимые литературные герои и героини
безосновательный ; надуманный , изобретенный fictitious theory — безосновательная теория Nations, who have no money have been constrained to invent a fictitious measure in order to express values. — Те народы, у которых нет денежной системы, были вынуждены создать некий придуманный эквивалент для выражения стоимости.
художественный , беллетристический Out of the fictitious book I get the expression of the life of the time. — Из художественной литературы я получаю представление о жизни в то время.
example: Alice wants to write for a gazette when she’s older.
Extra definition
Announce or publish (something) in an official gazette:
Publish the appointment of (someone) to a military or other official post:
Extra example
He also announced that he gazetted a set of norms and standards last week for educators, which he described as a ‘developmental’ rather than a policing exercise.
He earned the respect and friendship of one of the assisting naval officers, a certain Horatio Nelson (who later testified at his trial), and his name was gazetted in the official published reports.
‘The minister agreed not to gazette the restructuring bill until the talks with unions are over,’ he said.
If the Bulletin is correct, he was gazetted lieutenant in 1980.
In 1961 I was gazetted I think, and I've either been President or Secretary, Treasurer, for probably 40 years or better.
So she was gazetted as a full-time employee with superannuation benefits and so on.
официальный орган печати; правительственный бюллетень, вестник ; особ. один из трех официальных правительственных бюллетеней (The London Gazette, The Edinburgh Gazette, The Belfast Gazette) to be /to appear, to have one's name/ in the gazette — быть упомянутым в газете, попасть в газету, особ. быть объявленным несостоятельным должником to appear in the gazette — быть упомянутым в газете ; попасть в газету
уст. газета , ведомости Синоним: newspaper
опубликовывать в официальном бюллетене to be gazetted — воен. быть произведенным в какой-л. чин (о чем сообщается в официальном правительственном бюллетене) to be gazetted out — воен. поместить в газете приказ об увольнении в отставку
definition: If something is homogeneous, it is made up of things which are all the same.
example: All of the houses on Victor’s block were boring and homogeneous.
Extra definition
Of the same kind; alike:
Consisting of parts all of the same kind:
Containing terms all of the same degree.
Denoting a process involving substances in the same phase (solid, liquid, or gaseous):
Extra example
This notion of difference focuses on women as homogeneous; as though they all are alike, and different from men in the same way.
However, these results were based on a sample of university men who were fairly homogeneous in age, sexual experience, and frequency of intercourse.
The study shows that property taxes are most regressive in municipalities where homeowner incomes vary widely but property values are relatively homogeneous.
The legend in Australia was that everyone is the same, living in a classless, regionless, ethnically homogeneous society with the same history and a universal accent.
A culturally homogeneous society whose members subscribe and adhere to one system of beliefs and practices is in the realm of fiction.
Perhaps the hybridity is difficult to see on the surface, given how homogeneous Argentinean society appears to be, especially in terms of race and class.
In this work, Moritz Cantor has discovered, Feuerbach introduces homogeneous coordinates.
A test of homogeneity also was conducted to determine if the 1986 and 1987 regression coefficients were homogeneous and could be pooled.
This is what you do with homogeneous differential equations.
It converts organic solvents into a stable gel, providing an organometallic model for a catalyst to be used efficiently in a single phase, homogeneous catalytic reaction.
One of the factors that makes process engineers think twice before choosing homogeneous catalysis, however, is the problem of separation.
The requirements of homogeneous diesel combustion processes give additional impetuses to the continued development of piezo controls for unit injector systems.
alike, all alike, of the same kind, much the same, all the same, the same, all one, all of a piece
informal much of a muchness
спец. однородный ; гомогенный homogeneous cargo — мор. однородный груз homogeneous product — однородный продукт homogeneous good — однородное благо homogeneous resource — однородный ресурс The function is homogeneous of degree n — Это однородная функция n-й степени. Синоним: uniform
definition: To obstruct something means to get in its way.
example: The car broke down on the road and obstructed traffic for hours.
