Изучение роли транспорта, проблем и перспектив развития транспортной системы в туризме Республики Казахстан

Тип работы:  Дипломная работа
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ВВЕДЕНИЕ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .

1 РОЛЬ ТРАНСПОРТНОГО ОБСЛУЖИВАНИЯ В ТУРИСТСКОМ БИЗНЕСЕ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .

1.1 Сущность транспорта в туризме ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1.2 Виды и средства перевозок в туризме, и их характеристики ... ... ... .
1.3 Правовое регулирование перевозок туристов различными видами транспорта ... ... ... ... ... ... . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


2 СОВРЕМЕННОЕ СОСТОЯНИЕ ТРАНСПОРТНОЙ ОТРАСЛИ РЕСПУБЛИКИ КАЗАХСТАН ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

2.1 Анализ состояния рынка транспортных услуг в Республики Казахстан ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .

Проблемы развития авиарынка Республики Казахстан ... ... ... ... ... .
2.3 Практическое развитие транспортной отрасли за рубежом (на примере авиарынка) ... ... ... ... ... ... . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


3 ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ ВОЗДУШНОГО ТРАНСПОРТА В РЕСПУБЛИКЕ КАЗАХСТАН ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ ... ... ... ... ... ... . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

СПИСОК ИСПОЛЬЗОВАННОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ ... ... ... ... ... ... . ... ..


В настоящее время транспорт является одним из самых важных компонентов экономики государства, как развивающегося, так и с высокоразвитой экономической и социальной базой. Транспорт обеспечивает нормальное функционирование экономики, повышение эффективности общественного производства, создает условия для рационального размещения производственных сил по территории страны с учетом наиболее целесообразного приближения предприятий различных отраслей экономики к источникам сырья и районам потребления продукции, специализации и кооперации производства, позволяет развивать такие отрасли, как торговля, сельское хозяйство и другие.
Большая территория республики и низкая плотность населения, высокий темп экономического развития Казахстана, который был достигнут в последние годы, формируют нарастающие потребности в перевозках. Соответственно, передвижение населения и грузопотоков в рамках межхозяйственных связей, экономического развития и взаимодействия регионов Казахстана с каждым годом становится все более востребованной услугой. Кроме экономической функции, транспорт осуществляет социальную функцию, обеспечивает контакты населения в рамках родственного, дружеского общения, участвует в организации отдыха, образования, культурного развития, а также в решении различных социальных проблем.
Казахстан значительно удален от основных мировых рынков. Экономика РК по этой причине отличается высокой грузоемкостью. Более 80% грузоперевозок приходится на сухопутный транспорт. Транспорту отводится важнейшая роль в осуществлении межгосударственных связей. Их усиленный рост предъявляет новые, возросшие требования к развитию транспортного комплекса, от состояния которого в большей мере зависят результаты развития внутренней экономики республики и международного сотрудничества.
Возможность воспользоваться своими естественными географическими преимуществами требует приведения транспортной системы Казахстана в соответствие международным требованиям и стандартам, что предполагает необходимость провести модернизацию отрасли.
Состояние транспортного комплекса в Казахстане находится в зоне особого внимания отечественных и зарубежных экспертов, ими обозначены его основные недостатки. Среди них отмечаются вопросы неудовлетворительной организации международных перевозок, используемые на транспорте устаревшие технологии и низкий уровень сервиса транспортных услуг.
Актуальность темы дипломной работы заключается в том, что транспорт является ведущим фактором развития индустрии туризма. Туризм полностью зависит от транспорта, его безопасности, скорости и удобств, предоставляемых туристу во время его передвижения. Понимание основ взаимоотношений с транспортными компаниями, правил взаимодействия с ними в вопросах обеспечения безопасности пассажиров и их имущества, обслуживания, использования соответствующих скидок и льгот при продажах имеет важное значение как для туристов, так и для организаторов путешествий. Развитие туризма сдерживается тем, что транспортные системы в ряде стран не соответствуют мировым стандартам по удобству, эффективности и безопасности, а транспортные проекты в части строительства новых аэропортов, автомобильных и железных дорог требуют для своей реализации огромных инвестиций и времени.
Меньше половины всех международных путешествий осуществляется по наземным дорогам, при этом роль воздушного транспорта ежегодно повышается.
Целью дипломной работы является изучение роли транспорта, проблем и перспектив развития транспортной системы в туризме Республики Казахстан. Для достижения цели были поставлены и решены следующие задачи:
- рассмотреть виды и средства перевозок в туризме;
- обозначить влияние транспортных услуг на формирование туристского продукта;
- изучить современное состояние транспортного обслуживания в туризме РК;
- провести анализ динамики перевозок туристов различными видами транспорта;
- выявить проблемы и перспективы развития транспорта в Республике Казахстан.
Объектом исследования является транспортная отрасль Республики Казахстана.
В дипломной работе теоретической базой выступили труды отечественных и зарубежных авторов в области проблем развития туристской деятельности и, в частности, его транспортной составляющей, а также монографии, авторефераты, данные статистики.
Информационную базу составили нормативно-правовые акты РК в области туризма.
Дипломная работа имеет традиционную структуру и состоит из введения, трех глав и заключения, списка использованной литературы и приложений.


