User agreement
This agreement is a public offer of the stud for individuals who will accept this offer, on the conditions specified below. The platform is an online platform where Users can publish their academic papers. The moment of full and unconditional acceptance by the person of the User's offer to conclude a user agreement (acceptance of the terms of the user agreement) is: registration on the "Platform". If you do not agree to the terms of this user agreement, you are required to leave the Platform. "Bonus money" — funds accrued by the Platform at the time of the sale of the user's work. These funds can only be used on the "Platform". "Platform" is a resource that is located at /. "Copyright" — based on the public offer, we believe that the work belongs to the user who uploaded the file to the site.
- The User gives his consent to the processing by the Platform of his personal data provided for the registration of a personal account on the Platform;
- The Platform undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of the User's personal data;
- Obscene expressions, insults, distribution of malware, plagiarism, publication of Works or information violating the Performing rights of other persons, as well as any activity contrary to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan are prohibited on the Platform;
- The User is fully responsible for his actions on the Platform that caused damage to other persons;
- The Platform has the right to make changes to the terms of this agreement unilaterally;
- By uploading a Work to the Platform, the User confirms that they own the Copyright to this work and bear full financial responsibility in case of copyright infringement by third parties;
- If you are a Performer/copyright holder and you believe that a separate Work on the Platform is posted in violation of your Copyrights, please let us know and we will definitely remove it from the Platform;
- The owner of the Work independently determines its cost on the Platform;
- The Platform reserves the right to suspend user accounts on the Platform without explanation;
- The platform reserves the right to open part of the text of files (no more than 50%), uploaded works for preliminary review and indexing by search engines;
- The User understands and acknowledges that the Platform is not a party to any agreements, arrangements and contractual relationships that may arise between Users of the Platform; the User does not enter into an employment relationship with the Platform and is not an employee of the Platform;
- If there are legal prohibitions of the country of which the User is a resident to use the Platform for the purposes and in the ways provided for in this User Agreement, the User is obliged to refrain from accessing and using the Platform. The risks of non-compliance with this condition lie with the User;
- Funds credited to the user's account are non-refundable;
- Mobile app users can delete all their personal data through the app;
- The Platform reserves the right to edit or delete the User's review partially or completely, if it does not correspond to reality, is offensive, contains abusive and/or obscene language, the call to violence, extremism, violates the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Project Administration
- Іс жүргізу
- Автоматтандыру, Техника
- Алғашқы әскери дайындық
- Астрономия
- Ауыл шаруашылығы
- Банк ісі
- Бизнесті бағалау
- Биология
- Бухгалтерлік іс
- Валеология
- Ветеринария
- География
- Геология, Геофизика, Геодезия
- Дін
- Ет, сүт, шарап өнімдері
- Жалпы тарих
- Жер кадастрі, Жылжымайтын мүлік
- Журналистика
- Информатика
- Кеден ісі
- Маркетинг
- Математика, Геометрия
- Медицина
- Мемлекеттік басқару
- Менеджмент
- Мұнай, Газ
- Мұрағат ісі
- Мәдениеттану
- ОБЖ (Основы безопасности жизнедеятельности)
- Педагогика
- Полиграфия
- Психология
- Салық
- Саясаттану
- Сақтандыру
- Сертификаттау, стандарттау
- Социология, Демография
- Спорт
- Статистика
- Тілтану, Филология
- Тарихи тұлғалар
- Тау-кен ісі
- Транспорт
- Туризм
- Физика
- Философия
- Халықаралық қатынастар
- Химия
- Экология, Қоршаған ортаны қорғау
- Экономика
- Экономикалық география
- Электротехника
- Қазақстан тарихы
- Қаржы
- Құрылыс
- Құқық, Криминалистика
- Әдебиет
- Өнер, музыка
- Өнеркәсіп, Өндіріс
Қазақ тілінде жазылған рефераттар, курстық жұмыстар, дипломдық жұмыстар бойынша біздің қор #1 болып табылады.