Extra definition
Block (an opening, path, road, etc.); be or get in the way of:
Prevent or hinder (movement or someone or something in motion):
Deliberately make (something) difficult:
Commit the offence of intentionally hindering (a police officer):
(In various sports) impede (a player in the opposing team) in a manner which constitutes an offence:
Extra example
One youth lay on the road in front of the vehicle obstructing its path, while the remainder of the group attacked the vehicle, banging on its sides, windows and doors.
The roads are all so long, and pockets of tall buildings intersperse themselves with markets and shady alleys, and your planned route may easily be interrupted by a large flyover or highway suddenly obstructing your path.
As for the problem of motorbikes for hire and rental vehicles obstructing the roads and walkways, the mayor said the city plans to designate parking areas, which he said should alleviate that particular problem.
A fine of 150 leva will be imposed on those who violate the rules for crossing a train crossing or obstructing the movement of trams or other rail vehicles, which, by law always have the right of way.
If protest demonstrations and rallies can be confined to select areas and organised peacefully without obstructing the free movement of others, nobody can complain.
Also, he would notice if passages for blind people were obstructed, or if the location of advertisement hoardings were correct - recording it all with his cameras.
Although the region is regularly described as ‘the world's worst humanitarian crisis’, his regime has obstructed humanitarian access by denying visas and travel permits to some aid workers.
In early 1998, the regime obstructed a UN weapons inspection team from investigating these charges.
On the other hand, if the government had cooperated with rather than obstructed UN weapons inspectors, it would have been more difficult for the United States to justify its policy.
Going to jail because one did not understand one was arguably obstructing justice, however, is very different.
It is remarkably easy to obstruct justice, and this matter has been under various phases of an investigation by the Justice Department since it was referred by the CIA last summer.
The agency made a decision to obstruct the course of justice by systematically destroying evidence which the practices of the court might require to be produced.
Kingsford's only points came in first-half injury time via a penalty try after winger Ian Gow had been obstructed chasing John Fletcher's kick through, Fletcher converting.
Pirlow concedes a free-kick just inside the Italy half for obstructing Karel Pobor.
Alexander was deemed to have obstructed early release of the ball, even though he couldn't roll away.
block, block up, clog, clog up, get/stand in the way of, cut off, shut off, jam, bung up, gum up, choke, barricade, bar, dam up
British informal gunge up
dated cumber
impede, hinder, interfere with, hamper, block, interrupt, hold up, hold back, stand in the way of, frustrate, thwart, baulk, inhibit, hamstring, sabotage, encumber, slow, slow down, retard, delay, stonewall, forestall, stall, arrest, check, stop, halt, stay, derail, restrict, limit, curb, put a brake on, bridle, fetter, shackle
informal stymie
North American informal bork
obˌstruct ˈjustice ( North American English ) ( British English perˌvert the course of ˈjustice ) to tell a lie or to do something in order to prevent the police, etc. from finding out the truth about a crime
преграждать ; создавать препятствия to obstruct a road — преграждать дорогу ; перегородить дорогу to obstruct the traffic — препятствовать движению veins obstructed by clots — вены, закупоренные тромбами
препятствовать , мешать , затруднять (проход, прогресс, курс и т. п.) to obstruct a person in the discharge of his duties — мешать кому-л. исполнять свои обязанности to obstruct the work of the factory — нарушать нормальную работу завода The authorities are obstructing a United Nations investigation. — Власти всячески препятствуют расследованию со стороны ООН. Синоним: hinder, impede
спорт. блокировать ; препятствовать продвижению; препятствовать движению заслонять , скрывать из виду to obstruct the light — загораживать свет to obstruct a sound — не пропускать звук trees obstruct our view of the ocean — из-за деревьев не виден океан
парл. устраивать обструкцию to obstruct (the passage of) a bill — препятствовать прохождению законопроекта
мед. затруднять проходимость; закупоривать блокироваться заграждать загораживать ; закрывать (вид, обзор) a wall obstructs the view — стена загораживает обзор
definition: To plunge means to move down into something very quickly.
example: The water in the pool was very cold, but the boy plunged in anyway.