1.1 Сущность транспорта в туризме

Tourism has entered the 21st century as one of the most steadily developing sectors of the economy, having a rather powerful influence on the development of entire countries and regions. According to forecasts of the World Tourism Organization, by 2030 the number of international tourist arrivals will reach 1.9 billion people, and the industry's income will grow to $ 2 trillion [1].
Tourism, as an area requiring modest investment, is becoming one of the most profitable industries. The United States, Spain, Turkey and France have long become leaders in the number of travelers to these countries. Currently, for 38% of the countries of the world, tourism is the main source of income, and for 83% - one of the 5 main sources.

Modern tourism has reached a significant level of development largely due to the use of transport and the advantages of each of the modern types of vehicles. The study of the history of the relationship between the spheres of tourism and transport gives grounds for highlighting the stages of this process. It should be noted that specialists have no unanimity on this issue. In the book Tourism: Evolution, Structure, Marketing, V. B. Saprunova history of tourism is divided into four stages, taking as a basis the technical, economic and social changes in society, as well as the targeted functions of tourism at different stages:
1) until the beginning of the XIX century (the prehistory of tourism);
2) XIX century (the formation and development of elite tourism, the birth of tourist enterprises);
3) the first half of the XX century (the formation of social tourism);
4) the end of the Second World War to the present (the development of mass tourism, the formation of the tourism industry) [2, p.24].
Domestic scientist S.R. Erdavletov referring to Unziker, Mariotti, Przheslavsky and others, identifies the following periods:
1) Tourism until the end of the XVIII century:
a) tourism in antiquity;
b) tourism during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance;
c) tourism in the XVII and XVIII centuries.
2) Tourism in the XIX and XX centuries - until the beginning of the Second World War.
3) Tourism is modern [3, p.520].
A well-known American expert in the field of tourism, J. Walker, adheres to a somewhat different position regarding the history of transport and tourism development in the world in his book Introduction to Hospitality.
He divides the entire history of tourism development into two parts: the first - before the appearance and use of mass modes of transport, the second - after their appearance. The second part of this story is shared by J. Walker according to the appearance and use of each new type of transport in tourism. He associates periodization with the development of transport and identifies five periods:

1) pre-industrial (use of primitive means of transportation); 2) the age of railways; 3) the age of the car; 4) the century of jet airliners; 5) the century of cruises on sea liners [4, p.256]. We analyzed various interpretations of the development of the transport industry in the tourism industry.
Undoubtedly, transport is one of the most important components of the material base of the economy of any country. Since ancient times, transport has been the engine of the process. The man used any means at hand to transport people and goods. With the invention of the wheel, and somewhat later of various types of engines, man began to develop vehicles accordingly: carts, carriages, steamboats, locomotives, airplanes, etc. This made it possible to travel long distances and for various purposes. Ever since antiquity, travels have been made for the sake of commerce, conquest, and various goals.
Over 3000 years before our era, the ancient Egyptians were already floating on the Nile River, carrying huge blocks of which they built the pyramids. The early Phoenicians sailed across the Mediterranean to the shores, which are now called Syria and Lebanon, placing their colonies there and developing trade.
Especially it should be said about travels in the time of the Roman Empire. About 200 years BC, the Romans settled away from Italy. Over the next five centuries, they conquered many lands, including Britain. They traveled on ships, horses, chariots and on foot. Roman tourists were interested in history and religion, visited Greek temples, traveled in vans drawn by mules, in places where Alexander the Great was buried, where Socrates lived.