Extra definition
An act of jumping or diving into water:
A swift and drastic fall in value or amount:
Extra example
Windy, cool and empty, its vast spaces were as refreshing as a plunge into cold water.
The rough footpath passes dangerously close to the edge of some of these gorges, and a slip on the muddy trail could well mean a headlong plunge into the boiling waters below.
An optional after-dinner extra is a lounge in the sauna followed by a quick plunge in the icy water of the lake.
Given the plunge in the value of Wolfson after its profits warning, that looks like a courageous statement.
The high borrowings that led to plunges in the value of many trusts are now working to their advantage with the return of confidence to the stock market in recent months.
Of particular concern has been the plunge in the value of insurance companies on solvency worries.
take the ˈplunge to decide to do something important or difficult, especially after thinking about it for a long time
нырять Синоним: immerse
окунать ; погружать ; вонзать to plunge a thermometer into water — опустить термометр в воду to plunge a dagger into smb.'s heart — вонзить кому-л. кинжал в сердце to plunge one's hands into one's pockets — засунуть руки в карманы he turned the switch off and the room was plunged into darkness — он повернул выключатель, и комната погрузилась в темноту to be plunged in thought — быть погруженным в свои мысли, глубоко задуматься
погружаться ; окунаться the submarine was slowly plunging — подводная лодка медленно погружалась The city was plunged into darkness when the electricity supply was cut off in the storm. — Когда во время грозы отключилось электричество, город погрузился во тьму. Синоним: immerse
(часто into , out of ) бросаться , врываться ; ринуться to plunge into the room — ворваться в комнату to plunge out of the room — выбежать /выскочить/ из комнаты they plunged forth upon the square — они бросились /ринулись/ на площадь Don't be too keen to plunge into argument with him. — Не пытайся ввязываться с ним в спор. He stumbled across the landing and plunged into Torpenhow's room. — Он случайно набрел на лестничную площадку и ввалился в комнату к Торпенхоу. Синоним: rush
разг. азартно играть; залезать в долги to plunge deeply — наделать уйму долгов to plunge into debt — залезать в долги She has been plunging rather deeply. — Она чересчур азартно играла.
воен. стремительно продвигаться броситься , рвануться вперед (о лошади) ( into ) ввергать to plunge smb. into despair — ввергнуть кого-л. в отчаяние to plunge one's family into poverty — довести свою семью до нищеты to plunge a country into war — ввергнуть страну в войну
( into ) пускаться (во что-л.) , начинать to plunge into a description — пуститься в длинное описание to plunge into an argument /discussion/ — начать спор to plunge oneself into excesses — предаваться излишествам, пуститься в разгул to plunge into study — с головой погрузиться /окунуться, уйти/ в учебу
( to , into ) круто опускаться, спускаться the path plunges to the sea — тропинка круто спускается к морю The path plunges down (the cliff) to the sea. — Тропинка круто спускается к морю.
подвергаться килевой качке, зарываться носом в волны (о судне) идти качаясь сад. высаживать растение или горшок с растением в почву, мох , клумбу и т. п. воен. вести навесной огонь to plunge under fire — держать под огнем
погружаться прям. и перен. Синоним: immerse
(plunge into) вовлекать , втягивать во (что-л.) We were plunged at once into philosophical discussions. — Мы тотчас же были вовлечены в философскую дискуссию.
разг. по уши влезать во что-л. It was only to plunge into new errors. — Не хватало еще наделать кучу новых ошибок.
с.-х. погружать в землю бросаться вперед (о лошади) влезать в долги сущ. прыжок ; погружение The sky diver had a plunge of more than 20,000 feet before his parachute opened. — Парашютист сделал затяжной прыжок почти на ; 000 футов, прежде чем его парашют раскрылся. The plunge of our anchor sent up clouds of birds wheeling and crying over the woods, but in less than a minute they were down again and all was once more silent. (R. L. Stevenson, Treasure Island, 1883) — Загрохотал, падая, наш якорь, и целые тучи птиц, кружась и крича, поднялись из леса. Но через минуту они снова скрылись в ветвях, и все смолкло. Синоним: drop, fall, dive, dip, jump, leap
стремительный бросок, стремительное продвижение; сущ. решительный шаг his plunge won the race — этот бросок принес ему победу в гонке to take / make the plunge — сделать решительный шаг
ныряние to take a plunge — броситься в воду
падение волны редк. сильный ливень амер. бассейн для плавания амер. сл. крупная биржевая спекуляция, рискованное помещение капитала сущ. погружение plunge into the pleasures of civilized life — приобщение к прелестям цивилизованной жизни
сущ. резкое движение сущ. амер. место для ныряния (например, глубокий бассейн)
definition: To prolong means to make something last for a longer time.
example: Sandy walked slowly across the beach, trying to prolong her lunch break.
Extra definition
Extend the duration of:
Extend in spatial length:
Extra example
The addition of a vasoconstrictor, such as epinephrine, constricts blood vessels and reduces vascular uptake, which further prolongs the duration of the anesthetic.
The latter is known to be due to the fact that hypocalcemia prolongs the duration of phase two of the action potential of cardiac muscle.
Hypothermia impairs the metabolism of drugs, prolonging the duration of some pharmacologic effects.
lengthen, make longer, extend, extend the duration of, draw out, drag out, protract, spin out, stretch out, string out, elongate;
carry on, continue, keep up, keep something going, go on with, perpetuate, sustain
archaic wire-draw
продлевать , продолжать , увеличивать в длину to prolong a line — продлить линию Синоним: extend, continue, carry on
отсрочить , пролонгировать , продлить (срок) to prolong one's life — продлить жизнь to prolong a visit — продлить визит Синоним: elongate
definition: To publicize is to make something get a lot of attention.
example: The company publicized the job positions in the newspaper.
Extra definition
Make (something) widely known:
Give out information about (a product, person, or company) for advertising or promotional purposes:
Extra example
Animal welfare laws are strictly enforced in the countries abroad and the press also publicises animal abuses very widely, owing to which cases of cruelty to animals are very few, she says.
Since 1992 extra emergency sessions have been held to deal with widely publicized human rights crises.
Yet they are also very good at calling a rally on the right issue at the right time, and publicizing it widely.
So rest assured that while we're eager to show our appreciation we would never publicize anyone's name without their explicit permission.
I am trying to compile some internet facts and figures on Zora for use in publicising her.
However, not all ads for medical service are banned from inviting celebrities to publicize their products.
make known, make public, bring to public notice/attention, announce, report, communicate, impart, disclose, reveal, divulge, leak, publish, broadcast, transmit, issue, put out, distribute, spread, unfold, disseminate, circulate, air, blazon, herald, proclaim, promulgate
advertise, promote, build up, talk up, push, beat the drum for, boost, merchandise
informal hype, plug, puff (up)
рекламировать ; делать рекламные объявления Синоним: advertise
оглашать , предавать гласности ; разглашать ; извещать ; сообщать ; уведомлять I'm not in the habit of publicizing my private life. — У меня нет привычки рассказывать о своей личной жизни. Синоним: notify, inform
definition: If something is sparse, there is not very much of it in a big area.
example: Rob spent Saturday in his garden, clearing out the sparse weeds.
Extra definition
Thinly dispersed or scattered:
Scanty; in short supply:
Extra example
It wasn't that his sparse acne had miraculously dispersed into clear skin, or that he had suddenly buffed up overnight.
As we mentioned earlier, bluebirds prefer open rural areas with scattered trees and sparse ground cover.
If you do selective logging, or harvest sparse and scattered stands, the mobility and speed pays off.
William Shakespeare's life is somewhat of a mystery to scholars due to the fact that most information that is known is very scattered and sparse.
A surprisingly sparse paper trail offers only scattered clues on the obscure life of William Shakespeare, one of the world's most influential dramatists.
редкий , неплотный ; разбросанный , рассеянный sparse beard — реденькая бородка sparse hair — редкие /жидкие/ волосы sparse vegetation — скудная растительность a land with sparse population — малонаселенная местность Синоним: scanty
definition: A surplus is an extra amount of something.
example: The store sold their surplus items on sale.