In 1784, a carriage era began in Britain, when parliament was authorized to deliver government mail in carriages. Mail crews could take a maximum of seven passengers: four inside and three opposite the cab. Traveling was slow -- it took 34 stops and 42 hours to cover the 400 miles. In 1838, the English Parliament allowed mail to be transported by rail, and the carriage era ended. Historically, the formation of transport systems of various states was influenced by their geographical location, natural potential, and often climatic and landscape characteristics. This led to the formation of the transport and technical bases that are most efficiently used in a particular region and state.
For example, it is advantageous to develop the structure of railway transport in regions with preferential plains, and the river one - in the presence of a system of rivers and lakes, as in Australia, Germany, Russia, Finland and Canada. The seas and oceans, as the most convenient and accessible ways to move people, since ancient times have contributed to near and far journeys, and rivers, canals and lakes - to tourism.
For the first time, the English pastor Thomas Cook, from whom the history of the modern tourist movement reports, organized a group trip by rail. Then in 1843 he organized boat trips on the Thames. Practically at the same time on the American continent, on the legendary paddle steamer "Mississippi", American Express opened regular tours of the Mississippi. Similar cruises began to take place along the Nile, the Rhine and the Danube.
Russia has the world's largest system of railways, which is already more than one and a half centuries. The first significant railway Petersburg-Moscow entered into operation in 1851, before it in 1837 the St. Petersburg-Pavlovsk railway was opened (27 km.). The main railways were built in the central and southern regions of the European part of Russia. At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, the Trans-Siberian Railway was laid.
The history of Soviet maritime tourism begins in 1957, when the All-Union Joint-Stock Company Intourist began to carry out sea voyages from Odessa to Leningrad, around Europe, on rented passenger ships Pobeda and Georgia, and on the Black Sea for tourists from socialist countries. In 1960, the first cruise with Soviet tourists was organized on the Admiral Nakhimov along the Crimean-Caucasian coast.
Today, tourism has become a truly mass phenomenon and more than 1 billion people take part in tourist travels every year. The task of the tourist is to arrive at the place or in the country of travel as soon as possible.
At present, road transport is well developed in the USA, and a large number of highways have been built. In Europe, developed road and rail transport, in France and Germany, the density of highways is high. The European part of Russia has a well-developed railway network, but in Siberia and the Far East, railways are laid only in the southern part of the region. There are countries where there are no railways. These are Afghanistan, Belize and a number of other countries. Norway occupies a space on the Scandinavian Peninsula, extended along the coastline with a sharp mountainous terrain, therefore, aviation and sea communication is well developed in the country.
Having considered the development of transportation vehicles, the following conclusion can be drawn: the development of transportation facilities has a great influence on the development of society, the activation of communication links, the creation of jobs, the development of mobility of the population and tourism. Transport companies and organizations are one of the main driving forces of the modern international tourist market. The main types of tourism currently are: aviation, buses and cars, ships, sea and river, railway trains.
In the mid-twentieth century, the intensity of rail transport in the world is reduced due to the increase in the number of cars and the development of air transport. Speed, comfort and relative safety have made air travel the leading mode of transport in tourist traffic.
At the beginning of the 20th century, transport tourism, having stood out from all categories of travel, began to develop independently as a branch of the economy. There has long been a close relationship between travel (tourism) and the economy, history.
Observing the emergence in ancient times (and even in the earlier period) types of travel, we can note in them the peculiar features of modern types of tourism, which have significantly changed since then. Probably, the first "travelers" can be called nomads who, grazing cattle, are forced to constantly move in search of new pastures. For such movements over long distances, natural vehicles were (and are) horses and camels. A visit to the Olympic Games launched in ancient Greece marked the beginning of modern sports transport tourism.
Transport allows movement by land, water or air. The beginning of mass tourism in the form of overland travel was laid with the creation of railways. Having just appeared, the iron immediately became the center for the formation of a new economic infrastructure, in which the tourism industry plays an important role in the US Not only the hubs, but many other large and small railway stations turned into service complexes, which included guest, roadside buildings, food outlets and post offices.
The most common is the international classification of vehicles used in tourism, developed by UNWTO. Under the means of transport in the international classification means the way that a visitor or tourist uses to travel from his usual place of residence to the places visited. We considered the classification in detail in clause 1.2 "Types and means of transportation in tourism and their characteristics" [5].
The development of the tourist business in the conditions of the market requires the availability of recreational resources, capital, technology and personnel. Unlike other sectors of the economy, tourist resources are very diverse and include natural and man-made geosystems, bodies and natural phenomena, artifacts that have comfortable properties and consumer value for recreational activities and can be used for recreation and recreation. Among other things, an integral part of recreational resources are people who work in the field of tourism or can take part in the organization and maintenance of recreational activities.
The transformation of tourism into a mass phenomenon creates a number of problems associated with its transport services. This applies both to public transport and specialized transport, operating within the framework of tourist organizations. In general, these problems are as follows: the creation of the material and technical base of tourist transport of general use, corresponding to the tourist needs of the country; improving the organization of transport; improving the quality of transport services for tourists.
The correct solution of these problems is connected with the need to meet the increasing requirements for tourist services and to solve the problems of increasing the efficiency of tourist activities.
It must be remembered that in tourism the main place belongs not only to the tourist, but also to the enterprises that organize holidays for him, other spheres of the national economy that are directly related to tourism, because the tourism industry is not the other that interacts with 32 sectors of the economy economic reforms.
Tourism, considered as an individual's activity, combines two main elements - travel and stay. The first of them represents its initial, extremely dynamic phase. Externally, it is built as a transport process and is associated with the satisfaction of the need for movement in space, the change of residence of tourists.
he achieved high rates in the development of tourism in the last decades of our century are directly connected with the achievements of scientific and technical progress in the field of transport. The transformation of travel into a mass phenomenon (including travel with tourist purposes) is due in no small measure to almost revolutionary changes in the transport system. The beginning of these changes was the creation of railways and a locomotive, then a car appeared and later a plane, which has now become a vehicle for the mass movement of people.

International tourism involves the movement of people from country to country. When studying its development, it is very important to determine its relationship with the transport industry. Success in generating tourism markets and an adequate transport infrastructure are one of the most important prerequisites for the development of any tourist center. For its part, the demand for tourism has stimulated the rapid development of the transport industry.