Extra definition
More than what is needed or used; excess:
Denoting a shop selling excess or outdated military equipment or clothing:
Extra example
The surplus cash remaining after the purchase of a more compact residence could be used for living expenses, or a once-in-a-lifetime holiday.
We are being just as bad as schools who have surplus cash if we're not going to use it.
Moreover, there is increased competition from other products that means that consumers now decide whether to spend their surplus cash on a CD or DVD, for instance.
Grenade pouches that are sold at military surplus stores work, too.
‘That's not the sort of thing you pick up at a military surplus store,’ he added.
You can go to the military surplus store and get excellent dress black for a dollar or two.
superfluous, redundant, unwanted, unneeded, not required, uncalled for, dispensable, disposable, expendable, useless;
French de trop
излишек , избыток ; остаток ; превышение (напр., поступлений над расходами) a big surplus of coffee — большие излишки кофе labour surplus — избыток /избыточное предложение/ рабочей силы ; избыток рабочей силы a surplus in teachers — перепроизводство учителе a surplus in grade — воен. превышение числа офицеров в данном звании surplus of births over deaths — превышение рождаемости над смертностью Pour the surplus of this liquid immediately away. — Немедленно вылей остаток этой жидкости. surplus of exports over imports — превышение экспорта над импортом There is a surplus of goods and services because the population can't afford to buy up all the goods and services being produced. — Существует избыток товаров и услуг, поскольку население не может себе позволить покупку всех производимых товаров и услуг. Синоним: leftover
межд. эк. активное [положительное] сальдо, профицит (в платежном балансе: превышение суммы платежей нерезидентов резидентам над суммой платежей резидентов нерезидентам по платежному балансу в целом, по отдельному его счету или группе счетов) эк. нераспределенная прибыль; резервный капитал (корпорации и т. п.) учет , брит. профицит (при составлении отчета о доходах и расходах некоммерческими организациями: превышение доходов над расходами) излишний , избыточный ; добавочный surplus commodities — товарные излишки surplus population — избыточное население surplus stock — с.-х. прирост скота surplus kit — амер. воен. комплект запасного обмундирования surplus war stores — излишки военного имущества surplus labour — избыток /избыточное предложение/ рабочей силы surplus population социол. — избыточное население surplus profit эк. — сверхприбыль surplus kit амер.; воен. — комплект запасного обмундирования surplus inventory — избыточные запасы Синоним: superfluous, excess
эк. добавочный , прибавочный surplus labour — прибавочный труд surplus value — прибавочная стоимость
эк. профицитный (с превышением поступлений над платежами) surplus budget — профицитный бюджет
definition: To theorize means to develop ideas about something.
example: They enjoyed theorizing about how things worked.
Extra definition
Form a theory or theories about something:
Create a theoretical premise or framework for:
Extra example
Political scientists have theorized that a better-educated citizenry would be a more involved one.
The philosopher Heidegger theorized that the primary way that we experience the world isn't through our vision, or our hearing, or any other sense perception.
Marx theorized that in the very act of selling one's labor, one is estranging oneself from oneself, as work ‘for another’ is not a natural or desired activity.
This event is theorized to have created enormous amounts of dust, which blocked out the sun, possibly for years, and led to the extinction of 75 percent of all living species.
It's vainglory and ambition for its own sake; it's hazily theorizing solutions rather than rolling up your sleeves and doing something.
Gabler does get to discuss how new technologies are creating new spheres of entertainment and forms of experience and in general describes rather than theorizes the trends he is engaging.
speculate, conjecture, hypothesize, take as a hypothesis, postulate, form/formulate a theory, propose, posit, surmise, suppose, guess;
rare hypothecate
теоретизировать to theorize about politics — теоретизировать по поводу политики you think I theorize too much — вы думаете, что я чересчур много теоретизирую Think I theorize too much? — Вы думаете, что я чересчур много теоретизирую?
теоретически предсказывать строить теории to theorize (about) smth. — создать теорию чего-л. /о чем-л./
definition: To verify means to find out if something is true.
example: Julian called the movie theater to verify that the movie started at nine.
Extra definition
Make sure or demonstrate that (something) is true, accurate, or justified:
Swear to or support (a statement) by affidavit.
Extra example
The results were also verified by Northern blot analysis.
However, there was no way to independently verify the identity of the men killed and arrested on Saturday night.
Absence of the wild-type gene was also verified by PCR at this point.
There was filed as Exhibit 10 the application verified by statutory declaration.
No one went through the statements from Ms Cosgrove in an attempt to verify her allegations.
This week, the US Supreme Court upheld an appeal court ruling that verified the original District Court verdict.
substantiate, confirm, prove, show to be true, corroborate, back up, support, uphold, evidence, establish, demonstrate, demonstrate the truth of, show, show beyond doubt, attest to, testify to, validate, authenticate, endorse, certify, accredit, ratify, warrant, vouch for, bear out, bear witness to, give credence to, give force to, give/lend weight to, justify, vindicate;
make sure, make certain, check
informal pin down
проверять , контролировать to verify compliance with the obligations — осуществлять контроль за выполнением обязательств to verify a ban — контролировать запрещение to verify a statement — проверить утверждение to verify details — уточнить подробности to verify the items — проверить наличие (предметов) по списку Hours spent in casting up and verifying accounts. — Часы, проведенные в подсчетах и проверке счетов. Синоним: examine, check
подтверждать ; устанавливать подлинность (чего-л.) subsequent events verified his suspicion — последующие события подтвердили его подозрение the prediction of a storm was verified in every detail — прогноз на бурю полностью оправдался The suspicions were verified. — Подозрения подтвердились. The police verified that she had an air-tight alibi. — Полиция подтвердила, что у нее железное алиби. Синоним: confirm, corroborate
юр. удостоверять ; подтверждать под присягой; скреплять (присягой) поверять , выверять (измерительный инструмент) ; сверять (тексты) to verify all the citations in a book — проверить /сверить/ цитаты в книге
definition: If something or someone is vigorous, they use a lot of energy.
example: Henry uses vigorous exercise to keep himself in shape.
Extra definition
Strong, healthy, and full of energy:
Characterized by or involving physical strength, effort, or energy:
(Of language) forceful:
Extra example
And the pope, we're told, kept up his full, vigorous schedule this Christmas Eve, despite his frail health.
Be vigorous and full of energy, and make ceaseless efforts.
After a healthy life, this vigorous, energetic, dynamic man was gone at age 59.
Trying to sweat out a cold and fever with vigorous physical exercise is a really bad idea.
Unfortunately this lack of vigorous physical exercise has resulted in an increase of various illnesses.
The hunger I felt was the kind you could only get after using up large amounts of energy on vigorous physical activity.
It's a vigorous language, by turns colloquial and formal, precise, even-toned, elegant, sly, ironic, subtle and funny.
Certainly, despite vigorous denials, there was tension between the two during filming.
She shook her head in vigorous denial, and Angel and Doyle both glanced at her.
robust, healthy, in good health, hale and hearty, strong, strong as an ox/horse/lion, sturdy, fine, fit, in good condition, in tip-top condition, in good shape, in good trim, in good kilter;
сильный ; бодрый ; энергичный ; решительный vigorous root — мощный корень vigorous plant — сильное растение vigorous of body — (физически) здоровый, сильный, бодрый vigorous of mind — с живым умом vigorous of frame — мощного /могучего/ сложения vigorous of step — с бодрой поступью, твердо шагающий vigorous style — живой, энергичный слог /стиль, язык/ vigorous speech — сильная речь vigorous commander — волевой командир he is quite vigorous for his age — для своего возраста он довольно бодр vigorous protest — энергичный, решительный протест physically vigorous — физически крепкий ; бодрый the movement grew vigorous — движение приняло мощный размах At forty-five he was so vigorous that he made his way to Scotland on foot. — В сорок пять лет он был так силен, что дошел до Шотландии пешком. It requires the most vigorous efforts. — Это требует самых энергичных действий. Синоним: healthy
решительный (о действиях) vigorous measures — решительные /энергичные/ меры