The development of tourism and transport is an interrelated process. However, as a rule, in the study of relations in the system "tourism - transport" in the scientific literature, the role and importance of transport as a factor in the development of tourism play a dominant role. This is natural and logical, since tourism is a relatively new socio-economic phenomenon, and largely resulted from the birth and development of transport [6, p.470].
Если принять во внимание непрерывно увеличивающиеся масштабы этого явления и его возрастающее значение в системе экономических отношений в мировом масштабе, станет ясно, что необходимо уделять большее внимание и обратным связям, и зависимостям в системе туризм - транспорт. Эта роль особенно возросла в годы после второй мировой войны, когда произошли значительные количественные и качественные изменения в объеме, динамике и структуре туристского потока, как в национальном, так и международном масштабе. Некоторые из этих изменений приобрели характер прогрессивно развивающихся процессов и явлений и непосредственно определяют влияние туризма на развитие транспорта. В связи с этим необходимо отметить наиболее важные из них.
Во-первых, наблюдается высокий темп роста количества туристских путешествий, как в международном масштабе, так и в рамках отдельных стран.
Во-вторых, количество туристских путешествий растет более высокими темпами, чем число путешествий с нетуристскими целями. Сказанное особенно характерно для стран с развитым внутренним и международным туризмом. К этому можно добавить, что в рамках общего количества путешествий почти по всем видам транспорта высока (а в некоторых случаях преобладает) доля путешествий с чисто туристской целью.
В-третьих, постоянно увеличивается доля путешествий в общей продолжительности туристских поездок. Это связано с возрастающим стремлением людей к увеличению объема впечатлений, к активному потреблению различных туристских благ за относительно короткий период времени. В научной литературе ряд авторов выделяет как самостоятельный вид туризма - миграционный, странствующий, транспортный туризм, чем подчеркивается возрастающая роль движения при осуществлении туристского путешествия.
Влияние туризма на развитие транспорта весьма широко и многосторонне. Оно требует развития материально-технической базы, совершенствования организации и управления на транспорте, системы транспортного обслуживания, а также проведения соответствующей политики транспортных тарифов.
Туризм предполагает перемещение людей из одного места в другое как внутри страны, так и за ее пределами. Законодательства ряда Европейских стран (например, Франция и Италия) относят транспортные услуги к числу основных услуг, оказываемых путешественнику, наряду с услугами размещения.
В туристском продукте, особенно в той его части, которую клиент употребляет не в туристском центре, а по дороге к нему, ключевое место занимает транспорт. Транспорт - одна из важнейших составных частей материальной базы экономики любой страны. Транспорт обеспечивает развитие международных экономических отношений, способствуя осуществлению взаимовыгодного обмена между различными странами.
Транспорт, с одной стороны, является частью инфраструктуры рынка, физически реализуя обмен товарами и оказывая услуги населению, а с другой - он сам как субъект рынка продает свои услуги, перемещая товары и пассажиров. Различные виды транспорта могут по-разному оказывать услуги, образуя тем самым транспортный рынок.
Транспорт является одной из отраслей экономической (производственной) инфраструктуры. Развитию транспорта как составной части инфраструктуры постоянно уделяют большое внимание правительства практически всех стран мира. Транспорт способен существенно влиять на экономический рост, расширения торговли, повышения уровня жизни населения.
Транспорт является ведущим фактором развития туризма. В решении социальных проблем, обеспечении деловых, культурных и туристских поездок населения, развитии культурного обмена как внутри страны, так и за ее пределами, в использовании свободного времени трудящихся страны роль транспорта неоценима.
Туризм полностью зависит от транспорта, его безопасности, скорости и удобств, предоставляемых туристу во время его передвижения. Понимание основ взаимоотношений с транспортными компаниями, правил взаимодействия с ними в вопросах обеспечения безопасности пассажиров и их имущества, обслуживания, использования соответствующих скидок и льгот при продажах имеет важное значение, как для туристов, так и для организаторов путешествий.
По рекомендациям Всемирной туристической организации (ВТО) в туристском продукте непременно должна присутствовать одна из трех обязательных составляющих - транспортное обслуживание в туре. Без транспорта невозможно обойтись в протяженных и продолжительных турах. Расстояние между теми или иными объектами туристского интереса покрывается транспортными средствами [7].

1.2 Виды и средства перевозок в туризме, и их характеристики

Considering the types and means of transport in tourism it should be noted that the movement represents the most characteristic feature of tourism and transport, providing this move is the most important sector, providing services of tourist type. Without transport there is no tourism, if not to talk about Hiking tours and Hiking, the limited as number of travelers and distance.
For a normal person any significant displacement that is different from everyday or frequently committed in everyday life - serious mental and physical load. It is unusual for everyone, except for quite a small population, graciously (say) referring to the process of transportation and travel, or familiar to those in force way of life and activities. Such categories include, for example, salesmen, workers in transport (vehicle drivers, pilots, flight attendants and other personnel related to the category of crew) [8].
When choosing the type of transportation main are:
- the main and worthwhile travel destination;
- the direction and location of the destination.
In the presence of alternatives will be significant influence factors:
- seasonality;
- time and speed delivery to the destination;
- comfort;
- informative;
- the availability of baggage;
- solvency of the consumer.
Of particular significance are the factors the physical condition of the traveler, age, ability to carry a specific load. As a rule, in any journey using a combination of various types of transportation, especially over long distances or in difficult terrain, in the presence of and the need to overcome the water spaces of transportation in urban areas.
In Germany, in the presence of choice of travel for tourists more profitable moving to high-speed rail than the bus on the Expressway. The autobahn is usually enclosed on the sides 3-5-meter boards, and tourists, but dull fence and roaring traffic, the next four rows at a speed 140-170 kmh, I see nothing. High speed train facilities and opportunities of the review area is much larger and the speed of superexpresso much higher - up to 250 kmh. However, to implement the fit tourist groups of 20-25 people with Luggage in one car high-speed trains passing thread almost impossible - planned Parking just 2-3 minutes [9, с266].
Move the person in the travel process is divided into:
active - using human muscle power: walking, climbing, mountaineering, Cycling, swimming, rowing and others;
- passive - using a variety of devices driven by mechanical, or other actuators.
The types and varieties of transport services can be divided into:
1) land transportation:
- move and transport with human muscle power (walking, skiing, Cycling, rickshaws);
- with animals (beasts of burden, of draft, under the saddle);
- mechanical means (motor transport (wheel, screw, caterpillar and other); rail transport (Railways, metro, trams, funiculars, cable cars));
- means of transport on an air cushion;
2) the types of air transportation:
- balloons and dirigibles, gliders and hang-gliders, parachutes;
- helicopters;
- small aircraft, seaplanes, Jumbo jets, supersonic Airliners;
- spacecraft;
3) water transportation by river and sea transport:
- rafts and rowing boats;
- sailing vessels;
boats and vessels small boats with mechanical actuator;
- river and sea vessels;
- air cushion vehicle;
- submarines [10, p. 384].
All types and subtypes of transportation have multiple options for their use and technical means of implementation.
Each type of transportation has its own history, stages of formation and development of the methods, methods, designs of devices and means. The type and means of transportation is selected and applied according to the need and rationality - according to the peculiarities of the environmental conditions, terrain, climatic conditions, goals and destination, speed and passenger capacity of means of movement and transportation, as well as the level of solvency of the consumer.
Transportation services and other transport services are present in the various components of the tourist product. First of all, it is transportation from the place of departure to the destination and transfer, transportation of the tourist to the destination (for example, from the airport to the hotel), transportation services on the spot, for example, excursion. It is necessary to indicate the essential nature and significant place of the service as part of the tourist product; not providing the service or providing the service of inappropriate level and composition can deprive the tourist product of its basic properties and, in the extreme (extreme) case, terminate it in relation to a given consumer or group of consumers. For example, if a tour of a tourist to a destination is not carried out on a seaside tour, the tour will not take place. If, due to the fault of the organizers, the planned stage of transporting the tourist back is not carried out, the tour took place with incomplete provision of services and the consumer receives the right to claim damages.
In the process of generating and consuming a service, a variety of means are involved and multiple methods and means of transportation are used.
Means of transportation can also serve:
- Placement (overnight) - cruise ships, tourist trains, sleeping buses - accommodation service;
- the object of entertainment - entertainment events, skating for entertainment, sports competitions, shows and exhibitions - entertainment service;
- the object of commodity purchase - full-scale samples, model exhibits - purchases;
- individual vehicle - car rental, yacht charter, etc.
- rental or freight service.
The provision of transport services and vehicles can be:
a) included in the tour (trips, voucher),
b) reserved by the organizer of tourism and provided to the tourist for a fee on the spot,
c) a tourist can independently buy such services at the place of stay.
Also, the means of transportation can act as a commodity, object of lease (rental), object and means of attraction, etc. and participate in the generation of special types of tourist product, other than the actual transportation. Events based on transportation can be used as a basis for a tourist product or be the main purpose of a tourist trip, for example, a Monte Carlo tour of Formula 1 car races [11].
By categories of transport is divided into air, water and land.
On air transport there are: air flights, carried out according to the schedule of air passenger traffic on the established routes; non-scheduled flights (mainly charter and other non-scheduled air passenger services), as well as the rental of aircraft with a crew. In this case, a charter means any passenger vehicle (aviation, sea, river, automobile), fully rented from a carrier by a travel company for the transportation of tourists.
Water transport includes marine and coastal as well as inland water transport. On sea transport, cruise ships are of particular interest. The main focus of the organization of cruises is on receiving positive emotions from the stay of tourists on board the ship, and not from the speed of arrival of the tourist to the destination. In some cases, to attract tourists, ferry ships are also used, carrying not only the tourists themselves, but also their personal vehicles (vehicles).
Land transport is divided into rail, bus and road (with a capacity of up to 8 people).The movement of land transport must comply with the schedule of regular traffic, but can be carried out and out of schedule (special tourist trips, long-distance charter or sightseeing bus trips). There is also a specialized road transport transporting tourists along the airport-city, station-city routes (transfer). Widely rented vehicles in the host country.
Currently, road and air transport is more popular than rail. The survey of residents of European countries showed the following distribution of preferences in the choice of vehicles shown in Table 1.
Таблица 1
Выбор транспортных средств населением европейских стран
Вид транспорта

П р и м е ч а н и е - составлено автором на основании данных опроса жителей стран Европы журналом Euro News

The main share in the overall structure of transport services in tourism belongs to air transport. The last decade of the XX century was characterized by a significant growth of air transportation in the world. This is largely due to the positive trends in the global economy, expanding trade relations, as well as the rapid development of tourism.
Aircraft - the most popular form of transport in the world. The same can be said about air transport in tourism. And there are a number of reasons:
- first of all, aviation is the fastest and most convenient form of transportation when traveling long distances;
- secondly, the service on the flights currently has attractive look;
- thirdly, the aviation companies directly and through an international network of booking and reserving tourist agencies pay Commission for each booked on the plane place, thereby motivating them to choose air transportation [12, p. 28].
Air transport, being universal, is used primarily for the transportation of passengers over medium and long distances and certain types of cargo. The growth of material prosperity, the expansion of cultural, business and scientific ties lead to greater mobility of the population, hence the need for high-speed movement of the aircraft. The largest number of tourists, especially traveling long distances, use the services of aviation. Air transport is the fastest but most expensive mode of transport. Its function refers to a highly specialized, has a great advantage when transporting valuable, perishable, urgent cargo and mail, but their share is very low.
The main technical and operational features and advantages of air transport:
- high speed delivery of passengers and cargo;
- flexibility and efficiency in organizing new routes;
- unlimited carrying potentialities;
- the possibility of rapid relocation of rolling stock in the change of passenger traffic, including due to accidents on other modes of transport;
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